Four Mothers

I OWN NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!

(Raiden's POV)
Right now I just woke up from a great sleep and what I hope isn't a dream that I have found my real parents. I got up to look around myself to see that I was in a room with black wall paint and so far only the massive bed that had curtains on the sides I was laying on.

(Just imagine the covers and pillows are black as well)

Raiden:" Whoa, this is a nice bed or at least a upgrade of the one I had to sleep on."

 But when I got up to leave the room I saw that there were two other doors in the room so being a kid, I went to see what they were and got to say that this was a good room. The first door was to a spotless bathroom with a nice shower to it.

 The other was a big closet that had several drawers in it and a bright light over it that lit up the whole room.

Raiden:" Damn, nice closet. Wait, where are Mom and Dad?"

Jeez that is so damn weird to say or I suppose more the dad part since I had three mothers before I found them with one the sister of the drunk fucker and the leader of a pretty cool tribe, one the rightful owner of one of the biggest companies on Remnant but has no say because of her asshole of a husband with a lice filled mustache, a mother that might be a demon herself that adopted a girl I saved from three thots and now my real mother all I knew about her was that she was a demon hunter like me and was named Cereza.

Raiden:" This is gonna be a crazy as fuck day but I guess it was gonna happen at some point if I wanted to be away from those pieces of shit. Oh man and that man with the blue trench coat, was he another relative of mine? Won't do me any good just sitting here a-*Realization Hits and Eyes Widen*  Oh shit I didn't tell them about the good people I've met during the years, only about the assholes that treated me like shit. Damn it now they might be heading to one of them right now!"

I ran to my door and looked around to see if my parents or maybe the other man was still around but walking through a house you've never been in is a problem so it took me a minute to actually find anything but eventually I ended up in what was a insanely nice looking kitchen.

Raiden:" Damn, Dad and Mom must be hella good bounty hunters to be able to get a home like this but where are they?"

Dante:" Right behind you bud."

I jumped and out of reflect threw a punch that sent my Dad to the ground and I was scared that he may get mad enough to hit me but when he got back up, he had a smile on his face before laying his hand on my head to rub my hair.

Dante:" Now that was a damn good punch little guy but I noticed your scent changed a bit after you punched me. Why's that?"

Raiden:" I-I just thought you would get mad at me for hitting you. Why aren't you?" 

Dante:" First off Raiden, I want you to understand that I will NEVER and I mean NEVER hurt you. I'm not like those pieces of shit me and your mom mistakenly left with. As for why I'm not mad is because I wanted to see how strong you've gotten from killing demons for five whole years and that punch shows that you've gain control over your strength."

Raiden:" Kinda had to since the first time I learned about my strength was when I shattered a massive brick wall when I punched it out of anger."

Dante:" I see but if you don't mind, can I see your weapon?"

I nodded before handing him Red Queen and Blue Rose.

Dante:" Yep these here are definitely Devil Arms buddy and this one right here*Holds Out Blue Rose* Is the one I left in that alleyway. Guess you picked it up."

I nodded before remembering what I was gonna tell them and decided my dad could tell my mom... or rather my biological mom.

Raiden:" Hey Dad, there's more to the story when you guys left me with "them"."

Dante:" I had a feeling there was, please tell me there was some good in it."

Raiden*Smiles*:" Plenty to last a life time Dad. And I had some... parental figures that helped me become tougher than I original was."

Dante*Smiles*:" Well that's good that some people were able to be actual good people but anyway bud, how about we go out and you can tell me the rest of the story?"

Raiden*Smiles and Hugs Dante*:" Yeah Dad, it would be great to speak to a actual good father."

{Timeskip 15 Minutes}

Right now me and Dad were at a popular restaurant that sold awesome food and while there he said to order anything I wanted but I felt that he wouldn't be able to afford it....till he flashed me over what looked like over thousands of stacks of hundred dollar bills in his red jacket and a pure gold credit. I ordered a big stack of pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream with maple syrup, three sausage biscuits, lots of bacon and a big glass of orange juice while Dad ordered himself a ham and cheese omelette and a side of toast with a glass of apple juice.

(Raiden's Meal)

(Dante's Meal)

Dante:" Well buddy, you said you had some stuff you wanted to tell me."

Raiden:" Oh right sorry, I just never had food this good. I always had to cook my own food and that ended about as well as you would expect at my age."

I could see the wrath of Hell itself in my Dad's eyes but after using the last of my orange juice to wash down the bacon and the first biscuit, I turned to him and started the rest. 

Raiden:" Well Dad I said that TEAM STRQ were the ones that treated me like shit for a decade but there's something most people don't know about the team that I learned."

Dante:" What's that?"

Raiden:" That one of the members got kicked out and was the only one of the four remained a good person despite what they've been through."

