Meeting A Pink Demon, A Green Swordsman, A Yellow Wimp And A Bad Ass Boar

(Raiden's POV)

 I was really excited since today I was going out with my dad and uncle on a mission to see if I can get a demon dead without getting hit with a really nice bounty on it's head being around three hundred and ten thousand dollars. I didn't really know what to do since I never was able to but mommy said that my dad had a day planned out for us along with my uncle Vergil who I had a moment with. My uncle was a pretty cool guy with a katana that seemed normal but if he's the twin brother of my father then he was definitely half demon so that blade probably wasn't normal at all. I went downstairs to see my dad and uncle together seemingly trying to diss the other with my dad saying he saw our moment and my uncle saying that at least he was a better teacher since he trained soldiers from a place called Fortuna. While they spoke I saw the blonde woman who I learned was Trish and I once again blushed at her gorgeous figure but I used my hood to cover up my face before suddenly someone else walked in and I saw that it was Lady, a friend of my dad's that loved her rocket launchers but I hated my eyes again when I looked at her and noticed how damn beautiful she was as well so now I was certainly as red as a dam apple. I shook my head hard and focused on my dad's and uncle's conversation.

Dante:" Come on man, Fortuna wasn't my place plus religion and I don't mix."

Vergil:" Dante, is it my fault that a fake priest tried to conquer the planet along side a wannabe next Albert Einstein? Besides be lucky me or you aren't the ones in charge of it."

Dante:" Whatever but any way where's Raiden?"

Raiden:" Right here."

The duo turned to see Raiden at the staircase with his weapons before he followed the two out the door and somewhere where Vergil said a demon had been causing trouble and had murdered over five innocent people.

Vergil:" It was originally a Faunus so it will be far stronger than demons that were originally human."

Raiden:" Why's that?"

Vergil:" Faunus as you are aware have enhanced senses but also just have naturally more durable bodies and more stamina than humans even without using Aura. So this demon will be more tricky than other demons you've fought that were originally born on Remnant."

Raiden:" Can demons use Aura?"

Vergil:" To a certain extent yes but are not able to use it to the extent humans and Faunus can."

Dante:" Also bud the money is in a account your mom made. After you killed those demons is that form of yours."

Raiden:" Yeah and I promise I'll explain it but not right now."

Dante:" Alright but that was awesome! Them demons got their comeuppance and that was slicing and dicing at it's best."

Vergil:" Also not what I'd expect you to have. A semblance."

Raiden:" So I take it you two don't have one?"

Vergil/Dante:" No/Nope."

Vergil:" We won't need one but demons with semblances are a problem that we need to exterminate."

After about forty five minutes later, the group arrived to a dark field of what was probably rice and the road was just some dirt paths that had pebbles and gravel here and there so I stayed by my Uncle's side before my daddy said that my back was glowing two blue lines. I looked behind myself to see that he was right so I took my wings out and in my mind suddenly I could sense where the demon was so I looked around to feel that it was underneath me. I flew up where I managed to see a black portal with a arm reaching out of it so I went down fast before grabbing the arm and flying up to see the demon.

Raiden:" And you are trident skull?"

Swamp Demon:" None of your concern creature but right now, I will give you one chance to leave since you aren't my target."

Vergil:" Are you the demonic scum causing these problems?"

Swamp Demon:" Sure but neither of you are my targets so scram!"

Dante:" Who the hell are your "targets"?"

Swamp Demon:" I am being VERY patient and nice right now so take it and leave before I slaughter the three of you fools!"

Raiden:" Alright chill out fuck face. We'll leave but one quick thing first."

Swamp Demon:" And what would that be creature?"

I quickfired Blue Rose and fired a shot into his chest, he grabbed his injury that had healed in about ten seconds. The demon turned to me with a pissed look and clenched razor sharp teeth that looked ready to crack from his pressure.

Swamp Demon:" Your chance is officially expired and with it, YOUR LIFE!!"

He charged at me but I managed to block his attack with my wings where I retaliated or tried to with a punch but he used that portal power of his to go back underground. I removed my wings and summoned Red Queen while my Uncle and Daddy pulled out their weapons while looking around for the demon but I was able to surprisingly still sense where it was before doing a running dropkick that hit the demon when he was right behind my dad.

Dante:" Whoa damn! You got him good Raiden!"

Raiden:" Well he can hide that body but that smell phew! There is no coming off."

Sawmp Demon:" Worthless little runt! I tear your head off from your shoulders to make it a trophy!"

