Witch Meets Bandit, Ice Wife, Immortal Queen/Mistress... And The Ripper
(Raiden's POV)
Okay that was awesome! Seeing that fucking bitch run scared out of the store was perfect since I fucking hate Karens and their constant bitching. Right now I was carrying all the stuff my mommy or real mommy to be precise got me before we were heading to the place she works at so I followed and all the while she got stares from perverted jackasses while I got stares from kids who were jealous of what I got but thy wouldn't if they know the shit I went through before meeting Mommy Raven and the others but eventually we made it and it was fucking HUGE!!!!
Raiden:" Holy shit mommy, is this where you work!?!?!?"
Bayonetta*Chuckles*:" You can say that sweetheart but first we need to get to my office since we need a place to drop that stuff off till I'm done with my meeting. Afterwards we'll go and meet your other mommies but we would need to get your father as well."
I nodded before we walked into the building to see what looked to be thousands of people walking around the area with briefcases, papers and cups of coffee while also giving greetings to my mommy before we made it to a elevator. The ride was calming and nice especially with Mommy rubbing my head but when we got to the top, we saw that there was three people there with business suits and briefcases on the table but then got shocked looks when they saw me walking in beside my mommy but none of them said a word.
Bayonetta:" Is something the matter?"
Client:" We just weren't expecting for you to bring a child ma'am."
Bayonetta:" Well my son needed some things and I have some others I need to meet afterwards that require his presence. So the best outcome involved me bringing him here."
Client#2:" Understandable."
Client#3:" Do you want us to schedule another time ma'am?"
Bayonetta:" No today will do and I can assure that this will be a rather quick meeting."
The three folks nodded their heads before mom sat down but not before telling me to just be on my scroll till she's done. I got out my scroll and decided to play a fighting game but after twenty minutes, mom said that the three people were hired and that they will start tomorrow. I wonder what she does? It's pretty clear now that she might be a very high official if she could hire people. After that she told me to just leave the stuff here and that we would now go see dad so we could talk to Mama Raven, I just hope that this won't be a damn shit show. We got on the elevator and went down but before we left mom got a call from someone and walked to the counter to check on the computer for something, so I just waited in my spot before some guy saw me and looked pissed for some reason. He walked over to me and demanded to know why I was in such a prestigious company. I told him that I was here with my mom and that I would be leaving soon but he kept going on that children shouldn't be left alone and that I shouldn't even be here in the first place and just other whiny Ken bitch. I just shrugged and started to walk away but that didn't seem to set well with him.
Ken*Grabs Arm*:" You dare walk away from your superior and be here?! You are such a disrespectful little worthless brat!!!"
Raiden:" Says the guy that is clearly on some kind of illegal drug and need to go to rehab. Hey your in luck actually because I know a guy."
Just to let you know I could have easily tore this motherfucker's arm off but I wanted to see if he would do anything else stupid to embarrass himself and fuck up his dignity.
Ken*Squeezes Harder*:" How DARE you insult ME like this!?!?! Someone needs to show you your place brat!"
The guy reeled back his fist so I was ready to catch it and shatter it but someone else beat me to it when they grabbed the dude's wrist and threw him onto the ground.
Dante:" You got some fucking nerve to be threatening and trying to assault my son."
Raiden:" Dad!"
I jumped into his arms where he chuckled and ruffled my hair before glaring down at the Ken and to make the loser's situation worse was when my mom came running over to see what was happening.
Bayonetta:" Dante, what happened?"
Dante:" This bastard just tried to hit our son and I brought him down to the ground, that's what happened."
Mom glared down to the guy who looked terrified when he saw her before trying to respond in some stupid way.
Ken*Scared*:" Ma'am I just trying to escort this boy out the building. Nothing more."
Bayonetta:" This boy is my baby boy and my only child! Did you really try to lay your filthy hands on him!?!?"
The douche was terrified and didn't bother to say a word but when I looked around like I expected, people were stopping and seemed shocked by what my mom said. Just then two security guards walked over to escort the dude out I guess but then dad put a hand up to stop them.
Dante:" Allow me."
Dante:" Don't ever threaten my son again fucker."
Security Guards:" We'll take it from here now."
The two boys picked the jackass up and carried out while mom ran over to me and gave me a strong hug.
