Hello Beautiful
(Raiden's POV)
It's been two hours since I woke up from my breast bed as I would that and got back here to these asshole's home but what really annoys me is that I haven't found out a new last name for myself yet. Anyway so far all I've been doing is writing some name suggestions but none were for me.I couldn't take Raven's since that reminded me too much of her drunk ass of a brother, I tried some other names I heard around Redgrave City but they were either related to some less than appeasing people or had a dark background so I couldn't use them. Just then I looked down the window of the pathetic room they gave me which was empty except for a filthy torn up mattress and the before mentioned window, to see that Summer was back and talking to Tai who I knew was gonna bring up the damn baseball thing so that was gonna be a pain in the ass to deal with. I hid the notebook under the bed to not get anymore questions then walked downstairs to see if I could sneak out to go back to Redgrave to find some more bounties to hunt down but then Ruby Hos and her sister Yang Bitch Ass showed up with their stupid smiles and mutt.
Ruby:" Hey big brother, mom's back and said we are going out to get some ice cream!"
I rolled my eyes since this was a big waste of my time and I'd rather go get paid for kicking ass also because I wouldn't mind another melee Devil Arm to use in case I can't use Red Queen. I also just really wanted to leave these assholes since now they know I have power, they'll find a way to take advantage of it, yeah FUCK THAT!!!
Raiden:"I'll pass."
Both girls seemed shocked by that answer but when I tried to walk by, Yang tried to block my path so I threw her aside but unfortunately she hit the couch but whatever she's out of the way.
Ruby:" But big brother, ice cream is one of the best things ever! You have to try it!"
Raiden:" No you WANT me to try it and I don't really care about what you want so the answer is no."
I started to walk out and managed to leave the house and get outside, only to bump into the big blonde jackass and the white hooded whore.
Raiden*In mind* " Goddammit."
Summer was there with a surprised look and Tai with a happy smile that I wanted to slice off his face but I knew summoning Red Queen would make more question being asked so I restrained myself.
Summer: " Raiden my sweet, is it true? Do you have a semblance?"
I sighed in annoyance before answering because while I know I said I would stop hiding my powers that didn't mean I was gonna like it.
Raiden:" Yes I have a semblance that allows me to have many abilities besides what he witnessed."
Summer had a big smile on her face after hearing that but that got replaced with confusion when I dodged a hug she tried to give me.
Summer:"S-sweetie, why did you dodge?"
Tai:"Yeah she was just gonna hug you Raiden."
Raiden:" Simple.I don't want to be hugged by anyone and I have to let my wings out Taiyang."
I let my wings out that as I expected shocked the hell out of the 4 but not to attract too much attention I quickly removed the claws and let the wings flap above my shoulders but then Ruby and Yang got closer which annoyed me.
Ruby:" Wow they are so pretty Raiden!"
Yang:" They are Ruby! Oh hey can I touch them?"
Raiden:" NO!"
I screamed out that silenced everyone including their mutt and to make them know I was serious I extended my wings and added the claws that were longer than about a foot.
Raiden:" Don't you dare go near my wings."
Both Ruby and Yang backed away in fear while Summer and Tai were shocked by Raiden's outburst but mostly his wings since they have never heard of a semblance that can give a person extendable appendages that can be hidden like that.
Tai:" O-okay Raiden we won't but right now we need to get ready."
Raiden:" For what exactly Taiyang?"
I internally smirked at Tai's face when I called him by his name rather than dad but then his whore had to butt in.
Summer:" Well sweetie, we planned to go get some ice cream and wondered if you wanted to join us."
Raiden:" And if I say no?"
Summer's face turned into shock again while Yang and Ruby still fucked off, which I was all for after all, if she breathes, she's a thot.
Summer:" Well we though maybe you wo-."
Raiden:" Well you all thought wrong because I got to say I was fine being left out of all your fun little activities before but now that you know I'm not powerless you want me involved. Yeah nah I'm good so how about you go ahead and I'll just be here alone?"
They all had shocked looks when I finished my sentence but once again someone had to open their fucking mouth.
Tai:" But Raiden, you have only a few years till your old enough to go to Signal and train to be a huntsman. Don't you wanna savor the youth that you have with your family?"
My eyes twitched and I felt my anger start to heat up. The decade of youth I had was you ignoring and beating me! What childhood did I have that makes you think I can savor fucking anything?!?!
