
(Raiden's POV 10 years old)

Okay so now you know why I'm the way I am but I have to say that night on that street was awesome but the shops were not. I saw at 5 what sex was, how it was done and what consent was, now in my defense I was just walking downtown since I didn't want to be around those assholes and I didn't get raped so no harm no foul. Yes I learned what rape was and I will fucking kill anyone suspected of it,anyway right now I was outside of a bar I went to whenever I felt like getting some burgers and fries since I was still too young to drink and also controlling the powers I had before or gained after 5 years, which included my physical attributes getting higher by the months, getting a awesome new ability to slowdown time with a snap of my fingers, telekinesis and learning I could use my sword which I named Red Queen as a hover board but here was the weird thing, this wasn't a semblance so whatever the hell it was it helps me kick ass.So with that I managed to kill more demons that had been showing up for some reason but not of them dropped what I now know are called Devil Arms since they weren't powerful enough to have their souls become one so that was too bad but that;s fine since I'm still getting paid and don't have to deal with those assholes all the time since they don't always bother me by either going out all day with the drunk jackass and their shit-for-brains parents and just leave me alone all day to clean up their crap, perfect opportunity to do my hobby and find something downtown that isn't COMPLETELY illegal but is fun to do. While I was outside the bar I randomly looked over to my left side to look into the window and saw Qrow with some other woman that I assumed was some hooker he was gonna fuck but when I looked closer I realized that she looked so much like Qrow with long black, red eyes and similar skin complexion. I decided to listen in to what they were talking about and I could tell that the woman seemed alright.

???:" Okay Qrow, I'm here so what do you want?"

 Qrow took a sip of his drink before responding. 

Qrow:" As you know Raven, some new enemies have been appearing as of late and they look nothing like Grimm, so Ozpin and his sis have been trying to come up with ways to deal with these damn things especially with the fact that they're smarter, stronger and actually can regenerate from damage so we're gonna have to work together to have a chance." 

Raven as I learned seemed pretty damn annoyed from Qrow and her sentence made perfect sense to why. 

Raven:" I'm not working with you, Summer or Tai again because if my memory serves me correctly you guys said and I quote "We never want to see your goddamned face again bitch" so piss off Qrow, I'll fight these things because it's the right thing to do but not with you assholes."

 Qrow let out a pissed off sounding sigh before getting up and leaving a woman that seems to be kinda like me with no trust in those that your suppose to trust.I walked in the bar with no one bothering to stop and went to the top floor to see Raven and I have to say she was a beautiful woman but unfortunately she had a sad look on her face. 

Raiden:" Uh hi there." 

Raven looked to me and seemed surprise which made sense but then she gestured for me to sit down next to her which I obliged. 

Raven:" Hey there kid, your a bit young to be here don't ya think?" 

Raiden:" I know but I heard you and Qrow talking and I saw that you looked pretty sad so I decided to see if I could cheer you up a bit." 

Raven:" Well that's sweet of you to do but I'm fi-Wait how do you know my brother?" 

Hold up Qrow has a sister? Damn this "family" really love their secrets with one being that I also learned that Yang has a different mother and if she calls Qrow uncle then I guess Raven must be the mother.

Raiden:"Well you might not believe me but my "parents" are Tai and Summer."

 Raven's eyes grew wide before they squinted at me for some reason but then she spoke up. 

Raven:"Strange, Qrow never mentioned you and you look nothing like either of those two besides the blue eyes but then again their light blue not dark." 

Raiden:" That doesn't surprise me and I'll tell you why if you're willing to tell me why you and Qrow hate each other, you don't have to if you don't want to though." 

Raven thought about it for a while before nodding her head and gesturing for me to go first. I took a deep breath, told her what my name was and explained to her how those five bastards have treated me not leaving out a single detail even to the point that they got their pet to hate me for some stupid reason while also adding how I had to get money for myself by telling her what those things were and how I managed to kill one when I was five to me receiving Red Queen to being a demon hunter with 5 years of experience. She didn't say anything for a good 10 minutes afterwards till she looked at me with sympathetic eyes and a wide mouth.

Raven:" Kid I'm so sorry how those goddamn fucking bastards have done. Summer and Tai were never like this when I went to Beacon with them but nothing could justified what they have done to who. I guess I should tell you why I hate them even before now."

 I nodded my head since I was curious to why she wasn't in that blonde bitch's life though I wouldn't want to be. 

Raven:" Well back about 2 years before Yang was born Tai and Qrow started become arrogant, too arrogant for their own good and Summer didn't like how I did things compared to her ways. I was a terrible person but over time I started to see things differently but that didn't matter to them when Yang was born, Tai and I had the worst argument ever and that ended with me divorcing him and me leaving Team STRQ since they hated me so I couldn't see my "daughter" or "niece" but now hearing this I think I'll pass if I was offered the chance."

