Meeting New and True Family
(Raiden's POV)
Ugh what the fuck? My head feels like I had a miniature bomb explode inside it and my fucking stomach is killing me. Wait HOLY FUCK I WENT INTO MY JACK THE RIPPER STATE!!!!!!! Goddamn it tho that feels good when it happens though and I don't even know why but I do know I got to tell my family what it is since they got to see it first hand and I know damn well that it was not a pretty sight. I saw that I had a ice pack on my head and a blanket over me so I assume I'm in my bed but I didn't feel like staying there so I got up and went over to my new computer to see what I can do and I saw that I got a cool sounding game called Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 and seeing that it was a shooting game, how could I say no to that? I booted the game up and chose Zombies since that sounded cool and was similar to what I've been doing for five years and will be doing more in the future. I saw that I was the only one so me knowing this was gonna be a doozy, I prepared myself and put on my headphones to listen to some metal while I was at it to be more motivated.
Raiden:" Nice this song kicks ass!"
I started playing and during the time I was killing zombie after zombie I was wondering whether my Ripper semblance had a on/off switch instead of me having to constantly have to either stab myself or let a enemy do it for me because that kinda fucking sucks but it is what it is if there is no way for me to change that. While I was playing I saw that there was a red soda machine that said "Jug" so I went over to it to see that it was expensive but that it would make me stronger so I had to get it but suddenly the area got really foggy and I saw... dogs?
Raiden:" What the hell? Zombie dogs? Okay that is fucked up and awesome at the same time."
I started killing these guys and I have to say it wasn't easy since they were a helluva lot faster and even blew up when I killed them but this thrilled me. After that it went back to normal zombies and me finding a crate with golden question marks on it so I clicked on it to see a yellow light and guns starting to show up before it stopped on a AK-47, a classic yet badass gun. I smirked before laying out about thirty corpses with my beautiful new partner.
Raiden:" Jackpot!"
Dante:" Ain't no way. You use that line as well?!?!"
I turned to see my dad behind me with a shocked face and his sword in his hand. I paused my game and ran into his arms to hug him and he reciprocated fully with a strong grip. I looked up into his eyes to see they were filled with worry and hope but his smile showed true happiness.
Raiden:" Hey dad! I'm awake and ready to kick ass!"
Dante:" HA! You got the right attitude even when you got cut up like salami my boy! And you love Call of Duty!? God damn you are just like how I thought you would be!!! Though you not looking like me much is still something that I don't get."
Raiden:" Even though I don't look like you dad, I did inherit one thing for sure from you."
Dante*Smirks* Oh, and what would that be?"
Raiden:" I got the raw badassery of a blood relative of Grandpa!"
Dante*Laughs*:" Oh hell yeah! That's my boy!"
Just then my mother walked in and gasped when she saw me before running to me and picking me up into a powerful hug. I was squished into her breasts while she was rubbing her cheek in my hair that is still somehow in good shape. This went on for about five minutes before she put me down but I have to say it felt nice being loved. After that I heard a voice from downstairs I haven't heard before coming from downstairs that sounded like it belonged to a woman. I guess mom and dad noticed my confused expression because they both turned to each other and nodded their heads before mom bent down to my level.
Bayonetta:" Hey baby, we have some friends you might need to meet because they can help you with some skills they have."
Raiden:" Really? Are they demons or witches like you two?"
Dante:" Some of them but not all. Come downstairs when your're done and you'll see for yourself but I suggest beating that game and getting on some clothes."
I looked down and saw that I was only wearing a pair of boxers and socks so I gently shoved my parents out and went into my lit closet to get some clothes since I wasn't planning on showing off anything to a group of adults. I found a shirt that definitely spoke to me.
Raiden:" Nice! Now that is a Spongebob I can chill with."
I put the shirt on an a pair of blue jeans before going down stairs to see who I would be meeting and when I made it, I was greeted with several people I didn't recognize.
The only one I did was the guy that looked like my dad so I guess he's my uncle but he seems to be the opposite in terms of personality since I could just feel the seriousness and no nonsense off him but also the pure power.
I looked around and saw that the other three were woman that I could tell from my wings were not exactly normal or in one's case not human.
One of them was a tall woman that looked to be around my mom's height with long blonde hair and a red jumpsuit.
One of the others had short black hair with her eyes mismatched and a bazooka strapped to her back wearing a white buttoned shirt and shorts shorts along with boots.
Finally the last one was a woman wearing all black with a kind of vest thing that showed off her cleavage and her chest was pretty big surprisingly along with the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra from what I could tell but also she had long blonde hair and she seemed to also have lightning bolts on her suit. (A/N: This Trish's Appearance is a mix of DMC4 and DMC5) I hate to admit it but she made me blush. She was just so damn beautiful.