Raiden:" My answer is still no, I am not going anywhere with you people that ruined ten years of my life now you suddenly just want to be in my life? What a joke so no I have nothing to savor or anything that I would want to do with you Taiyang."
Tai:" Raiden, please don't call me that. Your suppose to call me dad. Your my son."
Raiden:" That's not gonna happen so get used to it. I remember when I was younger you hated it whenever I called you that and now you want to be called that well too bad, you have two daughters so let them call you that."
I was starting to get sick of talking to these assholes but they still didn't get the message even though it was clearer than glass. I was ready to just push past the two "parents" so I could leave but then Yang got up from the couch she was on and ran to grab my arm to try to stop me but I just kept walking since her grip was no where near as strong as me so she was just getting dragged onto the wood floor before she finally let go and fell onto the floor.
Raiden:" What was that suppose to do?"
Yang:" We just want you to come br-"
Raiden:" Just leave me alone."
I had enough of this so I ran up to my "room" and locked the door which seem to finally get through their brains to fuck off and I heard them leave. After about 10 minutes I left to go to Redgrave to find a bounty for something till I found one that was talking about a Faunas that was a convicted serial killer responsible for the deaths of dozens of innocent people and multiple attempted arson charges to cover up his tracks. I took the job since I wanted this asshole 6 feet under for the only reason being that more would die if I didn't but while I was leaving I saw a skinny guy walk up to me with a brown mustache and a nearly emotionless look on his face.
???:" Hello child if you bring me back that bastard's head, I'll pay three times the amount your manager is offering."
Raiden:" Hmm, will the cash be up front?"
The guy nodded his head before moving aside to show off a few briefcases that were opened showing stacks and stacks of hundred dollar bills. I nodded my head and with that the dude left while I checked to see that this bastard was worth a million dollars for not only the amount of kills and the crimes but also for the fact he escaped the custody of the Atlas assholes three times with terrifying ease so I guess putting him down is the best option to have justice for those people. I saw that the last place he was seen was near the Atlas borders where a bunch of bars were lined up so I guess I gonna have to deal with some more drunk fucks but I had to deal with one for a decade so I should be fine. I payed the fine for a Uber and got to the bar that looked brand new from the outside features and had the usually laughing drunks and prostitutes flirting with the poor souls chosen but then suddenly I heard a woman cry out before a splashing sound came after. I ran to the area I heard it from which was around the right side where a big stone fountain of the Schnee Dust Company aka the jackasses with illegal labor forces and with a cum stained mustached sack of shit calling the shots, but I then saw that it was that dude on the poster trying to drown a woman in the fountain while also trying to cope a feel of her ass. I grabbed Blue Rose and fired at his left leg that made him let go and fall down yelling for the whole world to hear. I ran to the woman and put her on the curb so I could deal with this jackass, who then got up and flipped out a switchblade with a blade that was about 7 inches and stained with dried blood, blood of the innocent.I fired two shots, one at the blade to break it and the other to his hand to make it where he couldn't use another weapon if he had one but he managed to dodge that one.
???:" Oh my young man, You have quite the aim don't you? Why are you out so late though little man?"
Raiden*Revs up Red Queen*:" Bagging a bitch."
I ran towards the jackass and tried to get a slice out of him but he dodged again and pulled out a pistol but I wasn't gonna let him shoot , best way to make sure? Slice half of the gun off and let it explode into the shooter's hand of course. The asshole howled surprisingly before giving one creepy ass smile and then laughed like this sadist I remember seeing with a prostitute but I shook my head to focus when he ran to try to attack me so I grabbed Red Queen since I didn't have enough time to reload my gun and started slashing but he was a fast son of a bitch that kept dodging while I was dodging his Faunus feature: A scorpion stinger.
???:" Little boy, you know you have skill for being so young. Maybe my mistress will reward me if I bring you to her ~After all, it's been a while since I had a good stress relief~"
Ugh are you kidding me? Who the fuck would ever want to fuck this ugly bastard? It probably be some snuff shit since he probably gets off of killing people but then I realized that he probably doesn't mean consensually, which pissed me off more than what those bastards tried to pull when they saw that throw. I quickly loaded my gun and fired all the rounds but he used his stinger's point to cut them out of the air and tried to hit me with it but I somersaulted out of the way but I saw that he was standing over the woman with his stinger up an his eyes glowing purple but I managed to dropkick his shit grin off his face and save her.
