Chapter 7
15 Minutes earlier.
At castle dominion it was quiet, their new elite squad had just left on a mission so the guardsmen located all over the base were simply minding their own business and doing their jobs as a small group walked in front of a holding cell when something caught one of their attention.
"Huh what was that?" he asked.
"What was what?" asked the guard beside him.
"I don't know..I saw some red light coming from the cell just's gone now..but that was strange" he commented.
"I told you to lay off the alcohol just last night see what I mean?, at this rate if this keeps up you'll be sent back home or worse" he said.
The first guard sighed and walked over to the door.
"Either way I'm checking it out-make sure I'm not going crazy," he said.
The second guard huffed and said.
"Fine, but if your wrong-don't say I didn't warn you"
The first guard ignored him and opened the cell door and saw nothing out of the ordinary.
Walking a few feet he looked around and huffed in frustration as there was no red light being shown in the cell.
He went to turn around when suddenly the door gently closed in on itself and shut.
"Huh?, hey who closed the door!" he said and knocked on it.
The door was at least a meter thick so sound wouldn't travel well through it but he still pounded away at it hoping his fellow guards would open it-he didn't like staying in here with the rebel they had captured even if it never did anything except stay still silently.
"Hey you got yourself into this mess-get yourself out of it!" said the third guard.
The first guard cursed as he went to work unlocking the door again when he started to hear a humming sound.
He looked up and around in confusion as he saw nothing.
He felt as if the inmate was watching him silently and waited for it's time to move and he glanced behind him.
For a second he thought it was gone-then he remembered it was dark in this cell and it had mostly black armor on.
Turning around to work on the lock again he furrowed his brows in frustration as he struggled to see what he was doing when he heard the humming sound again.
Stopping his work yet again he cursed and said to himself.
"Am I going crazy or is something actually humming in my ear!?"
However he would get his answer-just not in the way he expected.
A small "Chink" sound made itself known and just as the guard turned around-he found himself impalled by a harpoon like hook that shot straight through his chest and dragged him back to a certain black armored figure.
A red haze filled his vision as the beings visor lit up blood red and stared directly at the guard.
The guard tried to reach for his radio but couldn't as he felt a sucking sensation and to his horror realized that the figure was quite literally-sucking the blood out of his body through the harpoon.
"I thank you..for allowing me the strength to escape" said the being as the guard dropped to the ground dead.
After absorbing the blood his armor pulsed red and it sighed.
"At last..I have the strength to escape this damn place" . Its face couldn't be seen but it had a deeper male voice.
Clenching his fists he yanked on his restraints and they tore themselves off the wall as his wrist armor shifted and he grasped two small bars and flicked them.
The result was immediate-a pair of two-pronged energy swords instantly formed themselves in place and filled the cell with even more red light.
A knock was heard at the door and a voice said muffled.
"Hey what's going on in there-I heard a loud bang, come on man answer!" said the second guard.
The guard got an answer alright-an answer in the form of two blood red energy swords stabbing straight through the steel door and they slowly made their way both up and down and to the side the doors-leaving red hot trails as they did so.
The two remaining guards froze as the door was suddenly knocked open.
One of the guards was impaled by several slabs of metal and killed instantly and the second guard was blown to the ground.
His vision cleared just as he focused on the figure slowly walking out of the cell and staring straight down at him.
He groggily picked up his assault rifle and fired the entire mag at the being which-to his shock simply deflected any and all shots from said rifle.
His weapon clicked as it jammed and ran out of ammo and he looked at it-just before he spotted the red swords slicing him apart and ending his life.
He absorbed the last of their blood as his visor lit up.
It said two simple words.
"Of course," he remembered.
My name is Bloodborne, a warrior from my homeworlds past, cursed to live forever as long as I draw blood from a guilty soul once a month, if I fail to do so, my death will be slow and painful, and my soul will be cast into the depths of Hell for eternity, at least until my goal is complete-and my goal is to kill-the one.
