Chapter Two Part X (ED)
Yay, we've finally gotten to chapter two! This is dedicated to Kittencatten, a loyal fan who claimed me as her "favorite author" - and as promised, a dedication for your dedication. Thanks, Kitten! (^з^)-☆ Now, let's find out what happens when the dragons appear, and who exactly the mysterious new Riders are...
Chapter 2
"That is your dragon?" Eragon asked in shock.
"Yep," Nia replied, walking out of the tent. "And she is mad."
WHERE IS MY RIDER? boomed a voice that resounded through Eragon's skull. Clutching his temples, he could see Nasuada and Arya heard the voice as well. IF YOU HAVE DARED TO HURT HER, I SHALL RENDER THE EARTH WITH YOUR BLOOD UNTIL YOU GIVE HER TO ME!
Another roar sounded as Eragon and the others hurriedly followed Niaomi out of the tent. Circling above the encampment was a glittering white dragon. Its scales were like a facet of a gem, each one diffracting the sunlight into the colors of the rainbow. The dragon was a bit larger than Saphira and breathed white flames that never actually touched the tents; however, the cloth still steamed with the fire's heat.
Suddenly, a hail of arrows shot towards the dragon. It turned its head, flames still shooting from its mouth, and the arrows fell back to the earth charred and broken. The few that make it past the dragon's fiery breath bounced off its warding.
Eragon, a dragon! Saphira was looking up in awe, tail twitching. Another dragon! Has anyone ever beheld a more breathtaking sight?
I think the Varden find it to be more of a shocking sight than anything else, Eragon told her wryly before looked over at Nasuada. "What shall we do, my lady?"
Before she could answer, another mental cry was heard. "LUMINOUS!" shouted Nia with her breath and mind. Her voice, amplified by magic, resounded throughout the tents. The panicked clamor died as the dragon turned towards the pavilion.
"Luminous!" Niaomi shouted again, this time with only her voice. "I'm alright! Stop terrifying people!"
The dragon named Luminous, streaked towards the pavilion, and Eragon was able to tell from where'd she - for the dragon was undoubtedly a female - gotten her name. The sunlight sparkled off her blindingly white scales as she flapped to the same clearing in front of them that Saphira used to land. Shaking her pale white wings, Luminous lowered her head to at her Rider with one slitted eye that glittered like fresh snow. She growling softly, and Niaomi merely resting her hand on the dragon's snout.
"What's happening?" asked Nasuada.
"They're speaking mind to mind," replied Nicholas. He was leaning against Renata just slightly.
Luminous suddenly stood up from her crouch, and the sun seems to shine through her hide to make it glow. My scales cannot compare, grumbled Saphira, slightly irritated at the fact.
Eragon hid a smile as he patted her leg. To me, they're the most brilliant thing the world has ever seen. He felt her happiness at his compliment as if it were his own through their bond; and indeed, to some extent, Saphira's content was his as well.
"Luminous apologizes for her...overreaction," said Nia, bringing the two's attention back to the matter at hand. "If you permit all would permit it, she would like to speak to you herself."
He and the elves, including Arya, nodded as Nasuada said, "Go ahead."
The white dragon's voice was a few pitches deeper than Saphira's and had a hum-like quality to it. I am sorry for being the cause of such fear and confusion. I felt my Rider faint and hurried here as fast as I could. I assumed that the Varden had somehow been the cause of Nia's incapacitation. I was - Luminous halted, letting out a large breath of smoke-tinged air in a sigh. I was wrong.
"You cause no real harm, and on behalf of the Varden, I humbly accept your apology, Luminous," Eragon's liege lord said gracefully. The dragon nodded her head at the words in response.
"Umm, my lady," Rosaminda interjected, her voice slightly worried. "You may want to relay to the rest of the Varden and your allies that other dragons will soon be approaching."
Nasuada blinked in surprise. "Well, I'm glad we made more room for Saphira, as it seems that we will be needing it."
The sound of horse galloping towards them from behind Luminous made the dragon move to stand by Saphira, reveal King Orrin and his retinue. "Nasuada, what is the devil's name is going on?" he demanded, eyeing the newcomers as warily as his mount eyed the new dragon. "I'm called out of a very delicate experiment to find that a dragon is terrorizing us, only to realize that it's neither Thorn nor Saphira. Now, I come here with no idea what is happening only to be greeted by the sight even more strangers!"