Dad seemed to ponder for a few seconds on who it probably was but then he looked at me a look that meant he gave up.

Raiden:" That person is Raven Branwen. Everything you heard about her was a big pile of fucking lies that those asshole said about her and she had in one day been more of a mother than that red headed slut."

Dante:" I knew there was something not right about that shit they were saying but damn just a day a better parent than a damn fucking decade. It's fucking depressing if you ask me."

Raiden:" Yeah but it gets even worse. Did you know she had a daughter of her own?"

Dante:" Wait really? I never knew that part."

Raiden:" Well she completely hates a mother she never met and literally says to that drunk rat bastard that Raven needs to die despite how she is a good person and a hell of a mother. She trained me in sword combat and how to use your senses for your surroundings. That brat just uses her damn anger and dumbass hair to win fights."

Dante*Shakes Head in Disappointment*:" Controlling your emotions during a fight is pivotal since just a moment in a fight could not only decide the winner but kill someone. The three members of the "legendary" team of Remnant can't teach even that. Speaking of those cunts, how about that piece of shit "father" that tried to do a one eighty on you?"

Raiden:" He always sicks their mutt on me before they found out about my powers and tried to get me to spend time with them. What a damn joke. But you know what, he don't fucking matter I have you now."

My Dad smiled before rubbing my hair again, just then a waiter came over with a ticket.

Dante:" Just put it on my account, alright?"

We got up and left but I then told him about Willow.

Raiden:" Hey Dad, there's another woman that's like a mom to me and I think you might find her unexpected."

Dante:" Who is she?"

Raiden:" Willow Schnee, the rightful owner of the Schnee Dust Company."

Dante*Surprised*:" Really? How did that happen?"

Raiden:" Well I took a job from some dude to kill this Faunus serial killer named Tyrian Callows and when I found him-

Dante:" Wait the Tyrian Callows!? You killed that demented bastard at just ten years old!?!? HAHA, that's my boy!"

 Raiden:" Oh, thanks Dad. Anyway he was trying to drown Willow in a fountain but I managed to stop him then I killed him but I may have done it in a way that some may call too brutal but I saw it has justified."

Dante:" What you do?" 

Raiden:" Uh, I sliced off his balls."

Dad was silent for a few moments before busting out laughing that ended with him grabbing his stomach and his face turning red.

Dante*Out Of Breathe*:" Oh holy shit! Now that is what you call justice kiddo! Making your old man proud!"

Raiden*Smiles*:" Well there's more if you want to know Dad."

Dante:" That would be good to know."

Raiden:" Well after I saved Willow, I met her oldest daughter who is the only other good person living in that mansion with those assholes. Another woman I met was a woman named Salem. Ring any bells?"

Dante:" Salem? You met her? Well you keep impressing me more and more Raiden. Wait, do you know who she is or what she does?"

Raiden*Tilts Head*:" No why?"

Dante:" Well you'll be told what she does or rather you'll will find out eventually."

Raiden:" Okay, I'll take your word for it Dad but where's Mom?"

Dante*Jokingly*:" Which one?"

Raiden*Smirks*:" The one your with."

Dante:" She's out hunting angels for a client of her's."

Raiden*Confused*:" Angels? Aren't they good creatures tho?" 

Dante:" Suppose to be but the one we've dealt with were some evil bastards."

Raiden:" I guess looks are deceiving but I got a question for you. Have you heard of the Glass Unicorn Dad?"

Dante:" Unfortunately yes, hate those fucking stuck up assholes that think just cause they got cash they are better than the rest of us. Why you ask Raiden? You have some experience with those bitches? Some heads I need to tear off?"

I looked around before seeing a newspaper a guy left on a bench he was sitting on so I grabbed its and handed it to Dad with a smirk on my face.

Raiden*Smirks*:" Bit late for that Dad."

Dad took the paper and read it, the smirk on his face showed that he was even more proud of me than he was before.

Dante:" Bud from now on, you come to me for whatever the hell you want because I've been wanting to kill those whores for so long and to know that my son has makes it better."  

Raiden*Smiles*:" Noted Dad and I'll be holding you to that. Don't forget."

Dante*Smirks*:" I don't forget *Smirk turns into Glare* Or forgive."

Just then a portal appeared next to us and out came my mother... biological mother that is.

Bayonetta:" Well, my dear husband and baby boy are out in the big bad city with me. How sad but the father and son bonding must've been what my baby needed."

Dante:" From what he's told me, he needed a father figure way more than a mother figure."

Bayonetta:" Oh, is that so Dante? Well I think it's time that I get to be the to spend some time with my baby. You did say yesterday that he was our son."

Dante*Holds Hands up Surrender*: Alright, alright. I got to go kill some demons anyway." 