I looked to check if the woman was okay and besides a nasty bruise on her forehead she was okay just terrified so I grabbed the sides of her head by her cheeks gently and made her look at me.
Raiden:" It's okay I promise. I'll take care of this asshole and I'll take you to wherever you were going or wherever you're from afterwards, okay?"
She slowly nodded her head before looking behind me where her eyes widened so I grabbed Red Queen and blocked his stinger and used what I call Quicksilver to lay some combos on this motherfucker that left him decently bloodied but what interested me was that he actually looked shocked rather than that shit face he had minutes before.
???:" What the hell?!?! Why isn't my semblance effecting you you stupid fucking shit stain?!?!?!"
I smirked before doing something I've been wanting to do for a while to some of the demons I've killed but decided this bitch was good enough, I revved up my baby and in a millisecond flashed forward and sliced his dick off. The jackass screamed so loud I had to cover my ears but I realized a perfect opportunity that this gave me and I acted on it by cutting off his tail and shooting his other leg. The Faunus was now on the ground grabbing his now none existent dick crying like a bitch before deciding to scream out to either me or to himself I'm guessing by the way he was sounding.
???:" Mistress please forgive me, no wait I can still fight I can still take this brat to you! I'll show you I've earned being in your inner circle!"
I shook my head in disappointment at his stupidity since not only was he was about as dead as door nail with the amount of blood he was losing but also I promised to bring back his head.
Raiden:" You can have me, if you can earn me and all you've earned*Revs up Red Queen* Is death."
I then threw a revved up Red Queen at his neck and his head came clean off and ended up in my hands alongside my sword. I placed it into a box that I brought so I wouldn't be asked or more likely attacked for this but before I could walked over to the woman I heard a deep and loud growl coming from above me and I backflipped out of the way to see these motherfuckers.
(Imagine 8 of them)
Just when I thought this was going smoothly, these things appear but whatever I went to pick up Red Queen and was ready to kick ass before I suddenly felt some sharp excruciating pain from my stomach and looking own I saw that one of these bastards managed to stab into my stomach. I had to help the lady I saved, this shitbags will cut her up if I don't but the pain was insane and I was bleeding fast but then when it looked like it was over I ripped the cleaver out and felt something I didn't know I could feel.
I then sliced two more in half before anything could blink and I saw that one of these dumbasses was running and ready to cut me.
Raiden:" Stupid pest."
I stabbed it through the stomach and turned it crappy guts into mush by revving up and I kicked the corpse towards the last two who sliced it in half to prevent being hit.
Raiden:" This is all you got to offer? How fucking disappointing, even shitty hair put up a better fight."*Laughs sadistically*
The one on the right jumped up to do a falling slash but that ended with with my blade through his neck. The last ran over but that ended with grabbing the Faunus's cut off tail and stabbing the point into one of their skulls and the last one was only a inch of from me so I did the most reasonable thing: I made a big and deep slash mark on it's chest and when it landed I shoved my hand through it to rip out it's heart and crush it like a aged grape. Suddenly I felt this "feeling" fade and when I turned and walked over to the woman despite that my vision was blurry as hell, I managed to see that look of appreciation and shock on her face along side the smile that showed she was safe but that was all before I collapsed into her arms.
{Timeskip 30 minutes Raiden's POV}
I opened my eyes to see a pure white light and what looked to be clouds.
Raiden:" Thoughts" Damn it, did I seriously die from some sex-depraved psycho? Well it's better than letting those sacks of shit do it but still bit weird that I landed in Heaven of all places."
I started to move around a little to see that "Heaven" seemed a bit cramped but then I felt my vision finally return and I saw that I was in a weird ass place and with me lying on a pure white bed that was decently comfortable.
Raiden:" What the hell? What kind of part of Heaven has a room this cramped?"
Just then I heard a door open from the left of me and I turned to see who walked in, a woman with pure white hair in a ponytail that was put on her left shoulder, bright blue eyes and pale white skin that almost matched her hair. She was wearing a blue skirt that covered her legs, a blue no sleeve jacket with a red stone around her neck and a blue belt around her waist.
Raiden:" Guess I am really dead and went to Heaven didn't I?"