Raiden:" Oh is my head that good that it can be a reward? So nice but unfortunately for you, there is no reward for fuckers that cause problems for innocent people."

The demon was pissed before he looked at me, my dad and uncle that suddenly gave me the feeling that there were more demons or at least full blooded ones in the vicinity.

Raiden*In Thoughts*:" Well that's new. I never was able to tell whether someone was full blooded or not but then that means this one might have friends nearby."

I turned out to be right when two other freaks appeared from the ground looking just like this dude but with different clothing. My Uncle turned to and my Dad to the other so I revved up my weapon and clashed with the demon when it threw some rights and lefts while I used my sword to block his punches till I then turned the blade, causing the idiot to have his hands sliced in half with the spraying blood coating my sword and hands. I smirked and put those hand to hand combat I learned from my before father figure and his friends to start giving the guy punches and hits with my knee  that bloodied the demon but didn't slow his regeneration so I started  summoning a blue energy that is used to make normal humans stronger so long as their willpower was strong enough and their intentions were good. Unfortunately the demons was fast so he went on the offensive and managed to knock my sword out of my hands so I resorted to head butting him in the throat to give us a distance to think of a plan. So far my dad and uncle were mopping the floor with the other demons while I was so far stalemated with this one but I had to get better to help them in the future. I re summoned the energy and charged towards the demon with him doing the same and this time, I managed to hit him with a punch hard enough to go through his stomach. I retracted my fist and punched him hard in the face hard enough to knock him to the ground before running to my sword and after a few good revs, I charged forward and decapitated the demon. I smiled seeing that I finally was able to kill a demon without having to resort to my Ripper Semblance but before I could really celebrate or go to my family, someone else had entered the fray and they seemed surprised from the aftermath.

(As Stupid As This Is Gonna Sound, Please When The Time Comes For My OC To Grow Up That These Just Remain The Same Age Alright?)

The dude was wearing what I heard from my late father figure was a Japaneses kind of clothing called a kimono with a black katana that looked normal and my Devil Bringer didn't seem to catch anything demonic or magical from it. His eyes had immense levels of kindness and honesty but what really caught my eye was his scar on his head. He looked at me with shock before stepping back and putting a wooden box on the ground when suddenly my Devil Bringer started lighting up so that was a signal that there was a demon around but I looked over to see that my uncle and dad were done with their's so where was the demon? I focused on my wings and they sensed the demon was in a box, obviously I looked to the wooden box the guy was carrying with him before asking him if he was a demon to cover up my suspicion.

Tanjiro:" No, I am a demon slayer along with my friends. I never seen one as young as you though. Even the youngest of the Hashira is a teenager."

Just then I heard someone screaming out of nowhere while my senses picked up some tears, what the hell kinda of friends does this dude have? After a minute, two figures came running out in the road with one being a blonde guy wearing a bright yellow kimono that matched his eyes while he had a kitana but I could smell the fear and complete uneasiness he had on him.

The other was one damn sight to see. It was a shirtless person with a ripped body, sandals of some kind and pants that were a dark blue with brown fur around the waist but the most unique aesthetic they had was the boar mask they were wearing. I could smell the confidence and slight anger they had on them but otherwise they seemed cool.

Raiden:" These are your friend mate?"

???:" Yeah, oh wait I haven't introduced myself! My name is Tanjiro Kamado, the blonde one is Zenitsu Agatsuma and the one with the boar mask is Inosuke Hashibara. He's not very accustomed with our society but he's a strong fighter."

Inosuke*Arrogantly*:" You damn right I am! And don't you forget it!"

Zenitsu:" Who's this kid?"

Tanjiro:" He's the one that killed the demon we were sent against."

Zenitsu:" What!?!?! That tiny thing killed a strong demon on his own!?!?!?!? HOW!?!?!"

Raiden:" Jesus man, do you have to yell!? Calm the hell down before I tear out your vocal chords and feed them to a demon."

That shut the guy up but my wings were still glowing with Tanjiro so far being the only one having noticed them.

Tanjiro:" You have wings? I haven't realized that, is it because you are a Faunus?"

Raiden:" Nah but I do have something special about me." 

I was really wanting to find this demon since it was getting annoying but suddenly I heard a slight creaking sound coming from behind Tanjiro so I looked behind him to see that it was opened and what came out was not what I expected. A girl that was at first really small but suddenly grew to the size of what I would say to be the body of a thirteen year old girl. She literally just grew like nothing and just came out of the box that Tanjiro was carrying around. She was really pretty with a pink kimono and some kind of black jacket that seemed kinda big on her with a pink ribbon in her black and brown tipped hair and pink eyes that seemed so familiar to me for some reason but she also had a piece of bamboo in her mouth for some reason.