Bayonetta:" Oh my dear baby boy, are you okay!?!? Please tell mommy you are okay."
Raiden:" I'm okay mama, just annoyed by that asshole but I didn't want to bug the janitor to clean up his nasty blood."
Bayonetta:" Okay sweetie but just tell me if something like this ever happens again, okay?"
I nodded before hugging her neck to calm her down before we left to get to Mama Raven's tribe which took a minute since we didn't need to be followed but we got their eventually and when the guards saw me, she smiled and gave me head pats.
Guard:" Hey Raiden, you here to see your mama?"
Raiden*Smiles*:" Yep, she here?"
Guard:" Just in her tent sweetie and also when your done, can I talk to you about something?"
Raiden:" Fo'sho but just know things might get a bit crazy."
Guard:" That's pretty normal around here so I'm more than ready."
I gave her wink before we walked into the camp where I got looks of gratitude and smiles till we got her tent and when it opened, Mama Raven looked surprised to see my mom and me in her arms.
Raiden*Thoughts*:" Please don't fight. Please let this be peaceful."
Raven:" Come in please."
My parents walked into the tent and sat down before I got down to look at Mama Raven who had a smile on her face to see me.
Raven:" Where there is my little boy. It has been a while since I saw you."
Raiden*Chuckles*:" It's only been two days Mama."
Raven:" That's a bit too long but I guess you met my biggest client and closest ally."
Raiden:" WHAT!?!?! My mother is your biggest client!?!?!"
Raven:" Wait Cereza is your MOTHER!?!?!"
Dante:" Damn only here for barely a minute and there's already yelling."
Bayonetta:" Well indeed my red eyed friend, the same boy you took it upon yourself along with two others to raise and care for is my baby boy. I guess you haven't realized that from physical looks."
Raven:" No because you said that your husband's father looked just the same so I figured that if you ever had a son that he would look just the same but I guess I was wrong."
Dante:" Yeah surprised me too but I got to say, you've been working hard to have this camp look like this. You've guys have seemingly expanded twice from the last time I saw you."
Raven*Laughs*:" Actually we've expanded by three times so things have been busy lately to keep up with it but things have been going smoothly."
Bayonetta:" That's good but as you heard Raven Raiden is my son and along with Salem and Willow you were the family he needed to not become something unlikable."
Raven:" He's the best damn person I've ever met and my one true child so you best bet it was a honor to be his mother till he found you."
Bayonetta:" Do you think that him finding me and Dante makes a difference?"
Raven*Confused*:" What do you mean?"
Bayonetta:" Just because I found my baby or properly he found me doesn't mean that he isn't your son or Willow's or Salem's or Winter's brother. He told us that you four have been the family he had always wanted and I'm not gonna and will not ruin that."
Raiden*Hopefully*:" Wait does that mean that Raven is still my other mommy?"
Bayonetta:" Yes sweetie and the same is for Willow and Salem."
I got up so happy before hugging Mama Raven and then my mother before Dad ruffled my hair and said this.
Dante:" Well looks like that's a "problem" taken care of but I got to say bud that your gonna need some more training since you will be needing it if you want to be like me and your mom."
Raiden*Smirks*:" Which one Dad?"
Dante:" Oh taking my joke huh? I like that and I mean your real one buddy."
Raiden*Tilts Head*:" Will I get paid?"
Dante:" Most definitely a lot more than me."
Raiden:" Are you and both my mommies gonna train me?"
Dante:" Hell yeah!! I can teach you my styles, guns and how to use your weapons right while Raven can show you sword combat and hand to hand since that's her specialty and Cereza can teach you magic and other things. But I know that we will need Vergil's help since he isn't called the Dark Slayer for nothing."
Raven:" Fair enough but there's something you two will want to know."
Dante:" What's up?"
Raven:" This little knight beat me fair and square when I wasn't holding back at all."
The tent was fully silent till Dad picked me up and threw me in the air to catch me before giving me a big smile.
Dante*Proudly*:" Hell yeah! That's my son for ya! A badass like his old man!"
Bayonetta:" Barely even a decade old and you manage to defeat a professional huntress that wasn't holding back? You will certainly be a demon killing beast when you grow up my darling baby boy."
