(I'll be adding other weapons since so many of them are too damn good not to and one will be added here)
Sup bitches, name's Raiden and I fucking hate the "family" I have to live with.Okay I guess I should elaborate some things since that was a bit harsh to call you folks bitches and to why despite me being only ten I talk like I'm in my teens.I was never treated like a member of this "family" by any of these assholes simply because I don't have a semblance and that they needed someone to take their pathetic anger on, so the two "sisters" the redheaded bitch Ruby and the blonde slut Yang test their weapons on me and/or just beat me up with their fists to simply just blaming their mistakes on me and getting me into trouble. My "father" Taiyang Xiao Long just beats me up whenever he's the slightest bit pissed at the world or when his dumbass believes his two whore daughters. My "mother" Summer Rose turned me into a slave whenever she's too damn lazy to get off her ass and do anything productive with her life and yes beating me up doesn't at all count so don't think it does. My "uncle" Qrow Branwen is just some drunk motherfucker with seemingly no life outside of this "family" if it doesn't involve drinking to the point he reeks about as bad as his ego. Now the reason I talk like this is because of two reasons: One is them calling me "Piece of shit" "Filthy son of a bitch" "Goddamn fucking accident" "Freak" and a bunch of other shit so I picked it up over the years. Two was when I was around five years old I took a trip that I wish I could relive again.
(Flashback 5 years ago Raiden's POV)
I learned I was born with something 6 months ago that allows me to be a lot more powerful than normal people since even though those jackasses hit me a lot it surprisingly doesn't faze or even damage my body and whenever I did manage to get a wound or I guess just tiny bruises that were from fighting Grimm, they heal right away and if that doesn't convince you well one time when I was teaching myself to control my physical abilities since they were higher than they should be for someone my age. Right now I was in downtown Vale in a part of town that was considered "Rated XXX" whatever the hell that meant when suddenly I turned around when I heard a faint cry for help coming from a alleyway one night.So I ran into it to see see a little Faunus girl with cat ears that was being cornered by a... wait what the hell is that goddamn thing!?
No way in hell this is a Grimm, they look like animals not human. What made this thing even more of a mystery was the fact that it didn't seem to have eyes yet was laughing sadistically meaning it could at least sense the girl's presence but I saw that the girl had no weapon and was in tears not that I blame her and me seeing that there was no one else around I knew that today was the day I had to finally raise my fists against evil. I got out from the corner and ran so fast it felt like time stopped before with all my might I punched the monster in the stomach which made a strong enough shock wave to put big cracks into the brick walls an concrete ground before the the demon smashed into a Dumpster. I looked to the girl that was staring at me now with wide eyes at what I just did but I didn't have time to talk since I could hear the monster start to stand back up so I had to give my full undivided attention to kicking it's ass or stalling it long enough till a huntsman or huntress decides to fight it which would be fine by me. The monster looked at me despite having no eyes before growling angrily at me and actually fucking talk!
Monster: "Sparda's kin! I can smell the treachery from you putrid body!"
I was confused as hell considering I never even heard that name before so I don't know what the hell this bitch is talking about but since it got back up and ran at me with it's two appendages ready I guess I got to focus on fighting it rather than thinking.I managed to dodge all it's strikes except when it managed to graze my shoulder but it did leave a easily exploitable vulnerability. I grabbed the appendage before tearing right off the bitch's back pretty easily before improvising it into a whip with the stinger like a blade, the monster seemed to be capable of healing since the wounds were healing at a decent rate though I could tell it was starting to get tired due to it's movements getting slower but it was still going strong so I had to come up with a better fighting style. The monster then suddenly punched me hard in the face and then threw into the wall where I felt a rib break, I screamed in pain but that turned to anger when I saw it turn back to the girl with that shit-eating grin on it's face and it's remaining appendage aiming at her head but my rib healed as fast as it broke so I quickly grabbed the one I was using and stabbed half of it into the monster's stomach making it cough up blood but I didn't let it rest so I kept my left hand on the appendage, grabbed the bloodied part that went into the bitch with my right and thanking Oum that I was blessed with being ambidextrous, I leaped as high as I could at the moment which was still higher than the buildings and threw the bitch to the street as hard as I could.
I landed back on the ground and couldn't help but smirk since judging from how she was moving this fight was as good as over. She tried standing back up but instead she coughed up streams of blood and started to go on a little rant.
Monster:"SHAMEFUL! Beaten by a descendant of Sparda that's almost human?!?! Damn it all!!!"
There it is again with that name. Who the hell was she talking about? Well she is dying so might as well see what I can get out of her and if I can well then oh well.
Raiden: "Yo, who the hell is this "Sparda" your talking about?"
She stared at me with pain-filled eyes or rather the lack there of and a bleeding mouth before responding.
Monster: "Your fucking grandfather, you pathetic piece of shit!!!"