I am genuinely surprised that they would go that low and seeing Raven sad an pretty much a kinder person compared to majority of people I've met so to make her feel better I gave her a hug but realizing that since I was beside her rather than in front of her, my head was resting on the side of her....breasts. Raven tensed up when I did that but then reciprocated the hug and also unintentionally pushed me deeper into her chest but I let it slide with what those jackasses have said and done to her. We were in that position for about 5 minutes before separating with Raven now having a smile on her face and me having a feeling in my chest after having a adult hug me affectionately after a decade of having none but then she looked behind with a astonished expression. I looked and saw her gaze was on my wings that had popped out again but I have to say they've also been helpful with flying to actually sensing whenever danger was near by to making badass combos that gave me wins or blood. 

Raiden:" Oh sorry about that but after I killed my first demon, they just sort of appeared out of nowhere but they do help me.I'm sorry if you think their disgusting." 

Raven put a finger to my lips and a kiss to my forehead with a smile back on her pretty face. 

Raven:" Raiden you cheered up a complete stranger, made me smile for the first time in months and was brave enough to come into this part of town for years and come out unscathed, those wings are beautiful too I don't know what your talking about." 

I smiled but what she said next really made me feel loved after so many years in just a single sentence. 

Raven:" In all honesty Raiden, your like the child I never was able to have."

 I teared up a little for the first time in ten years before giving a strong bear hug that she again reciprocated before I said something that I could tell had a effect on her. 

Raiden:" Thank you, thank you so much mom!"

(Raven's POV)
Oh my Oum, he called me mom.....HE CALLED ME MOM!!!! I can't believe it but still though that reminded that I said he didn't look like either Summer or Tai so I have to say he's adopted or is just related to one of those two bitches.But he sees me as a mom, a opportunity I never was able to have and one that got stolen from me because of arrogance and just pettiness.I could see Raiden with some tears in his eyes while still hugging, so I hugged the kid back knowing he didn't get any love from those bastards and like I said he's like a son despite me meeting him about 10 minutes ago for the first time but that's the same for him.I looked around to see nobody had heard or seen us so I picked Raiden up and headed to the alley since I don't want anyone seeing him for the reason they may blab to Qrow. Raiden got his bearings back before I put him down but then his wings started glowing that electric blue color they were and Raiden held him hand out to his side and a sword appeared but not a normal sword, a big one that looked too heavy for a ten year old to handle on his own. Raiden looked around before going near a trash can to see a small box with a note on the top of it, so being a curious he walked over to what the note said and he raised a eyebrow in amusement before handing me the note.I read the note to see that someone killed what I learned from Raiden were demons and received a Devil Arm that he didn't need and seeing Raiden's skill, this person decided to just gift Raiden the weapon with the note ending with the word anonymous. Devil Arm? I turned to Raiden before quietly pointing to his sword and said that a Devil Arm was a weapon you gain from killing a powerful demon that were insanely tough to break and to defend from. He then opened the box and pulled out a big revolver with two barrel holes.

Raiden looked at the gun with amazement and did some gun flip tricks before placing it into his jacket pocket inside the jacket so no one would see I'm presuming, he then turned to me and asked what he should do now.I looked at his wings and hearing that he has experience at killing something people believed weren't real in the first place gave me a idea though only time will tell if it will work.

Raven:" Raiden how about this? You stop hiding your powers from those bastards but you continue ignoring them so they can't use you for their bullshit and change your last name to sever any kind of "relations" you have with them, but I'll train you in sword combat since that sword will be deadly against anything alive and a friend of mine can teach you how to shoot if you want."

Raiden's eyes grew wide when I finished before looking at me with a face that showed doubt. 

Raiden: " Are you sure you want to train someone like me Raven? I don't see myself becoming a huntsman after what they've done to me so I just don't want to waste your time." 

I expected him to be unsure but for him to say he didn't want to be a huntsman was surprising but then again three professional huntsman and huntress and two girls who want to be huntresses abusing would change any person's mind.

Raven:" Raiden, you could never waste my time.Not even in half a hour you have been more of a family to me than my brother or daughter has been and I understand you may not want to be a huntsman but you can be something better and I can make sure of it." 

Raiden teared up before seemingly teleporting in front of me with a hug that felt like it was gonna snap my spine in half but I could hear him say "yes!" over and over again.I then realized that it was starting to get dark so I made a portal to Patch but about 10 or so miles away from their home so I could talk a little more with Rai- no my son.

Raven:" Okay Raiden meet here in a week so I can take to the place I'll train you at but make sure your not followed and for the reason I said to stop hiding your powers is so that they might stop abusing you though here's a question and I won't think any different despite your answer okay?" 

Raiden*Nods*:" Okay mom, I'll stop hiding my powers but I won't let them train me since I trust you." 

I smiled at that and got ready to ask my question. 

Raven:" Do you think you'll ever forgive them sweetie?" 

Raiden:" Fuck no! They have no reason to treat people the way they do because they think they're better than everyone. So no mom I can't forgive them."

