The Moonlight Sonata Murder Case! Part 2

Richard and I stared at the body, Jimmy right behind us as we did. He’s wet, his entire body is soaked. Rachel had gone to call the police and Richard got into work mode. “Dr. Adams. Would you mind examining the body?” Richard asked Nadia, the only doctor we know on this island.

“No, not at all.” She walked over and began to thoroughly examine it. He was definitely murdered, probably drowned.

But how? And why did someone send a letter about this before it even happened? And to Richard who’s on a hot streak no less.

Something isn’t making sense here. 

I glanced back curiously at my brother to see him stewing in a mass of emotions. I guess even you didn’t see this coming. “It’s the curse! The curse is back! That piano is haunted!” A sudden shout broke the murmuring.

Ah, it’s four eyes again. Kevin. Is he still going on about that? Richard leaned against the piano, staring at it.

“Yeah. And what curse is that?” He asked with disinterest. Always a nonbeliever. Though in this case I’m inclined to agree. Based on what’s actually playing the song.

Richard picked up the item to reveal a tape player. “It’s not the piano, it’s a tape deck playing the music.” I reached over and stopped the tape, tired of it. Don’t get me wrong, I do like the song, but it’s getting annoying at this point.

“Kavanaugh’s death appears to be exactly as the previous two. I call that premeditated murder.”

No shit Sherlock. I rolled my eyes as the others began to voice their protests and fear.

One guy, rather down dressed for a funeral, demanded to know who Richard is. And of course with his fat head, he straightened his jacked and smiled smugly. “I’m that famous detective from the city you’ve heard about. The name’s Richard Moore.”

Is he going to do this every case? “Oh yeah, you’re the astronaut, right?” I snorted, hand slapping my mouth to stop myself from laughing as Richard deflated.

“No, you’re thinking about the guy who writes mystery books.” Another voiced; to which brought on more confusion. “No, that’s Robert Moore.”

“Then who’s this guy supposed to be?”

Oh my god I can’t breathe! Richard deflated against the piano and I noticed my brother staring at the water trail around the victim and piano.

I walked over and crouched next to him. He poked the water before tasting it and I rested my cheek against my fist. “Y’know, one of these days you’re going to get sick doing that. It’s obviously sea water.” I nodded to the window.

The window with the great view of the ocean right next to it.

My brother tsked at me, shaking his head. “Never assume anything, Looks can be deceiving.” I groaned, knowing that this will lead into a lecture. “But it is sea water.” Oh? 

No thirty minute lecture? Sweet. “I estimate the time of death is thirty minutes to one hour ago. Cause of death seems like suffocation. Although the more I examine the body the more it looks like a drowning.” Nadia finally spoke, though she glanced at the body with mild confusion.

“So then he drowned. Great.” Nadia seemed not entirely sure as she looked over towards him. “Though I can’t be sure until an autopsy is done.” She clarified, not wanting him to start with that fact.

If anyone needs a lecture it’s gotta be him. Huh? Where’d the Dweeb go? Oh he’s by the window now. “I think Dr. Adams is right in her assumptions. See, there’s a suit jacket floating in the water. It probably belongs to Mr. Kavanaugh. There’s evidence that he was dragged through this door, which leads to the ocean, over to this piano where he is now. There’s also a visible amount of sand on his back. This door as well as other doors and windows were locked.”

He then walked to the tape player and fiddled with it. And the first few seconds recorded on this tape were just silence.” 

My eye twitched as I stared at my idiot brother. “So Conan. When did you find all this out.” Richard asked through a forced smile.

I knocked my brother over with my leg and looked over to him. “I told him. C’mon Richard, I have eyes. It’s not that hard to assess.” I tried to play off, though I think it might have come out weird.

I can’t act to save my life, but I can lie. Lying is essentially the same thing, right?

My brother smiled brightly, playing off on it.

“Yeah Mr. Moore. Stella is Jimmy’s sister, so she’s pretty smart too. The murderer probably led Mr. Kavanaugh outside, incapacitated him, then drowned him. Then he dragged the body into this room, locked the door and turned on the tape recorder before he went back into this hallway. At least, that’s what Stella said.” He beamed at me.

