The Strength Of A Devil's Emotions

*Like I said before in a announcement, I'll be redoing some stories and making them better now that I got a lot better at writing so for this one read the updated bio but also besides RWBY, DMC, Bayonetta and Demon Slayer as crossovers, I'll be adding Chainsaw Man. Also out of curiosity I looked up how many big Remnant's population was and it said it was in the millions so to make it different, Remnant will assonantly be just Earth with the eight billion lives because all the other crossovers have that number and also the money and other things*   

(Takes Place One Week From Last Chapter)

Currently Raiden had waken up when hearing the clashing of swords and turning to the window he was his father and uncle sparring so he decided to get up and get some breakfast which consisted of some cereal and toast when he wen tout to see that his father was on the ground while his uncle has a smirk on his face.

Vergil:" One up Dante."

Dante:" We'll be equal you can bet a million on that Vergil."

Vergil:" Shall we then Dante?"

Raiden:" Hey pops, uncle V there's one more bounty on got to go take out so I'll be back whenever. This one is worth the most."

Dante:" Well alright then buddy just come back before your mother worries too much because you getting stabbed the way you did and that form wasn't exactly helping her see you were ready for demon hunting."

Raiden:" See really dad? I know I got stabbed in the eye but really?"

Dante:" HA! Didn't mean that to be a pun but alright."

Raiden went upstairs to grab some clothes that was a simple black shirt, blue jeans and his converse shoes that had rips in them from his fight with those demons where his semblance was introduced to his family. Raiden felt both pride and annoyance at that day as while he got to know more of his birth semblance's power but knowing his family had to see him in that state as well as that his only hoodie was torn to bits was really annoying to him. He sighed knowing that he was gonna need to buy some new shoes and a new hoodie or several in this case before going to the location by walking since flying took constant concentration and that his eyes weren't distracted and he needed to do some thinking as how to get stronger since he didn't want to always rely on his semblances for his missions and bounties when he wondered something about his wings or as his uncle called it a Devil Bringer. What else were they capable of? He kept walking and after twenty minutes arrived at the location on the bounty poster that said that the demon had killed over twenty eight people and the one who placed the bounty was offering seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars as well as a piece of priceless jewelry to whoever killed the demon and brought back proof of it's death. Raiden folded the paper up and placed it into his back pocket before taking a look around for the demon but his Devil Bringer sensed nothing demonic or supernatural so ever vigilant and determined he continued walking around the area when he heard something behind him so summoned Blue Bolt and fired a round right between the eyes of a Ursa Grimm that fell dead afterwards when Raiden took a closer look to realize the bullet wasn't was killed it. On the right side of the soulless monster was a gnarly slash wound with due to Raiden's experience of seeing gore and bloody wounds can see that whoever or more accurately whatever attacked this beast slashed right through a strong bone plate and took a chunk out of the large beast, meaning to Raiden his bounty maybe nearby. Raiden narrowed his eyes and when a low growling sound was heard nearby he fired a round in that direction before hearing another on the right of him and fired another that way but both times he heard nothing come out of it when he turned to see that something was being thrown towards him so he fired again where he could see that a rock was what was thrown but looking around again, he noticed fresh scratch marks appearing around trees and on the ground.

Raiden:" Come on out jackass! I can do this all day!"

After just a second Raiden backflipped and fired a round underneath him but before he landed he brought up his right hand and caught a paw from this time a Ursa Major while the other it was accompanied by was on the ground becoming black dust with the other normal Ursa finally doing the same but at a slower pace.

Raiden:" No way this was you but killing you will be fun."

Raiden pushed the creature back then punched his fist right through it's chest before throwing it away like garbage. Raiden walked to a random side of the woods wanting to find this demon when he heard something that at first sounded like growling but when Raiden ran in the direction of the sound it started to change to more of a gurgling sound he was unfortunately far too familiar with due to living five years within Redgrave City. Raiden was now getting worried of the sound when he jumped to dodge a swipe from a Beowulf that was waiting for him but hearing that sound get louder but quieter at the same time made him run faster towards the direction when he finally found the source of the sound. A old man around his late sixties was leaned up against a tree holding one of his wrinkly hands over a large slash wound on his neck while blood started to fall from his mouth in streams with his breathing becoming hallowed and weak. Raiden ran towards the man and tried to find a way to help him when he noticed that the Beowolf brought out a group of it's friends and he knew he needed to protect the man if he wanted to help him.