I do not know who "the one" is sadly, all I know is that when the one appears-I will know, and then I will be free of this curse and if I so wish-move onto the peace of the afterlife, I can stay and keep my powers if I wish until I am ready as a second option-sometimes I feel as if number 1 is best, I've lived for hundreds of years by now..and life is tiring after a while, but..sometimes the second option seems better-as well-the sinners of this and every world ain't gonna cleanse themselves, but I also sometimes just feel like going to some isolated tree for months-and just stopping.
I can't decide which would be the better option, I don't outright enjoy this line of work, especially when purging those who are evil hurt those who aren't, but these..these "soldiers" are nothing but filth to me, I have no trouble cutting them all down to hell.
Bloodborne sighed as he heard the sirens around the base begin to scream off and a radio say "The convict has escaped-I repeat the convict has escaped-all available personnel stop it at once dead or alive-it doesn't matter just stop it from escaping at all costs!"
A few bullets pinged off of his armor as he leaped into the air and grasped a ledge and hung for a moment before pulling himself up and looking around-he quickly spotted a small boat that he could use to escape the base as he leaped down and sliced another guard down who tried to attack him.
"Halt!" said a guard captain besides a few men with assault rifles.
"Or what?" replied Bloodborne
In response the group opened fire.
Bloodborne dashed forward evading the stream of bullets before decapitating two guards at once before spinning around and slamming his armored knee into the back of a third sending him flying into a wall, before he stabbed the captain with his energy sword.
Absorbing the blood of all four guards, he felt his power level drastically increase as the sirens continued to blare loudly and he heard more men pouring out of the base.
Leaping across another gap his visor flashed red again and he activated his distress beacon which began to let out a signal to any one of those connected to his suit's frequency and wavelengths. Telling them of his current location and where he would go.
Firing his shoulder mounted hook he latched onto a wall and it stabbed itself into a wall which promptly pulled him in and raising a foot he smashed through the metal wall.
The breach killed a guard on the other end as he ducked and sliced upwards, cutting another soldier in two before his hook fully retracted and he ran down the hallway, with his armor suddenly simmering and he seemed to cloak into invisibility, though his outline was there-just very faint.
Getting closer to the shoreline, he evaded a few more patrols, causing a few of them to wonder what they saw as he slipped past them.
He continued to sneak by until he came across a group that he couldn't sneak past, he uncloaked himself and extended his blades again, before charging the group who opened fire one him-but to no avail as his armor deflected the bullets and he slice the heads of all six guards off within a second.
One guard spotted him and fired a rocket launcher at him, in turn bloodborne merely raised his arm and a liquid black sizzling aura enveloped him as a blood red vortex appeared in front of him, the missile impacted but instead was swallowed up by the vortex.
The guard lowered his weapon in confusion and he didn't notice the vortex open up behind him and said rocket from before smashed into him from behind and turned him into a red mist.
Bullets pinged off of him again as his aura thickened and he swung his sword, sending out a wave of bloody-shadow-like energy that sliced the new group in half.
See-Bloodborne's main trait was that he could absorb blood-really any liquid per-say, but blood help him the most as it kept him alive, especially the blood of the guilty, it also especially increased his combat capabilities-if he gained enough he could use blood-based magic and find his strength and speed drastically increased.
Not one to wait around he took off again, as he was getting fairly close to the harbor, when he heard a pair of missiles fire off from behind him.
Instead of using his magic he spun around and sliced the first missile in half-ignoring the point-blank explosion in his face he spun around again and grabbed the second missile with his left arm.
He held it for a second before pointing it back at his aggressors and letting go of it, resulting in another explosion taking out several more guards.
He glanced behind him and found the small motor boat just below him.
Taking one last look at the gathering guards and tilted his head before putting his hands together and firing off a large blood red orb which slowly flew towards the center of the squads.
Not bothering to stay and watch his handiwork he turned around and leapt from the docks onto the boat.
Water washed over her body as she finished cleaning her hair and covered up her robotic eye as Interface thought to herself.
"They gave me this eye that allows me to hack virtually any technology known-and unknown to mankind-yet they DIDN'T think to make it waterproof?."
