Chapter 3: Pox's discovery and Zombie cows?!
A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. now I'm going to try and update my neferpitou story and this one, now let the chapter begin.
Y/n's pov
after finishing the mission that involved me and Crypta going to a carnival and taking Mrs. Rockwell to the mother ship, but we both stand in front of Pox cause he as discovered something with my blood sample.
Crypta: so Pox, what have you found?
Pox: well when I was analyzing Y/n's blood sample there was nothing too noticeable, but...
Y/n: but what?
Pox: I have discovered that the pure Furon DNA and your human DNA is at 100% even with one another or being in sync so to speak.
Y/n: wait, does that make me a hybrid?
Pox: not in those exact words, but both DNA are in perfect sync. meaning that you may lack PK abilities like Crypta has, but you can use Furon weaponry.
Y/n: that... is... AWESOME!
Crypta: looks like I won't be the only one doing some destruction.~
Pox: yes this is some great news. but for now you two should head to your next mission and you'll be needing this Y/n.
Pox then brings out a futuristic looking weapon to me, which I gently take it and get a good look at the weapon and feeling it to have some weight to it.
A/n: I don't own this
Y/n: *whistles* this weapon is a cool looking.
Pox: I'm glad your impressed. this is what we call a disintegrator ray it is capable of firing super heated plasma that can cause explosions on vehicles or any form of explosives and as the name implies it is capable of disintegrating any organic being, humans for example. so do be careful were you aim that weapon.
Y/n: right, thanks Pox.
he nods to me as me and Crypta return to the saucer heading back to Earth for the next mission that Pox want's us to do.
-back on Earth-
as the Saucer was landing we arrive at a farm in the same town as the carnival, but it was a few miles away from the carnival or what's left of the carnival. but once we got out we see cows that are oddly glowing green.
Pox: {Crypta! Y/n! those nearby bovoids appear to have been genetically manipulated by the humans! but for what purpose? I want you two to investigate this bizarre mutated species.
we then walk towards to the nearest glowing cow and Crypta goes to read it's mind, while I stand at a safe distance from the said cow since it's glowing could mean it would be bad for me.
Crypta: what the hell?
Y/n: what is is?
Crypta: it was about to say moo, but then said "brains."
Y/n: that is odd.
Pox: {brains? healthy green glow? those human fools! clearly they genetically altered these pathetic gas bags and turned them into radioactive exploding zombie cows! show them the folly of their mad science! word of advice for you Y/n do not get near the exploding zombie cows, due to them being radioactive it could have harmful effects on your human body.}
Y/n: got it.
we then went to the group of scientist that were working on the glowing green cows, as I remain at a distance Crypta used her PK to lift one of the glowing explosive cows and throws it at the group causing them to be alerted. I took a sniping point and taking shots at some of the individuals causing them to be turned to ash after being hit by my weapon's disintegrating power.
once we took them out we moved on to the second group across the street Crypta doing the same using her PK on the glowing cows that exploded some of the individuals while I sniped down and turn the others to ash. but then I see what looks to be the Mayor of the small town noticed the commotion and most likely saw Crypta.
Mayor: Space invaders! run for your lives!
Pox: {the town's alpha male? where did her come from? never mind that, you two must stop him before he publicly reveals your existence. go to this town hall and take the alpha male's place to address the pee-brained masses.}
with that me and Crypta who went into a disguise so that she does not cause more attention, but as we were about to enter Crypta read the mind of a nearby civilian that security is tight that we need to be a either a cop or marine. luckily for Crypta she changed her disguised into that of a marine, but I was still not in one.
Crypta: Y/n you go head to the front of town hall to be in the crowd.
Y/n: alright, don't cause too much trouble.
Crypta: oh, I won't.~
with that we split up so that Crypta went to take the appearance of the Mayor while I went to the town hall meeting, since the marines just let me in thinking I was a local in the town and went within the crowd and see a disguised Crypta who posed as the Mayor to get the meeting started.
3rd pov
Crypta: *with the Mayor's voice* greetings fellow human agricultural engineers.
Y/n: *faceplams* [way to keep it cool Crytpa.]
Crypta: *using the Mayor's voice* there is nothing going on here. everything is normal, carry on with your pathetic human lives. that is all.
Y/n: [not the wises things to say.]
random farmer: now wait just a cotton-picking minute, Mr. Mayor I've lived in this town all my life and I voted for you twice in last election. now I'm entitled to a gall darn answer. if there ain't nothing going on here, how come all my cows is glowing like a lightning bug. what you say to that whippersnapper.
Y/n: [does he mean a firefly for the lightning bug comment?]
Crypta: *with the Mayor's vice* I don't know why, but it isn't from the death ray of a flying saucer, I can tell you that.
Y/n: [probably should have said something else than that.]
the comment got disapproval sounds from the town's people clearly not liking what Crypta said thinking it's the Mayor in front of them.
Crypta: *with the Mayor's voice* you want to know what's been going on around here? I'll tell you what's been going on around here, Communism that's what!
this get's some approving sounds from the crowd, while Y/n couldn't help but stifle a laugh due to the town's people naïve minds.
Crypta: *with the Mayor's voice* as a matter of fact, this is a particularly good time of year for amateur astronomers. Venus is generally visible in the evening and of course we have the uh, leonid meteor shower coming up in a few weeks.
the crowd did not like what Mayor Crypta said about the meteor shower, but Y/n on the other hand was interested but he then noticed on of the people in the crowd has a gun with him.
Y/n: [how the hell did the police or marines even allowed him to have a gun with him?!]
then Crypta threaten the communist getting some good sounds from the crowd making Y/n think one thing about the single minded crowd.
Y/n: [these guys really don't like communism.]
random townie: now, wait just a second. how in the world does any of that explain the destruction at the fair?
Crypta: *with the Mayor's voice* read my lips. I will not rest until we find the perpetrators of the fairground carnage and bring them to justice.
again the crowd approved of what Crypta said, while Y/n just smiled knowing it was them in the saucer that destroyed the fairgrounds, but he kept it to himself.
random woman: well now hold on, how come nobody in Santa Modesta been seeing anything like this?
Cryota: *with the Mayor's voice* look cows fart methane and methane is flammable. We've got more cows than Santa Modesta you do the math.
and with this the crowd seemed to be satisficed with what Crypta said and continue with the meeting, while Y/n is silently celebrating that the mission is complete.
Crypta: *with the Mayor's voice* so as you can see there's nothing to trouble your puny human brains about.
random farmer: the Mayor's right. this was all just a random series of suspiciously coincidental yet easily rationalized events.
the crowd then applaud to Crypta as Y/n had crossed his arms with a smile nodding to Crypta who then wraps up the meeting.
Crypta: *with the Mayor's voice* yeah, that's right. give it up, let's hear it for me!
Y/n:\Crypta: *under their breath* suckers...
both then leave, while Y/n caught up with Crypta as Pox's drone comes to them.
Crypta: what a bunch of losers. minds like mud, this planet is easy pickings. no offence Y/n.
Y/n: tell me about it. and none taken some people on Earth are simple minded.
Pox: {Crypta, Y/n did you two hear what that human said during your speech?}
Y/n: you mean the one that mention Santa Modesta?
Crypta: huh, must of missed it. too focused on digging on all the love.~
Pox: {focus! there's another human hive nearby. as Y/n said "Santa Modesta" you two must find it's location and make your way there. We've got more humans to control! no offence Y/n.
Y/n: again none taken.
to be continued
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of this story please let me know what you guys think. also when should I do a lemon for the reader and Crypta after the final boss or some where before the final boss, please let me know what you guys think and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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