Meeting a Beautiful Queen and a Night with Raven
(No one's POV)
In a land where besides Grimm of all sorts was a black castle where a pale faced woman with black and red eyes and black veins wearing a black dress gown was sitting on a throne waiting for the results of a mission she sent one of her minions on when suddenly he finally returned wearing the hood that he used to hide himself from his former employers even though none of them would go to a city like Redgrave.
???:" Ah, I see you've returned safely and hopefully with good news Watts."
The man now known as Watts removed the hood and folded up to place it on the table in the middle of the room before replying to the woman.
Watts:" I have indeed my queen. Tyrian has been permanently dealt with and with this happening in Redgrave, no one will bat an eye but what surprised me was who finished him off."
The woman raised her eyebrows before allowing Watts to continue since he wasn't easy to surprise so this could be interesting.
Watts:" Well my queen, it was a child that killed Tyrian and in a rather horrendous way that was well deserved but also he fought 8 of those demons that have escaped the Underworld despite having been stabbed right through the stomach."
A child was what killed someone like Tyrian?! As much as this woman hated Tyrian for the things he's done, one thing she will admit was that Tyrian was a very skilled fighter especially with his tail so to hear that a child killed along with 8 demons was certainly intriguing and could prove helpful for her later on but what was this that the child was stabbed through the stomach?
???:" Care to elaborate on despite having been stabbed right through the stomach Watts because even if his aura healed him a pro huntsman would have almost no chance of survival let alone winning so how did a child survive?"
Watts:" Well my queen, how about you go through my memory and you will see how?"
The woman thought what the hell before placing a hand on Watt's head and going through his memories seeing the boy and she must say for his age, which seems to be around ten years he was a cute child but when she got to the part with the boy meeting Tyrian, she was shocked to see this boy defeat him effortless while also protecting a woman at the same time. When she got to the bit where Tyrian tried to use his semblance it didn't seem to work for the fact that the child managed to seemingly either go so fast he couldn't be seen or just stopped time all together since he managed to cut Tyrian many times but then came when the boy sliced off Tyrian's other "tail" before throwing his sword and decapitating him but before the child could do anything else eight rather strong demons appeared with one stabbing him through the stomach but before anything else could happen the child's eyes became blood red and he tore the blade from his body with a lot of blood coming out but what truly surprised and impressed the queen was when the child annihilated the demons in blink of the eye attacks before collapsing into the woman that he saved arms.
???:" Nicely done Watts, this child is certainly something to be able to do all this at such a young age, we should keep a eye on him."
Watt:" Of course my queen but how do you propose we should do that?"
???:" Well first off, I would like to see him in person to see what is the source of his powers but afterwards I'll have someone else check in on him from time to time or even you offering him other jobs like this."
(Raiden's POV)
Damn it's been 6 days since I met Willow and I have to say things have been getting even better since. After that each day I've been getting even more bounty offers and even jobs that my powers would take care of with ease but best part was the pay that I've managed to hide in a abandoned warehouse I found and this was all with Willow's help when she said to the public that I have some mad skills. I've also realized that I kept on getting stronger even if I do nothing all day but unfortunately I still haven't gotten a new Devil Arm and my semblance has a drawback that really sucks: For me to activate it I have to feel excruciating pain and let me tell you having to stab yourself in the stomach and rip out your blade fucking sucks worse than a prostitute's mouth, but the upside of having my strength, speed, durability, regeneration and reflexes have a fucking huge as shit boost and not being able to feel pain makes it fucking worth it. Anyway me and Willow have been talking in secret about me maybe being able to become a official demon killer since with her wealth and her charm she could make me legally one but I told her that then General Asshole, her Devil of a husband, Ozprick and my fake "family" would then try to recruit me for their bullshit so I politely decline but then accidentally I called her mom since she acted so motherly like Raven so this might not end well when I tell Raven since she does need to know about this.I was walking around Vale bored out of my mind since bounties have taken a break so I had to find something else to do but I wondered if my real parents were dead since I was abandoned to those assholes but then there were other options like them not wanting me, them thinking they couldn't take care of me or I was kidnapped but whatever it is I'll find out but right now I need something to do so I guess I gotta wait for Raven since it has been a week and whatever she had planned I was ready for but as of now I'm just sitting on a park bench drinking a soda I bought just relaxing on a nice without any assholes to ruin it....or so I thought.