My Dad walked away and now I was in the arms of my biological mother. Damn this will be interesting and awesome."

Raiden*Happily Hugs Bayonetta*:" Mommy!"

Bayonetta:" Oh it's so good to finally be called that by my baby!"

After about ten minutes of walking and me in her warm arms, she took something out of her pocket and handed it to me.

Bayonetta:" Want one darling?"

Raiden:" Sure, thanks Mommy!"

I took the lollipop but then Mom patted me on the head and asked me a question.

Bayonetta:" Baby, I heard by scroll from your father that you had three mother figures and killed the horrid scum from the Glass Unicorn. Was there anything else that you might have missed?"

Raiden:" Well, I also saved the adopted girl there they were abusing and then Salem became her new mother. She also gave me two strong semblances along with my original that took a while for me to gain by myself."

Bayonetta*Intrigued*:" Oh, you were born with a semblance? When you were born we were told that you weren't gonna be able to have a semblance but you just proved that doctor wrong."

Raiden:" Well for the past five years I've been good at that. I saved a few people from demons or other assholes, killed a demon when I was just five to get Red Queen as a reward, after five more years I've met Raven Branwen who was the only good person left from TEAM STRQ, Willow Schnee who was a prisoner in her own mansion because of her jackass husband, Salem who Dad told me I'll either be told what she does or I'll find out on my own."

Mom smiled before giving me a kiss on my forehead.

Bayonetta:" You'll get stronger my dear baby but please just know that me and your father will love you no matter what. You are my only child and nothing will make me hate you. These powers you have is yours and no one's else, you have any and all right to do whatever you choose to do with these powers."

I couldn't help but tear up a little at my mother's words and gave her a strong hug that she reciprocated, but when I looked up I saw that we were at a big department store.

Raiden:" Hey Mom, why are we here?"

Bayonetta:" Simple sweetie, I'm gonna spoil you since I can tell that you never had anything from those bastards."

Mom put me down and held me down while we walked around and me looking around, I saw a bunch of cool stuff but what really caught my eye was a massive TV that on the box said it was seventy inches.

On the other side was a big computer monitor with a keyboard that lit up and a headset that looked pretty cool.

Mom must've noticed because when I turned back to her she had this smirk on her face.

Bayonetta:" ~See something you like, darling~?"

Raiden:" O-Oh, sorry it's just I never was allowed to watch TV or anything like that."

Mom had a pissed off look on her face temporarily but she took a deep breath to calm down.

Bayonetta:" Well I am not that little white cunt that failed you as a mother darling, so what do you want to have? You know what, never mind darling I'm getting you both."

Raiden:" But the prices-

Bayonetta:" Are nothing your Mummy can not afford. Being alive for as long as I have, you find ways to make wealth last centuries to even millennia."

Mom went and picked up the two electronics with ease but before we left, I saw one more thing that really looked cool.

Bayonetta:" ~ Go on, take it darling~"

I looked up to her with wide eyes with some worry but she just patted my head.

Bayonetta:" Don't be shy darling, ~it's nothing Mummy can't afford for you~"

I looked over to the console before like lightning, grabbing it and hugging her leg with one leg and with the console box in the other.

Bayonetta:" ~That's mummy's good baby boy~"

We went to the cashier to pay for it but we were right behind one of the worse fucking people you could ever fucking imagine: A Goddamn Karen.

Karen:" What do you mean this coupon doesn't work anymore?! It's a coupon, so that means that it works for discounts damn it!"

Cashier:" Mam, I'm sorry but coupons do expire after some time and these have been expired for over a week. They don't work anymore."

Karen:" Yes they do you damn moron! Just take them and give me my stuff!"

Customer:" Or just pay with cash lady! If they say it's expired then too bad!" 

Bayonetta:" Yes "mam" just use cash or card so the rest of us can get on with our lives."

Karen*Glares Back At Them*:" You two shut the hell up! This is more important than anything in your lives, so zip it and show some respect!" 

Suddenly everyone felt some kind of pressure in the area that made it hard to breathe but this was directed more towards the Karen, who looked back hesitantly to see it was my mother, by the way the pressure didn't really affect me.

Bayonetta*Bloodlust and Furious Glare*:" Let us get this straight you filthy mouth whore, there is nothing, NOTHING! More important in my life than my husband or my son. So watch your mouth less you want to choke on your own teeth and blood."

The woman pulled out her wallet and threw her money on the counter before running out the building with her tail between her legs like a little bitch.

Bayonetta:" Pathetic whore."

My mom is so fucking cool!

Raiden:" Hey mom, do you ever want to meet the three that became my mothers before I found you and Dad?"

Mom was silent before a smile was found on her beautiful face.

Bayonetta:" They deserve thanks... and a son of their own."

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