Raiden*Brings Out Red Queen*:" Let's get this over with you werewolf rejects!"

Counting six of them Raiden revved up Red Queen to it's fullest and using the flames slashed through four of the Beowolves before turning to the last two and when they both lunged at him, he leapt up and allowed them to collide before falling and with a single slash slicing the two beasts in half but he then heard more Grimm so he turned to see three more Grimm each of different species, one was Beringel, another a Boarbatusk and the last a Deathstalker. Growling in anger, Raiden ran to the Beringel who tried to grab him but he was too fast and landed a strong punch on it's jaw, stunning it before he grabbed the Deathstalker's stinger when it tried a attack and started to swing it in fast circles with one arm before the stinger was torn off and the Deathstalker was thrown to the side upside down. The Boarbatusk started to charge at him in it's typical spinning way that reminded Raiden of a certain blue hedgehog he seen before in a show after his mother bought him that new TV.

Raiden:" I'll ask mommy to make me some pork chops later but you are barely worth the time killing. Hell not even worth a bullet."

Raiden charged a small ball of destructive energy in his hand and threw it like a baseball with the Grimm being blasted into oblivion before he was grabbed by the Beringel but all Raiden did as a counter was unleash his wings and slice the Beringel in three different places. Flapping his wings to see they were completely fine he managed to notice that the Deathstalker was still alive but simply was unable to get back on it's six crawlers when he felt something start to glow on his right arm so he looked down to see a bright ice blue light appear from his arm that just moments ago was completely normal.

Shrugging it off he jumped up and was ready to throw a punch towards the downed prey when a large spectral arm appeared from the light and did it for him, sending the vermin spinning before it got launched off the ground and crashed into the side of the cliff and finally back on the ground dead like it should've been.

(6:17 to 6:30, there were no GIFS I could find)

Raiden turned and ran back to the old man who was wheezing so weakly that even a moron knew he wasn't gonna make it and Raiden wasn't taking that so well that he failed to save someone's life, let alone a elderly person. he fell to the ground in shock and looked at the man with remorse and sadness filling his eyes to the brim when tears started to form in his eyes as while Raiden may have demon blood in his veins and had killed humans and demons before that didn't mean he was incapable of crying tears of sadness when he felt the old man take his small hand and look at him with pained eyes and despite the injury to his neck, he still managed to mutter seven words that Raiden didn't want to hear.

Old Man*Painfully And Gargling Blood*:" Put me *Coughs* out of my misery *Coughs Blood* please."

Raiden looked at Blue Bolt and looking at the man he let more tears fall before standing back up and with one more round in his sole pistol aimed the weapon at the man's head and with his eyes closed fired the round into his head. Raiden begrudgingly opened his eyes as he knew he couldn't leave the man's corpse here when suddenly a powerful punch sent him flying into a tree so hard the tree became slanted while Raiden slid down with his back feeling horrible pain but right now all he wanted to do was bury the man though when his eyes turned to the culprit, he realized at the moment he would have to fight for it.

Demon:" So Sparda's spawn had one of his own? Then taking your head to my master shall appease him greatly."

Raiden gave the demon a violent and enraged glare before revving up Red Queen until it was smoking then reloading Blue Bolt and placing demonic energy within the bullets.

Raiden:" Just shut your fucking mouth up you son of a bitch and let's fight so I can make sure you feel what cold steel feels like when it goes through your skin."

Elsewhere a tall dark skinned man with sunglasses and a fancy jacket was in a red car alongside a shorter man smoking a cigar when they got a signal about a monstrous demon appearing about a ten miles away from them so they gassed up and drove to that destination while making a phone call along the way but back to the fight Raiden went crazy with his strikes applying more strength and speed to each attack but the demon wasn't being affected by the attacks of the enraged child so the demon reeled back it's fist and sent a strong right hand to Raiden who used his energetic heart to form a shield in his hand that finally damaged the demon when it took it's hand back like it was on fire before giving Raiden a glare and tried a left hook this time that made Raiden use Red Queen as a shield and while Raiden was protected by the attack it sent the sword flying away due to the force.

Demon*Laughs Cruelly*:" What are you gonna do without a weapon bug?!"

Raiden without saying a word charged forward and bashed his shield into the demon's knee and when it got down he started to deliver several haymakers to it's face and chest area before suddenly appearing away and turning his circular shield into a spiked version of itself and with all his might throwing it towards the demon, causing it to be sent flying backwards until it landed on the ground but it didn't stay down long and glared at Raiden with it's crimson eyes glowing as it was becoming more and more enraged at the thought of being bested by a child.