Raiden*Hears Someone*:" What the hell was that? Someone stalking me now? Damn it."
After I finished the soda and threw it in a recycle bin, I started to walk to the forest where Raven said to meet her before I felt a presence and a scent all too familiar to me before without looking blocking a strike from a sword then kicking the asshole in the stomach that caused him to skid a few feet away.I turned to see the drunk shit sack known as Qrow Branwen, Raven's "brother". I got my wings when I saw him run towards me so I blocked his sword again before using my wings to unleash a combo I used when I was around seven years old.
Qrow:" Dang kid, you not only parried my sword but also did it without looking and proceeded to give me the worse pummeling ever. I'm impressed."
Raiden:" Don't really care about impressing you Qrow. Don't you have a bar to dry out?"
I didn't really bother for him to respond so I started to walk away but again I heard his footsteps so I revved up Red Queen and slashed hard at him and what put a smirk on my face was when he tried to block it only for his weapon to break and him to be sent back hitting a tree, best part I managed to record it all on my new scroll. I flew out of there and headed to the forest when I sat on a tree branch chilling for about 15 minutes before I heard a voice I missed.
Raven:" Hey Raiden, you okay?"
Raiden:" Never better mom. Had a crazy week though."
I saw mom sit on the ground before gesturing for me to continue where I told her about the one ninety those assholes did when they found out about my powers, how I saved Willow Schnee from a scorpion Faunus serial killer and unlocked my semblance that was a S+ rank one, finding about why the Schnee Dust Company was the way it was and finally learning that I am indeed adopted. Mom's eyes became wider than dinner plates and she just seemed like she couldn't say anything but eventually she managed to open her mouth with words finally coming out.
Raven:" Well kiddo, you really did have a crazy week but you said a scorpion Faunas, did he by any chance have a long ponytail, skinny as hell and ugly as hell with a crazed smile on his face?"
I nodded before mom got a big smile on her face and gave me a pat on the head.
Raven:" Nice work Raiden, that guy was named Tyrian Callows and he needed to be put down for the amount of people he killed just to get off."
Raiden*Smiles*:" Thanks Mom! But yeah I saved Willow Schnee and she is such a good person just with a demon that deserves death like Tyrian did."
Raven:" You couldn't be any more right Raiden but I have a question did they try anything?"
Raiden:" Yeah they tried to act like parents to me but they're ten years too damn late and Yang tried to touch my wings but just today your "brother" just attacked me while sober."
Raven:" He fucking did WHAT!?!?!?!? Where is he?!?! I'll fucking kill him for that!!!"
Raiden:" Don't worry I have a recording that you might like."
I showed her the recording of me whooping his punk ass, which put a big shit eating grin on her face.
Raven:" Oh hell yeah! You're making your mama proud Raiden and breaking his weapon was genius!"
I smirked but right now I think it was time to tell her what I called Willow.
Raiden:" Hey mom, I called Willow something that I have a feeling will make you mad, so please try to stay calm."
Mom raised a eyebrow before bending down and putting a finger on my cheek in a comforting way.
Raven:" Raiden I promise I won't be mad I promise, it couldn't be that bad."
Raiden:" I called Willow....Mom."
Mom was quiet for a second before to my shock bursting into laughter while clutching her stomach with tears going down her face for a good five minutes till she finally managed to calm down.
Raven:" Raiden is that it? Kiddo why would that make me mad?"
Raiden:" Well I just thought you may have thought that I tried to replace you and you would abandon me but I won't. You were the only mother figure I had in my life for a decade so please*Starts Crying* Don't think I'm trying to replace you please!"
