meeting the Heroine

(A/N): Hello guys, I had some problems so I couldn't come back as I said (it's been a week or so, the rest was my author block) but I am back, a little rusty, but still here, I hope I can continue producing nice content for ya'll to enjoy. Also, I don't really like the drawing I did that's up there because of the face, so I wasn't going to post it, but I didn't have any other drawing available, so here ya'll go!

Plus: Also, I've been thinking about the magic (Y/N) has, and, why don't I just make it so that (Y/N) has three aptitudes? Tactical Nightmare magic as main magic, Supportive Dream creation magic or plain out dream magic and for attacks, dark magic. Sounds good? If so, I will be changing some stuff and reactions from older chapters, in this chapter he will fully be aware of this change tho.

(Y/N's POV) (I hope you have read the plus that's up there!)

Here we were, with a black Bulls Robe around our neck standing in front of the rest of the team.

Magna: With this! You are part of the black Bulls! Ya'll better do your bests to not throw dirt on our name ya hear?!

Asta/(Y/N): YESSIR!

Magna: Good! Now get excited because I am showing ya'll around the joint!

He turns around and starts running

Magna: Follow me noobs!

(Y/N): Behind you!

We chased behind him towards the weird looking building that I am sure we'll come to love.

Vanessa: *sigh* We didn't even finish introducing ourselves yet 

Ignoring Vanessa, Magna starts to show us around. 

Magna: This is the mess hall!

(Y/N): *stomach grumbles*....I know where I'll be spending most of my time.

Magna: This is the bathouse!

Asta: Whoaaa! It's huge!!!

Magna: Here is the females bedroom!

(Y/N): What's with these wires?

Magna: They are traps so if a boy tries to come close, they will die!


Magna: And here is the wild beast dungeon!

(Y/N): Why do we even have this?

Magna: Yami-san likes them.

We hurried to another place but Magna suddenly stopped.

Magna: And over here-! Oh?

There stood a beauty with silver hair, she seemed familiar, that's right, I had seen her before the tournament. Why was she here?

Magna: So this is where you were! You two, she is equal to both of you, the newcomer that you two didn't get a chance to meet.

I was about to open my mouth before Asta jumped in.

Asta: I am from the village of Hadge, nice to meet you, let's do our best together!

*slap* She slapped away the hand Asta had extended for her. 

Silver hair: Who gave you permission to talk to me?

Asta: huh?

Silver Hair: You little insect without an ounce of magic power! I am Noelle Silva of this country's magic line!

The moment seemed to overwhelmed Asta as he went down on the ground and apologised 

Asta: Please Forgive this insect, he didn't realize who he was talking to...

Noelle: Hmmph, as long as you understand.

(Y/N): Asta, she just called you an insect, don't let her squash you on your first day.

Asta: Wait, right. 

he quickly got up.

Asta: NWHOOAA Who are you calling an insect!!!

Asta: Magna said we were equals in this order!

(Y/N): So you being a royalty does not matter to us in the least.

Magna: Tell her boys! <-------commoner

Noelle: Foolish lowlifes, is it this difficult for you two to get something inside your thicc heads?

She raised her hand and began gathering some mana.

Noelle: Then I'll make you understand our difference by showing the high difference in mana we have.

She shot out a ball of water towards us, I was ready to dream create a wall but instead of hitting us, it hit Magna.


(Y/N): Wha?

Noelle: .......

Magna, now wet, gets up from the ground.

Magna: You little bitch! You'll pay for that!

Noelle softly bit on her lip before speaking up.

Noelle: Hmppfh, you just happened to be standing in the wrong spot, who said you could stand there.

Magna: BITCH I RANK HIGHER THAN YOU ARE!!! The only reason you got in here is cuz of Yami-san's good grace! 

Noelle: ......

Magna: You should be thankfull-

I felt like he wanted to continue, but seeing as something was weird about Noelle's reaction. I put a hand on his chest and stopped him.

Magna: Huuhh? What do you thi-

Noelle: I want nothing to do with this order.

And like that, she began walking away, something inside me kept telling me to reach out to her, but how could I? I didn't even know her yet. Noelle threw the robe on the ground as she left

Magna: Where the hell do you think you're doing!??? And where is my damn apology!?

Asta: The robe I worked so hard to get T-T

(Y/N): Hey!

Noelle turned around, I seemed to have taken her attention.

(Y/N): I don't know what your problem is, but if you have been accepted to the Black Bulls, the least you can do is respect our robe. 

She looked at me annoyed.

Noelle: Hmmph.

And with that, she left.

Magna: Thanks (Y/N), I have no idea what her problem is!

I just silently nodded my head.


Magna: And here is your room!

Magna was showing me the room I would be staying in, it was not very different from Asta's room that I had seen before, but surely I could get some cleaning here and there, and maybe, I can afford some nice furniture.

Well, at the moment it was mostly a mess tho.

Magna: Well, it ain't too big and it's a little dirty, but no too shabby right?

I chuckled a bit.

(Y/N): It's perfect.

I gave him a thumbs up and he gave me a cheeky delinquent smile he always wears. He left through the door leaving me alone with my room.

(Y/N): *sigh* I better go to sleep.

(Timeskip, next morning)

I woke up for the toilet but for some DAMN reason, I couldn't find it, I mean, I searched for an hour or so, this building is damn confusing.

(Y/N): I should wake Asta up, maybe we can train together!

I began walking towards his room from memory and opened the door to see.....the toilet? Hold on what?