A bead of sweat formed on my temple but I closed my eyes and shrugged uncaringly. “Like I said, I have eyes. Isn’t this how it looks, Richard?” I asked, wanting attention off of me.

“Uh, yeah, that’s correct.” He laughed off the awkwardness before clearing his throat. “The situation now shows us that the door to this room was locked. Since we were at the building's entrance the entire time, chances are that the killer went back to the service after the crime.” He deduced.

This riled up a wealthy looking young woman. “Hold on there. Are you saying that the murderer is still here?!” She demanded fiercely.

Man she’s kind of annoying. “No. He teleported. Yeah, still here sweetheart.” I said sarcastically, earning a glare from her. Whatever.

I bet she’s a rich man's daughter. “Yes. More or likely the murderer is still here. Did anyone here see Mr. Kavanaugh leave his seat during the service?”

The current mayor stepped forward, what was his name? Mr. Kinsella! “Yeah, I sure did see him leave. He said he was going to use the restroom.” Doesn’t look like a restroom to me. “And did anyone see any other person leave his or her seat?” Richard asked.

The man from earlier with the shades and knit cap clucked his tongue. “How can you expect someone to remember all these little details?” Hm? Why does that sound familiar?

“Stella! Who walked by the door in the past five minutes, it’s important!” Jimmy’s voice rang in my ear.

A memory of us in junior high flashed as I stared at my brother with confusion.

“How the hell am I supposed to remember every person that walks by?” I demanded. It was lunch period, and plenty of kids were walking the hallways.

I remember my brother scrunching his face at me. “Man, why did I expect that of you? I’ll find out for myself!” He took off down the hall making me angry. What was that supposed to mean?!

I was never really good at noticing the small details myself.

I’ve been getting a little better with how many cases I’ve tagged along but I’m not my brother. Or my father. The two of them were so similar.

The fact that they could do it with ease and I struggled next to them made me angry. Still does.

So I forget that it’s actually normal to not notice.

In a house with extraordinary people it’s hard to remember. “Okay. Do you know of anyone that didn’t get along with Mr. Kavanaugh? Anyone at all?” Richard rephased his question. 

Mr. Kinsella glanced at a tall tanned man. “I wouldn’t call it a grudge, but the only one who can benefit from this death is Schumacer. He’s running against Kavanaugh in the upcoming election for my office.” Schumacher turned to his competition in shock.

“What are you talking about?! That would make you just as suspect as me!”

The snotty girl stuck her nose in the air. “He’s right. It could mean a sure win for my father in the election. Assuming that someone hasn’t already tried to rig the votes for the longevity of his own, pathetic, campaign.”

Ah. She’s the mayor's daughter. That makes a lot of sense really. 

Richard went between the two to try and mend things. I sneered, crossing my arms. “Typical of politicians. There’s a dead guy and you’re smearing campaigns.” I spoke loudly, gaining hostility from the girl and her father.

“What did you say?” She demanded. I narrowed my eyes and walked towards her. “I said that it is typical-”

My brother latched onto my leg to stop my onslaught. “Stella! There’s still one thing I don’t get. Why’d the killer bring the body here?” He asked, bringing attention back to the case.

Hm. It’s gotta do with Casper Austin.

As I thought this Richard approached the piano. “The killer took full advantage of the people’s superstitions by placing blame on the piano's supposed curse. By the way, how long has this piano been here?” He questioned. 

Our frightened guide was the one to speak up. “Well it’s been here since Mr. Austin donated it. That was before me. I’d say about fifteen years.”

Interesting. I walked over and noticed the engraving on it. “It’s got his name and everything.” I noted.

Huh. What the? “There’s also a piece of sheet music.” I said. I didn’t see that earlier.

Richard came over and dislodged it, staring at the notes. I like music, but was never really a fan of studying it. Sheet music is just a bunch of lines and dots to me to be honest.

“That wasn’t there when we were here, was it?” I asked him as he stared at the music. He shook his head and I turned to my brother, who gave the same response.


One of the guests, a man who looks like he hasn’t slept in ages with spiked hair began to shriek in fear before he bolted. “Want me to chase him?” I asked, already headed towards where he ran.

“Hm, not yet. Who’s the drama queen?” Richard asked.

