~May You Stay Like This Forever~

~May You Stay Like This Forever~

It is your tenth month working for Devil May Cry, and there is no end of chores to do for the pair of lazy brothers who never bothered to clean after themselves. You would think Vergil is generally a cleaner, better and more well-behaved man as compared to his younger twin. But no; in terms of keeping his general hygiene, Vergil was as horrible in that sector as his brother.

Such was the things you were already used to, but it didn’t mean you couldn’t complain about it. So, as you moped up the dirt and dust settling on the floor for at least the fifth time this week, you grumbled your complaints aloud, not bothering to make it soft and subtle now that everyone was out.

“Stupid half-devils, stupid Dante, stupid Vergil, stupid Devil May Cry, stupid people, stupid world. Stupid mop, stupid floor, stupid pizza, stupid food, stupid money, stupid job!” You got more frustrated as you chanted your complaints, up till the extent that you smacked the mop head on the floor with all your could, making droplets of dirty water fly, a few of which flew up to your face.

You gave a girly scream before you could help it, flinching at shock of dirt water on your face. It was a stupid move, and it had reaped stupid repercussions, but it gave you even more resolve to continue complaining.

“Sweet baby, you’re going to have to brush up your vocabulary if you don’t want to get bored cursing like that every day.” A new voice intruded on you, and you shriek, bringing the mop around from the floor to point at the intruder, causing more dirt water to fly.

When you saw it was the man who hired you –or rather, forced you here and didn’t exactly pay you much at all –you grumbled something incoherent that sounded more like vulgar curse words before you went back to your task of moping the floor.

“Don’t ignore me, Sweetness. I will get heartache.” The man who’d saved you from a gang of demons just ten months ago pressed his body against you, wrapping arms around your midsection as if you were a teddy bear for him.

“Take your arms off me, or I’ll give you a headache.” You, in an effort to shake him off, thrust your ass back forcefully, aiming to jolt him enough for him to loosen his grip. However, the movement only caused your rump to rub against his manliness, and the feel of it, even through so many layers, made you blush.

You had only turned eighteen a few months ago, and your employer had not made it a secret that he very much wanted to go to bed with one the likes of you. You didn’t understand why he would choose someone as figureless as you, but you frankly didn’t understand him at all anyway.

You cannot deny, ten months with him and his brother had given him the perfect comparison of your boss and what he could possibly be. Vergil was a silent man who didn’t seem to embrace idea of adoration to someone of the opposite gender. You knew it was a sin to the world for someone as handsome as Vergil to keep single, but you realized that probably no one would ever dare or want to get to know Vergil as a boyfriend or a potential partner.

Dante, on the other hand, was a perfect example of a man, in comparison to his brother. Dante accepted your presence as a grown woman, and had given you many lewd and suggestive jokes that made you flush up many times. Dante was unembarrassed to proclaiming that he wanted to drive you hard, and knowing that you were still a pure flower only drove his purpose further.

“A headache from too much of your pleasured screams in my ears, Zee?” Dante didn’t relent as he grabbed you even tighter in his embrace, forcing your ass to be rubbing and pressing harder against his manliness. His hands began to move up from your midsection, slowly, and sensually.

Truth be told, the move turned you on and aroused you very much, and much as you had begun to realize your feelings for Dante, you have rejected him for so long –you didn’t see the need for him to rush into it. You liked to take your relationships in control, and Dante wasn’t going to spoil that.

“Not going to happen, Dante, so back off.” You threaten with the mop handle, giving him a tap on his forehead with it to signal that you could ram it there anytime you wanted. Of course, the half-devil would dodge, but it didn’t mean you wouldn’t try.

“But, Zee, I’m already excited! I want to be within you, girl. We can do it anyway you want. On the floor, against the wall, anything. I promise you, it’s going to be great.” Dante sounded as if he were sexually deprived at the moment, and you couldn’t decide if you should be flattered that you were the one driving him to such a point, or that you should be put off by his frankness.