What the Fuck!? My grandfather? Doesn't surprise me that those bastards would hide secrets from me but who is strong enough to piss off these kind of things off? I heard enough so I decided to just put her out of her misery. I grabbed the sides of her head and quickly snapped the bones in her neck with such ease that it kinda scared me but what really freaked me out was that she was still fucking alive but dying slowly and the fact that she tried killing a little girl she deserved it.After that I walked over to the Faunus girl to see if she was okay, she was crying about what happened which was understandable but she was unharmed at least, but what surprised me was when she saw me she gave me a big hug while crying into my shoulder so I patted her back to try to calm her down since I was curious to why she was here in the first place but then I heard really loud footsteps coming our way so I got behind her ready for another fight till I saw a large man with a big piece of hair on his chest and a beard to match and a woman with cat ears like the girl run into the alley with worried expressions painted on their faces so I turned to the girl.
Raiden:" Are they your parents kitty cat?"
The girl turned bright red but did manage to nod her head to my question so I held out my hand to her which she reciprocated by holding it and leading me to her parents that when they saw us ran and hugged their daughter.
Faunus man: "Oh my little girl! I'm so glad your okay!"
Faunus woman: "Blake sweetie what happened?!"
The girl now know as Blake explained that she got lost and some monster found her to apparently sacrifice her to some stupid ass cause but then she pointed to me with her parents finally noticing me and said that I saved her life before giving a little push towards her parents. I always admired Faunuses since they were just like humans with a minor difference that really shouldn't matter and for the fact that I knew how it was like to be discriminated and hated for a reason you couldn't control. The woman got down to my level and gave me a even stronger hug than Blake did before looking at something on or over my head.
Blake's mom: "Thank you so much for saving my daughter young man! Words can't describe how grateful we are!"
The man walked over to me before giving me a big smile.
Blake's dad: "We are truly grateful young man but one question I do have for you is if that is your semblance?"
I was confused by what he meant till I heard a kind of flapping sound from above me so looking up I saw some kind of blue halo. I saw that there was a kind of mirror so I walked over to it to end up seeing a pair of blue wings with long claw like hands on the tips but what was weirder was that I don't remember them coming up when I fighting the demon or talking to Blake till her father mentioned it. I turned back to them and just slowly shook my head showing that this wasn't my semblance but Blake didn't seem to care while her parents continued smiling before asking me a interesting question.
Blake's mom:"Well young man can you control them or make them disappear?"
I looked to my new wings before gently concentrating on them to disappear which they did by going into my back without any kind of pain at all despite having foot long knife like claws on the tips. I then turned to the street where I threw that bitch and to my shock, she was still alive but then she looked to me and I gave her a glare but this time my wings came back out fast enough to send some wind pressure with the claws scraping and making deep cuts into the brick walls, the bitch saw that and looked terrified before with one swift move using her head to snap her neck finally killing her.
Okay that was disturbing but I mean problem solved... or not since the body was glowing white till it disappeared into a small white thing that came towards me so when I grabbed it, it turned into a badass sword.
I held the weapon before revving it up and having that feeling that I knew how to use it despite the fact I never even held a weapon before. I turned back to the Faunus family to say goodbye since I had to leave since it was getting to dark to stay out and they agreed. Blake gave me another hug while still being red while her parents thanked me once more and walked away, but when I tried to leave I saw some guy staring at me before walking towards me with a envelope and some piece of paper. I got my new weapon ready since I didn't know what this dude had going through his head and I've been surprised enough tonight with that bitch and her suicide. The guy was dark skinned with a mix of silver and black hair in his beard and a black suit with a hat to go along with it, anyway he bent down to my height with a genuine smile on his face before speaking.
???:"Hey kiddo, I am impressed that you managed to kill that demon AND get a Devil Arm out of it."
Wait that goddamn bitch was a demon?!?! Another damn surprise and it's one that proves a lot of things humanity wanted to know. Hold up, Devil Arm? I looked at the blade before back at the guy with a confused expression which he chuckled at before speaking again.
???:"Well kiddo a Devil Arm is a weapon that is the physical manifestation of powerful demons that get killed and that demon had a big price on it's head so it was gonna drop one."
Well at least I got that demon off the streets but when I heard price I wanted to see how much it was worth since some money would help out in the long run.
Raiden:"How much was she worth?"
The guy chuckled again before handing me the envelope which was the yellow big one that when I opened was filled to the brim with hundred dollar bills. (A:N I do know that Remnant's currency is call Lien but I don't really know exactly how it works so just say that it's like American currency) I was shocked to see the money before looking back at the man who pointed behind the envelope, I turned it around to see in black marker written $750,000 dollars.
Raiden:"Holy crap, that's a lot of money! But can I please keep the sword? It looks to cool to give up."
???:"It's all yours kiddo, anyway I got to get going but if want a job *Throws business card* just come by my business and killing some demons can make you some green."
I nodded frantically before waving bye to him but before I went back to those jackasses I decided to check around this place for a while and maybe get something nice with my new money.
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