Our guide sighed, staring after his screeching form. “That’s Ken Nicholson. He was a very affluent figure on the island and independently wealthy. Known for indulging in wine, women, and gambling. But after the death of the former mayor it’s as if he’s afraid of something and never leaves his house. Just sits at home by himself.” 

That’s strange. Well they didn’t tell me to go after so I won’t.

“If I’m not mistaken, you were childhood friends with him, weren’t you Mr. Kinsella?” Huh? Really? He was older but I didn’t think they were the same age.

Kinsella was taken off guard by that question but put on a smile. “Ye-yeah. We go way back.” Well that’s not suspicious or anything.

But he is a politician.

They’re all suspicious.

Running sounded and Rachel rushed in, holding the arm of an older police officer. Both were panting, out of breath. “I got the police.” She panted out. Richard and I frowned at her. “What took you so long?” Her dad asked. 

Rachel’s brows furrowed and she composed herself. “Well he wasn’t at the police station. I had to go out and find him.”

This old geezer is the police? Oh boy. This is gonna be a long case. 


I sighed, stretching my arms as the four of us, plus Nadia, headed off, away from the community center. Since it’s so late they decided to start the questioning tomorrow so everyone was sent home for the night.

“That’s probably the least boring service I’ve been to.” I admitted.

Rachel frowned at me. “Stella.” She chastised. I shrugged. “What?” I’m not wrong. It was the most eventful, that's for sure.

Nadia chuckled. “Well I can't deny that. It was rather surprising. You know, I was impressed by Conan’s intelligent assumptions back there.” 

Rachel chuckled. “Yeah, well, he likes to play detective sometimes.” She explained. Nadia stared at my brother with a smile. “But everyone was saying how persuasive he was. As if he’s a professional.”

My brother chuckled nervously, eyeing me. “Oh, but Stella was the one who pointed those out to me. And I watch Richard all the time so I was imitating him. Y’know, Stella’s brother is a detective, so she’s pretty smart.” 

Are you just trying to compliment yourself there, shortstack?

Nadia looked at me curiously. “You did seem rather composed about the whole thing and made all those observations.”

The only observation I made was that he was soaked and the trail of water. I didn’t really notice the doors and windows being locked. “Well I grew up with detectives, and have been pulled along on his cases.” I jabbed a thumb at Richard.

She nodded a smile on her face as she observed us. Richard laughed nervously. “Compared to me though, Conan and Stella are obviously children.”

Excuse you? I’m eighteen!

Nadia laughed at the scene and we began to part ways since we’re in two different directions. Before we did though, Nadia’s smile saddened. “Goodnight then. Oh I hope you solve this case soon Detective Moore. I would rather not examine anymore homicide victims.”

Richard gave her assuring words and she left. Though I thought back to the letter. It definitely gave us a heads up about murder.

And thats not just it.

“The letter!” My brother exclaimed quietly, so not to let the other two hear. He turned to me, eyes wide. “Stella, the letter.” He began but I cut him off with a nod. “Yeah. I know. Yo Richard, give me that letter real quick.” I demanded. 

He and Rachel looked at me in confusion but he handed it to me nonetheless. It’s still in his pocket after all.

I scanned the short letter and nodded. Yep. Thought as much. “What is it?” Rachel asked. I glanced at my brother and he gave me a sharp nod of his head.

Alright then, I guess I’m the one who’s gonna say it. “The letter says; ‘begin to disappear’.” I waited to see if Richard got it but based off the look on his face he didn’t.

I groaned. “C’mon Richard. Begin to? There’s going to be another murder, probably more then one more too.”

His eyes went wide and he snatched the paper. “You’re saying the murderer is going to strike again?! And your positive this letter predicts more killings?!” 

I looked up at the moon, clouds passing through but not enough to cover it entirely. “It says ‘shadows will begin to disappear’.” I repeated, thinking about the elaborate planning of this.

“That implies light, so the light must be the Moonlight Sonata we heard on the tape at the murder scene.” My brother explained further. Richard’s face paled  a bit as he took in that information.

“I see now. So twelve years ago the song Casper Austin was playing as his house was in flames and again two years ago the same song was heard before finding the body of the last mayor of Moonlight. All three deaths involve a piano.” Richard took off in a sprint. “You three, go back to the motel!” He shouted as he ran off.

