Chapter 5: capturing a Majestic Agent

A/n: Hello my fellow readers! Here is the next chapter to this story sorry for the long wait, anyway let's get on with the chapter!

Crypta's pov

After three weeks passed since the whole, exploding head event me and Y/n return to Santa Modesta, cause Pox wants us to collect some Human brain stems that may have survived the signal broadcast. While we do our part, Pox gave Y/n the Anal Probe gun to assist him with collecting the brain stems, though I should give something to Y/n to show my appreciation for his help.

Once I landed the saucer away from any Human eyes, and me and Y/n exit the saucer with our weapons out, then Y/n pulls out his Anal Probe along with me and proceed to collect some of the brain stems. With Y/n using his modified clothes to hide his identity, which he wears a hood and scarf to not be noticed by other Humans, we then split up to cover more ground and make it easy for us to collect the brain stems.

Crypta: *calls Y/n on comms* Hey, Y/n. How is collecting the brain stems on your end? Cause I just all the ones at my end.

Y/n: {Same here, just got finished with collecting both the brain stems from the broadcast and some fresh ones thanks to my modified clothes being able to store them and keep them fresh.}

Crypta: Good to hear, handsome.~ *calls Pox* Pox me and Y/n just got finished collecting the brains stems.

Pox: {Great, that's all the overloaded brain stems done. You two regroup and return to mother ship.}

Once we got the order, me and Y/n start to head back to the saucer while taking out and Human resistance from the law enforcers, once back at the saucer we enter it and fly it back to space and head back to the mother ship. I then turn to Y/n with a seductive grin on my face and rub my ass on his crotch.

Crypta: You like?~

Instead of a reply, I feel him cup my ass making me moan from the feeling as Y/n leans into me to the point o I can hear him next to me.

Y/n: Does this answer your question?~

Crypta: After we arrive at the mother ship, meet me in a private room.~

Y/n: Gladly.~

After making it back to the mother ship, me and Y/n exit the saucer and head to Pox to give him the brain stems from collecting them, I leave first after depositing my half of the brain stems and leave the room to get ready my surprise to Y/n.

3rd pov

As Y/n deposited the brain stems and hands Pox his modified clothes to get some upgrades the two discussed some ideas of, after wards Y/n heads towards a private room that he was shown when first arriving to the mother ship. Y/n then reaches to one of the private rooms, he knocks on one of them and waits for a response.

Crypta: *from the other side of the door* It's open.~

Y/n then opens the door and enters the room, once inside and closing the door behind him though when he looks on, Y/n sees Crypta out of her usual suit and gets a full view of Crypta's breast and smooth grey skin. Which turns on the male human, which Crypta sees this and smirks from her seductive move, Crypta then invites Y/n to come closer with her finger.

Crypta: Like what you see?~

Y/n: Very.~

*small lemon*

Both the male human and female alien enter in a heated make out session, with Y/n's hands exploring Crypta's curves such as her breast and ass, Y/n then trails his kisses down Crypta's body making the female alien moan from pleasure. Once Y/n was nearing Crypta's womanhood but once he got there, he sees that Crypta does not have the very female reproductive organ, only to see nothing there.

Y/n: Right. I forgot your race don't have reproductive organs.

Crypta: Yes, unfortunately. Since mainly relying on cloning and removing any reproductive organs in the equation.

Y/n: True, but that doesn't mean I can pleasure you in other ways.~

Crypta is confused at first, but then Y/n starts fondling and sucking Crypta's breasts making Crypta moan from pleasure once more, Crypta then lowers down to undo Y/n's pants and slowly pulls them down along with Y/n's boxers. Once they were lowered enough to reveal Y/n's member, the said thing springs out and hits Crypta in the face which makes hers smile and see the size of Y/n's member.

Crypta: My, you've been holding out.~ The size is bigger than I imagined.~

Y/n: Why thank you.~

Crypta then begins to lick around Y/n's member, while using her free hand to fondle Y/n's sack and earning a pleasured grunt, hearing such sounds makes Crypta lick faster around Y/n's member and inserts it into her mouth. Once Y/n's member was in Crypta's mouth, she slowly moves her head up and down while sucking Y/n's member, which makes the male human grunt and moan from the increasing pleasure that Crypta is giving him. Due to Crypta's size Y/n couldn't reach Crypta's breast, so he rests them on her head and helping Crypta increasing the speed of the sucking.