“How about we do it in a way that ends up with you getting a good beating by me, and you let me go in the end?” You challenged in reply, knowing that niceties normally didn’t work with Dante especially when he was looking for someone to put his dick in.

“You’re into bondage? Great! I’ll be your slave!” Dante took it the wrong way, and you sighed exasperatedly. As if mopping after him wasn’t bad enough, having your boss trying to pounce on your sexuality sometimes really got on your nerves.

“Just let me go, Dante. I’m tired of this. I just want to finish mopping the floor and be done with today’s chores.” You sigh again with your reply, and some of the lethargy must have gotten through to Dante that you really didn’t want to be bantering with him right now.

Quick as he came, he straightened up and let go of you. He put a hand on the top of your head, messing up your braided hair.

“Alright. Rest well after you finish mopping. Don’t want you to kill yourself with Vergil later or something.” He relented finally, and that was what you liked about him. He went to crazy lengths to get what he wanted sometimes, but you knew he could pull the brakes anytime he wanted. He respected you, and though some jokes were really suggestive and over-the-top, he never acted on them. He respected you, and you loved him for that.

He retreated to the back, to his bedroom while you mopped the rest of his office. While you were back from throwing away the dirty water, you passed by his room and found his door ajar. It was strange, for the demon hunter had never really left his door open before. Dante kept his room a sanctuary only for himself, and you had always imagined how dirty and messy it would look.

Taking a peek inside, however, you saw that it was strangely, uncharacteristically clean. Granted, his table had messy magazines and papers around, but you saw no dirty clothes lying on the floor or anything. In fact, his room seemed cleaner than yours, and for a moment, you felt ashamed at having cursed at him so many times for his messiness. Was he creating all that mess just to make you stay?

You saw him on the bed, wearing nothing but just a pair of slacks. From the door, you saw his rock hard abs, remembering how strong and solid they had felt pressing against your back. He had a body that was desired by many, and you were not exception to that rule. Though, you did pride yourself for having more sexual restraints in the fact that you had been around him for ten months, and hadn’t really fantasized about having sex with him yet. True, you had thought about professing your love for him, but to bring it to sex was another level altogether.

You were about to close the door, seeing that he was peacefully asleep, before he made a grunt and something that sounded strangely like a whimper from his throat. You watched from the doorway as he shifted uncomfortably on the bed, eyes still closed, which possibly meant that he was in the grips of a nightmare. Unsure what to do, you watched as his breathing increased paced, and you saw his brows scrunch up in a deep frown.

“No… Zee… Don’t… Vergil… Don’t take Zee… You know how much she means to me… …Zee…” He mumbled, and you wondered why he was moaning your name. It didn’t seem like he was having dirty dreams about you, and you didn’t know why he was imagining that his brother would take you away from him.

What you did know was that you didn’t like him in a nightmare. You naturally hated your own stupid nightmares, and you didn’t want people to suffer nightmares as much as you could help it. Not thinking much of it, you pushed the door open a little further, sliding in through a small gap just in case the door hit something and jolting Dante awake. You tiptoe up to his bed, and leaned in, one knee pressed on the bed for support as you reached in.

“Dante… Wake up. It’s just a nightmare.” You nudged him, but somehow, as if hearing your voice tortured him more, he shifted uncomfortably, his mumble getting louder now.

“Zee… Don’t go with Vergil… He doesn’t love you like I do… He’s just lying…… Zee… don’t be taken by him…”

You ignore his words and nudged him harder, feeling bad that you had to force him to wake up. But anything would be better than a nightmare, no?

With one last nudge, Dante jolted upright, gasping your name, flinging himself awake all of a sudden.

“You okay?” You asked worriedly when Dante didn’t move for a very long time, his head bowed and staring at his hands.

“No. I’m not. I can’t take this anymore, Zee. I thought I could keep it in, but Vergil… he’s driving me nuts!”