“No dad, wait!” Rachel shouted but it fell on deaf ears. “Stella-” I fought back a groan and began to run after. “I know, I know.” 

God damn it Richard. 


“This is officially the worst sleepover I’ve ever been to.” I started angrily, laying out the supplies the officer gave us. We’re back at the crime scene getting ready to sleep next to the corpse.

Yeah. Real fun time.

“Even more so than Sharon Meyer’s in sixth grade?” Rachel asked, making me cringe as the memory surface.

I looked at the corpse one more time before sighing. “Okay. Second worst. Still blows.” My brother snickered and my face twisted at the last time I did have a sleepover in that nature.

Man, Sharon was such a snob.

Richard glowered at me. Well, us. “I thought I told you three to go back to the motel?” I snorted, crossing my arms across my chest. “I don’t even listen to my own parents, why would I listen to you?” I demanded as Rachel twiddled with her fingers guiltily.

Richard let out an exasperated breath before looking at the body which had been moved to the floor, a tarp over it. This just deepened his scowl. “Hey, officer, who moved this body without getting my permission first?”

We all looked towards the elderly officer that had brought us blankets and pillows.

“It was me. I felt so sorry for that man being left in such an unnatural position against that piano.” He didn’t seem to have any care in the world. Richard rubbed his head, a bead of sweat dripping down his forehead.

“Yeah, that’s a problem. See, forensics hasn’t been here yet-”

Before Richard could explain why the old man shouldn’t have done that, Jimmy interrupted him. He’s on the bench examining the piano. “Hey, that sheet music we found earlier has disappeared.”

Richard rushed over and shouted in disbelief. “Oh that! Yes, I have it. I didn’t want it to get lost.” The old man pulled it from his pocket and my brow twitched.

“You need to retire.” Rachel smacked my arm, a scolding look on her face. “Stella!” 

“She’s not wrong.” Richard mumbled as Rachel went to look at the music. “It’s sheet music from Moonlight Sonata.” Huh?

Well I kind of figured as much considering the whole theme of this. “Play it.” Richard told her. Of the four of us, only Rachel had any experience. My mother tried to teach me, but while I love music, I don’t love the instructions to it.

Never could read sheet music and I couldn’t play worth shit.

Rachel placed the music on the stand and took a seat, starting the song. We all crowded to listen and sure enough it was the song.

However Rachel played an incorrect key making me wince. “You’re ruining that beautiful song!” Richard shouted. I’m inclined to agree, Rach.

She looked between the sheet music and the key, eyebrows drawn together in confusion. “It’s not me. There’s an error on the fourth line of this page.” An error? That’s definitely strange.

It’s not really something that’d happen unless it was done on purpose.

“Is it possible this sheet music is Mr. Kavanaugh’s dying message?”

Mr. Kavanaugh? Why would he leave a message in sheet music? He doesn’t seem like the type to be that creative. I didn’t voice my doubts and Richard plucked the paper off the stand. “If so then the murderer may try to retrieve it.”

As he said that, the door to the room opened, startling us. “Hello?” Oh, it’s Nadia. She smiled, holding a bag up. “The front desk clerk at the motel told me you were staying here tonight. I thought you might like some midnight snacks.” 

At the mention of food, all of our stomachs growled, rather loudly at that. Nadia, you’re an angel.

We all converged together and I dug into a spicy tuna rice ball. Nadia was pouring tea when Rachel began small talk. “So, Dr. Adams, when we met before you said you weren’t originally from this island right?”

Did she say that? Yeah, I remember she got excited when she heard we were from the city.

“Yes. I’m from the city and I go back there every weekend. I guess you could call me a part time resident here. I’ve always wanted to work on an island like this, surrounded by nature. Plus, I really like that small town attitude. I’ve been here for just over two years.” 

Richard had a thoughtful expression on his face. “So, Dr. Adams. Mr. Kirk Patrick, the former mayor of Moonlight who the service was for tonight. Did he really die of heart failure?”

No way. He’s tied in on all of this too. I know it. “Yes. He had a history of heart trouble in his family. But the expression on his face when he died was twisted as if he had seen something frightening.”

