(A/N): Well, here we are. We will finally get accepted to an Magic knight group.....Woohoo! (Sorry for the low quality drawing by the way.)

(Y/N's POV)

???: Wanna fight?

I looked at the man with white hair with a smirk slowly forming in my mouth.

(Y/N): Try me.

???: Alright then. But first, what may be your name bumpkin?

(Y/N): (Y/N). What's yours?

Shirogami: Call me Shirogami. (And here comes the winner of the stupidest japanese name champion....AUTHOR-KUN!!!)

Vengeance: You'll keep fighting until one surrenders or is rendered incapable of continuing. We have a wizard capable of healing so fight like your life depends on it. So let's have the first par step up.

(Y/N): That would be us.

Shirogami just nodds and we walk towards the middle.

(Y/N): Let us fight like the two men we are....For our dreams *eyes filled with determination*

Shirogami: Indeed.....Do not hold back.

(Y/N): Like hell I would.

I got into my fighting stance.

Vengeance: Ready? BEGIN!

We both launched at each other.

Shirogami:  White delusions!

The field was covered by White smoke.

(Y/N): I can't see anything.

Shirogami: Of course not! This is the power of my smoke magic! 

(Y/N): I guess I'll show you a little part of my magic too.

(Y/N):  Deaths hand!

My hands were covered by dark magic turning it into claw like shapes

(Like this) 

Shirogami: That won't be very helpful you know.

I traced the voice and swing my claws towards the voice.

Shirogami:  Trap cloud!

I felt the smoke around my hands harden.

(Y/N): Shit!

I could't move my hands anymore.

Shirogami: I thought a 4 leaf clover grimoire user would be harder to defeat!

Shirogami: Smoke spear!

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

(Y/N): Horrid sense!

I released an dark aura making me aware of my surroundings.

(Y/N): Behind me...

I dodged the Smoke spear and threw a quick kick.

Shirogami: SHOOT!!!

I gave him a nice hard kick in his face probably leaving my footprint on his face.

(Y/N): Hope you enjoyed that!

I could feel the smoke around my hand's loosening.

(Y/N): Perfect.

I ripped my hands out of the smoke using my claws.

(Y/N): Told ya that they were going to be useful.

I dashed one more time, this time knowing where he is.

(Y/N): Soul Taker!

I summoned yet another weapon (I feel like I made you guys a walking armory)

(Like this but maybe with no metal, only magic....However you prefer)

He threw another spear at me only for me to disappear.

(Y/N): Dark deception!

I appeared behind him and slashed down.


I landed the hit only for his body to disappear.

(Y/N): He can use kage bunshin no Jutsu!?

Shirogami: Illusional Fog!

Around 7 more Shirogami's appeared around me.

(Y/N): Oh so now you are stealing tactics from Nami?

All of the clones launched at me.

(Y/N): Horrid Sense!

I could feel the heartbeat coming from one of the clones.

(Y/N): You are there!

I swinged towards the clone only for it to switch places with a spear.

(Y/N): (I can't dodge!)

I bared my self and took the hit.

(Y/N): GAH!

I lost my balance resulting in me going on my knee.

(Y/N): Lucky shot.

Shirogami: Like hell it was!

His voice....*closes eye*........Behind!

I bent backwards still on one knee and summoned my bow.

(Y/N): Apollo's Bow!

I aimed and shot.

Shirogami: AHH!!!

He gave out an ear rape level scream as the smoke began to clear.

(Y/N): Fucked up huh?

I looked at where I had hit him, it was in his knee (NO!!! WE ARE NOT MAKING THAT JOKE!)

Ok ok sheesh. it was his shoulder.

(Y/N): Karma hurts like a bitch doesn't it?

Shirogami: I've been trough worse.

(Y/N): Tell me. Why do you want to be an Magic Knight?

He looked down his hair covering his eyes.

Shirogami: You see, I have always looked up to the Silver Eagle's but when I tried to talk to their captain he just said eight words. Eight words that angered me the most '' Get out of my sight you worthless shit''. I sweared after that day. * looks up* I was going to show him that I wasn't worthless. In the end of this match....When I defeat you. He will surely want me to join his team.

Pretty cliche but still. I feel damn bad for the guy.