Raiden:" I honestly thought you were joking when you said you weren't holding back mommy."
Raven:" Nope one hundred percent the truth sweetie."
Okay that is shocking as fuck to hear but I guess we're done here now we got to go talk to Mama Willow and that will not be a easy feat given the kingdom she lives in. Mama Raven kissed me on the cheek before saying goodbye since we needed a way to get to Atlas but before we left the camp I went up to the guard to ask her what she needed my help with.
Raiden:" Yo."
Guard:" Oh there you are Raiden. Done already?"
Raiden:" Yep and that went a hell of a lot better than I expected."
Guard*Smiles*:" That's good but the thing I need your help is that this guy here has been a problem for not only our tribe but every tribe though ours is the only one that doesn't raid or harm innocents but anyway this man has been causing trouble for people and has been rumored to be working for Ironwood."
I scowled at that since I never liked Ironwood's totalitarian rule and his legal shit that makes it where people are more likely to be killed rather than saved and protected so to have the opportunity to fuck up something of his is one I'll gladly do for free.
Raiden:" You got me at Ironwood if it means I can do something that will piss him off."
Guard*Giggles*:" It does because Miss Raven said that he needs to die in order for us not to be found by Ironwood."
Raiden:" Consider it done since I hate anything Atlas besides my Mama and big sister there."
Guard:"Great! Oh one more thing! I heard that there's a one million dollar bounty on his head."
Raiden:" Jackpot!"
Guard:" Thank you Raiden, this guy has been causing trouble for too long and Ironwood always pardons him from what miss Raven said."
Raiden:" He'll fall today but one question, are your really the guard for the front?"
Guard:" No I just got bored and decided to come out for some fresh air *Whispers* and to see you."
I managed to catch that but I kept it to myself before patting her head.
Raiden:" Well I take it your the only kid here."
Guard:" Yeah because my big brother is always busy out on scouting missions."
She gave me a poster of him and he looked somewhat old, at least sixty or a bit old but the poster said he was a attempted super soldier that gained enhanced senses, strength, durability and a minor regenerative healing factor but that was it and I dealt with demons that could heal their limbs back so this shouldn't be too hard. I gave her a wink before running towards Redgrave City to see if anyone recognized this guy and eventually a guy did when he said that he saw him heading towards a garage to get his car. I thanked him before running towards the garage and finding a car that had a Atlas license plate on it and since the guy's code name was Gunpowder and the plate had a pistol on it, I think it's safe to say that this was the target's car. I then heard some footsteps so I leaned up against the car and saw a guy walking over wearing armor with bullets in a X on his chest with a lame as hell helmet, a rifle on his back and two desert eagles on his sides.
(Little heads up, the video's writing will be different a little so just read under after watching the video and you'll understand what I mean)
Gunpowder:" You've can't be serious. Get you stupid ass off of my car."
Raiden:" Why you working for Irondouche? The jackass will just throw you to the dogs once he finds out you have no use for him. What's in it for you anyway?"
The dude didn't respond with words but did with action when he shot me three times in the heart or more where it was before I fell to the ground but I didn't feel much pain whatsoever.
Gunpowder laughed at this before looking at me on the ground but I wasn't gonna give a Atlas pig the satisfaction of seeing me defeated so I got up and glared at him, which actually scared him before I felt some kind of liquid trickled down the area I got shot so I groaned knowing what it was but when I moved my shirt to see the damage, I saw that the bullets barely even punctured my skin with what were just dents that only bruised my skin slightly. The bullets fell to the ground and the VERY minor wounds healed in less than a second which made me smirk while Gunpowder looked terrified. He tried again to shoot but I grabbed his Desert Eagle and broke it before he tried with his other so rolling my eyes, I grabbed his wrist and headbutted him to the ground. He started struggling on the ground while I slowly walked in front of him so when he noticed me, he punched me three times but I couldn't even feel his punches so I gave him another headbutt that sent him into his car window, shattering it. I walked to him and punched him hard in the head three times before he started begging.
Gunpowder:" Okay, okay! *Spits Blood and Teeth Out* Listen, Ironwood said that in reality we're in a war that requires us to become better and more than just humans with strong semblances. So he got some guys together and offered them millions of dollars in exchange that they create him a super soldier serum that would make people stronger, fast and more durable so we could fight more threats and prove that Atlas is the savior of the human race."