Weird. Even if it was heart failure, it’s still a big part of whatever the hell is going on here right now.

“Do you remember noticing anything different about the room then?” Jimmy asked her. She put her hand to her chin as she thought about it. “Let’s see. Come to think of it . . .” She drawled off thoughtfully. “What?” I asked.

She had a look on her face that I couldn’t quite describe. “I want to say there was a window open.”

“A window?” Richard and I echoed. She nodded, seeming sure of herself. “I remember that being mentioned. They just assumed that the custodian forgot to close it.” The old man added.

Hm. I doubt that. My status as a delinquent was built on me breaking into places that are locked.

Not to steal of course but just someplace quiet to hang out while I was avoiding my home life.

Point being, custodians are really good at their job.

“Which window was it?” This time she didn’t need to think. “That’s easy. It was this one.” She stood and walked towards a window before turning to us.

However a shadowy figure moved behind her making the hairs on my neck stand. “Watch out!” Jimmy, Rachel, Richard, and I shouted, startling her.

I was the first to my feet and rushed to the window. Without thinking I threw it open and jumped out with ease, chasing after the figure. “Come back here!” I shouted, vaguely hearing my brother and Richard run after me.

The figure was fast and had a head start. If I was even a second behind I’d have lost him.

But I wasn’t.

I pride myself in my strength and my speed. So I was on the figures heels. I think it’s a man. Ah damn it, stop running through the trees. “Stop running you fucking coward!” I roared, taking a turn a little too sharply.

My foot misstepped and I fell off a small ledge. I let out a yelp as I stumbled a bit before catching myself before I could tumble.

I went after where I saw them last, hoping the split second didn’t screw me over. But the person was nowhere to be seen. I turned a bit, trying to pick up any sounds but all I heard was my breathing. 

Son of a bitch! 

“Stella! Stella, where are you?!” Jimmy’s worried voice shouted. “Stella!” Richard’s shout was next. I grit my teeth, taking one last quick look, hoping he’d materialize somehow.

No such luck.

I headed towards where I heard Richard and my brother calling for me. They were easy enough to find. “Are you okay?” My brother asked. I sighed, rubbing my head. “Yeah, but I lost them. They had the lay of the land, sorry.” Richard clicked his tongue, hands clenched.

I know he’s not upset with me, just that they got away. “He did exactly what I thought he’d do. He came back to get the sheet music.” 

The three of us went back to where the others waited in the center to tell them what had happened. The plan was to stay up all night and guard the place.

The plan kinda took a turn though when Richard and the old man passed out a few hours into it. Fortunately for them, staying up all night is a specialty of mine.

When the city cops finally arrived, It was Jimmy, Rachel, Nadia, and I who greeted them in the early light, Surprisingly enough it turned out to be Meguire. This was his jurisdiction. After filling him in and retrieving the music from Richard's jacket, the four of us took a cat nap while he woke up Richard to speak more of it.

It didn’t last long though as everyone from the funeral was brought back in for questioning. But since there were a lot of people it took hours. Like it’s about to be six p.m.

By then I was tired, but not nearly as bad as the other three who pulled an all-nighter. The four of us were yawning in unison by this point. “I think we’d be better off if we had just stayed up all night.” My brother stated.

I was too tired to glare at him. “That’s what I told you all. But nooooo. Take a quick nap Stella. You’re gonna need it. What if you have to chase someone again?” I spoke in an exasperated voice.

“Sorry.” Both him and Rachel chorused tiredly.

Richard walked over, also tired but he’s been drinking coffee with Meguire. Lucky bastard. “Hey dad, what’s up? Did you find the killer yet?” 

“Would we still be here if we had? I mean there were thirty-eight people at that service last night and they’re all suspects so it won’t be that easy.” I groaned, slumping in my seat.

I want to go to the motel but Jimmy wants to stick around till the end. “So when is it my turn to be questioned?” Nadia asked sleepily, yawning a bit in the beginning.

Richard chuckled a bit. “Look, I know you’re tired Doctor, but unfortunately you’re last on our list.” Nadia placed her hands on her face, bags under her eyes. “I guess I’ll go freshen up a bit. See you soon.” She headed to the bathroom, no doubt to douse her face in cold water.

