Dishing Out Vengeance

{Raiden's POV also this takes place right when you return to the camp from the previous chapter}

I have to say Mama Raven is one hell of a teacher with that sword of hers. Before I met her I've learned hand to hand from some guys I met in Redgrave and since I seem to be good at anything that usually takes forever to master I bested them within days and for Red Queen I learned how by myself but now I feel like a master with the training I have now. Me and her were right now sparring with her seeming to be really impressed by me being able to keep up with her.

Raven:" Okay kiddo, I think it's about time we-"

Raiden:" Ended this."

She charged at me readying for a slash but I knew a way to beat her though it would be a little weird. I revved up Red Queen and like a hover board went towards Raven but I then kick flipped the blade that sent Raven up 5 feet, knocked the sword out of her hands and finally for me to land on her chest to pin her.

Raiden:" Pinned you."

Everyone in the camp stared in complete silence before exploding into cheers louder than when I arrived here while Mom got up with me in her arms.

Raven:" Nice job my little knight! You managed to beat me fair and square and when I wasn't even holding back."

Raiden:" Wait you went all out?"

Raven:" Indeed I did kiddo and you still managed to beat without breaking a sweat. You will defiantly be a amazing warrior when you get older. Well more so than you already are."

I smiled before hugging her and her reciprocating it but then I had a idea.

Raiden:" Hey Mama Raven, you wouldn't mind if I go and see Mama Willow do you?"

She seemed to be a bit worry about my question despite how it was a rather simple one.

Raven:" I don't know Raiden. Atlas is pretty much a police state and you going to see the wife of a billion dollar company sounds like a big risk and one I don't want to take with you."

I knew she was looking after me like a mom would but I really wanted to see if Willow was okay.

Raiden:" Please, those Atlas assholes only know how to shoot not fight and Mama Willow might be hurt if I don't visit her."

Mom still looked really unsure but she sighed softly then gave me a small smile.

Raven:" All right kiddo but please promise me you'll be okay because too many of those bastards have no morals even when it comes to kids."

Raiden:" I promise Mama Raven and don't worry *Smirks* You just trained me and I managed to beat you at your best. I got this."

Mom smiled before making a portal to Atlas for me. I gave her one more hug and walked through after she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

{No One's POV}

Raven watched as her son walked through he portal into Atlas, the worse kingdom on Remnant. Just then one of her most loyal members named Vernal walked up to her.

Vernal:" You really had me going when you said you didn't hold back."

Raven*Chuckles*:" That's just the thing Vernal, I wasn't lying."

Vernal's eyes widen when she heard that.

Vernal:" You serious?"

Raven just nodded before we go to Raiden and him walking around Atlas with some people staring at him with either confused eyes or snobby hmphs

Raiden:" Assholes, but in all honesty I need some new clothes cause I look like I fought in Hell and smell like horse shit."

But before Raiden could do anything else he saw a familiar head of white hair this time in a bun and swaying hips in a blue skirt but he also saw what looked like a carbon copy of her walking next to her.

Raiden:" Is that her daughter? Well might as well go see."

Raiden walked up to Willow who was talking to the girl next to her who had a stoic and serious look on her face before tugging on her skirt to get her attention.

Willow:" Oh? *Turns around* R-Raiden?!"

Raiden:" Hey Willow! Did you miss me?"

That was answered when Willow gave Raiden a big hug and a kiss on the forehead.
Willow:" How could I not? You're the one who saved me after all."

???:" Mother."

Willow:" Oh yes sorry sweetheart for this."

???:" Oh no no it's fine but I do want to know, is this the one?"

Willow*Smiles Brightly*:" Yes my daughter. This here is the boy who saved my life on your sister's birthday."

The girl who is now identified as Willow's daughter started to walk towards Raiden with her expression unchanged. Raiden:" Uh hi, sorry if me being in Atlas is bad but I just wanted to see Willow."

She stared at Raiden before in a instance wrapping her arms around him in a strong hug and her eyes teary.

???:" Thank you so much for saving my only family! Thank you so damn much! You're such a blessing!"

Raiden as shocked as he was managed to hug her back trying to calm her down but one thing that caught his ears was when she said "Only family"

Raiden: " It was my pleasure miss Schnee. She needed help and I was happy to oblige."