Raiden:" What about the Faunus? They live on this rock too!"
Gunpowder:" Who the fuck cares?! They're just filthy fucking animals! They're a dime a dozen and even then pathetic as hell!!! They're better off killed!!!"
I got pissed as fuck when he said that so I started going ham on his head while he tried saying the cliche "I told you everything I know"
Raiden:" I know that is a load of bullshit but right now I just want you dead."
(Skip to 2:38)
I continued hitting his head until I noticed I destroyed his left orbital but suddenly I felt my eyes start to burn for some reason. I shut them tight and gritted my teeth in a attempt to try and ease the pain but when I opened my eyes, two twin beams of golden energy came out of my eyes and sliced the car Gunpowder was leaned up against in half before I turned and let out a loud grunt when more came out until it finally died down. I looked down to Gunpowder to see that his head was beamed in half as well before the top half fell off with gory mush coming out of it before his car fell apart.
Raiden:" Damn that was a nice car too. Well hopefully something is worth scavenging from it."
I opened the front car door and started to look around and from what I managed to get, this Gunpowder was a bounty hunter like me judging from the three posters he had in the center and the big stack of money I found in the glove compartment. The back of his car had a box of dust bullets that ranged from fire to ice to electric.
Raiden:" These will come in handy."
???:" Indeed they will child."
I quickly spun around and drew Blue Rose to the voice's direction to see the same guy that paid the money to kill Tyrian.
Raiden:" Ah, it's you. Never got your name."
Watts:" MY name is Arthur Watts but you can just call me Watts and I see you've killed the man I put the bounty on."
Raiden:" Well you said there was a bounty on his head but he doesn't have a head anymore."
Watts*Chuckles*:" Thanks to you but here*Hands Raiden Envelope with One Million Dollars* The check for one million dollars and those three other bounties have more money since those are of demons. Feel free to kill them if you wish."
Raiden:" Thanks but mind if I keep the bullets?"
Watts:" I have no use for dust so be my guest."
He left threw a black portal before I got a call on my scroll. I checked and saw that it was my dad.
Raiden:" Hey dad."
Dante:" Hey bud, believe it or not we're already at the SDC since that Jackass is gone along with his little two brats but your other mama and big sis are here just chilling."
Raiden:" Alright I'm on my way."
I took a ride to Atlas and ran to the SDC where I saw Winter at the entrance with a butler standing next to her. I jumped down in front of them and when Winter saw me, she gave me a big hug while picking me up with my face once again in her boobs. I nuzzled deeper into her chest before hugging her back but I eyes or more my right eye went to the butler standing by her. I gave him a small two finger salute and he gave me a smile with yellow eyes that showed nothing more than happiness but then I saw them turn red when he looked behind me. I turned to see two guys wearing lame clothes with stupid arrogant grins on their faces and I could just smell the fucking alcohol off them. Winter put me down while I looked at the drunken morons.
???:" May I help you?"
Drunk#1:" Yeah you *Hiccups* can old man."
Drunk#2:" ~You can give us this girl's phone number~"
Raiden:" Sorry, she doesn't like drunk donkeys."
Drunk#1*Angry*:" What di-!?
He stopped talking when he vomited on the ground about three feet away from me, making us walk back a good eight feet.
Raiden:" OR guys who can't handle their alcohol."
Drunk#2:" Well she doesn't want some shrimp kid like you as a lay."
Winter*Whispers*:" When he's older I will want him as a boyfriend though."
Raiden*Heard That*:" Well she has a certain taste of men so I suggest you two barfing bags of shit leave before things get bad."
Drunk#1:" How about we start by beating the hell out of you you little damn bug!?"
Raiden:" Well if it means me getting to clean up some trash to help a sister out, then let's get this over with."
I got into a stance before the first dude ran towards me or tried to before I flash kicked him so hard I think I knocked out a tooth or two.
The other one tried to charge me so I simply kneed him in the stomach and slammed his head into the ground right where the puke was before the butler got onto his scroll and called for clean up and Atlas police. I shrugged before I got my hand held by Winter to be led to my mother and when we got there, they were having tea while talking about a potential business deal was my guess.