I cried for the first time in ten years before I felt Mom hug me while patting my head gently but I kept crying for a while. After a bit I stopped and felt my mom let go of me before looking at me with a sympathetic look on her face.
Raven:" Raiden, honestly I think another mother figure can be good for you since I have a lot of responsibilities with my tribe and a woman we're partners with, so another woman being like a mother to you can help you get the love you deserve and I'm sorry for laughing that wasn't the right thing to do."
Raiden:" It's okay mom but what are we going to do today?"
Raven:" Well kiddo I have some business to do back at my camp so you can come along if you want since I can see you have a scroll now so what do you think?"
I rapidly nodded my head since this could be a cool experience and hopefully I'll get some training in since I feel like my semblance will be much better with my sword rather than a gun judging by the "Ripper" part. She smiled and used her sword to make a red portal to her camp where I saw a lot of tough looking people smiling at Mom's return but I noticed at how they looked at me with confusion so I put my head near sword's handle in case they tried anything but Mom grabbed my head and placed it on her hip for a hug I guess before yelling out for everyone to hear.
Raven:"Alright everyone! This child is my adopted son I have told you all about and today he has not only done us a great service but all of Remnant for the reason that he has killed the bastard Tyrian Callows, avenging all the innocent lives he had taken."
One second before a guy suddenly yelled "Yeah" before the whole camp erupted into cheers at the news, complimenting and some of the girls actually calling me cute. I smiled at this before Mom lead me into a big tent before setting me down on a nice chair.
Raven:" Want a drink sweetheart?"
Raiden:" C-can I have a whiskey, please?"
Raven*Giggles* " Sure sweetheart.For what you have done you deserve a drink but I gonna put it in something so you don't throw up since the only on I have is real strong. Is that okay?"
I nodded before she grabbed a big bottle of brown whiskey that said Jack Daniel's and also grabbing some big cups. I saw some non-alcoholic drinks with one that looked good and that I saw those assholes drink during the Christmas time while I was out killing demons or spending the holidays with a guy that became my father figure with two other girls that became like sisters to me.
Raiden:" Hey mama Raven, think I can have that be the drink you mix?"
She looked kinda surprised at me strangely before asking me what I called her.
Raiden:"Oh well since you don't mind Willow being a mom to me I thought calling you Mama Raven and her Mama Willow would make things a bit easier you know?"
She giggled before grabbing the drink I pointed at while opening the whiskey drink and getting the cups out.
Raven:" Hey Raiden, you want marshmallows with your cocoa?"
Raiden:" Oh is that what that drink's called?"
Raven:" Yeah why?"
Raiden:" Oh it's just I only had some at a bar I went to during Christmas time and the owner always gave me a free cup with a candy cane in it but I never knew the name."
Raven:" Well kiddo this is hot cocoa or as most people call it hot chocolate."
Raiden:" Chocolate?! I love chocolate! It's the best flavor ever!"
(Raven's POV)
I couldn't help but giggle seeing Raiden actually act his age rather than being too mature than a ten year old should be.I started the cocoa before grabbing a bag of small marshmallows but out of the corner of the eye, I saw Raiden look at a big of normal size marshmallows with eyes that showed a hungry child.I opened the bag before throwing him a big on that he just shoved into his mouth before looking at me with innocent eyes.
Raiden*Muffled:" Thwak yu Mamo Wven!"
I felt my heart skip a beat to this cuteness I was looking at but right now I had a drink to make. I finished the cocoa and even though I knew this was illegal I put a little whiskey into it and then the marshmallows before handing it to my new and MUCH better child. Raiden sniffed the drink a little before taking a tentative sip of it, and here's me without my sunglasses now I have been blinded but hey worth it to see him smile. He downed the rest of the drink before giving me a hug but I realized that the whiskey bottle was about to fall but then Raiden did something a little funny not gonna lie: He used his mouth to catch the bottle by the top of the handle but that course made more whiskey to go down his throat before I was able to take it. I saw the brand new whiskey bottle now 1/3 empty before looking to see that Raiden was okay but seemed fairly tired now with his eyes being almost closed.