Poor girl.

I yawned again, staring at Richard. “Come on man, I need some coffee or at least an energy drink. Get an officer to bring one.” I complained. 

He merely raised an eyebrow at me. “Why would we deputize an officer to make a coffee run?”

I leaned forward, narrowing my eyes. “Because if you don’t there’s gonna be more bodies to look at.” I threatened dangerously, making those around me sweat nervously.

“How many people haven’t been questioned?” My brother asked, seeing how much longer it’d take.

“Well if you include Dr. Adams; we’ve got Mayor Kinsella’s daughter, Renea Kinsella who’s over there with her fiance Steven Mohaland, Mather Schuemacher who’s running for mayor, and Mr. Kinsella’s assistant Kevin Hadley. Ken Nicholson is being questioned now. So that makes six people. But this Nicholson guy is taking a while. No matter what we ask him he remains silent. My gut tells me that he’s our murderer.” Hmm. 

He was the one who ran away in fear last night. Him, a murderer? One that warned us ahead of time?

Nuh-uh. No way. It’s not him. There’s no way. But there is something strange about him.

He’s been terrified for a long time. I wonder if he knows something about what’s going on. Or if he believes the rumor of the haunted piano like Kevin. 

“Kevin! Are you still talking about that cursed piano? The more you keep these rumors alive, the better the chances it’ll happen!”

Ah, Mr. Kinsella’s yelling again. His assistant tried to speak but of course he didn’t hear none of it. “Just get rid of it. Or it’s your job.” Mr. Kinsella headed in the direction of the bathroom, grumbling profanities under his breath.

About thirty minutes later they went to question Renae, who was screaming at Meguire the entire time. You can hear it from here where we’re all waiting. “Man she’s a bitch.” I grumbled, sinking in my chair as both Rachel and Nadia talked about her hysteria.

She’s been screaming for ten goddamn minutes. like father like daughter I guess.

I looked at my brother who was watching Ken Nicholson. Oh yeah, he’s still here.

His interview was over ten minutes ago. Is he waiting for someone? Oh, Mr. Kinsella? Someone mentioned last night that they went to school together. Speaking of which, is he still in the bathroom?

I didn’t see him leave.

Ken checked his watch and headed int the direction of the bathroom. Must be. Jimmy quickly stood. “Rachel, I've got to go to the bathroom.” He giggled and hurried off.

Bathroom my ass. You’re snooping.

I leaned more into my chair and shut my eyes, willing Renae to shut the fuck up. Or she’s going to get her ass kicked. 

A moment later, music played. Not just any. “Shit!” I shot to my feet and sprinted towards the bathrooms, upstairs.

That’s Moonlight Sonata’s second movement! That means there’s another body.

I rushed upstairs to see Ken on the ground with a horrid look on his face as he peered into the PA room, Jimmy at his side trying to gather him. I was the first to arrive after them and peered in. Mr. Kinsella is in a chair, face on the system, a knife protruding from his back.

Others made their way here, including the detectives and his daughter. Another dead politician. “Get the lab boys in here right away!” Meguire ordered, holding back Kinsella’s daughter. “Sorry Inspector. Forensics already went into the city to perform Kavanaugh’s autopsy.” An officer informed him.

“What? They didn’t leave anyone here?” Meguire demanded angrily. 

Damn cops. Always so useless. “What about me?” A voice spoke from the mess of chaos.

We all looked over to see Nadia and Rachel making their way over. “I’ll volunteer my services.” Well at least we’ve got a personal doc on standby. Meguire and Richard spoke about how the exits are sealed leaving only us. The killer must be here still.

Jimmy slammed his small fist into the wall, face twisted with frustrated anger. 

“Dweeb?” I asked, though no one noticed.

Jimmy didn’t even hear me as he shook in anger at his own shortcomings. This case has him riled up. Two unsolved deaths. That hasn’t happened in a while when he works a case.

Okay Stella, let’s think. Exits are sealed so the killer must be either Ken, Kevin, Renae, Schumacher, Steven, or Nadia. Those were the only suspects that were in the building.

One of them must be the killer. But the issue is, none of them stand out at all. This isn’t good. 

Who the hell is the murderer?!

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