???:" Oh you don't need to call me miss. My name is Winter and I guess your name is Raiden."

Raiden:" Yes Winter it is but if you don't mind me asking, why are you two doing downtown?"

Willow:" Oh we just got back from eating at a restaurant after hearing about my "husband" going on a business trip for a week with my other daughter."

Raiden:" Wait how old is your younger daughter?"

Willow:" Ten like you and Winter hear is sixteen."

Raiden:" Okay but isn't that a little young to go on a trip like that?"

Winter:" My "Father" wants Weiss, my little sister to learn how to deal with a company like ours since I rejected being heiress to the company."

Raiden*Thoughts*:" Damn she rejected being the CEO of a company like that. Talk about honorable."

Raiden:" That's pretty honorable of you to do Winter. Looks like your nothing like your father huh?"

Winter's pale face gained a red blush hearing that someone besides her mother believed her rejecting being heiress was honorable but it was better to hear her not being compared to her "father".

Winter*Hugs Raiden but unintentionally putting his heads between her boobs*" Thank you Raiden! Hearing that made this day even better."

Raiden was wondering why he was always getting into things like this and how it made his life better. First, he meets Raven who becomes his adopted mother but somehow he finds himself in her boobs more times than not. Second, he saves a billionaire beauty like Willow and learns that he's adopted while unlocking a powerful semblance in one night mind you. Third, he meets a beautiful woman in the woods that he could swear seemed like a goddess and finally and now he was hugging the only other good Schnee who had her boobs in his face. What was next? Him saving another female and meeting his biological parents?

Willow:" My goodness Raiden, you look so dirty. When was the last time you bathed?"

Raiden:" Can't remember and I've been in these rags for a long time even before being a demon hunter."

Both Willow and Winter were shocked at Raiden's answer and seeing how he's done so much for the two of them already, why not do something for him?

Willow:" Raiden, do you want to go get some new clothes? These rags won't do at all and I think you deserve something nice to wear."

Raiden:" Well before I saw you two I was think about getting some since I smell like trash but some company would be nice."

Both Schnee woman smiled and led him to a clothing store where Raiden saw some very expensive clothing and very rich people with arrogant smirks.

Winter:" What is your taste in fashion Raiden?"

Raiden thought for a second till he got a idea for what he would look stylish in.

Raiden:" I'd say a black hoodie, boots and jeans that are black as well. The shadows are comforting to be in at times."

Winter:" I see and I take it that's the reason black is your favorite color?"

Raiden nodded before looking around for what he requested till he found something similar to it.

(The black shirt that is the second pic is his symbol also the clothes will change through the chapters and seasons and they will be the size of the OC)

Raiden:" Badass."

The hoodie was perfect size for Raiden and he continued looking around for something else till he found Winter with a worker asking where the shirt aisle was. The worker pointed to the left to a opening doorway with people looking at assortments of T-shirts. Winter took Raiden by the hand and walked towards the area with Raiden still having the hoodie and other clothes in his hands when he was realized he needed other clothes.

Winter:" Here we are."

In front of them were shirts that were simply different colors and some with Atlas symbols on them so they were a no.

Winter:" Get several Raiden so you don't have to rely on just one or two shirts."

Raiden:" Alright thanks Winter."

Winter gave a smile before saying she was gonna go see how her mother was getting on, leaving Raiden to pick some shirts out. Raiden looked at the shirts and just went for mostly plain black ones but picked out a few dark blue and dark red ones to add some color but refused to get any with Atlas's symbol on them. While doing that he saw a aisle for boots so he went over to see if he could get any his size and found a black pair that was.

Raiden:" Jackpot!"

He got the boots and headed back to find Willow and Winter but surprisingly he saw them with scowls on their faces.

Raiden:" Hey girls, is something wrong?"

Winter:" Oh my apologies Raiden, it's just what's in the news now."

Raiden pulled out the scroll Willow gave him and saw that there was this business called the Glass Unicorn that has been getting some backlash for a incompetent staff and some of her food options having some difficulties whatever that meant.

Raiden:" I've heard of this place back in Redgrave but they weren't good comments."

Willow:" What kind of comments did you hear from the inhabitants in Redgrave?"