 I smirked at that since he really understood that you can't forgive people sometimes but I just wish he didn't have to at this age.

Raven:" Okay sweetie, I'll see you in a week." 

Raiden hugged me one more time before resting against a tree with his wings out like a blanket of sorts. Can't blame him for not wanting to go back to them but I didn't want to risk him being alone if something shows up, so I did what any good parent would do:Snuggle up to their kid and hold them tight to keep them warm. I closed my eyes and just slept since today was certainly a day to remember. 

{Timeskip-Morning Raiden's POV 10:30 in the morning}

Darkness. Comforting darkness. Huh guess this is what a good night's sleep feels like, especially not having to lay on a disgusting wooden floor but on a....wait, what am I laying on right now? My head feels like it's on a really squishy pillow which feels nice but confusing since I put my wings around my body but they aren't big enough to cover my head.I moved my head around to see what it was since I really didn't feel like opening my eyes and from what I can feel it was two squishy things that also felt pretty big but I heard a weird sound that wasn't what a Grimm or any demon I've fought so far has made. ???*Moans* I opened my eyes and saw a pair of arms holding me and my wings delicately and when I looked I saw that it was Raven holding me and that those squishy things were her breasts. Talk about a way to start off a morning because this is the best bed I've ever slept on honestly. She started to wake up and her grip on me broke away, letting me get up on my feet.

Raven*Yawns*:" Morning Raiden." 

Raiden:" Morning mom, guess you wanted to see me earlier huh?" 

Raven:"Well kind off.I didn't want to leave out here alone so I slept here with you but I got to get going now."

 I waved to her while she made a portal with her sword to go to wherever she lives while I headed to where those shit bags lived to show that I actually have power though I still don't know why it's not a semblance but whatever. I walked for a good 20 minutes while putting my wings back into my back so they don't think I'm some kind of Faunus and finally I made it back to where I saw Yang and Ruby playing with their dog that always bites my hands or my legs whenever those assholes leave him in my room just to hear my screams though I faked it so they would eventually leave me alone. I also saw their bastard of a father sitting on the porch watching them with a smile not noticing that I arrived but I suppose someone did when I caught a baseball going at high speeds at my face without looking while I tried to think of a new last name.
(No one's POV)
Ruby and Yang were playing with Zwei with a baseball they bought with the allowance they got from their dad before they noticed Raiden walking up with his hand in his jacket pockets.Yang then leaned to tell her of a funny plan.

Yang:" Hey Ruby, let me throw the ball at Raiden to wake him up."

 Ruby smiled smugly at the idea before handing Yang the ball and Yang with all her might threw the ball at Raiden's head but they both stepped back in shock to see him catch it without looking with ease. Tai saw this as well and knew that Yang's strength surpassed Summer's and Qrow's even at this age so to see Raiden who didn't even have a semblance catch it like that was impressive and made Tai think that his team's idea may had finally worked. Tai smiled to see that him and his family could treat Raiden with love now that he had the power to prove himself. The two girls looked at Raiden in amazement and saw that their brother may finally has a semblance and were so excited that they could play with him now. Raiden continued walking over to the house with the baseball in his hands and a annoyed look on his face but Yang then said this. 

Yang:" Hey bro, come play with us!" 

Raiden:" And why would I want to do that?"

 Ruby and Yang were taken back by that but still wanted to try to spend some time with him.

Ruby:"Well we needed a third person and your here now." 

Raiden:" Well keep looking for a third because I'm not playing with you two and you*Points at Yang* don't call me bro."

Yang felt hurt at that but hid it in hopes that Raiden will become bored and do something with them.

Yang:"Well can you at least throw the ball so Zwei can catch it?" 

Raiden rolled his eyes before throwing the ball so far it looked like it went to a different city. The trio were now certain Raiden had a semblance since a normal human could never throw something that far and Raiden was prepared for them to start being "happy" for him but it didn't matter to him but then Zwei went over to try and lick Raiden but he wasn't having any of that so to avoid that he picked Zwei up and handed him to Ruby.

Raiden:" Keep your dog away from me." 

He then started to walk into the house even though he didn't have anything to do but it was better than talking to these pathetic shit bags but then Tai called to him.

Tai:" Hey buddy that was one heck of a throw but why not stay outside and hang out with us? It's a nice day to stay out." 

Raiden:" Simple. I don't want to play with these two or their dog and also I don't want to be out here with you Taiyang."

 Raiden said this in a normal voice but Tai couldn't help but be hurt that Raiden called him by his name rather than dad.

Tai:" W-wait why did you call me by my name instead of dad?" 

Raiden:" When was the last time I ever called you that?" 

Tai couldn't say anything knowing very well Raiden never had. 

Raiden:" There's your answer and I won't start now so get used to it."

 Raiden then proceeded to walk into the house and into his room, unable to wait a week to see his mom again but also to find out what his new name may be.

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