Y/n: Oh *grunts* Crypta.~ You're good at this.~

Crypta: *giggles* [You have no idea what your in for, Y/n.~]

With each passing second that Crypta increases her speed of licking and sucking Y/n's member, Crypta then feels Y/n's member twitch and begin to tense up, with one last thrust from Y/n's hips and Crypta beings her head down ingulfing Y/n's member. Then Y/n releases his seed into Crypta's mouth and surprising the female alien with the large amount, Crypta then slowly swallows Y/n's seed enjoying the taste of it. Once Y/n was finished with releasing his seed, Crypta removes Y/n's member from her mouth and swallow the last of the human seed in her mouth, the two of them then look into the other's eyes and smiled to one another.

Y/n: Your not bad, Crypta.~

Crypta: *giggles* i can say the same for you... *whispers into Y/n's ear* Big boy.~

-End of small lemon-

Pox: *through the P.A. system8 {Y/n! Crypta! I have another assignment for you two, please return to Santa Modesta.}

Y/n: Looks like we've been called up.

Crypta: Darn, but oh well. We'll have to continue this next time handsome. ~

Y/n's pov

We head back to the saucer and fly back to Santa Modesta, Crypta then lands the saucer at a remote area of the city of Santa Modesta, jus then we hear Pox informing us through the comms.

Pox: {Crypta, Y/n. you two are going to investigate the activities of the human scientists, I want to establish their connection with the "Majestic."}

Once we were out of the saucer, then head towards the burger joint with Crypta disguising herself as an attractive woman again, once we got close to the burger joint Crypta begins reading the minds of the scientists minds to get the info we needed. After we walked around the area and Crypta finished scanning the group of scientists minds, Pox gives us our next moves.

Pox: {Clearly the scientists are responsible for carrying out Majestic's population control schemes. Normally I'd ask you two to destroy the scientist, but we have a bigger problem.}

Y/n: Majestic, right.

Pox: {Correct, they are using the food outlets to distribute their population control drugs and it seems to be working. If every human in this country turns paranoid in hostile, it will make life for us very difficult. Get back to the saucer and destroy the food outlets at once.}

Y/n: Got it.

Crypta: Will too, Pox.

We make our way back to the saucer without, alerting the fuzz or Majestic and just before I could enter the saucer, Crypta moves her arm in front of me which I look to her in confusion and what could she want. Crypta turns to me with a smile, that says "I have an idea" so I ask her what's on her mind.

Y/n: You got an idea, Crypta?

Crypta: Yeah, you get to pilot the saucer.

Just hearing those words, made me smirk knowing this is going to be fun for both of us, we then enter the saucer with me taking the pilot seat and of course Crypta in my lap, once we were off the ground where everyone can see the saucer. I move it to the burger joint and start firing the death ray at the burger joint, destroying the building with whoever was inside of the building and bring the ray to disintegrate the scientists and their equipment.

Y/n: [Best. Day. Ever!]

3rd pov

After the dinner was destroyed along with the scientist and equipment, meanwhile in a park at the center of town with other scientist and one of the men in black, while another man in a black suit walking up to the latter.

man in black suit1: They just took the dinner, too! We got to set up a line and hold 'em here!

man in black suit2: Well, I don't know about you. But I'm not standing around here waiting to get abducted! 

man in black suit1: Keep your panties on, Mary. I just got word over the radio, there's an army convoy right outside this town. With tanks.

Just then one of the scientist touches one of the devices, but gets a short electric shock just from touching it, but he lived once he took his hand off of it.

man in black suit2: Thank god!

man in black suit1: Thank Majestic. Silhouette got the Army to do something right, for once. Take some cars and go get 'em!

man in black suit2: Try and stop me!

-back with Y/n and Crypta-

As Y/n and Crypta were in the saucer waiting for Pox's next move, which didn't take long as the said Furon contacts them on their comms.

Pox: {If the scientists escape with the formula, our whole operation is at risk! Destroy those vehicles before they leave the peninsula.}

Both Y/n and Crypta nod to one another and pilot the saucer towards the moving car while destroying any military army vehicles and missile launchers in their way, once they got to the car that is their target Y/n fires the death ray and completely destroying the car. But more cars showed up, which Y/n pilots the saucer to the cars and destroys every single one of them and makes sure they don't leave town. Pox then contacts y/n and Crypta again.