They all besides my uncle looked at me with confusion while I looked back at them since I didn't know what else to do but my mom did when she gently pushed me to go closer until she cleared her throat.
Bayonetta:" Well ladies, I take it you are all confused?"
Black Hair Lady:" Yeah because I don't understand why a kid is here? Is he looking for some food?"
Raiden:" No but I wouldn't mind some actually."
Bayonetta:" Oh yes sweetie, your father has some pizza left unsurprisingly."
Women:" FATHER!?!?!?!"
Dante*Chuckles*:" Guilty as charged."
Red Jumpsuit:" When was this a thing Cereza?!?!?!"
Bayonetta:" About a decade ago roughly Jaune."
So she is Jaune. I wonder if she is a witch like my mom but right now I was starving so I looked and saw half a pepperoni pizza and a two liter of Pepsi so I got a big glass and some slices before sitting down to eat and hear the women talk while the two men did their own thing which was my dad twirling his sword and my uncle reading a book with a big V on it.
Bayonetta:" As you can tell by physically looks he is my son and has the blood of Sparda coursing through his veins. He is Dante's and my son. *Beckons Me To Come To Her* Come to me sweetie, a introduction is needed."
I finished my pizza before walking over to my mother who put a hand on my head before I looked to the women who still seemed shocked. Did they not know that my parents had a kid? I mean, whatever they did was their own business but pregnancy wasn't really something you could hide from others.
Blondie:" Well hi kiddo who is Dante's son uuuuhhhh, okay I don't know what to say. Someone take over please."
Raiden:" First my name is actually Raiden Redgrave so you won't have to call me kiddo. Second I am their son actually and also part demon myself. Third, this pizza is fucking good and finally what are your names?"
The girls chuckled a little while my dad raised a eyebrow so I asked him what was up.
Dante:" Well buddy, that is MY last name actually. You somehow managed to get my last name before we even met."
How the fuck is that even possible?!?!?!! I literally just chose Redgrave because I needed a last name that wasn't gonna make me sound related to those assholes!!!! You know what I can't be mad since it still represents Redgrave City so it's whatever.
Raiden:" Why the hell is it that whatever I do is somehow always connected to something of you guys?"
Dante:" I don't even know but that saves us trouble."
Blondie:" Okay kiddo, when did you find out about Dante?"
Raiden:" A few days ago."
Black Haired Lady:" Wait then how did you find about these two?"
Raiden:" Five fuck faces were suppose to take care of me but did the complete opposite so it took me awhile and saving a rich woman to finally find out."
The three looked at me confused and concerned before my dad walked to me and whispered in my ear that I can tell them or he'll do it himself. I honestly didn't want to since I don't want to think of those assholes whatsoever or their fake love for me so I said I'm going back to my game. Dad nodded and I walked back up to my room with one of the liters so I wouldn't have to come back down.
{Dante's POV}
Raiden went back to his game with a soda while I turned to my team that looked concern so I took a deep breath and started to explain to them his backstory.
Dante:" Just know that his backstory isn't a happy one."
Lady:" Like any of our's are."
Dante:" True but his makes me want to commit five counts of murder."
Trish*Concerned*:" What happened Dante?"
Dante:" We gave Raiden to TEAM STRQ family since we felt that us taking care of him would be too dangerous but now that is my biggest regret."
Cereza:" OUR biggest regret my love."
Dante:" Yeah but anyways, while you guys were out he walked in saying he was looking for a job and during that time I've hearing about a kid that has been killing demons for five years and during that time I've been thinking of recruiting him. When he walked in I asked for a identification since you guys kept giving me shit about it and he gave me a DNA test that said my name and Cereza's. So it's clear that he's our son and when I told him about my father, he told about his past life and it pisses me the hell off."
Jaune:" What did they do to him?"
Dante*Angrily*:" For his whole life the fake ass mother, uncle and father been abusing him because he didn't have a semblance and their punk ass children did it as well with their own dog joining in. It got so bad he started going to Redgrave City where at five he found a demon that was hurting someone so he killed it and got a Devil Arm out of it and started doing demonic vigilantism for the next five years. He ended up meeting the last TEAM STRQ member who turned out to have actually been a good person and not a bitch like the other three tried to accuse her of being. Later one he saved Willow Schnee and revealed she's the rightful owner of the SDC but was taken from that fucking asshole Jacques. You can guess the rest."
The room was silent but became heavy when the bloodlust of the three women began filling the room when they heard what a child wen through for such a dumbass reason. Hatred leaked off them with rage evident on their faces and vengeance coursing through their veins. Vergil slammed his book down and stood up to walk to his brother and said one thing.
Vergil:" Death will come to them Dante and it will come painfully."
Lady/Jaune/Trish:" WHERE.ARE.THEY!?"