Raiden:" That they have a staff but they're being abused with shock collars and no pay."

Both girls gasped at that and wondered if it was actually true.

Winter:" I-I-Is it true?"

Raiden:" Well there is only one was to find out if it is true. And that equals doing some snooping."

{Timeskip Nighttime Raiden's POV}

After Willow had paid for my new clothes, which annoyed me since I could have done it but guess you can't win em all, I went to the Glass Unicorn to see if the rumors in Redgrave were true while Willow and Winter were on a camera call from the Dust Company to give them the news and to in Mama Willow's words to make sure I would be okay. Problem is I knew that the Madame aka the bitch in charge would have security all over even though they were currently closed so I have to find a better way to gain the truth and I did by seeing that on top of the roof there was a big glass window with the moonlight reflecting off of it.

Raiden:" Jackpot."

I have to say that is a good one liner. I took out my wings and flied up to the roof on top of the window and what I saw made my blood boil. I saw a girl maybe about four or five years older than me getting shocked by a collar while the Madame holding a controller and laughing at the girl's pain. To make it worst was when two girls that seemed to be twins walked in and started kicking the girl and laughing at her, while the girl was in tears and begging for a savior.

Raiden:" I'm your savior tonight girl."

Winter:" Wait Raiden, have you trained enough to fight them on your own?"

Raiden:" Training's over. Time for assholes to die."

I jumped through the glass window and landed in a way a red suit wearing mercenary would call a superhero landing while pulling out Blue Bolt.

Raiden:" I'm here to kill some whores!"

One of the hoes that were kicking the girl looked more pissed than scared.

???:" Hey how dare you break our window like that?!?!? You better pay for it or else!!!!"

Raiden:" Sure, you take bullets?"

I shot a pair of rounds at her skull which got obliterated and sprayed blood and brains all over the other's face.

???:" Oh my Oum! What are you doing you fucking psycho?!?!?!"

Raiden*Cold And Emotionless*:" Dishing out vengeance."

I then fire the rest of the rounds into her left leg then tore out her lower jaw so I wouldn't have to hear her fucking voice then stabbed it into her neck. I then looked at the hurt girl and used Red Queen to cut the collar off her neck but I then felt some pain in my back but all that did was piss me off more than I already was. I sent my gaze towards the shooter: The Madame Whore. She looked at me with fear filled eyes while I felt the bullets leave my body and the wounds heal immediately. I just then sped forward and sliced off her hand that was holding the gun. She screamed in agony but I then shut her up by stepping onto her remaining hand and squishing it with all that was left being a bloodied flesh pile. The bitch was crying but I decided it was better to get out of here with the girl then wait around so in a second I tore out her heart and sliced it in half. I looked to the girl who was still in ball crying so I quietly and slowly went over to comfort her by gently petting her head with my clean hand which seemed to work till I saw her raise her head and look at me.

???:" P-Please don't hurt me!!"

Raiden:" I'm not. I'm here to help you actually."

???:" Wait really?!?!?"

Raiden*Comforting Smile*:" Yes your safe now and WE are getting out of here."

I emphasized the 'we' and she got the message before I summoned my wings and flied to the Schnee Dust Company.

{Timeskip Raiden's POV}

Raiden:" Wait you really weren't allowed to have a last name?"

The girl I just saved now named Cinder nodded her head sadly. I took a minute to think then I had a idea.

Raiden:" You know, my friend's is named after a season so how about that?"

She looked at me with surprised eyes before a small smile finally managed to find it's place on her face.

Cinder:" I would like that."

Raiden:" Alright hmm, oh how about Fall?"

Cinder:" Cinder Fall? That sounds nice actually so I guess that's the one."

Raiden:" All right! Oh anyway my name's Raiden."

Cinder*Hugs Raiden*:" Thank you so much for saving me Raiden!"

I hugged back till all of a sudden I looked to see a figure that was with no mistake familiar.

Raiden:" Salem?"

Salem:" Hello child, I heard from someone that you've saved a child?"

Raiden:" Yeah I did. Her name's Cinder Fall."

Salem:" I see and I'm impressed you are willing to kill."

Raiden:" Sometime you have to."

Salem:" Well I have a proposition for you Raiden."

I was confused but nodded anyway.