She kept her eye covered in a patch to make sure it doesn't get damaged-she was meaning to ask someone to maybe help her fix her eye-someone preferably with magic and a high degree of experience of working with highly advanced technology.
She didn't realize someone had called her name several times until someone flat out yelled "Interface!"
She jumped slightly and said.
"Sorry-zoned out-yeah what is it?" she asked.
Artemis was currently in the showers beside her and they kept each other covered by a curtain-though they usually talked.
Though Interface narrowed her eye as she got no response.
Turning around to face the curtain, Interface sighed.
"Arty, you there?" she asked-Referring to Artemis by her main nickname.
When there was still no response she got a bad feeling in her stomach-she had a feeling she was about to be-
"YES WHAT IS IT!?" said Artemis suddenly as a soaking wet towel was forced over Interface and ruffled around rapidly.
Artemis and Interface have known each other for years, Artemis was known for being a bit of a prankster, Interface had her moments too, but she was no-were near as mischievous as Artemis was, and Interface cursed herself for not being focused enough to remember that she'd do something like this to her-just the two of them in separate showers-Artemis could turn invisible?, interface being half aware of everything?, perfect opportunity for her to get pranked.
"H-HEY CUT IT OUT!!" yelled Interface in reply.
"NAH, THAT AIN'T HOW YOU ASK MA'AM!" replied Artemis.
Oh Interface was gonna have to get her back for this later.
"ARTEMIS I SWEAR!" Interface said trying to knock her off.
"DON'T SWEAR IT'S NOT NICE!" said Artemis with a shit-eating grin.
This also reminded Interface on how so many of them were experts in combat-unmatched in pure power-yet half the time they couldn't decide who could shower first as they only had a few showers to use at a time.
And some of them
Okay maybe more than just some
Took very long showers.
"ARTEMIS YOU WILL REGRET THIS!!" screamed Interface.
"Remind me again Arrow...these two always like this when they take showers together?" asked a female meta-human named Scarlett, who originated from an ancient tribe and known for her pitch black hair, striking dark red eyes, and armored gauntlets, her main weapon was her sword with interchangeable blades with different elemental attacks.
She was originally out on a solo patrol when she received Jackals distress signal-she often took solo patrols out in the wilderness surrounding the city, she was an expert in nature survival after all. She had rejoined late though, and didn't get to really fight anyone except a few stray guards.
Arrow the elf shrugged.
"Yeah-basically, sometimes it gives you some entertainment before you get washed up-nothing's going on between them I don't think-they've known each other for a while, plus Artemis has always been a bit of a jester with some people-her especially, though she really only shows it outside of combat." she replied.
Scarlett gave a smirk as the water stopped and a few minutes later the two girls walked out-with Interface having a muffled look on her face-and Artemis having a triumphant grin to her face.
"Have fun in there you two?" asked Scarlett chuckling.
Interface gave a huff as she fixed her hood.
Artemis was no help at all as she said.
"Yes. yes we did."
"Artemis you better be sleeping with one eye open tonight..and maybe every other night" said Interface slyly.
"Oh yeah~? What are you gonna do Inty?, can't be that bad" replied Artemis turning towards her.
"Oh don't you wanna know" replied the girl.
"I do in fact-want to know-it could concern my mental and physical health after all~" said Artemis smugly.
Arrow and Scarlet's eyes went back and forth between the two as they poked fun at each other.
And in an instant a small "shink" was heard and suddenly Interface was holding a knife smiling casually at Artemis.
The three other members blinked silently.
"Inty..why did you have a knife in your boot?" asked Arrow.
"Because you never know when you may need it..for example-when certain shitheads with cat ears decide to assault you in the showers." Interface stated simply.
"Fair enough," said Scarlett, letting out a small laugh.
"Now-now Interface-we can talk this out like a civilized person would right?" asked Artemis slowly.
"The time for talk has passed-sometimes the lord's work must be done-" said Interface.
"Andd here she goes with quoting the memes again-" thought Artemis as she turned around and bolted out the the door-Interface hot on her heels.