Vergil? You didn’t understand how a man who wasn’t physically here could drive the demon hunter nuts, but normal thinking didn’t exactly apply to Dante, so you were ready to accept anything. Not that you had any more questions to ask when Dante turned around and looked at you with eyes so alight with passion and desire that you had to cover your mouth with your hands to suppress your gasp of surprise.

“That’s it, Zee. You need to know something very important.” The way he said it; it sounded so grave that you wondered if he was going to die or something. Such was almost impossible with Dante, but when he spoke, it sure felt like it.

He placed his hands on your shoulders, taking hold of you and forcing you to look into his eyes.

“I love you, Zee. I’m not joking. Trish keeps on asking me why I kept you with me after that incident, and I kept on coming up with excuses. All the while, I knew I felt something for you. You didn’t seem to care, so I didn’t show it. But Vergil… he’s beginning to warm his heart to you, and I don’t want to lose you to him. I love you more than he does, Zee. You need to know this.”

His proclamation of love was so sudden that you suddenly lost your words and you could only stare at him with shock. Was he kidding? Was he joking around? Was it just another ruse to get you in bed with him? The seriousness in his eyes didn’t betray anything.

“Zee, I’m not kidding around. All those attempts to get you into bed with me; those are just unintelligent ways to say I love you. You don’t have to go to bed with me. You just need to know that I really love you, and I will always be waiting for you to love me back.”

Such words coming from a man like your boss really did not suit him, and you had no idea how to react. Should you tell him that you love him back? You were slightly sure the love he harbored for you was way more than the feeling you reciprocated for him, but at least it comforted you to know that he felt the same. You had always been afraid to show your feeling, but at least he had taken the first step. You should show something back in reply, shouldn’t you?

“I… I love you too. I don’t exactly know how much, but I love you for the way you are. I mean, I really like you, but maybe we need more time.” You tried to put it in a nice way, but Dante didn’t care. As if the man didn’t hear the other sentences, he glowed ten times brighter at the knowledge that you loved him back.

“Sweetness, we don’t need more time. We need sex, and I’m going to take you today. I swear, if I don’t, then I am not a son of Sparda.”

You flush immediately. It would be a lie to say that you didn’t want the sex, but the sudden suggestion from him shocked you. You had expected him to try to slide you slowly into the idea, but such was Dante’s acts, wasn’t it?

“Do you not want me, Zee?”

You press your hands against your cheeks, trying to force away the blush, but not knowing how.

“I-I… I want you… B-But…” The jitters began in your stomach, and you suddenly weren’t sure about everything.

“Then there’s no question.” Dante grinned against the soft light of his bedside lamp, and before you knew it, he had you pinned under him. His legs kept yours captive and his hands gripped your wrists, forcing them on the bed. Silver white hair tickled your face as he hovered close, and he descended in for the kiss with no restrains.

Whatever concerns you had was washed away immediately when the flower of love bloomed within you as he kissed you. You kissed him back with such force that you shocked even yourself at the intensity of how much you wanted him. It was as if that love had always been tamed down, and Dante’s passionate kiss had been the key to open the lock.

The both of you fed on each other’s breath, as if in a competition to see who could steal more of each other’s breath, and you felt yourself getting breathless after awhile. You brought the kiss almost till the extent that you suffocated and you had to hammer the back of the half-devil to make him let up on his ferocious kiss. Still, even as you panted, he chewed softly at your lower lip, making sure you had enough air before the passionate kiss started all over again.

With his strength, he wrapped his arms around the small of your back, and pulled you further on the bed with him. There was no asking what the two of you were going to do, and the idea of it made your toes curl.

The kiss continued as his hands slid under your shirt, his deft hands making a cup over your breasts through the thin material of your bra. Even through the brassiere, he kneaded your mounds hard; till you were sure you were going to get some bruises. But those bruises you would come to love, as your fingers began to work on their own.