Raiden: Yo Mama Willow, how's life been?"
Willow turned her head to me and gave me one of her beautiful smiles that had genuine happiness in them before she got up and gave me a big hug.
Willow:" OH my sweet little savior has returned to me!"
Raiden:" Yep and I see you've met my parents. Though you and dad look like you could be related."
Dante:" Not the first time someone has said that but sorry bud if she was related to me Jacques would've been long dead by now."
Raiden:" Fair enough but what you guys talking about?"
Bayonetta:" We were told how you saved Willow from that abomination Tyrian and how you killed him. Quite brutal though isn't sweetie?"
Raiden:" Yeah but he deserved it."
Bayonetta*Smirks*:" True."
???:" Sorry for the lateness ma'am but two men tried to "flirt" with young Winter."
Willow*Worried*:" Is she okay!?"
???:" Yes ma'am because that young man gave them a good pounding before the officials arrested them."
Willow*Relieved*:" Thank you Klein *Pushes Raiden's Head Deeper Into Her Chest* and thank you Raiden."
Raiden*Muffled*:" No problemo."
So the butler's name is Klein, huh? He seems pretty chill and cool so I guess I won't have to kill or kick his ass. I looked to dad who looked at me with a strange expression.
Raiden*Confused*:" Something up dad?"
Dante:" What happened with your eyes Raiden? Look like smoke came out of them."
Raiden:" Oh it was one of the semblances Mama Salem gave me. Allows me to manipulate destructive energy and it activated when I fought Gunpowder."
Bayonetta:" Oh is that bounty that that young lady gave you?"
Raiden:" Yeah and it came out of my eyes first. I'll have to control that if I want to use it since it was definitely helpful."
Dante:" How did the job go?"
Raiden:" I'm a million dollars richer now and Gunpowder lost half of his head."
Dante:" Damn."
Bayonetta:" Well I suppose now we have Salem to meet now since I believe Raiden needs to know about her."
Willow:" Okay but be safe."
Dante*Jokingly*:" We're always safe... if you count killing demons and angels safe."
Mom made a portal and when we walked through after I gave Mama Willow a kiss on the cheek goodbye where we ended up in a long black hallway with the only light being from the windows where lavender light seeped in through. I followed my parents through the hall and after what felt like at least a hour we made it to a big room where a table made for kings and queen's dining room was and like the rest of this place, it was a black as midnight color that I liked. Black has been a color I always found myself becoming connected and drawn to with the shadows being a friend I've had for over a decade. Suddenly I felt a strong presence coming from behind me so I summoned Red Queen and turned to see that it was Salem. She had a stern look that slowly turned into a smile when she saw that it was us before she slowly walked over in a way I seen girls do when they want to attract men by swaying her hips.
Salem:" Hadn't expected to see the Legendary Devil Hunter and the sole Umbra Witch in my castle."
Bayonetta:" Apologies for intruding Salem but my son here said he met you while he was walking around the forest."
Salem*Chuckles*:" Correct. I was walking around the forest to enjoy the warmth of the morning and I saw him shoot a pair of bullets into a King Tajitsu's mouth and when he saw me*Pink Hue Forms* He thought I was lost and guided me out of the forest."
Bayonetta:" I see but did you know about his race?"
Salem:" It would be difficult not to which the aura he gives off. It's very strong for such a young child."
Dante:" Yeah having demon blood can do that but I also heard you adopted a girl."
Salem:" Ah yes. quite a night that was. Shane went to the Glass Unicorn and saw young Cinder being abused so he killed them and saved her while bringing her to the Schnee Dust Company where he gave her a last name before I appeared to adopt her. As a reward I gave him two semblances that I have a good feeling he'll make useful."
Raiden:" Hey Momma Salem, you said one of them would allow me to use destructive energy right?"
Salem:" Yes my child."
Raiden:" Well that explained how those beams came out of my eyes. It was so damn awesome too!"
Salem:" Oh your semblance or one of them have already activated?"
Raiden:" Yeah I was fighting this "super soldier" called Gunpowder but he got his now headless ass handed to him by your's truly."
Salem:" Oh my, very interesting way of killing someone."