The Wandering Tribeswoman sighed once the king had finished his tirade. "I sent a messenger to your tent, Orrin. Where you there?"
Orrin blush extended all the way to his brown roots. "Well - I"
Nasuada smiled. "Well then, that is clearly why you received no word. My messenger is probably still outside your tent waiting for you to return."
Now it was the other leader's turn to sigh. "Jordan," he said to one of his guards. "Go to my tent and retrieve Lady Nasuada's messenger and bring him back here."
"Yes, my liege," saluted the guardsman as he turned his horse and galloped off. Orrin and the rest of his retinue dismounted.
"My apologies, my lady," the king said, bowing to Nasuada. "It seems my lack of knowledge is my own folly."
"It is perfectly alright, Your Majesty. We shall relate the story so far to you."
Nasuada turned to one of her guards, an Urgal. "Can you tell the lieutenants that more dragons are coming, and that so long as none are Thorn that we are not under attack?"
The Urgal bared his throat, a sign of respect. "Yes, Lady Nightstalker." He bounded off, quickly disappearing behind the tents.
"Now, King Orrin, let's get you up to date on all that's happened." Hooking her arm through Orrin's, she pulled him into her pavilion. Arya went in after her, and Eragon was just about to follow suit behind the other Riders when Niaomi called his name.
He turned back around to see that she was still standing beside her dragon. "Yes?"
Niaomi smiled and pointed at Saphira. Her body was coiled in repressed excitement, her eyes glued to the white dragon. "I can't be certain, but would Saphira like to meet Luminous?"
Eragon laughed. "I think she would die for the chance."
Luminous looked at Saphira as she settled down beside her Rider. Greetings, wind-sister, she said to both the dragon and the Rider. I have heard about your exploits and extraordinary flying abilities. It is an honor to finally meet you.
Humming in pleasure, Saphira replied, And it is an honor to meet you, as well.
Her eyelids snicked shut as she blinked. I am glad you think so. For a wind dragon, your scales are very bright.
Though not as bright as yours.
Smoke blew from nostrils as Luminous snorted. That is because I am a gem dragon, like my sire.
"Wait, what?" asked Eragon. "Gem dragons? Wind dragons? Are there different species of dragons?"
The white dragon directed her gaze to Eragon. Not quite. All dragons are dragons; there are simply a set of characteristics that can be found in some rather than others. We call these breeds.
Saphira was a curious as Eragon. Could you explain further?
Luminous's voice sounded faintly amused. You have some understanding of this already, Saphira, because you are a dragon. However, it is hard to put it into words. She yawned, flashing her serrated white teeth. Let's start with fire dragons. They are the largest of our kind, and their scales are usually not a bright as others. However, they can sustain a flame longer than most, hence their name.
"Next are gem dragons," Nia continued, smoothly picking up were the other left off. "Their scales are the ones that shine the most. Some were said to even glow, and Luminous is a prime example of a gem dragon."
Well, my scales are quite beautiful, her dragon agreed, just the slightest bit of arrogance in her tone. Eragon idly wondered if that was characteristic of all dragons. As I said before, you Saphira are a wind dragon. Most of their scales were brighter than fire dragons, and they were the smallest of us all. They usually flew the fastest or were the best flyers.
"What kind of dragon is Thorn?" Eragon piped up.
Thorn is a fire dragon, answered Luminous. She looked down at her claws and then proceeded to clean them. So is Shruikan. The breed of dragon a hatchling shall be is based on what their parents were, and in some cases two breeds can be blended together. For example, if their dam was a fire dragon and their sire a gem, then the hatchling could be a fire, a gem, or a mixture of both.
"Nick's dragon, Emere, is a perfect example of a combination. While he is a gem and fire, his brother, Toparien - who is Nate's dragon - is a pure fire dragon," Niaomi clarified.
And speaking of dragons, here come the rest, said Luminous, looking towards the east. There, flying from the horizon, were four brilliantly colored dragons.
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