Pox: {Majestic are far more dangerous to our mission than I had suspected. I say it's high time, we abducted one of these men in... really, really dark brown.}

Y/n: It's black, Pox. Men in black, though why do they have to wear black suits, especially when it gets really hot in the day.

Pox: {questions aside, abduct him and give him a good probing. What do you say? Up for a little fun.}

Crypta: Don't mind if I do, but I won't be gentle this this man in black.

Y/n then flies the saucer to a landing position at a beach line, once the saucer landed both Y/n and Crypta exit the saucer, Y/n's modified clothes then creates a helmet to hide his identity from Majestic. Then both Y/n and Crypta use their jetpacks to reach the park at the center of town, once there both Y/n and Crypta pull out their disintegrate rifles then fire upon some of the armed human forces and devices, while Y/n give Crypta some covering fire allowing the said alien to hypnotize the man in black.

Once Crypta was finished hypnotizing the man in black, he pulls out his weapon and fires upon his own allies, the three of them then make their way to the streets and make their way back to the saucer. As they make their way to the saucer, Y/n and Crypta along with the hypnotized man in black take out any human forces, it didn't take long for Y/n and Crypta to make it back to the saucer and lead the hypnotized man in black under said saucer. Y/n then knocks the man in black to the ground, who then gets restraint by the saucer's abduction ray and the said man in black sees Crypta along with Y/n with his helmet on.

man in black suit: Go to hell, Klaetu! You think I'm scared of a three-foot space hamster? *looks at Y/n* And some five-foot lizard man.

Y/n: *punches the man in the face* I wouldn't try and play tough if I were you.

Crypta: *to Y/n* Thanks, darling.~ *to the man in black* I think you should be.

Crypta then moves her hand down, which makes the man in black flip to upside down whre he is face to face with Crypta.

Crypta: Now, we can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard. Your choice, what do you know about a downed Furon scout ship?

man in black suit: A what?

Y/n: Don't play dumb.

Crypta: Sorry- lemme put it in baby talk. A flying saucer? Crashed somewhere, or captured?

man in black suit: I don't know what your talking about.

Y/n: Sure, and I'm a tiny fairy boy.

Crypta: Of course not. What do you know about "Majestic"?

man in black suit: I know we're gonna kick your little green ass all the way back to Mars.

Y/n: *chuckles* One, her skin tone is grey not green punk and two, is highly unlikely to happen.

man in black suit: What do you mean about that?

Y/n then presses a button on his modified clothes to retract his helmet, to reveal himself to be human which surprises the Majestic agent, then he glares at Y/n seeing that he was helping Crypta and Pox.

Majestic agent: Why are you helping these things! Don't you have pride as a human!?

Y/n: Please, you're trying to brain wash other people. Which means Majestic needs to be stopped.

Crypta: Thank you Y/n.~ Now these weapons, where are you making them? How many agents does Majestic have?! How many other towns are you in?!? *trys to forcibly read his mind but gets frustrated and push agent back* Son of a-!

Y/n: Easy Crypta. if talking won't work, then we just have to get sadistic.

Crypta: *giggles* You just read my mind.~ Don't get mad, get sadistic. I think this calls for the JUMBO Probe.

As the agent floats up, a device comes out from under the saucer and moves to be right behind the agent, the device covers the agent's head with the four mechanical limbs wrap themselves around the agent's torso. The agent is then restraint again and the device activates, the agent then screams in pain which brings a sadistic smirk to Crypta's and Y/n's faces.

Crypta: Hurts, doesn't it, monkey boy? You want it to stop, don't you?

Y/n: Then give Mommy and daddy what they need.

The device then powers down and uncovers the agent's face, to reveal a face that made him look like a corpse with most of his life looking like it was taken from him, which makes him weak and easily give them the info they need.

agent: *weaken tone* Mind... control... experiment... Rockwell... movies... Furon DNA, Area 42! Ugh.

Pox: {Prepare to return to the mothership, Crypta and Y/n. We're going back to Rockwell for the last time.}

Crypta: In a second. Hold still monkey boy. Lemme just...

Y/n moves away knowing what's going to happen, as Crypta uses her PK to lift the agent's head who then screams in terror, with the sound of something popping and crunching like sounds that silenced the agent.

To be continued

A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you guys think also I am going to give the reader more weapons that he will "barrow" from Majestic's labs and modified them, for him to use. Now I will catch you guys in the next one.

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