The video inserted above is one of my favorite spiritual melodies.
Was anxiously waiting to add it in this update where you are going to see a massive change in our male protagonist's life from now onwards !
This beautiful Kalam surely represents the true essence of each and every word written in this chapter.
A chapter which will turn out to be the gist of Destined To Be With You!!!
P.S: the video is removed
~Happy Reading :)
~2 years later~
~November 2017, Kalam Valley, Khyber Pakhtun Khwa~
~Third Person's POV
The cold droplets of water trickled down the angelic and charismatic features of his now extremely luminous face as he continued to splash the water on his face thrice. Then he slowly let the water pass from the tips of his fingers up to his elbows, thrice. Then he passed his wet hands through his forehead and dark black hair, ears and then neck. As the flow of water started to become more calm and rhythmic, the cold droplets refreshed each and every tired inch of his creamy skin. Finally he washed both of his feet thrice, thus concluding his ablution and stood up to leave for the prayer area.
He slowly walked towards the shiny marble staircase which led towards the same Mosque which had become his eternal abode, since two years!
A flashback of his sinful life started to roam in front of his eyes, but as soon as he realized that how drastically his life has changed throughout these two painful years, a huge smile danced across his lips. He took his prayer cap out of his pocket and wore it on his head and without any reluctance, he continued to climb up the stairs..........
Ready to answer the Call of Allah!
The Imam commenced the prayers, thus allowing his followers to raise their hands up to the level of their ears and say 'ALLAH HU AKBAR' unanimously!
That true feeling of devotion, spirituality and closeness to the Almighty was the most peaceful feeling in the world. The feeling he was in search of since months.
The hands which were habitual of holding the bottles of all sorts of branded liquors, be it whisky, champagne, brandy, vodka or tequila, were now the hands which only knew how to rotate the beads of the tasbeeh.
The hands which used to adore the glamorous beauty of the stylish wine glasses, had now become habitual of shaping themselves into a crescent in front of the One & Only, Allah Subhan Wa Ta'ala!!!
The soul which used to find pleasure in branded and luxurious things and loved to adore each and every expensive accessory, had now become so humble that most of the time, it was found prostrating infront of it's Lord!
The man who loved to spend each and every second of his life in haram gatherings by partying, drinking,dancing and singing along with his toxic friends was now the one who only adored the gatherings in which he could perform prayers in congregation!
The man who loved to read all sorts of philosophies and psychologies, would now spend multiple hours while reciting and learning the meaning of Quran!
In a nutshell, the heart which used to be a black stone, had beautifully transformed itself into a gold!
And it took two whole painful years for Shahveer Ali Khan to transform into someone whom he had never ever dreamt of being, before!
As the sun started to set behind the monstrous snowy peaks, the sky started to welcome all sorts of hues, thus giving birth to a splendid scene which was surely a treat to the eyes which were meant to adore nature. Slowly and gradually, the shy bride came out of the curtains of the grey fluffy clouds and started to spread its silver moonlight throughout the exquisite valley of Kalaam. It was thin like a hair strand, shiny and silver like the soothing river flowing nearby and extremely graceful and unique tonight after the wait of 11 months!
The moon!
It looked as if a beautiful delicate girl had been hiding from her lover since a very long time and now was the time for that shy bride to come out and show its beauty to her lover.
The silver magic which was sprinkling from the moon, looked extremely charming tonight, and why not?
After all, it was the crescent of the month of Ramadan!
People of all ages, men , women and children, every single villager came out of their houses to witness the moon of this beautiful month of Ramadan.
Everyone started to make prayers while looking at the crescent and hugged each other while giving their loved ones the beautiful wishes for the upcoming month.
"Assalam u alaikum warahmatullah"
As I turned towards my left to conclude my Maghrib prayers with a salam, my gaze eventually fell upon a sweet little girl who was looking at me with her beautiful and hopeful eyes. There was a pile of few small beautiful copies of Quran in her hands.
"Bhaiyya, take one of these please." She smiled innocently.
"Are you selling them?" I asked.
"No bhaiyya, I'm just distributing it for the sake of getting a reward in Jannah! It is going to be first Ramadan tomorrow and I want the people of this Mosque to recite the Quran distributed by me. Please select the one you like!" She smiled ear to ear.
I took the pile from her hands and looked at the different colored and beautifully deigned covers of the Holy Book. Finally my gaze fell upon the most beautiful and distinct but familiar design. Suddenly a storm of flashbacks started to envelope me in their warm embrace.
"Make sure you perform ablution before opening your gift"
Hooriyah's words rang like a soft melodious bell in my ears as I recalled that this copy of Quran had the exact same design as the one which she had given to me two years ago. As I flipped through its soft pages, my eyes started to brim with tears as I recalled that how disrespectful I had been with her beautiful gift. A gift which was so special and unique that nothing could be more beautiful than that. And she chose that gift only for me!