Salem:" I will adopt young Cinder here and train her to defend herself and if you allow me to, I'll give you something in return that I have a feeling you might like."

I was intrigued and while I didn't know Salem well, I could sense that she would be a great mother to Cinder so I nodded my head and gave Cinder a firm hug.

Raiden:" Cinder I promise me and you will be able to visit and that you won't live a life like that anymore. Do you trust me?"

Cinder:" With all my heart."

I turned to Salem who seemed to love the way I spoke before going to me.

Salem:" And what I promise child *Lays Hand on Raiden's head* Two other semblances."

I then felt some energy go into my body before Salem removed her hand.

Raiden:" Two Semblances!? Holy hell."

Salem:" Indeed and this one will allow you to do two things: Regenerate from any wound so long as a cell of your body remains and the other to create and manipulate destructive energy but now I believe me and my new daughter have some training to do."

Raiden:" Thank you Salem and I know you'll be one hell of a mother. And Cinder you get stronger so you won't have to live in fear anymore."

After that they both teleported away and I quietly went inside to where I was greeted by both Winter and Willow, who had terrified looks on their faces at me condition but I was okay.

Willow:" Raiden take a shower and I'll get Klein to burn those clothes so Atlas officials don't come after you."

Raiden:" Alright Mama Willow."

Willow looked like she was blushing before I explained and she nodded her head.

{In Bathroom No One's POV}

Raiden literally tore off the rags he was wearing and started to run some warm water for a bath before the door opened and Winter walked in before blushing at the sight of Raiden in his underwear while he looked at the dried blood on his body.

Raiden:" Crud sorry I should have locked the door."

Winter:" Actually I'm here to see if you wanted some help to relax since you seem to have some of the tensest muscles I've ever seen."

Raiden:" So like a massage?"

Winter:" Yes but I'm gonna have to get naked for it."

Winter was a blushing mess at what she was offering because she never had done something like this before but Raiden's body was so sore that he didn't mind.

Raiden:" Sure and I promise I won't touch or look."

Winter:" O-O-Okay."

Winter stripped down to her bare body before looking away when Raiden removed his underwear and got into the tub. Winter followed and started to rub Raiden's shoulder and neck to where he eased into the feeling of his body relaxing after so long.

Raiden:" Damn your good at this Winter."

Winter:" T-Thank you Raiden."

Winter continued this while Raiden washed the blood off his hand and face before moving on to massaging his back.

Winter:" Raiden, you're quite muscular for a child your age."

Raiden:" Yeah I got that a lot but it does help and I have to say your just as beautiful as your mother."

Winter blushed a shit ton at that, when has anyone ever say that she was beautiful or even when her father married her mother? Suddenly she felt some pressure on her chest that made her freeze. She looked down to see that Raiden's eyes were closed and that he seemingly just fell asleep with his head falling onto her chest. Winter gently patted his head and decided to wash his hair for him while he took his little nap, which lasted about ten minutes where during that time Winter had rinsed out Raiden's hair and cleaned the parts of his body that he wasn't able to except for his "friend".

Raiden:" Huh? Winter?"

Raiden then realized what his head was on and quickly got off it.

Raiden:" Winter I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to fall asleep!"

Winter*Giggles*:" It's okay, you worked very hard tonight with what's been going on and as a reward for saving my mother and that little girl, you can sleep with me tonight."

Raiden:" You sure you want a boy in your bed?"

Winter:" I offered didn't I?"

Raiden:" Well okay then. Hope you have comfortable pillows."

After five more minutes they exited the tub and dried themselves off with Raiden putting on a simple white T- shirt and black boxers and Winter putting on a light blue gown. They walked to Winter's room but before they got to bed, Raiden sent a text to Raven that he would be sleeping at the Schnee Dust Company tonight then be back tomorrow with her saying it was okay. Winter laid on her side before opening the covers and inviting Raiden into her bed before letting sleep take over but before it did Raiden had one more thing to say to Winter.

Raiden:" Winter."

Winter:" Yes?"

Raiden:" Believe me when I say this, Justice will come and bite your punk bitch of a "father" in the ass one of these days."

Winter smiled before sleeping and dreaming of her "father" getting his ass handed to him by a older Raiden that had a cocky smirk on his face and his sword slung over his shoulders.

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