"On one end-that'd never get old-on another end I'm waiting to see if Inty actually DOES get her back one day-rather than just chase her off." said Alisa, who for once wasn't in her armor-revealing that she had short dirty blonde-nearly brown hair, with fair skin and pale blue eyes, she wore casual clothes, that being a tank top as and shorts-however she was still virtually seven feet tall thanks to her spartan augmentations.
"For that-I am in agreement" said Arrow nodding in greetings to the spartan, as they went to wash themselves off.
Interface and Artemis dashed down the hallways in a blur though Interface still spotted a fair bit of individuals doing their day to day tasks.
She spotted:
Sandman slowly drank from a beer as he watched some very heavily scripted television and shook his head at the ridiculous nature of the show.
Soulblade-a Samurai with a unique blade and the ability to control the spirit realm's energies was in a small room practicing his sword skills and communing with the spirits of his ancestors-he was part of Jackals reinforcements and arrived alongside Scarlett-the two had a friendly, but sometimes intense rivalry.
Whiteout seemed to be modifying or cleaning his sniper rifle on a small table.
Other spartans such as Grey, Greyback, and other reinforcement members such as the tech-savvy female spartan nicknamed "Pirate", The one-shot sniper prodigy "Rookie", the laid-back and easy going joker "Orbital", the gruff and headstrong-yet gentle defensive specialist "stonewall", and the enigmatic spartan known for his love of the oceans-"Oceanic", all sparred in a large room.
Two-cyborg brothers named "Firebreach" and "Prophet" were firing their energy rifles at a pair of dummy targets to work on their accuracy.
A promethean knight soldier class warrior named "Forenius" was off to the side seemingly lost in his "thoughts" though occasionally his armor twitched.
A pair of Shangeli assassins by the names of "Snowflare" and "Azec", where humorously trying to do the laundry-a daunting task for the two assassins as well-they were seven foot tall aliens-and the laundry was meant for humans.
This and many other events took place as Interface kept on chasing Artemis down the long and narrow hallways as she sharply turned right and sprinted down the next hallway.
It wasn't long before the end of said hallway came into view and Artemis prepared to turn again-if it wasn't for the figures that just so happened to walk in front of them.
Interface spotted-Fireborn, whiteout, Lancer-and Jackal in the group and mentally cursed herself-for even with her greatly enhanced reflexes she wouldn't be able to dodge fully as Artemis crashed into Jackal at full force-and Interface crashed into both of them almost instantly right after.
For a second she was too dazed to think straight, then she came too as she and Artemis rolled off of Jackal.
Jackal merely shook his head once before standing up.
He tilted his head in an amused fashion.
"Now what's gotten you too worked up?" he asked
Both Artemis and Interface suddenly found themselves unable to look Jackal in the eye as they both gave a sheepish laugh and rubbed their heads.
Jackal merely chuckled as he helped the two up and then returned to business and said ."Actually it's good you two showed up, I got a distress beacon"
"From who?" asked Artemis and Interface in unison.
"Remember Bloodborne?, he went MIA for a bit after that bomb destroyed the building he was in, we didn't know what happened to him until his beacon activated fifteen minutes ago at some unknown point in the middle of the Laptev Sea, we haven't made any radio contact with him yet-but I got fog fleet member Arizona alongside the Kanmusu's Shinano and I-401 on station heading to his location.
He seems to be moving slowly across the sea-I can only assume he found some transport from wherever he came from-let's hope we get lucky with it""Anything else from that?" asked Interface.
"Not yet, but we got the three I just stated closing in on his position as we speak, they should be in range to pick him up within the hour" said Jackal.
"Hopefully it's not too harsh on the fellow-too bad he didn't activate it earlier, if he had stayed in one place that would've meant he was on stable ground-like a base or something" said Artemis.
Jackal seemed to think for a moment then something seemed to fire within his brain and he stated."Now that you mention it-for the first few moments he was still-but may onto something-I'll tell Arizona, I-401 and Shinano to keep an eye out just in case they spot something of that sort"
The rest nodded as they awaited the report.
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