But still I failed to understand the beautiful emotions behind that pleasant gift.
"This one!" I smiled while telling the little girl about my choice.
"Sure!" She smiled while taking the rest of the pile from me.
I wiped my tears and caressed her cheeks with affection.
"May Allah give you a beautiful reward in Jannah!" I patted her head.
"Ameen, and May Allah fulfill the biggest desire of your heart! "
And after giving the most beautiful prayer to me, she left within a blink of an eye to distribute the remaining copies.
"Ameen!" I mumbled under my breath while looking at the beautiful Holy Book.
"Ramadan Mubarak ho merey Bhayi!"
An enthusiastic, jolly and youthful voice interrupted my thoughts to which I immediately turned, only to find my best friend smiling at me, ready to give me a tight hug.
"Kher Mubarak!" I hugged Amir tightly as he patted my back.
Amir !
This man, standing right here, had completely changed my life with the help of Allah. Today, I was someone who was completely opposite to the one I used to be two years ago! Was he an angel? A guide? Or an illusion?
I don't know.
But I was ready to owe my life to him for what he had done throughout these two years, was worth sacrificing my life for. From teaching me the way to perform ablution to offering the prayers, from learning the meaning of Quran, to leaving the addiction of drugs, from being the most arrogant and proud soul to being a down to earth and humble one, from being a depressed and hopeless man to being a hopeful and peaceful man, he was there with me in every aspect of my life.
He had changed me !
By the grace of Allah, he had completely transformed me from an animal to a human being.
From a total maniac ....to A BELIEVER!
Once there were some people named as Carlos, James, Soniya, Priya and Rayyan. They were the ones whom I had known since a decade. They used to swear that they will be by my side till their last breath, but none of them even cared to ask whether I was alive or dead throughout these two years.
They were the ones who pretended to be my best companions and my lifetime support but secretly and silently, they had dragged me towards a life which was hell.
On the other hand, this man was determined and passionate to drag me towards a life which leads to heaven, even though we were both strangers for each other.
The point to ponder upon is that were the people who deceived me by making my whole life a sin were my true companions or the one who had dragged me out of a dark and torturous dungeon and shone a bright light upon me with the help of Allah?
Without any doubt, Amir was my true companion!
And I have got my answer after watching his undying efforts in brightening up my soul throughout these two years. I was extremely grateful to Allah, for sending this angel in my life!
"Hey bro, lost again? Thinking about the same girl han?"
Amir snapped his fingers infront of my eyes, bringing me back to my senses.
I shook my head in disagreement.
We started to walk towards our house which was a bit far from the Mosque, in which I was living with Amir and his family since two years.
"I wonder why you are wasting your time after that lady! You should get married dear. You are such a handsome, smart and intelligent guy, then why don't you find a beautiful girl for yourself, and get settled with her?"
Amir asked in a worried tone to which I smiled politely.
"Amir, my life is nothing but just a dreadful mistake. Even if it takes my whole life, I will still wait for her! It's not that I only want to marry her, I want to apologize for what I have done with her. Because my Allah is not going to forgive me until and unless she forgives me!"
I looked at him with my gloomy eyes.
"What's so special about her that you didn't give up throughout these years?" He asked with curiosity.
I paused for a while as I ran out of words.
"Her Eyes!" I finally blurted out.
"Are you kidding me?"
Amir burst into laughter while mocking me.
I nodded.
"Her eyes were always filled with Haya (Chastity)"
I added.
He stopped laughing.
"Her eyelashes were always drowned in the ocean of piousness. She never looked straight in my eyes."
I smiled upon reminiscing those deep, beautiful hazel brown orbs, which always wanted to narrate an untold story.
The story which I failed to read.
"I had never seen so much piousness, so much shyness, so much humbleness and so much kindnesses in just one soul, altogether!"
I tried to summarize her charismatic personality.
Amir remained silent as he started to listen to one of the biggest hidden chapters if the story of my life.
All he knew was that I was in search of a girl named Hooriyah. What he did not know were the critical circumstances of the past which I had created on my own and how embarassed I was since then.
I never told him about the biggest sin which I had committed.
I never told him about how I broke an innocent heart.
I never told him why my quest began and why it wasn't ending so soon.
But now was the right time to tell him each and everything about my past.
It was time to walk down the memory lane and share the tragedy of that horrendous blast from my past.
As we climbed up the snowy mountains and walked past the tall alpine trees, I continued to tell him about my beloved angel.
"When my gaze fell upon her for the very first time, I was lost!"