(Y/N): Then get up and fight like a man to reach your dream.

He looked at me with a little sorrow but that sorrow was washed up by the new found courage burning inside of him. 

Shirogami: ALL RIGHT!!!

He got up and took one last glance at me.

Shirogami: Let's go all on out.

I simply nodded.

Shirogami: Dreamy armor!

He covered himself with smoke and looked at me.

Shirogami: This will be one last attack!

I took a deep breath. *closes eyes*

Shirogami: Heavy Fog!

He brought his fist down towards me and I opened up my eyes. 

(Y/N): Nightmare magic....Akumu no sekai! (Basically Tsukuyomi I just changed it a little including the name)

Shirogami stopped and started to scream. 

(Shirogami POV)

I found myself in a weird place covered in nothing but red....Where am I?

(Y/N): You caught in my magic.

What!? Wasn't his magic just controling the dark and shadows and whatever it was?

(Y/N): You are in a world I created.....

Shirogami: What do you plan on doing?

A cross rose up from beneath me.

Shirogami: Huh?

(Y/N) Threw two knifes towards me.

Shirogami: ARGH!!!

He hit me in the hands keeping them stuck.

(Y/N): In here you will get tortured for years and in the outside world it will only feel like 5 seconds.

I-Impossible.....Such magic can't exist right?....Right?

The world started closing on me as I started feeling immense amount of pain.

(Y/N's POV)

After five seconds he stopped screaming and lumped forward.

Shiragogami: J-just so y-y-you know.....I will achieve my d-dream.....

He passed out just like that while everyone just stood there shocked.

(Y/N): *excited* Woohoo I won!

Asta: GOOD JOB (Y/N)!!!

I gave Asta a thumbs up.

Yami: What an amusing power...

Vengeance: That power could be really destructive.

Dorothy Unsworth(Captain of the Coral Peacocks for who doesn't know): Zzzzzzz.....

Finral: Hey I see a totally hot babe back there!

After hearing these comments and ignoring the last one  I went back to my place as the medics carried out Shirogami.

(Y/N): (I'll see you again in the selections....Shirogami!)

(Timeskip brought to you by Noelle dressed up as Weiss)

It was time for Asta's match. 

Asta: Let's fight like men for the sake of our dreams!

Pıh hah put his hand on Asta's shoulder.

Pıh hah: You don't need to try anymore. You dirty, out of place little rat.

I released an dark aura around me scaring everyone making them take a step back.


Pıh hah: I'll enter the magic knight and half ass it enough for you too.

Pıh hah: You can return whatever pig pen they left you out of and enjoy rest of your miserable days there.

Vengeance: Ready! BEGIN!!!

Pıh hah: No holding back! Let's do this Asta!

Pıh hah: Magnum Canon Ball!

A weird shield type of ball appeared around him.

Pıh hah: (How do you like my magic bitch? I used my bronze properties to make a bomb that encircles me. So not only do I guard myself, I can attack whenever I want. Whatever attack you throw at me I'll just defend against and blast you away to appeal to the captains in attendance.

Finral: For someone taking the test he has an impressive magic

Yami: Doesn't he look like one of those crazy insects from Mimoa Mason?

Stranger 1023: This is over, there is no way that bumpkin will be able to pass through with his lack of magic.

Stranger 9029: Dammit I wanted to fight that kid too.

Stranger 1023: Look at his grimoire.

Stranger 9029: What's with that dirty old Grimoire?

Stranger 3085: He can't even use magic.

Stranger 6573: Why the hell is he even here?

Stranger7364: Stupid little slum rat.

Stranger 4625: No one is going to accept you in their order

Pıh hah: *does that weird blink* You don't need to hold back, just bring it.

Asta: Okay, I won't hold back.

While he was saying that I could be seen screaming and shouting in anger while 7 different Sorcerers trying to hold me.


Asta rushed at Pıh hah and took out his sword from his book.

Pıh hah: Huh?

He brought his sword down destroying his magic and....well....turning him into bug mush.

Stranger 9746: What...

Stranger 7246: The...

Stranger 9338: Hell?

Silent filled the place.

Pıh hah: Kah peh

Stranger 8364: What...

Stranger 9844: Just happened?