Demon:" You die here child so just accept it!!"

Raiden continued being silent before creating another shield and allowing a spectral arm to appear in his now unoccupied hand while rage started to go through his veins at a even greater pace while the demon stood glaring at him before like a light appearing right in front of him with it's shadow covering Raiden who dodged a stomp and jumped up to give a knee to the chin of the demon then a strong punch that made it groan loudly when he then bashed the shield in the demon's face so hard that two different and distinct cracks appeared on the demon's helmet. Raiden started to use the shield's edge to attacks the demon's torso and chest when he couldn't reach it's head anymore and then using the front of the shield and double kicking it with the force pushing Raiden away from the demon and the force keeping the shield to the demon where the shield detonated and caused more significant damage to it.

Raiden:" Always use tactics and your intelligence in a fight if physical strength isn't enough. You taught me that and I will use it till my death."

The demon was still on it's feet but it's balance was shaky and Raiden knew this would be a easier fight if he managed to get it off it's feet so he ran to reclaim Red Queen then to the demon who out of nowhere suddenly fired something from their right arm that struck Raiden with such force that he was propelled backwards through several trees but when the attack stopped, all Raiden could feel was more pain despite how he knew the attack stopped and goddamn what pain it was.

Raiden*Through Grit Teeth*:" What is this?!"  

The demon who managed to regain it's balance laughed a laugh only a sadist could ever muster and Raiden knew that by experience when he saw it start slowly walking towards him with Raiden knowing that underneath that damn helmet it had a evil smirk believing that it was gonna win this fight. Raiden started standing up despite how it felt like his nerves were shot to hell though another feeling started to run through his body and it was the same burning sensation and stinging in his brain he felt twice so far throughout his decade long life meaning only one thing.

Raiden:" No! I won't succumb to Ripper! I have to prove myself that I can with with my own skills and not just rely on power!"

Raiden tried standing but the pain refused to subside and every step felt like he entire body was being rolled into a pile of broken glass but then Raiden looked at his body to see red and while he initially thought it was his semblance slowly coming out, he noticed instead of slow mist that was freely and silently moving to encompass his body this was something fast and loud with the sound coming off as dangerous sounding cracks but they did encompass his entire body and he knew that this was what making his body spasm in pain.

Demon:" The mere idea of killing something so precious to that excrement known as Sparda is enough of a motivation but successfully accomplishing it is something else entirely. My master will reward me greatly with fortune, power and maybe even a piece of the infinite Underworld to rule myself! That is every true knight's dream yet Sparda failed to see that when he foolishly saved this rock from Emperor Mundus."

The demon laughed that laugh again not noticing the enraged look on Raiden's face that got him so angry that his vision became nothing more than crimson at what this demon said. He believed he was gonna kill him after the ten years he's had? He thought he can just insult his grandfather like that by calling him shit and saying that he was foolish for saving billions of lives? He thought he could stop him from burying a innocent man he was forced to mercifully kill from his painful misery that this son of a bitch caused? 


 Raiden's rage caused his body to experience a powerful spike of adrenaline to course through his veins effectively replacing his blood and filling his superhumans organs to the brim before he started marching over to the demon who was so arrogantly laughing that it didn't notice that Raiden was in front of him with the red cracking material still around him but the pain he felt was gone as the adrenaline was far too powerful for him to feel it and with a reeled back fist covered in blue demonic energy, he punched the demon with such force that he SWORE he could've heard it's rib cage shatter and it was now over thirty feet away from him but before the demon could hit anything Raiden appeared in it's path and grabbed it by the leg before slamming it on it's face and torso with so much force the ground cracked greatly and it's armor became so badly damaged that Raiden could tell to wasn't gonna hold up much. Still pissed and full of adrenaline he roughly rolled the demon over on to it's with his foot then proceeding to place both his hands in the gap of it's helmet with his clawed wings doing the same before effortlessly tearing the helmet in half, seeing the demon's face that turned out to simply be a pure black face with no emotion and crimson red eyes though right now Raiden just wanted to kill this demon and let his rage subside so he unleashed a flurry of punches directed to it's now exposed and vulnerable face.

The demon's face started to bleed a black substance that Raiden assumed was it's blood so he continued punching it when the demon reached one of it's hands up and morphed it into a claw to slash Raiden's face but to it's shock Raiden hadn't reacted even the slightest bit to the attack.

