Finally Reunited With A True Father
{Raiden's POV}
Damn, now that was one hell of a night. I saved a girl from some bitch and her two whores, met Salem again and made her a mother by letting her adopt the said girl and got to spend a night in Mama Willow's crib with her oldest and best child Winter, who I also bathed with her.....That is probably one of the weirdest things I have ever said yet but hey she's beautiful like her mother and I got to sleep in the best bed ever as well. I was starting to wake up and as I might as well expect at this point, I woke up with my face in a pair of boobs.
Raiden*Thoughts*:" Is this just gonna be a natural occurrence for me?"
Winter looked to still be sleeping and I didn't want to leave her room since none of her staff except a guy I remember Mama Willow saying was Klein knew I was here so I had to wait until she woke up for me to leave since I wanted to see if there were gonna be any bounties worth my time and speaking of which, the pretty white haired angel was waking up.
Winter*Yawns*:"Good morning Raiden. Hope you had a good night's rest."
I couldn't help but chuckle at seeing Winter act like a older sister would act towards their younger sibling though the bathing part was not meant to be part of it.
Raiden:"Best I had in years but you might want to let go of me Winter. I'm kinda squished into your chest."
Winter tensed up before looking to see that I was in her boobs with her arms around my head.
Winter*Lets go*:" S-sorry Raiden, I tend to do that to a plushie I had when I was younger so having someone else sleeping with me, I guess you just reminded me of it."
Raiden:" It's cool but your awake now and I got some bounties to check on but I want to say bye to Mama Willow first if that's okay with you."
Winter got out of bed, letting me see that she was wearing a light blue sleeping gown with her hair loose and down.
Winter:" Sure since the staff workers wouldn't be able to keep their mouths shut about a child being here since my "father" would fire them in a instant."
I nodded before she went to collect some clothes from a very expensive looking closet she had before she pointed to her desk that had a pair of black jeans and a black shirt folded neatly on top of it.
Winter:" There are your clothes and you can use the shower first."
Raiden:" Ladies first Winter, you go first~Unless you care to share again?~"
I swear that this was the fifth time if I'm correct that a Schnee has blushed in my presence and I'm not even trying.
Winter:" Well that would be saving time and no one would dare enter my room if they heard the shower on."
Raiden:" Well then Winter, guess we should get to it."
I took the clothes and walked over to the shower part of the bathroom with Winter following and being the respectable gentleman I am, I looked away and got undress while Winter did the same. I turned the shower on and set it to hot water while Winter had locked the door to give us some more privacy.
Winter:" Raiden, when you go bounty hunting, do you ever wonder if there was something better to do?"
Raiden:" Honestly no, the pay is good but really I know normal and pro huntsman have no experience against demons since they can regenerate and actually fight alone and win while I have five full years of killing them and never once lost so I'm kinda the only hope against demons."
Winter nodded her head before we both entered the shower with me in front of her so I don't see her nude body and I have to say this shower is even better than that bath we had last night since the sprinkling water hit my body soothingly and a sweet honey smelling shampoo made it better. We stayed there for about 10 minutes before Winter asked me a favor that surprised me.
Winter:"Hey Raiden, do you think you could get my back?"
Raiden:" Your back?"
Winter:"Yes. You see, I can't reach it with out a back brush I had and you are the only other person in the building I would trust to."
Raiden:" Well alright but that would mean I would have to see you naked."
Winter was quiet for a minute after that before lightly patting my hair.
Winter:" I trust you Raiden. Just try your best to keep your hands off my butt okay?"
Raiden:" Hey, I hate perverts Winter and besides I already had my face in your breasts."
Winter:" Well that was my fault, not your's but right now we should get it over with."
I nodded before turning to Winter who was now sitting down with her back to me while her back was covered in soap. I grabbed a wet rag and started rubbing her back slowly and gently to try to give her the same feeling I did when she gave me that massage and from what I can get from her relaxing muscles, I was succeeding.I started from her upper back and shoulders before going to her middle one where I noticed how she arched her back whenever I did that. I continued before seeing that all I had left to do was her lower back but problem was is that it was near her ass and I was not breaking Winter's trust in me. I decided to do it quickly and Winter seemed to understand why.
Winter:" I can tell your almost done Raiden and you did a good job actually."
Raiden:" Thanks, considering this a thanks for doing the same for me yesterday."
After finishing that we exited the shower and dried off before Winter managed to sneak me outside her mother's door so I can say bye and get going.
Raiden:" Well I'll see you whenever Winter.*Smiles* Don't miss me too much."
Winter*Giggles:" It be hard to not miss a hero like you Raiden.Good luck out there little brother."
I smiled hearing that before walking into Mama WIllow's room to see that she was still sleeping so I just sat in a chair next to her bathroom door and waited which took only about five minutes. I saw her move the sheets showing that she was wearing the same thing Winter was but besides that she saw me and smiled like a angel.