Raiden:" I feel so tired but it tasted so good though."
I looked to the clock to see that it was getting late surprisingly and that me having drank for a long time, I knew a newbie like Raiden would pass out from whiskey so I gently picked him up and laid down on my bed while using my chest as a pillow for him before kissing his head.
Raven:" Good night my brave little Knight."
(Morning Time No One's POV)
It was now 8:30 in the morning and Raiden was now waking up to see the rise of the beautiful sun before getting up from Raven's chest and walking around the camp but since everyone was asleep there wasn't much to do besides take a walk into the woods so that's exactly what he did. While Raiden was walking around he saw the animals starting to wake up and no Grimm for some reason which was fine but he couldn't help but feel that someone of something was watching him so he stayed vigilant.
Raiden:" Doesn't seem like any Grimm are around or any demons. Demons seem to have more advantages compared to Grimm since demons seem to be able to regenerate and work together now that I think about it. Also that first one I killed seem to know some combat in a way so they can actually think instead of being fucking rabid freaks."
Raiden then about half a hour of walking around felt the presence of a Grimm in his area so he got Blue Bolt out ready when he saw it. A King Tajitsu, a giant snake Grimm that didn't even look intimidating to Raiden but he was bored so why not kill a pest, that was his job technically.
King Tajitsu*Hisses with it's jaws open*
Raiden:" King huh? Yeah here's your crown."
Raiden fired one shot that went inside the Grimm's mouth before it just exploded the Grimm's head.
Raiden:" Well that was a disappointing showing, you pathetic reptile."
???:" Indeed it was but yours wasn't child."
Raiden quickly turned around to see a white as snow skinned woman with hair to match and black eyes with red irises.
Raiden:" Hello, are you lost madam?"
The woman raised her eyebrows at the boy's reaction.
???*Thoughts*" Why isn't he afraid of me? He's even willing to help me because he thinks I'm lost?"
Raiden then grabbed the woman's hands with his small but strong hands.
Raiden:" Don't worry madam, I'll help you."
The woman decided to follow to wherever the boy would take but over the time she couldn't feel any hostile or negative feelings from the boy, only his caring hands holding hers and his reassuring that he's gonna help her. Soon they got out of the forest and when they did, Raiden hugged the woman's legs even though they were under a black dress, which truly shocked the woman.
Raiden:" See? I told you I would help you."
???*Thoughts*" This is the strangest person I have ever met and he's....hugging me. When was the last time anyone has ever done that to me? Oh right, Ozpina."
Raiden:" Miss, if you don't mind can I have your name?"
His beautiful blue eyes shined in the morning light and she couldn't help but feel a feeling that she believed would've been gone forever, but then she wondered what was going through the boy's mind. She patted his head and used that way to see what was going on and she couldn't help but get a rosy tint on her cheeks.
Raiden*Thoughts*"I wonder what such a beautiful woman was doing in the woods? I hope she isn't hurt but this is the third time I've met a beautiful woman in under a week and it has me helping them in some way. Well it feels nice to help her but I guess I should get back to Mom."
Raiden was about to leave before the woman called out to him.
???:" Salem."
Raiden:" Is that your name?"
Salem nodded before Raiden gave her a cute smile before saying another thing that the woman once again was shocked to hear.
Raiden:" Well pretty lady, mine is Raiden Redgrave and I'll be seeing you later. I got to get back to my mom before she worries."
Salem:" I can teleport you there if you wish child."
Raiden:" Oh that would be nice actually*Hugs her* Thank you!"
Salem:" Your welcome and I will see you again one day my child."
Raiden was then teleported back at the entrance of Raven's camp and when he entered he saw Raven with a stern look on her face.
Raven:" And where have you've been young man?"
Raiden:" Oh I went out for a walk and killed a King Tajitsu Grimm. No one was awake so I had nothing else to do and I didn't want to wake you up."
Raven stared at Raiden for a minute before the look became replaced with a smile.
Raven:" Well so long as you're safe then that's all that matters."
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