Raiden*Seething*:" That won't help you."

Raiden returned the favor by using his own claws on his wings to claw at the demon's face and the armor on it's torso that was then slashed into pieces leaving the entrance to it's vital organs exposed and Raiden was well aware of that. He charged up his destructive energy in his eyes before firing it into the demon's torso then sending a heavy punch right where he blasted it before continuing this for over five agonizing minutes as anger still filled his body but he still wasn't satisfied as his demonic heritage demanded more and more pain upon this bastard.

The demon on the other hand was having a hard time recovering from the brutal attacks he had sustained from the young demon hunter. It's regeneration was unable to keep up with the constant beams that tore through it's flesh and obliterated it's cells, leaving nothing for it to repair and heal from while also the punches left it's bone damaged and some even broken but this wasn't the type of demon to back down from a fight or a Grimm too stupid to think of a way to win, this was a demon knight meant for combat and war till it's death and it wasn't going down like this. The demon rose up from the ground and threw Raiden off it before summoning more of the energy it had used on him before trying to blast him with it again when Raiden dodged it and managed to finally see what it was: Electricity. It was a deep blood crimson color and looked so erratic that it made lightning and fire seem tame but he wasn't giving this demon anymore pleasure to his pain so he summoned his wings and sped forward and started using his claws to leave even deeper scratches onto the demon's destroyed torso and his hands to send punches fused with energy to it's exposed muscles and bones that were breaking and cracking under Raiden's strength that was becoming boosted a rapid pace from his rage and adrenaline when he then headbutted the demon and when he did, the creature finally retaliated by picking him up by the head and throwing him to the side but Raiden landed on his feet perfectly but the demon ran towards him in a crawling way with his arms with rage evident in it's eyes before trying to perform a last ditch effort to end this demon hunter but it doesn't end that way thanks to Raiden as his rage was starting to become satisfied as this demon was near death when it tried hitting him in the torso when Raiden effortlessly caught the fist before unleashing this.

The demon's face was practically ruined beyond healing and all that came from it was gurgling like when the old man was suffering from the claw wound he had when Raiden nearly off the adrenaline high he was on and looking at the demon's exposed organs, his eyes landed on the demon's beating heart while it was on it's knees exhausted and in pain from the attacks when Raiden went to pick up Red Queen and with a emotionless glare replacing the rage he had and his adrenaline high coming off from his demonic heritage knowing it was nearly satiated and Raiden gave it that satisfaction when he stabbed Red Queen into the demon's heart all the way through it's body and in a moment, the demon yelled out in pain before looking at the sword that was ending it's life then back to Raiden before it fell to the ground and off Red Queen. Raiden was silent for several minutes while staring at the demon's lifeless corpse before he proceeded to walk to the corpse of the man he killed and with, he dug up a hole using Red Queen and placed the man into it before burying him with a solemn look on his face. 

Raiden:" I didn't have the strength to save you and I paid for it. I'm so sorry sir but just know I will get more power to save others from this kind of fate. I promise."

Raiden then suddenly felt multiple shivers go down his spine before looking to the demon's corpse to see it's body evaporating into a black mist before going towards him and his body absorbed all of it as well as a black orb that got absorbed into his back where his wings were.

Raiden:" What the hell?"

Raiden clenched his fists and realized his felt much more power go through his body so he figured he could use this to keep his promise but looking at himself covered in blood and dirt as well as having his clothes torn to bits and his shoes were ripped to the point they couldn't even be considered shoes anymore so he knew he was due for a shower when he heard someone call out for him.

???:" Hey kid!"

Raiden turned to see a tall dark skinned man with no hair, a gold jacket and sunglasses walking up to him along with a short stocky man with a black hat and suit on wearing sunglasses who looked shocked as all hell at what he witnessed. A small child killing a demon knight all on his own wasn't what you see every day. The tall man was the one who called out to him so he relaxed and bent down to Raiden's height and looked him in the eyes where he could sense that Raiden wasn't in the best mood to put it lightly.

???:" Hey there kiddo, name's Rodin and this fat bum is Enzo. We saw you slaughter that demon like a champ and like some friends we know of. We also have the payment that the guy who said wanted the demon dead so here ya go."