Dante:" Wait super soldier? When did that become a thing?"
Raiden:" When Irondouche decided that it was a good idea to create them."
Bayonetta*Groans in Annoyance*:" That man is so foolish for a general if he believes that enhanced humans will help him against demons and angels."
Salem:" That is what we call paranoia Cereza. It is very deadly and contagious."
Fair enough I guess but I wonder how many people became these lame ass "super soldiers". Well that just means more money for me and more problems for Atlas so win win.
Dante:" Yo Salem think you might be willing to meet the others to introduce yourself? They are surprisingly a lot like you or with similar situations."
Salem:" Very well but know that Raven has already seen me when I spoke with Raiden after the night he killed those three whores but Willow didn't so I suppose it's time."
(No One's POV)
Salem made a portal where the four walked through to see themselves in front of the Schnee Dust Company before going inside to see Willow and Winter sitting on a couch with a newspaper on the side. Salem made herself invisible before they spoke to wait for the right moment.
Dante:" Hey Willow, read anything interesting?"
Willow:" If you call these new soldiers interesting instead of reckless."
Raiden:" I prefer weak, stupid and pathetic."
Winter:" That certainly works."
Bayonetta:" Anyway Willow we have somone else who has taken care of Raiden besides the first one we told you about and she is a bit... different in appearance than us."
Salem removed the spell and Willow looked to the six foot black dressed woman with deathly pale skin and red eyes with a shocked look.
Willow:" Oh my, well hello ma'am. You were one of the ones who cared for Raiden?"
Salem:" Yes since he helped give me something I lost hundreds of years ago."
Raiden was confused when he heard that. Salem was helped when he got Cinder adopted? He honestly though he was just giving Cinder a second chance. Just then before he could ask, a portal appeared and out came his first adopted mother Raven Branwen. Raven looked at Salem with a calmer expression than last time but was surprised to see ehr here of all places before she looked at Willow. Raven remembered when Raiden told her he saved her from Tyrian but was still a little on edge about her being in Atlas.
Raven:" Hi Salem, Hi Willow. Didn't think I'd see you two in the same place."
Willow:" Ah so your name is Salem and as I'm sure you heard from Raven and Bayonetta, my name Is Willow Schnee."
Salem:" I see but why are you not scared of me? I look like a grimm, the monsters huntsman, huntresses and the Atlas military fight on a daily basis but I also look human and can speak. Aren't you repulsed in any way?"
Willow:" No for three reasons. One because you first off are NOT ugly. Second you cared for the sweet little boy right there*Points to Raiden* When his former "family" failed."
Salem:" And the third?"
Willow:" You have good fashion with white hair and black clothing with some red and also because I've seen ugly and that would be my "husband" Jacque."
Salem:" ......I like her."
Raven:" We are suppose to be complete opposites and we are in physical looks but you just made a new best friend Schnee."
Willow:" A master swordswoman who also is a good hardworking mother as a best friend? I like the sound of that."
Raiden:" And I love the fact that my mommas and my dad are getting along!"
Dante:" This has to be the easiest thing we've ever done."
Bayonetta:" Certainly the opposite of the hardest thing we've ever done."
Willow:" What was that?"
Bayonetta:" Having Dante's older brother Vergil show up to the wedding."
Dante:" That was not a fun day for anyone."
Raiden looked outside to see that it had become nighttime but also very stormy with lightning and thunder evident from the sky with rain coming down strong and known that he had three bounties to collect, he looked towards his mothers and his father before deciding to tell them.
Raiden:" Hey guys, I got some bounties I need to take care of and they are all demons so killing them is important."
Dante:" Alright buddy but I want to see you kill the demons to see if you have anything wrong with your form or swordmanship."
Raiden:" Alright but guess we got to get going."
Raiden and Dante left the area but his mothers came along to see the fight that their adopted/only son would be in. After about fifteen minutes they arrived at a area where a small shed appeared with the only light source being a torch with a flame lighted up. The door was Japanese made with pink flowers on the front but other than that it was entirely dirty and chipped from weather and age.
Raiden:" This is the place where the demon is suppose to be? Looks like a pretty damn weird place for it to just be chilling."
Dante:" This demon might not be the kind I'm use to dealing with."
Raven:" Wait there is more than one kind of demon?"