Willow:" Hello my little boy, your are up fairly early."
I couldn't kelp but smile that Willow accepted me as her son like Winter accepting me as her brother and so far she is without a doubt much better than those two whores of Hell.
Raiden:" Hi Mama Willow, it is but me and Winter needed a shower and that went well but I have to go train and find bounties but I didn't want to leave without saying bye to one of my three real family members."
Willow:" Oh that's so sweet of you darling and it's okay, Remnant needs someone that knows how to fight demons."
I smiled before giving her a big hug but before I could fly out of the window since like Winter said I'd be caught if I went out the doors, Mama Willow grabbed me by the arm and told me something that was of interest and would be helpful.
Willow:" Sweetie, I heard that in Redgrave there was a shop that was dedicated to demons so you might want to see if they have any job opportunities or better pay."
A shop dedicated to demons?! OH FUCK YEAH!!!!!
Raiden*Hugs Willow*:" Thank you so much Mama Willow! That's perfect for me! I won't have people after me to be a Huntsman and I can still be able to see you and Mama Raven!"
Mama Willow hugged me back while I was just so goddamn happy to hear that other people believed that there were demons and maybe even other demons hunters.
Raiden:" Do you know where it is?!"
Willow:" I don't but your other mother does."
Raiden:" Then it's time to take to the sky."
I kissed her on the cheek and flied to Mama Raven's camp to finally see others like me.
{Timeskip Raven's POV}
I just woke up and put some clothes on to begin my day before suddenly I was tackled to the ground by a small person.
Raiden:" Mama Raven!"
Well this is the only person allowed to do that and I saw that my son's eyes were filled with the most hope I've ever seen a person have. He got off and helped me up before rambling on about his night with the good Schnees and I have to say Willow was definitely a nice lady when I talked to her but then he said how he bathed with the oldest daughter twice and slept in the same bed as her.
Raven *Thoughts*:" Damn he might have a rich girl wanting him and who knows maybe even a polyamory relationship."
I also saw that he had different clothing on rather than those damn rags that those bastards made him wear.
Raven:" Hey buddy, I see that you got some new clothes."
Raiden:" Yeah Mama Willow and my new and real big sister Winter helped me get some but that day got even better at night time."
I raised my eyebrow at that but before I could ask what he meant by that Vernal ran into my tent with a shocked look and a newspaper in her hand.
Vernal:" Raven, you won't believe this!"
Raven:" What happened?"
Vernal:" The three bitches that run the Glass Unicorn were killed last night!"
Hold the fuck up, those whores were killed?! Damn it I would have wanted to see that! But then I realized something.
Raven:" Raiden, did you kill them?"
Raiden:" I did but I had to!"
Raven:" Okay sweetie, I'm not mad because they deserved to die but what made you want to kill them?"
Raiden:" They were assaulting and abusing a girl with a shock collar and the two sluts were kicking her so I saved her and a woman I met adopted her."
Me and Vernal just stood there for a second before out of the blue, Vernal picked up Raiden in a tight hug and spun him around.
Vernal:" Oh my god, I knew we would best friends the moment I heard about you!"
I on the other hand, couldn't stop the smirk forming onto my face hearing that those bitches are now dead and that a innocent life is now safe but who was the woman Raiden said adopted her?
Raven:" Hey Raiden, you said a woman adopted her. Do you know who she was?
Raiden:"Yeah her name is Salem and she was so nice!"
Wait Salem?!?! How the hell did my son meet the Queen of Grimm?!?! Wait she has had to see what he was capable of yet she didn't try to take him, why? But then one thing that I never expected to happen was when I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Salem right behind!
Raven:" Salem!?!?"
Salem:"Well Raven Branwen of the former TEAM STRQ knows of me. I am surprised."
Raiden:" Hey Salem, how's Cinder doing?"
Salem chuckled at Raiden while me and Vernal were just shocked that the Queen of Grimm and most likely the most powerful being on the planet was literally just two feet away from us but was on seemingly good terms with Raiden.
Salem:" I have been well Raiden and Cinder is a quick learner so she is doing wonderful and don't worry about her wounds, I have healed them."
Salem healing someone? Her adopting someone? Was this Cinder that girl Raiden saved? These questions have to be answered for any sense to be here.
Raven:"Uh quick question. Is this Cinder the girl Raiden had saved after killing those three shit bags?"
Salem:" Yes, she is and Raiden is quite the catch for a child. It's good that after him having discovered his powers that he met you and Mrs. Schnee."
Raven:" Uh thank you but I have to say that I wish I was able to meet him sooner."
Salem:" All that matters now is that he's safe and that he chose to be a demon hunter rather than a serial killer considering how many in his shoes most likely would have."