The man now named Rodin grabbed a briefcase from the supposed Enzo before opening it and handing Raiden a white envelope before then handing him something else in a bigger yellow envelope that he had a feeling was the supposed priceless jewelry the customer offered for the demon's death but right now he just wanted a hot shower, some food and a bed to rest in....and maybe to cuddle with his mother after having to take the life of a innocent even if it was mercy. 

Enzo:" Where the hell is your mama and daddy boy? This ain't a boy's game ya know?"

Raiden*Little Annoyed*:" Yet I'm still alive after doing this for five years."

Rodin:" Five years? Hol up, how old are ya little man?"

Raiden:" I'm ten years old and have been a demon hunter since I was five given that was when I first killed a demon."

Rodin:" Damn that's a decent enough experience for a demon hunter and so young. That is some grit there youngster and definitely what we're looking for. Certain friends of ours are a lot like this in terms of kicking demonic ass and saving people."

Raiden grimaced hearing saving people when he failed at that today but he made amends by avenging the innocent person before noticing the man was on his phone dialing a number while the shorter one was grabbing a cigar before offering the young child a cigarette and Raiden wanted something to calm his nerves so he took and the man lit it for him so now Raiden was sitting down on the forest ground covered in blood, dirt and coming off a high adrenaline high with a cigarette in his mouth smoking all at ten years of age. Raiden stayed their with the cigarette getting small and smaller till it ran out but that's when Rodin came back with someone Raiden didn't expect to see at all.

Bayonetta:" My baby!?"   

Raiden:" Momma!"

Raiden reverted back to how someone his age should act and ran into Cereza's arms and clung onto her tightly with Cereza taking this opportunity to see if her sole child had any injuries but there was nothing but the filth that encompassed his body from the fight and how there was black substance on his weapon so Cereza decided to just carry her child back home where Rodin and Enzo followed shocked to hear Raiden call Cereza or as they knew her as Bayonetta momma but after arriving to the house, Dante, Vergil and Trish came out to see the child covered in dark blood and his own while dirt and his torn clothes were all that else covered him but Raiden was conscious, alive and victorious and that meant he had proved himself that he didn't always need his semblance to best a powerful threat. Raiden was put down on the ground where he looked at his family with Dante asking how the mission went in a more scared tone seeing that his son may have had to transform back into his Ripper form but Raiden explain everything from killing Grimm and finding the old man to battling out with the demon knight he came across but when he mentioned that black mist energy and a black orb went into him, Vergil raised his eyebrows before looking at the back of Raiden so Raiden asked what was up.

Vergil:" It's possible you may have inherited a power our father had but skipped me and Dante as well as a new weapon."

Raiden:" A Devil Arm?"

Vergil:" Yes and the power being to absorb a demon's energy to gain it's power and abilities and I have a theory to why you have it."

Raiden:" What is it?"

Vergil:" Because you have a semblance and a ability to absorb Aura because of your Deathless semblance. Our father was capable of absorbing demon's souls to obtain their own aura and at times their powers. It made him even more powerful than he was."

Raiden's eye widen to hear that he was capable of that now because of his grandfather but then remembered his current condition so said he was gonna go take a shower while the adults talked where Cereza explained who Raiden was and his history. Fifteen minutes later Raiden was in fresh clothes that consisted of a black T-shirt, blue jeans and socks as he now had no shoes so groaning in annoyance he went to his new monitor and decided to buy some clothes as he wasn't fond of the idea of being naked so using the great wealth from five years of demon hunting he had attained, he bought over twenty different simple colored T-shirts, ten pairs of jeans with half blue and the other half black, five pairs of converse shoes and then three pure red shoes and finally five hoodies that will bare the new insignia he decided for himself but remembering that he was hungry as hell, he decided to order some food as he overheard his mother would be out for a mission. He paid for the items and waited as they would be here in three hours so he dried up his still wet hair and went back into the bathroom to grab soap then to his dad's armory to get some gun lube to keep his gun and sword in perfect condition but first he wanted to clean off the blood, though his mind wasn't all on the weapons.

Raiden:" Was there anything else I could've done for him? Couldn't I heal him or brought him to a hospital fast enough to save him?"

