Chapter 4: Causing Chaos at Santa Modesta
A/n: Hello my fellow readers, here is the next chapter to this story. now sorry for not updating this in a while, it's just I can be pretty busy during my day to day activates, but Now let the awesome chapter begin!
Y/n's pov
As me and Crypta were in the saucer, heading towards to Santa Modesta and to see what we could find. Just before leaving Pox did give me some upgrades like making my clothes that are now outfitted with an energy shield, like Crypta's and with a jet pack to use, along with a device to store my weapons and switch at will.
Pox: {Here we are Crypta and Y/n. Sunny Santa Modesta! First up, I want you two to find the alpha male of this town. Perhaps we can gain an insight into the way this wacked human social hierarchy functions.}
Y/n: [At, least Pox is spearing me on how complicated explaining that can be.]
Once, we got out of the saucer, Pox tells us to stay in complete incognito which is not too hard for me, since I'm human with pure Furon DNA, but Crypta had to use her Pk to disguise herself into a young human woman who was not too far form us. Once we entered the neighborhood Crypta starts to read the minds of the towns people.
Crypa: *in disguise* These, humans keep bringing up a "pool Party." Do you have any idea, Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah, basically we humans, love to party. And if you added a pool in there, you get the most fun out of it.
Crypta: *in disguise* I see, so we just look around for a party with the pool.
I nod to her and look around town to find the pool party, which didn't take us too long to find and see some of the towns people there partying with what I could assume is the town's mayor, but I do notice a strange machine near the pool with a man in a suit and boller hat. Just by looking at the man and the machine, it can't be good for what we're doing especially with Crypta and Pox trying to, help their race.
Y/n: *whispers to Crypta* Crypta, stay clear of that machine, that man is next too. *points the man in the suit*
Crypta: *in disguise* Got it, I'll read his mind and continue with the mission.
She then reads the man's mind and also allowing me to hear the man's mind.
Man in a suit: [that mayor is one tough cookie, I better talk to Silhouette. We may have to go over his head, things are moving too fast. For all I know, these little green deviants could already be among us.]
I can see that Crypta got ticked from being called "green", so I help get her mind off it and kissed her cheek and surprising her, with a bonus to see her blush a bit.
Crypta: *in disguise* Thanks for getting my mind off that, Y/n.
Y/n: No problem, beautiful.
she blushed again, but we continued to look for the mayor of the town by reading of the people in the party, after sometime looking we found the mayor and Crypta read his mind, getting what we needed.
Pox: {This mayor is pathetic. So is this "Pool Party." It's time to trash the place!}
3rd pov
With those words coming out of Pox's mouth, Crypta gets out of her disguise and used her Pk to lift one of the people in the party and drown them in the pool, while Y/n pulled out his disintegrator ray and blasts the nearest person. Which was the man in the suit killing him instantly before he even had a chance to react, as both Crypta and Y/n were killing the people at the party either by drowning them or killing them with their weapons.
After they killed the people at the party, they get a call from Pox again.
Pox: {Good work you two, unfortunately you two seem to have awakened the local constabulary. Be on your guard. You two will need a new weapon to handle the Santa Modesta police force, so Crypta I'm unlocking your disintegrator ray and while you Y/n you'll be getting the Zap o matic, but I recommend using your disintegrator ray. Try them out on the fuzz.}
Y/n\Crypta: With pleasure.
As the police force arrived both Crypta and Y/n used their disintegrator rays and started to fire at the police killing them by turning them into dust, as the two continued to kill the fuzz and blow up their cars Y/n covered Crypta with as much ammo he has in his weapon, while Crypta used her Pk to turn carts and lawnmowers making enough ammo for both her and Y/n.
Once the two got ammo again, They killed off the last of the police and hide to lose the police being on their trail.
Pox: {Good, work Crypta and Y/n. Now get back into the saucer.}
Once they were sure they lost the cops, Y/n bring up his hood to hide his looks while Crypta used her Pk to disguise herself as a human.
time skip brought to you by Chibi Y/n and Chibi Crypta losing the cops who suck at their jobs
Once the two were at another part of Santa Modesta, they see two more men in suits and boller hats like the one they saw at the pool party.
Crypta: They don't look so tough.
Y/n: Maybe by appearance, but if I know one thing you got to watch you for the ones you least expect.
Pox: {Y/n is right, looks can be deceiving. These urban humans are savvier, gritter...}
Crypta: Stringier...
Y/n: And look like complete douches.
Pox: {Harder to fool. You two keep your eyes sharp and your wits sharper.}
As Y/n and Crypta watched to two men in suits walking along the foot ball field, they remain their distance and ease drop on their conversation.
man in suit1: Not in the open. Duck in here... *turns to the other man in suit* Hit me.
man in suit2: We're "go" for Phase One.
man in suit1: Our guy's inside the station?
man in suit2: Just waiting for the word.
man in suit1: And the tape?
man in suit2: In the briefcase. All cued up.
man in suit1: Subliminal TV messages... What'll Majestic think of next?
man in suit2: Search me.
man in suit1: *turns to the man* You know what a rhetorical question is?
man in suit2: Not a clue.