I knew she was right but this was still a crazy ass situation I was in but Salem didn't seem like the evil woman Ozpin had described her as and I could see how Raiden didn't seem at all intimidated or cautious around her.
Salem:" Ah, I have almost forgotten I've given Raiden two more semblances to aid his war against demons."
Okay now Salem could not be evil but then did that mean that Ozpin lied to me and my former team? Ozpina was the more trusting and actual nice lady of the two so she may know more but Ozpin would want to know why I want to know so that's a no go.
Salem: " Well I must be going now but I assure you I'll be seeing a lot of you Raiden since I may need your "assistance" in the future."
Raiden:" I'm always available for anyone Salem, especially beautiful women."
Salem's cheeks became rosey before she teleported away leaving me and Vernal shocked and Raiden happy.
Raiden:" I told you she was nice! But Mama Raven I heard that you knew a business that had things to do with demons."
Raven:" O-oh yes sweetie I do and I guess Willow told you that?"
Raiden nodded with a bright smile on his face so getting a piece of paper, I wrote down the address and name of the business before handing it to him and with that and a kiss on the cheek, he was gone.
Vernal:" H-h-h-hey Raven, I'm gonna lay down for the rest of the day.
{Raiden's POV}
I can't believe that there is a job for killing demons! This is great for me since I could use the money and also get stronger while also saving the planet. I was flying towards the city till I felt my Devil Bringer glowing and pulsating from something below me, I looked down to see what looked like four big and I mean at least six foot red bugs of some sort surrounding a grimm that looked to be a Beowulf so I stopped on top of the roof underneath and sat there to enjoy the show and it was a interesting show to see.
The Beowulf started snarling and growling at the group before lunging at one of them but before I even could bet who the winner would be, the things disappeared into a red flash that was barely see-able. I never saw something that fast in my life and I couldn't just barely see it except very brief glimpses of red that disappeared in a second. I could see that the Beowulf was confused as well since they weren't very fast whatsoever but the demon eventually stopped and pulled out two claws on it's hands The Beowulf readied it's own claws and roared out in anger at his opponent.
Raiden:" Well this is fun but right now I think it's time for a third party to get started."
I jumped down and landed on a dumpster before getting Red Queen out and revving it up while glaring out the two monstrosities.
Raiden:" Alright fuckers, let's dance."
The Beowulf charged first but I stabbed the neck and slammed it hard on the ground enough to kill it. I smirked before looking at the demon that then curled up and sped towards me so I put my hands up to block him since dodging wasn't a option for something this fast. I managed to catch him then gave him a strong punch into the shoulder so hard that the arm came right off and he stumbled back with blood pouring out of the wound. I got Blue Rose and fired some rounds but he dodged them easily before trying to get a slash in on me but suddenly my wings came out and deflected the claw easily before one of them turned into a hand and grabbed the bastard by the throat.
Raiden*Smirks*:" Perfect."
I pulled my sword back and with one strong swing sliced him in half with the alleyway having nothing but blood and trash in it.
Raiden:" Welp the trash needs to all be in the same place. Just making the garbage men's job easier. Hol up, the heck is that?"
Raiden:" What is this? It looks like gold but I know that gold is soft and heavy, this thing though is tough and light as a feather plus judging from these bad boys*Devil Bringers Glowing* This thing isn't human made. Maybe my future boss knows what this is."
Deadpool:" Here is your winner! RAIDEN REDGRAVE OF REDGRAVE CITY!!!!!!!!"
{Timeskip Raiden's POV Redgrave City}
Well here we are, back in good' ole Redgrave City and now to find this business. So far there wasn't anything bad going on till I finally found the place which had a cool name:Devil May Cry. I went up to the door and opened to see a tall man at the front desk with his feet up and eating a pepperoni pizza. He had long white hair with some gray in it, blue eyes and a red trench coat.
Raiden:" Hello sir."
???:" Huh? Oh hey kid, hol up your the infamous demon boy aren't you?"
Raiden:" Yeah that's me and I was wondering if I can get a job here?"
???:" Alright sure but first because my wife and friend said so, I have to have some I.D or something."
I wondered what I could use since I was only ten so I didn't have a drier's license or some hunter's license but I did have one thing:My DNA test paper. I pulled it from my jacket pocket and handed it to him but I then saw how his small smirk turned into pure shock.
???:" Raiden?"
Raiden*Nervous*:" Uhhh, yeah that's the name."
Suddenly the man got up and headed to me, I got ready for a fight since I though that maybe he was angry about something till he picked me up and hugged me like no tomorrow.
???:" Thank Sparda you are okay!"
I was shocked when I heard him say the name of my grandfather but also how did he know my name and why is he so happy?
Raiden:" I'm really sorry sir but who are you? Are you the owner of this store?"
???:" My son, it's me your dad."
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