*Just for clarification he isn't as experienced in his Deathless semblance so he hadn't learned to use it in a different way, also the chapter like how Dante and Vergil along with Sparda have their own insignias so Raiden will have the insignia donning his shirt, jackets and shoes and that will appear in this chapter*

 Rather he was thinking of how this day turned out and what could've gone differently. Raiden had killed people before back in Redgrave and even on jobs and other bounties he had taken in the past hell the first time he took a non demonic life was when he was just seven years old when he saw a man trying to rape a fox girl so seeing red that day, he rammed his right fist through the man's chest and his left halfway through his skull then pulled out his brain and heart before smashing them together in a real mess of gore and destroyed veins that he could still remember crystal clear as if it happened yesterday but this day was completely different. The man he killed was a innocent man that wanted to die as it was the only way to soothe the horrible and agonizing pain Raiden knew he had to have been feeling before he shot him since it was the only way or at least Raiden hoped it was to soothe that man. What did that make him? Merciful or cruel? Raiden grabbed the white envelope and opened it to see the check for seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars and placed it on the desk he had then the yellow envelope where he believed the jewelry was but wondered what made it so special that it was considered priceless and worth killing a demon for. He opened it and pulled out a absolutely beautiful gem as well as a silver ring with a blue stone on it that made his eyes light up.

Raiden:" Holy fuck that dude wasn't fucking around! This shit looks worth billions of bucks! And it's mine now?! Damn."

Raiden put the ring on and couldn't help but love the ring when looking at the time and noticing only three minutes have passed he set a timer on his scroll for three hours and took a nap on his bed with the silk pillow and silk blanket being a nice refreshing replacement for the mess he was covered in and the battle he had experienced against compared to just grass. It wasn't long into his slumber that Raiden experienced what felt like a dream but also something that felt a lot like a memory in a way when he started hearing a man's voice calling out from well nowhere.

???:" My dear sweet child, you are safe now little one. Your mother and father will always be here for you. You may have power but that doesn't mean mommy and daddy won't be with you anymore. No more mortal scum young knight but instead a loving mommy and brave daddy taking care of you young child."

Raiden looked around but saw no one and couldn't sense anything confusing the hell out of him but he suddenly felt a soft and warm embrace that felt like a warm cloud was encompassing his tired but now healed body and while Raiden would most likely have punched, kicked or summon his Devil Bringer to slash the covering enemy but instead he felt so safe and loved due to the embrace that all he could do was bury his head deeper in the softness of whatever or whoever was holding him when he suddenly heard the roar of what could only be a demon so he with the greatest of reluctance got off the warm embrace to look for Red Queen when his eyes opened in the real world to show that his alarm had gone off to show it's been three full hours so he got out of bed and decided to go see if what he ordered had arrived where he saw two big plastic bags with logos of the store he bought the clothes from and one big bag of the food so he grabbed them and headed back up to his room when he noticed that there was no one around him so he figured they followed his mother to her mission which was fine by him so he got back to his room and placed the clothes in the closet before pulling three spray cans he bought as well with him knowing the money he had didn't take a hit whatsoever before grabbing a journal he had when he gets bored to research his powers and their capabilities or really to just draw things as when he wasn't killing demons, Grimm or pieces of shit life was pretty damn boring and learning that he was immortal now made it partially worse. 

Raiden:" It has to be perfect and look cool and intimidating so this might take some time. Well being a immortal now even though I'm only ten means I ain't got nothing but fucking time."

*Five Minutes Later Of Drawing A New Badass Insignia*

After finally sketching a impressive drawing of what he will consider his new insignia, Raiden placed the permanent marker to the side and took a look at what he drew.

Raiden:" Oh hell to the fuck yeah!! This will do so fucking perfectly!!"

Raiden bought three cans of glow in the dark spray paint since he didn't want people to know he was a demon hunter especially those five horse shit eating assholes, Ozpin the creepy pedo, Ironfreak who got off to making weak ass "super-soldiers", the king of the racist shit for brain sacks of worthless piss Jackass whatever the hell his real last name was or really anymore of his four mother figures's enemies, his biological mother's or his demonic side of his family's enemies as he knew they were fo sure powerful but getting hungry he grabbed his food.

Raiden:" Being reminded that I said I was gonna ask mom for pork chops made me really hungry so better dig in because I need something in my stomach."

Raiden grabbed three cans of beer Dante had and simply devoured the entire delicious meal when he found something on the table of his desk he hadn't noticed before so he grabbed it and saw a note that said it was for him courtesy of his Uncle Vergil. Raiden opened the little box to see a pair of blue sunglasses that definitely fit his style.

Raiden:" Oh thank you so much Uncle V! Well this just proves that stopping demon hunting won't be happening and I promise that I won't let another innocent die by a demon's hands again."

Because I had added Chainsaw Man, there will be three more harem members.




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