A/n: Is this Majestic agent a chad or not? Cause I just love how blunt and to the point he was on that line.
The first man in suit just sighs and waves his colleague to follow him, While Y/n and Crypta watch as the two men leave from their hiding place.
Crypta: These black suits again... What's a "Majestic"?
Y/n: Not too sure, but these guys sure do not look like your usual C.I.A Agent.
Pox: {I'm not certain either, but it gives me an idea, Crypta and Y/n...}
Crypta: Wait, lemme grab something to write with.
Y/n: *smirks* Where, were you going to write?
Crypta: *seductive smirk* Wouldn't you like to know.~
Pox: {If our plan is to succeed, simply reading human minds will be insufficient, we must CONTROL them. To ease the harvesting of their sterns, grease the wheels, so to speak.}
Crypta: Sounds like a gas. How do we do it?
Y/n: I think, I know what Pox Might suggest.
Pox: {I believe your ebon-garbed friends have provided us direction.}
With that the car with the two men in suits were in, drives away while Y/n and Crypta followed the car by staying on the roof tops of the houses by uising their jetpacks and avoid any police or military forces, Crypta get's an idea and used her Pk to lift up a propane tank and throws it at the black sedan stopping the car.
The two men get out of the car, but Y/n lands behind it and used the Zap-O-matic and electrified the car, causing it to explode and killing the two men in the process.
Pox: {Scanning the documents now.....Crypta! Y/n! This looks diabolical, the briefcase contained the reel of magnetic tape and orders commence an experiment in human mind control.}
Y/n: Okay, kinda messed up, but I can't talk when I'm killing humans like me.
Pox: {Apparently a human scientist is waiting at the TV station for these orders. He's an expert on the human brain and his name is... Slimy Ernst. I want you two to go to the TV station and scan Slimy Ernst.}
As Pox finished telling the two, the said human and female furon make their way to the Tv station by using their jetpacks and see that their not too far from the station, once the two got to the TV station and used their jetpacks to get over the fence. Y/n took out two guards by throwing two knives into their heads killing them and Crypta disguised herself by using her Pk on another human, before killing him.
As Crypta and Y/n sneak around outside the station, they both see a man sleeping on a beach chair under the tree.
Y/n: I'm guessing the guy doesn't sleep much.
Crypta: It appears so, but it just makes this easier.
She then used her Pk and reads the sleeping man, which then gets plan on what Majestic is planning to do and use propaganda to brainwash America.
Pox: {We cannot allow the human race to be Sleepy Ernst's, experimental guinea pigs. They should be our guinea pigs, minus Y/n of course. Destroy Sleepy Ernst, Crypta.}
Crypta: I got a better idea.
She then uses her Pk and lifts up Sleepy Ernst, which wakes him up Crypta then throws Sleepy Ernst towards the water, which the force of impacting with the water kills the scientist and y/n brings out his disintegrator ray out and shoots the car next to them and blows it up.
Y/n's pov
Pox: {Crypta, Y/n. Majestic intended to broadcast mind control signals to control their own people, by transmitting signals form this station they hope to make the human population paranoid and aggressive. Well more paranoid and aggressive.}
Y/n: Well, that is more messed up than what I thought.
Pox: {Alright, Crypta and Y/n here's the plan. We're going to use this "Television" thingie ourselves. To subjugate humanity to the indomitable will of the Furon Empire! If you two can bend the antennae in the direction of the mothership, they'll be in perfect position to receive my Furon mind control transmissions. That's the good news!}
Pox went on on the bad news, that we had to be quick with bending the direction of the mothership, which was easy for Crypta with her using Pk but for me it was a bit tricky at first to line them up correctly, but over time I got them lined up correctly. Over time both me and Crypta managed to line up all the antenna's to the mothership and the results.... well....
Pox: {Here we go. Beginning transmission... Furon signal downlink successful! Oh, this is smashing..! Alright, I'm increasing the power...}
Y/n: I hope, this doesn't go bad.
Crypta: Won't know until we see.
Pox: {Wait, Crypta! Y/n! The signal is too strong! Humans are weak, their minds can't take that kind of amplitude! Y/n being the exception since, his DNA and the Furon DNA are perfectly balanced. You have to before they-}
Before he could finish, the people come out of their houses holding their heads and soon their heads explode while the brains fall out form the exploded heads.
Pox: {Ooooh, that has to hurt... Ewwwww, disgusting. Crypta? Crypta? Where did you go?}
I look over to Crypta and see that, she's licking her lips with hungry eyes at the brains that were exploding out of the heads of the people.
Crypta: Snack time.~
Y/n: [Oh, boy.]
To be continued
A/n: and, done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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