Girls P.O.V. (Expect Wendy)
I rub my tummy as I see the results of the pregnancy test. Positive. I'm pregnant. I smile at the thought of having a baby with my boyfriend. I then go grab my sweater, put the pregnancy test in my pocket and started to walk for the guild.
At the guild.
Lucy P.O.V.
Once I open the doors of the guild I quickly see Natsu's face. He was talking to Gray. "Natsu! Come over here!" I yell. He stopped his conversation with Gray and walked over to me. "What's up Luce?" He asked me. I start to get a little bit scared. "N-N-Natsu." I whisper. I take the test
Out of my pocket and put it in his head. "why did you wanna give me a stick Luce? You're weird." He commented. I felt myself boiling up in anger. "NATSU YOU IDIOT!! IT'S A PREGNANCY STICK! I'M PREGNANT!" I shouted. Everyone in the guild looked at me. Everyone started to cheer and
To congraulate Natsu and I. I felt arms wrap around me. I saw a wet stain on my shirt. Natsu was crying. "Natsu what's wrong?" I ask. He looked up at me and whispered "Please don't leave me" He whispered. I looked at him with my eyes widen. "Why would I ever leave you?" I questioned.
"I had this dream.... You were pregnant but you left me. You never aloud me to see my kids. I was all by myself." He answers. I was shocked. "Natsu I will NEVER leave you" I tell him. "Promise?" He asks. I nodded my head and respond by saying "promise" Then we share a passionate kiss.
Levy P.O.V.
I got out of the fairy hill's bathroom. My phone started to ring. I answer it. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey Shrimp! I'm outside wanna hang out?" Gajeel asked. I roll my eyes at the nickname he always calls me. "Yeah Sure, I need to tell you something anyway." I tell him. "Okay come outside
When you're ready" He says and then Gajeel hangs up. I put my phone in my pocket, Grab but sweatshirt, then went outside. "Hey shrimp!" He greeted. "Hi, where are we going?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders. "Where ever you want to go" He responds. I nodded my head and then
Led him to my favorite cafe. We sat down and I ordered some blueberry pancakes and orange juice while he ordered bacon and eggs and water. "What did you want to tell me?" He asked. I felt like to throw up. "Gajeel there is no easy way to say this..." I told him. "What's the matter?"
He asked. I took a deep breath. "Have you ever thought of having kids with me?" I asked. He didn't answer until a few seconds later. "Yeah I have. Why?" He questioned. I took out the pregnancy test and handed it to him. "I'm pregnant Gajeel" I told him. He looked at me in
Shocked. "I-I don't know how to raise a kid!" He said. I smiled and took his hand into mine. "We'll learn how to raise a child... Together" And then we both enjoyed our breakfast.
Mira P.O.V.
I was working at the guild but I couldn't stop thinking about Laxus and how I was gonna tell him that I'm pregnant. "Just take your time Mira-san you can do it! Speaking of the guy he is right there waiting to be served" Levi told me. I nodded my head and walked towards him.
"Hey Mira!" He greeted. "Hey Laxus! What can I get for ya?" I asked. "I think I'll just take my usual. One bottle of beer please?" He responds. "Okay coming right up and I'm pregnant bye!" But before I could fully get away Laxus grabbed me and pulled me towards him. "what did you
Say?" He asked. I could feel my legs get weak and I was scared. "I-I said that I-I-I'm p-pregnant" I said. I felt his hands touch my waist. I shut my eyes tight to get ready for the hit or blow I was gonna get. But all that happened was he lifted me up in the air and had a big smile on his face.
"Oh my god Mira! That's great!!" I was SHOCKED. "You're not mad?" I questioned. He shook his head. I took a sigh of relief. "I love you Mira" He said. "I love you too Laxus" And for the rest of the day he was SO overprotective over me.
Holly P.O.V.
I was walking around the courtyard of our school until I finally saw Hubert. He was hanging out with his friends. "Hubert!" I shouted. He looked towards me and Smiled. I smiled back. He walked over towards me. "What's up?" He asked. I just kissed him. He kissed back. After a min
We broke the kiss. "Did you come here to make-out with me because if that's the case then I don't mind We can make out." He stated. I shook my head. "What's up Holly? You okay?" Hubert asked me. I felt tears rise up in my eyes but I tried to hold them back. A few tears fell. "Holly!