Your fingers moved from clutching him to the front of his zipper. He laughed, breaking off the kiss with pants, eyes alight with fire. He let go of your sore breasts, taking your hands gently from his zipper. Crazy from desire of him, you made an incoherent whine at his movement, but fell silent when he placed a finger on your lips.

Instead, his hands gripped the edge of your shirt and pulled it deftly up, helping you quickly out of the offending material.

“Arch your back, Sweet baby.” He instructed, and you obeyed, flashing more of your breasts in his face as his fingers swiftly found their way to the clasp of your bra. It took a quick moment to release the tension of your bra, and your breasts sprang forwards at him as he carelessly tossed aside your lingerie.

Victoriously, he nuzzled your breasts, almost as if he were getting intoxicated with only your scent. You had always liked the scent of him, but you hadn’t known that your scent gave him such a reaction. As he lay pressed on top of you, you could feel his little counterpart, straining against his already loose slacks. Feeling cheeky and terribly powerful of the sexual hold you held over someone as powerful and strong as Dante, you angled yourself lower, letting Dante continue molding your free breasts with his hands while he buried his face in your chest.

You, for your part, reached a sly finger down, and, with a nifty forefinger, gently stroked him through the layer of pants he wore. You laughed; a laugh that strangely didn’t sound like yours, but of a seductive stripper’s, when he jerked suddenly against your touch, unable to withstand the tidal wave of sexual pleasure he gained from that one touch.

“Damnit, Zee, don’t torture me!” He growled, and normally, you would have obeyed your boss instantly, for haven’t you already seen him kill demons when he was pissed? But this time, you were powerful –powerful beyond imagination and you want to test Dante’s restraints.

You could see his bulge perfectly in the soft glow of the bedside lamp, straining so hard against his pants you were almost sure his pants were about to tear. He tried his best to continue working on your upper body, but you weren’t about to let him toy with you while you waited anxiously for him.

Your first time, it was, but you were determined to make it the most memorable. You were grasping with the idea of having sex with someone with the body of a god, and he surprisingly didn’t seem to need to guide you at all. Your feminine hormones told you what you needed to do, and you answered their call. You were actually surprised that your body actually knew what to do in such an act.

Dante growled softly as you trailed light fingers over his bumps, working his zipper down as he claimed your lips again, as if that gesture could prevent you from your task. You weren’t about to let yourself be sidetracked, though. Carefully not to catch flesh by the zipper, you eased it down, loosening the tension on his pants.

Realizing that kisses were no trick to sidetrack you, he moved his body away from his reach, a sly grin on his face as you let your eyes focus on his face again.

“Let’s see if you can do anything after I…” He trailed off, and slowly trailed a finger from your cleavage down to your bellybutton, down your navel and further downwards…

You made a startled squeak when he deftly unbuttoned shorts, and unzipped it before you knew it. You were amazed at how quick that tiresome piece of material came off your feet, and you lay before him, hiding just behind mere panties.

“That’s not fair…” You whispered, but not more words came after that when coy fingers hooked the side of your lingerie.

“All is fair in love, darling.” He grinned, and with a quick jerk, he unveiled the sight of your womanhood, his eyes brightening considerably at the sight of your curls. You feel a flush come to your face, for this was territory untraveled by anyone –anyone up till now.

“Your turn.” You try your best to grasp the confidence you once had, grabbing his now loosened slacks and pulling it down quickly. Your frown at his boxers gave him a laugh, but this time he surrendered as he pulled the last piece of cloth down himself, finally free of all obstacles.

He pressed himself against you again, and this time, you could feel the heat of his length, pressed against you entrance. He didn’t kiss you anymore; just dry rubbing his length on the surface of your clitoris. He knew you were ready for him, but apparently his restrain was way better than yours, because he forced you to vocalize your frustration in pained moans.

“That’s what you get for trying to torture me, darlin.” His satisfaction of your torture drove your frustration further, and the tension within you begged to be released. You felt as like a rightly wound rubber band, about to break anytime, but there was no one to release the trigger.