(Y/N): Well, not gonna complain.

(after the toilet)

I washed my hands using the water magic faucet (is that how things work? I am in chapter 267 of the manga and I still don't darn know)

I left the toilet room and noticed a window, the outside looked beautiful and was pretty much calling me, so I accepted the call. I somehow found my way outside and began walking around, the air was fresh and the breeze felt nice on my skin. 

*boom* *Splash*

(Y/N): What's that noise?

As I was wondering, the world decided to give me an answer, a huge water ball hit me in the face as I flew back.

(Y/N): Huh?! Are we under attack!?

I quickly got back up and reached for my grimoire.

I passed through some bushes to see....a battlefield, with Noelle in the middle.

Noelle: *gasp* *breathe* *exhale* W-Why....why can't I hit, what I want to hit?

(She is so pretty OwO)

I saw that she had tears in her eyes and I felt...bad...I was being mean to a girl who was trying her best, she had her own issues, and I didn't know a single thing....she started it tho, no need to feel bad....yet, still.........

Her eyes showed ZETSUBOU (means despair, I wrote it in Japanese cuz.....why am I even explaining this, everyone here should know why I wrote ZETSUBOU!) I was going to approach her and maybe try to comfort her, even with that bitchy attitude, I couldn't bear to see her like that.

I was about to leave my watching spot when her eyes light up with determination. She raises her hand and gathers her mana once more, and shoots out her ball of water only to miss again.

Noelle: Why? What am I doing wrong!?

Her hands suddenly began releasing an excessive amount of mana to create......fuck.

(Y/N): *thinking* Is she doing this on purpose? No didn't seem like it, is her magic going crazy? most likely, is this the power of requiem? Wrong anime. Ughhhh, can't figure it out. But hot damn, that's a lot of mana.

I looked within the mass of water to see her pained face, was she drowning? No!

I was about to act out before someone pulled me back through my robe.

(Y/N): What the!?-

Yami: Her magic is out of control, if we suppress it with magic, the girl inside might die.

(Y/N): What!? Can't be!

Yami: If only we had someone who could suppress mana.

(Y/N): That would truly be handy right now.

Asta: Hey guys, what did I miss? HOLY COW!?

Yami/(Y/N): oh yeah.

(Y/N): Asta! Sword!

He looked confused at first but nodded. a second later.

He ran towards me as I aimed at Noelle.

(Y/N): Dream create! Convenient platform!

He was surprised as I used the platform that only I could see to launch him towards Noelle. 


He sliced the ball fo water in the middle as the mana holding the ball together was released.....and they are falling.

(Y/N): Dream create! Web of dreams!

So....I may have watched them but how do I bring them down?

Yami: Well, that's something you'll have to figure out on the way.

(Y/N): Did you just read my miiiiiiiiiiiii-

He yeeted me towards the two I was able to catch Noelle with my arms.

Asta: WHAT ABOUT ME!????


I created an arm from my back that grasped Asta as we continued to fall down.

(Y/N): Well, I guess this is how we die, sorry Asta, you didn't get to simp more for sister lily.


Finral: Fallen angels hole!

He opened up a portal I crashed headfirst to the ground, Asta landed safely as he was being held by my magic, and Noelle, well, she landed on me. 

(Y/N): *muffled and inaudible* ouch.....


Yami laughed.

Yami: Hahahaha, nicely done kiddos!

Asta: Thanks!

(Y/N):* Muffled grateful noises*

Noelle got up from my back, so I could finally get my head out of the ground, however, I wasn't the biggest fan of the first thing I saw. It was Noelle looking at the ground with a sorrowful frown.

(Y/N): Hey, Noelle? Are you good?

She stood silently.

(Y/N): *Sigh* I am sorry about yesterday but hey, That magic ball was pretty darn amazing!

Noelle: Huh?

(Y/N): I mean, Not everyone has that much magic you know? That looked incredible! If you could master that! You'd be unbeatable! Just think about it! But don't think too hard because I'll do something more amazing than that before you finish thinking about it! Trust me! I won't lose out!

Magna: heh! You mean that your problem was that you couldn't control your magic? Why didn't you say so? We are the Black Bulls ya know? The order of misfits! We can easily take care of that fault fo yours dumbass!

I looked at her with an understanding look. 

(Ok, enough JoJo)

(Y/N): So don't sweat the small stuff like this, what matters here is that you are fine.

Finral: I agree, also, there is an Italian restaurant nearby wanna go out on a dinner date with me?

I did a small chop to his head.

Finral: What was that for!? I am your senpai you know!

Charmy: Before that, eat this cupcake! It's delish you know?

Vanessa: I am an expert at magic control, there is nothing I cannot show you the ropes of, the bedroom ropes aswell~

Noelle had tears in her eyes and was about to break down.

(Ok sorry that's the last JoJo reference I swear)

Asta: As a person without magic, I think you are amazing no matter what! Let's aim to be the best together!

I put one of my arms around her and gave her a friendly hug.

(Y/N): So, talk to us about your problems next time ok?

With that, she couldn't keep her tears in anymore and began crying.

(Y/N): Let's get started, on our journey!




(A/N): And that's the darn plug! Might make us missing from some missions where (Y/N) has no romantic interaction possibilities with Noelle, and just make (Y/N) train for a while.  I am sorry this chapter was kinda lacking, I haven't written something in over 6 months or so. So, yeah, see ya'll after 68 more months or so!


Word Count: 2389

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