Dante:" Yeah and the one I have a feeling we'll be fighting is one that sickens me."
Suddenly the door busted down to reveal three demons instead of one. The demons each had blade connected to their arms extending out of their elbows and enraged, hungry looks on their faces. They each had blood splattered on their faces and on their teeth. Suddenly one of them charged at Raiden who pulled out Red Queen and stabbed it in the stomach before giving it a strong headbutt. The demon fell but one of the others took it's place and tried to slash Raiden who managed to dodge before slashing the demon's throat. Raiden looked to the last who tried to send a barrage of slashes onto Raiden who tried to block it but several cuts appeared on his body before he managed to kick the demon away but the others have recovered from their wounds and went on the attack on Raiden. Raiden was now on the defensive since he could tell these demons were experienced in killing due to their movements and skill with their elbow blades. Raiden got his gun and and fired some ice rounds into one of the demon's legs, freezing it in place and then he shattered the legs and gave the demon a uppercut that broke it's jaw but when he tried to reload his pistol, he felt horrible pain in his side before looking to see that one of them had stabbed him into his side before another of them stabbed him in the stomach with both blades before the one Raiden had leg's destroyed recovered and regenerated quick before ramming one of it's blades into his throat and the other into one of his eyes.
Dante:" RAIDEN!!!!"
Dante sped forward and punched all three demons off his son before grabbing his son and observing his injuries. Raiden was still conscious but the pain was awful with his regeneration semblance finally coming into play when his wounds were patching up but his enhanced senses made the pain worse especially for his eye which was connected to his brain and his side where he was stabbed into one of his lungs. Dante gently laid his son down on the ground before summoning his sword and staring daggers at the demons.
Dante*Angry*:" You fuckers will regret that."
The demons went into a stance with Dante going into one with Raven and Bayonetta doing the same to even the odds but suddenly they heard what sounded...like laughter. They turned to every direction to see what it is before their eyes landed on the source: A now standing Raiden with a blood red mist surrounding his body and his ocean blue eyes becoming a glowing crimson color. Raiden stared at the demons with a sadistic psychopathic grin plastered on his face like the dry blood mixed with the rain on the ground before he summoned Red Queen and slowly twirling in his hands. Suddenly a lightning bolt flashed the ground making everything too bright to see for a split second only to see Raiden gone when their vision returned. The three demons felt fear filled their minds and bodies when they just saw Raiden's form and the mist leaking from his healed body before hearing something from the shadows that echoed into the silent night.
Raiden*Sadistically and Creepy:" ~It's raining~ your bleeding~ Ripper is starving~"
In a flash one of the demons was decapitated but when the head landed on the ground, it became bloody chunks of cubes. The second one that had stabbed Raiden in his eye and throat had it's left wrist grabbed and broke off before stabbing him repeatedly into his throat before jamming Red Queen's tip into it's throat and revving it up til the wielder did something disturbing. He pulled the blade out and then jammed the barrel of Blue Rose into the exposed throat.
Raiden:" Ever wondered what happens when blood and fire dust mixed? Well *Laughs Sadistically* wonder no more."
He fired the whole clip into the throat of the demon where the fire heated the blood so much that it disintegrated the flesh and bone of the neck, causing the demon's head to fall off and roll on the ground but nothing healed for this demon this time. The final demon was looking around fearfully through out the storm to try to hear or see the "Ripper" and found him when it heard his sword's engine ripping the near silence of the night to shreds. Turning around the Ripper swung Red Queen three times with the flames boosting the speed of the blade with the demon's knees, torso and head being sliced up to shred with just three slices. Falling to the ground the demon looked up to see the "Ripper's" vicious demonic smile with fangs being apparent before finally dying.
Raiden:" Well, looks like to me that I got some cleaning up to do but *Chuckles Darkly* the rain will take care of that for me."
Raiden lifted the blade to his mouth before taking a long lick of the blood.
Raiden:" You really are a Red Queen now, aren't you?"
Raiden looked back to his family before the mist subsided and he started to fall forward before feeling a strong pair of arms catch him, looking up he saw a pair of pink eyes looking at him with worry and wonder. Raiden didn't say anything but did let the darkness take over after his "Ripper" high.
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