Then, as if deciding he was done with causing you so much frustration, he reached a finger down, earning a squeal from you when you felt a finger sliding slowly along sensitive skin.

“You are so very wet right now… Waiting long for me, Sweet baby?” He asked, meeting your eyes with heavy meaning in his eyes.

You almost couldn’t take it anymore. All your body screamed to do at the moment was to grab his length and shove it right up inside your shaft. It took every inch of you not to do it, wanting him to do the work, but you knew the longer he dragged on, the harder it would be for you to hold on.

“Fuck you, Dante!” You cursed your frustration, and you heard him chuckle deeply.

“Strange, aren’t you about to do that?” He asked, and you watched as he placed himself into position.

Sure that he was ready, he looked up deep into your eyes.

“Ready, darlin?”

You didn’t hesitate to nod, spreading your legs apart for easy entrance.

“Off we go.” He announced, and he took no time to slide slowly into you.

You screamed as he jabbed in hard, and the pace he took you was frantic. It was so fast that you were almost sure you would have died if not for the fact that you were clutching hard at him. He grinded his hips against yours, back and forth, and you felt the tension within you build even more, till you were so high strung you was almost sure you were flying.

Dante’s growl and guttural laughter filled your ears as you whimpered with each thrust he made, forcing himself into you with no genteel. You knew he was one who took things hard and fast, but you had never expected this sensation to be so… painfully awesome. He didn’t stop, didn’t slow down, but it was you who quickly matched his pace. You wrapped your legs around his hips, hanging off him as you kept him inside of you, and rode with him. The pain slowly became a dull throb, and the sensations of this joining of flesh raced up your body.

He kept on pushing, racing to reach his ultimate goal. You felt his destination getting closer and closer, and you matched your pace with him, the whimpers and squeals that escaped your lips slowly getting louder. He strung you higher and higher, tighter and tighter, and you squeezed your eyes shut, hearing his pleased growls heavy in your ears.

He drove in one last time, the furthest he had done, and it did wonders.

Fireworks exploded, and the loudest scream yet escaped your lips, your body shuddering and shivering from the crazy sensations that flew everywhere through your body. You no longer knew where up and down where. You only knew that the length residing inside you had given you so much pleasure and pain, and your body was trying to deal with it.

Violent pants came from you, but at least you were finally taking a short break from the intense workout that Dante had relentlessly forced you through.

“Liked it, Darlin’?” He asked after he heard that your pants had calmed down. He knew he shouldn’t have taken you so fast, but when he had entered you, all he thought of was to drive faster and faster. He acknowledged that you were no half-devil like him, but he couldn’t help himself from his desire of you. It comforted him when he found you met his pace, and when he reached the climax, when you screamed, he had been afraid for a moment.

He was afraid you could not take it, afraid that something might have happened to you. But you slowly began to calm down, and he knew. Dante knew he had chosen the right girl.

Dante knew it was right that he had saved you ten months ago. Dante knew it was right to keep you by his side. Dante knew it was right to confess to you. Dante knew it was right to fuck you today.

“One day, I’m going to get my payback. But let me just… catch my breath… today…” Dante heard your tired reply, and recognized that this was only your first time. He had taken you really hard, and it was no surprise that your body was starting to shut down. He was still filled with need, but at least he had drove himself inside you long enough to take a little edge off his crazed need.

Still inside you, Dante pulled you tight into his embrace, pressing your face against his chest.

“Sleep, Darlin. You need to rest…” Dante whispers in your ear, and you feel your eyelids closing.

“But… Dante… will you be different when I wake up? I…don’t want to lose you…”

Dante chuckled quietly at your worry, pressing his lips on top of your head.

“I’m not going to change, Zee. I’m always here. I’ll always stay here, stay like this.”

It comforted you and lulled you deeper into your sleep. Still, you murmured your last sentence to him, before sleep chewed you and you faded off with a smile.

“May you stay like this forever…”

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