Babe, You okay?" He asked. I nodded my head a little bit. He hugged me and I hugged back. "Holly you can tell me anything, What's wrong?" He asked again. "Hubert I love you so much. I'm pregnant" I whispered. He was a dragon slayer so I knew he might've heard me. "Holly that's
Great!! But why are you sad. Aren't you happy that you're gonna have a baby with me?" I asked. I shook my head quickly. "No Hubert I'm happy!! It's just I was so scared that you were gonna reject the baby" I told him. His eyes widen. Hubert then pulled me into a tight hug. "Babe, I
Promise you that I'm never gonna leave you. I love you and I love our baby." He whispered. I smiled and hugged him back. I started to cry happy tears. Me and Hubert were just hugging in the courtyard and people were watch Hubert and I but we both didn't care about those random
People or his Friends at the moment. All that mattered at the moment was Hubert, Me, Our undying love for each other, and our future baby.
Juvia P.O.V.
"Gray~Sama I'm pregnant!" I shouted... "oh who am I kidding. I can barely tell this dummy doll that I'm pregnant I can't tell Gray-sama!!" I told Reyna-san. She rolled her eyes. "Juvia I think it's just your scared and that this stupid dummy isn't helping. Just tell him. You know he loves you
And you love him. I don't see any more problems other than giving birth to the child" She said. I sighed. "You're right. I don't know why I'm scared." I replied. "I'm pretty sure you're just freaking yourself out. You're thinking about how Gray was to you before he showed how much he loves
You so know you're scared to tell him that you're pregnant." she responded. I nodded my head in responds. I took a deep breath. "Thanks Reyna! I got to go tell Gray-sama or I might not ever tell him" I said. She chuckled a little bit then waved bye to me. "Bye Juvia good luck!" She
Shouted. I waved bye to her back. I grabbed my coat and put the pregnancy test in my pocket then left to the guild hall.
At the guild
I look for Gray-sama until I saw him talking with Natsu but Lucy took Natsu and she told him She is pregnant. We all cheered for her and Natsu. Almost the whole guild knows that I'm pregnant other then Gray-sama. Out of nowhere I felt arms wrap around my waist and I look to see
Gray-sama's head on my shoulder. "Hi Gray-sama!" I greeted. He smiled and kissed my lips. He then put his hands on my stomach. I gasped. "Are you pregnant as well or do we have to try again for a little Juvia or Little Me to run around?" He questioned. I looked at him in shocked
With my eyes widen. "How did you know I was pregnant?" I asked. he chuckled. "You weren't answering any of my text or calls and also Reyna posted on her snapchat story that she is gonna be a godmother with you in the background and holding your pregnant test with a positive
Result" Gray-Sama explained. I sighed at Reyna's stupidity even though I told her NOT to post anything until I told Gray-sama. Out of the blue Gray-sama shouted "JUVIA IS PREGNANT!!" And then everyone cheered for us. Gray-sama was so happy and excited for the baby to come.
"My child is gonna be better than yours Ice princess!" Natsu yelled. Gray slammed his head on Natsu's. "NO Mine is gonna beat your child in everything" He yelled back. "WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP AND BE HAPPY FOR YOU SOON TO BE CHILDREN!?!?" Erza yelled while slamming their heads
Together. "So scary" Natsu and Gray said and hugged each other on the floor. I Saw Lucy walk next to me and we both laughed. I smiled at Gray-sama. 'please let everything stay perfect' I thought to myself.
Reyna: Hey peeps!!
Holly: Thanks for reading this book!
Jenny: Please Follow Reyna on Instagram and add her on snapchat at the username: Maddiecute247!!
Gruviaverxoxo: Book 2 will be out soon!!
Levi: Don't forget to follow all of us!
Pandora: Please Comment and Vote
everyone: Thank you so much for reading this book anyways... BAI!!
words: 1590
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