The white haired woman giggled before responding in a voice that sounded so motherly and comforting like the first time I met Raven.
???:" No child, your not dead. Why did you think you were?"
Raiden:" Because I thought you were an angel when I saw you walk in."
The woman's pale face became red when I said that but she shook it off and looked at me with those blue eyes of her's.
???:" Well child I am human and I thank you so much for saving me from those monsters. Though I don't think it really would have mattered much if you chose not to."
When she said that I was sitting up shocked that she would say something so morbid. Why wouldn't I save her? She was just a innocent woman and judging with help from my senses not at all drunk walking around till some psycho tried to kill her for no reason other than that he just wanted to. I then got a better look at the woman to see if I have see her before since I've seen a lot of people with five years of being a demon killer. I saw that she was beautiful, so beautiful that it rivaled Raven's but I could see in her eyes that there was some sadness in them so I decided to ask since I cheered up Raven when we first met so why not try with her, this was the same scenario.
Raiden:" Miss, if you don't mind me asking, why are you so sad?"
She looked at me before sighing deeply.
???:" Okay child, I guess I should talk to someone even if they might not be aware of it's meaning. Today is my second daughter's tenth birthday but my "husband" didn't show up and we got into our worse argument where he blurted out that he only married me due to my name and wealth. My oldest daughter was devastated when she heard that but my daughter whose birthday it is today believes it was MY fault that her father wasn't there, so I left Atlas to try to clear my head but as you witnessed that was a nearly fatal idea."
I just stood there, taking everything in about what should have been a nice day for her family but instead became the day that could've been her last but I got up anyway and walked over to her and from what I can tell from how tense she got gave her a hug to hopefully cheer her up, which worked when I felt her hug me back then start thanking me over and over for this. After a while she let go and I then decided to introduce myself to stir up a conversation since while I did want to cash in my prizes, I honestly liked helping people that deserved it like her and Raven.
Raiden:" Well miss, my name's Raiden, can I get your's?"
???:" Oh! Yes I haven't introduced myself. Well my name is Willow Schnee."
Schnee? But wait she's so kind and she seems to care about her daughter to the point she got pissed at her husband for not going to her birthday. Then it hit me, she said that Jacques had married her only for HER name and wealth which would mean that HER name was actually Schnee not Jacques's like I originally thought but wait why the hell was he the one calling all the shots? Everyday you learn something knew since today I learn that Jacques Schnee will die by my hands and that his wife is a victim that had her company, name and daughter stolen from her.
Raiden:" I'm so sorry Willow but I promise you, one day that will change."
She gave me a smile that would lighten up a thunderstorm and hugged me again.
Willow:" I'm sure it will child. Is there anyway I can repay you for saving me?"
I would feel bad taking money from a woman that is probably hitting her lowest point but then remembering what Raven told me, I got one idea of something. After ten minutes I got the DNA results from the doctor that shocked the hell out of me when it said that the reason I passed out was that my semblance had manifested and that after it subsided, my remaining energy wasn't enough to keep me awake but the name of the semblance was "Jack the Ripper" fitting. I was also told by the doctor that my mother's name wasn't Summer but rather someone named Cereza and that my father wasn't Taiyang but instead a guy named Dante, meaning that I was adopted. Damn that is a relief since that means I'm not related to trash but anyway afterwards of hearing that, I left with Willow to make sure she was okay to meet the emotionless dude that offered me that money for the Faunus's head.
???:" Hello child."
Me and Willow jolted and looked behind with my hand ready to grab Blue Rose but we calmed down when we saw it was him.
???:" Did you bring me what I asked for?"
I threw him the box and when he looked in, I could just barely make out the smirk on his face.
???:" Well done and as I promised."
He handed me the money and simply just left without another word.Willow then took my hand and guided me to a bullhead heading to Atlas, while we were traveling I opened up and explained to her that what those monsters were and what my occupation was, which shocked her but then she promised to keep my secret safe and that if I needed anything to give her a call but then she suddenly pulled out the most advanced scrolls created and punched in her number.
Raiden:" I-is that for me?"
Willow*Giggles*" Yes my dear child, it is."
She gave it to me and I hugged her again before she had to leave. While I went back to Patch unfortunately I came up with the perfect new last name for myself that should've been easy to choose.
Raiden:" Well Remnant, please welcome Raiden Redgrave."
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