Raiden:" Well I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Raiden Redgrave and as you just witnessed or more Tanjiro did, I killed that demon because I heard it was worth a lot of cash along with it being a perfect test for me in the words of my uncle and father. Is that a a friend of your's Tanjiro?"

Before he could respond I looked to my wings and noticed that the glow was gone, meaning that I've found the demon. I looked to the girl and it hit me why but I couldn't smell a lick of hostility, cruelty or even anything negative from her, just happiness, curiosity and also...relief? Tanjiro suddenly looked scared which confused me till I looked and saw that my sword was out so I guess he thought I was gonna attack her but something about her still seemed familiar.

Raiden:" Tanjiro, why do you have a demon with you?"

Tanjiro*Scared*:" She's my sister that got turned into a demon a few years ago but I promise you that she is harmless to humans, she won't hurt you I swear that on my life! Please don't hurt her, I beg of you! She's all I have left!"

I felt my heart squeeze after hearing that. She was all he had left? Were they both orphans? I looked to the demon girl who looked at me before I remembered that she was relieved to see me but I didn't know why but I didn't get the time to before she ran to me with tears in her eyes and gave me a big hug while picking me up. I was surprised by this because I didn't even know her name or anything else about her brother but when I decided to wipe some of her tears away, I noticed something about those pink pearl eyes of hers. They were the exact same ones that I saw after I transformed into my Ripper form for the second time! She was the one who caught before I passed out and that's why she was so relieved to see me. I hugged her back while putting my face into her neck which got her to hug me tighter. (A/N: Right now the OC is currently Four Foot Three Inches Tall) After she finally let go I saw that her brother seemed shocked while the big mouth blonde was pale face and frozen but judging from his smell and heartbeat he was also pissed. The boar man was calm and uncaring but then looked to the side where my uncle and father were coming back to the road to see what was happening to my guess. I put my sword away and calmly said.

Raiden:" I only kill or hurt demons that are a threat and as far as I can tell, she is as far away from a threat as you can get."

Tanjiro*Tearing Up A Little*:" Thank you so much Raiden! You won't regret this!"

Dante:" Hey bud, are these some friends of yours?"

Raiden:" Kinda I guess since they just showed up after I killed that demon and so sure, we are homies now."

Tanjiro:" Uh hello sir. Are you his father or his uncle?"

Dante:" I'm his father bud and you four seem like demon slayers."

Raiden:" Wait what?"

Tanjiro:" Wait how do you know about the demon slayer corps? Are you a member?"

Dante:" No it's more like we have seen you guys fighting Remnant demons while we are fighting Underworld demons." 

Vergil:" Along with the fact that our father had taught us about you people. Interesting to see mere mortal humans battle and defeat immortal abominations."

Tanjiro:" Yeah and it does get crazy but your son has incredibly potential. He wasn't hit once by that demon!"

Dante:" Booyah! That's ma boy! Just like both of us Vergil."

Vergil:" Hm right now Dante I rather just leave because as peaceful as it is here, it is too out of touch with the modern world."

Dante:" Yeah, they don't even a night lamps so we know where we're going."

Raiden:" Hey Tanjiro, quick question."

Tanjiro:" Oh what is it?"

Raiden:" What's a Hashira?"

Tanjiro:" Well in the demon slayer corps there are ranks. The Hashira are the highest and most powerful of the demon slayer corps so they are sent to deal with the strongest demons."

Insouke:" Hey wait, I wanna fight one of you!"

Raiden:" NExt time we meet sure but right now I got to go get some money so see ya. *Looks At Pink Demon* Oh hey I didn't even get your name."

Tanjiro:" Oh that right there is-"

Zenitsu:" NEZUKO-CHAN!!!!"

I covered my ears before looking at the blond moron that ran to Nezuko and tried to pry her off of me but she wasn't gonna let go and since she was a demon, it's a good chance he's not gonna overpower her. Suddenly she went really happy to angry with veins appearing on her head and her eyes become like a cat's before turning to this Zenitsu guy and giving a loud angfry growl that didn't fit her petite and gentle look. 



He then ran off the opposite way with Inosuke chasing after him before Tanjiro thanked and bid me farewell before running after his friends. Nezuko though took off her bamboo thing and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek before doing the same. I blushed again since I've met two grown woman that made me blush and now a girl three or four years older than me! What the Hell is going on!?

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