Cereza:" Somewhere where they can't hurt my little boy anymore. I won't allow them to. Right now though I want my baby to enjoy this day where he doesn't have to fight demon or angels like I have to."
Vergil:" Keeping that from happening is impossible but for a day, it's plausible."
Trish:" Being a descendant of Sparda is always putting someone in danger but combine that with someone with the blood of a Umbra Witch and Lumine Sage then that person will have a target branded on their back."
Jaune:" But also the power to defend themselves."
Dante:" Let's let Raiden have a nice day since he was stabbed a lot yesterday and that semblance of his was one I can't forget."
Vergil:" Wait he has a semblance? How?"
Dante:" Don't know but right now he needs rest, not conflict."
{No One's POV}
Right now Raiden was continuing his game and slaughtering zombies left and right with his pistol having been replaced with a MP40 and before too long he had finally finished the game and about a third of his his drink.
Raiden:" Man that was awesome! But wish I had some whiskey like Mama Raven had, that shit good!"
After leaving the Zombies lobby Raiden went to campaign mode and started the game but while doing that he started to feel like something was calling to him. Looking around his room and on his back, he could see that nothing here was demonic so it was confusing to how something could be calling if there was nothing around but he brushed it off to continue his game. After a bit of playing campaign he heard a knock on his door so he said come in and who did was his uncle.
Raiden:" Hi Uncle?"
Vergil:" I take it it has been a long time since you've called someone that?"
Raiden:" Yeah, the one I had was a complete asshole."
Vergil:" I understand but I want you to know that I am your true uncle and not like that scum you were stuck with."
Raiden:" I can tell since you and my dad seem close."
Vergil:" We are somewhat but it's complicated for me to explain."
Raiden:" I get it since these years have been a bit crazy for me."
Vergil:" Understandable but I heard you say you saved Willow Schnee. How was she in danger?"
Raiden:" Oh well she left her house to get alcohol after a failed birthday party for her second daughter and her "husband" being a sack of shit but suddenly she was attacked by a psychopath named Tyrian Callows so I fought and ended up killing him but then some demons appeared with one stabbing me through the stomach. I then felt a big rush go through my spine and head that unlocked my semblance that I used to kill those demons and save Willow. Then I ended up at a doctor's office and used a DNA test to find out who my real parents are."
Vergil*Surprised*:" You killed Tyrian the Faunus serial killer?"
Raiden:" Yeah and it wasn't easy but had to be done. No regrets from me since I got another mother figure and saved a life worth saving."
Vergil:" I see. Raiden may I see your Devil Arm?"
Raiden*Tilts Head*:" Which one?"
Vergil:" You have more than one?"
Raiden:" Yeah I have a sword and a pistol."
Raiden showed Vergil Red Queen and Blue Rose with Vergil inspecting them closely. Raiden gave Vergil a little demonstration by revving Red Queen and spinning Blue Rose in his hands.
Vergil:" I am not a fan of fire arms since I see them as dishonorable."
Raiden:" Oh sorry."
Vergil:" Don't be. That is solely my opinion and you should use whatever way of combat to gain motivation for fighting."
Raiden:" Motivation?"
Vergil:" Yes, you're reason for fighting. What is your reason for fighting my nephew?"
Raiden:"... To protect the innocent and those I love Uncle. To keep demons from hurting this world and to show this world I will NEVER be taken down by it. That is my motivation."
Vergil*Smirks Proudly*:" Then that's all I need to know that you will be the ideal student and one that will make your grandfather proud."
Raiden:" You really think so?"
Vergil:" No, I know so and we will make sure of that child. Those bastards have lost you and failed you but we for damn sure will not. Your motivation is a honorable and pure one that is what a Sparda is suppose to be. As a Uncle, I will make sure you become the warrior you are destined to be."
Raiden couldn't help but cry a little then jump into Vergil's arms to give him a strong hug that shocked Vergil. He himself couldn't remember the last time he ever got a hug from anyone since he had no significant other and him and Dante would never do this. Then a though and image went into his head: His Mother. He remembered his mother as clear as day even after so many years. Her warm gentle smile, her long beautiful blonde hair and her soft careful hugs that made you feel like you were on a cloud away from harm and pain. He remembered her love for him and Dante after their father's passing. How would she react after learning that she was a grandmother? Vergil looked down to the little boy crying and hugging him so tightly before he just hugged him back. While he may have lost his parents, this boy was abused by his "adopted parents" and had to wait a decade to find his true parents and Vergil wasn't gonna let the other remaining blood family of his EVER get harmed again. He swore that on his dying breath. What neither of the two knew was that just outside Raiden's door was his parents and the other three women in shock of what they heard. Vergil was a tough straightforward and cocky man but hearing what he said and seeing him hug Raiden may mean that maybe just maybe his cold demeanor was thawing.
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