Asta: I don't want to be a magic knight just to make some good memories. Call me insane, but I'm going to be the sorcery emperor!!!

Vengeance: ....

Yami: Oh?

I just smiled at him and I was sure Yuno was feeling as excited as me. 

People were still ranting about what the hell happened.

Stranger 3982: What is up with this guy!?

Stranger 9834: Didn't he just say that he would be the emperor?

Stranger 6745: Yes he did.


Stranger 7384: What a fool.

Stranger 8475: It hurts to see guys like this who's heads are in the clouds and can't see the reality.

Stranger 2736: Get out of the ring you dumb kid!


Finral: Hmm....was that creation magic? After looking at all his other tests you wouldn't think that he had that kind of power in him....

Yami: He didn't use any magic.

Finral: huh?

Yami: ''I am going to be the sorcery emperor''? We have a weirdo in our hands.

After that we watched two or three more fight before it was finally the time for Yuno

???: You haven't found an opponent yet, have you? I'll be your opponent.

Stranger 8638: Isn't that?

Stranger 8465: Yeah he's Salim from house Havchus.

Salim: You might have been chosen by the 4-leaf clover, but you are still a rat from the Stix....Fighting a noble like me will show the overwhelming difference in our position and power.

Another cocky bastard. BEAT HIM YUN- oh...he already handed his ass in a silver plate.

Stranger 3846: To think Salim lost so easily!

Stranger 7453: You're kidding right!?

(Timeskip brought to you by poor Shirogami)

Vengeance: And that concludes all of our matches. Now to the selections... When your number is called come forward. Whichever captain wants that tester please raise your hand. The choice to enter the order of knights that chooses you, as well as choosing between multiple orders, if that happens, it is up to you kids. And like I said before, if no one raises their hand, you've failed the test. Now then number 1, step forward. 

Vengeance: Number 32 Purple Sea Serpent.

Vengeance: Number 78 Crimson Lion.

Vengeance: Number 116 Failed.

Vengeance: Number 141 Failed.

Number 141: Yeah that's all I am worth for.

Vengeance: Next number 158.

I step up towards the ring and slowly watched as all of the hands of the captains began to raise up.

Stranger 8632: What!?


Asta: FOR REAL!?

I released a dark aura making everyone shiver in their place. I look towards the captain's their hands were shaking....wait. The captain of Black Bulls....Yami was it? His hand wasn't shaking at all. No it wasn't shaking in the slightest bit.

(Y/N): *smirk* I request Black bulls!

Stranger 9374: EH!!! That rowdy gang of magic knight that was told to be the worst!?

Yami: Seriously? shit.

I knew from this moment that we were going to keep walking forward....that is if Asta didn't almost failed the test. No one raised their hands.

Yami: Of course this would happen. Even if you are really good at fighting nobody wants a power they can't identify. As the name implies, the main thing that we look for in a magic knight is magic power.

He released a strong aura pretty much similar to mine and jumped down. Everyone other then me seemed to be at least a little effected by it.

Yami: Nobody will want you because you have no magic power. You said that you were aiming to be the sorcery emperor right? That means that you'll have to surpass the 9 of us. Do you still think you, who has no magic, can say that to my face!?

Asta hesitated for a second before gulping and answering.

Asta: I don't care if I don't get chosen today. No matter how many times I trip up, NO matter WHO says that to me, one day.... I WILL BE THE SORCERY EMPEROR!!!

Stranger 8364: He still saying things like that.

Stranger: 2573: Like hell a dirty bumpkin like him will be the emperor.

Yami took a second before breaking into laughter.

Yami: HA HA HA!!! YOU'RE FUNNY!!! Come to the Black Bulls crook.

Asta: huh?
(Y/N): (Woohoo we are going to be magic knight brothers!)


Asta: (WHAAAAT!!!!)

Yami: Be prepared to run the lowest of hells in the black bulls crook. And one day become the Sorcery Emperor.

I did choose the right group.

Asta: YES SIR!!!!

Our real adventure  will begin now...

(A/N): Mother fucker this was one long chapter to writ. My hands hurt, my eyes are drier than my Instagram comment section and I have school tomorrow....*sigh* fuck my life.

Word count: 2147 (Longest one yet)

Katakuriu out....

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