I paused while recalling the day when I accidentally entered her room, thinking of it to be Alizeh's.
"She was offering her prayers, something which was extremely unusual for me. Little did my heart know that it had already been attached to this unknown girl before too. There were lots of things about her which seemed familiar, but still I failed to recognize her, until she introduced herself as .....
Hooriyah Jahangir Khan!"
My eyes twinkled with ecstasy as soon as her name escaped through my lips.
"Oh my my! Look at your eyes! That glitter is surely narrating a totally different story!"
Amir teased me while grinning ear to ear.
"But was it possible for Shahveer Ali Khan to act appropriately in front of a girl back then?"
I giggled while trying to hide my embarrassment.
"I tried my best to make her feel uncomfortable with my presence. I don't even know why."
I added.
Amir looked at me with amazement.
We stopped by a willow tree to have some rest.
"The more I stared at her with my piercing gaze, the more she lowered her hazel brown orbs and the more she revealed her pious and noble nature in front of me, thus slowly and gradually making a tiny place in my heart, something which I was unaware of, or simply didn't want to admit at all!"
"But why?" Amir asked with curiosity.
"Because she was not like the other girls. I used to think that she was not of my type, hence I searched several ways to drive those tiny feelings for her out of my heart. "
I sighed with pain as I recalled Alizeh's bridal shower.
"That one fine day was enough to drive anyone insane. We accidentally bumped into each other that day and that's when something extremely awkward happened to me. The moment my gaze fell upon that girl who came from another world, my heart started to melt like an ice. There was a thunderstorm inside my soul which was hard to control. A fire in my heart which was hard to extinguish.
Insane is the only word which could perfectly describe my feelings at that moment!
Completely insane!"
I smiled while looking at the dark starry horizon.
"You should have confessed your feelings then?" Amir smirked.
"You talk about it as if it was the easiest thing in the world!" I rolled my eyes.
"You are talking about the feelings which I never concentrated on, or maybe my friends and my ex-girlfriend never let me do it."
I gritted my teeth with anger upon mentioning Soniya's name.
"As days passed by, I started ignoring Hooriyah as much as I could. My so called friends had already arrived at my house and I was always busy partying with them day and night. That tiny feeling which had generated in my heart started to disappear gradually. Or maybe it was just spreading even more. God knows better!"
I sighed.
"One awful night, my sister and Hooriyah left the house without informing anyone, to enjoy a late night ice-cream session. Luckily I was searching for some bars at that time while driving on those empty roads, and that's when I caught some idiots harassing my sister and Hooriyah."
Amir watched me with amazement as my eyes started to turn red with anger.
"After a long dangerous fight, I managed to save both of them and thankfully the police arrived on time too. An extremely horrible night it was!"
I sighed with grief.
I remained silent for the next few minutes while recalling that night.
"She was extremely traumatized."
I almost whispered.
"Who?" Asked Amir.
"My Hoor!" Tears brimmed up in my eyes.
"She hid behind Alizeh while she was terribly trembling with fear. She could barely speak a word. At that time I only wanted to hug her tightly and make her feel calm, but........."
I paused, feeling lost in those large kohl-filled hazel brown eyes which were wet with uncountable tears.
I was simply running out of words.
"I don't know why I had been so harsh on myself and that poor soul!"
An excruciating pain ran across my body.
"What did you do with her?"
Amir finally asked the question I was trying to avoid since ages.
"Something unforgivable!"
My voice quivered with grief and pain as he looked at me with sympathy.
"You won't believe that when I brought her dupatta to her, my gaze unintentionally lowered as I hated seeing her without it. And it was extremely unbelievable and simply couldn't be expected from a shameful man like me. But at that time, I wanted to show some respect to a girl who herself was a living example of purity, piousness and chastity. And when our eyes met at that moment, she softly mumbled thank you, which was enough to melt the remaining pieces of my already shattered heart. At that time, I wanted to do nothing but just drown in the ocean of her deep magical eyes. But I quickly averted my gaze from her and tried to distract myself from her beautiful presence."
"Days of the wedding were getting nearer and I had completely isolated myself from my family, and was living my life to the full with my friends. We partied all night in Islamabad like a total maniac. One night, I heard some screams from her room. She was terrified and upon asking, she told me that she had some nightmares. She was sweating while her hands were trembling. I tried to console her that there is no such thing like nightmares, unaware of the fact that I was going to be one of them for her, in the next few days!"
I paused.
"What?" Amir looked at me with shock.
"You turned out to be a nightmare for her?" He asked.
I nodded silently.
What happened next, required a huge amount of strength which I lacked right now. I did not have the guts to share that terrible incident from the night of humiliation in front of Amir. What if he starts hating me?
What if he leaves me alone?
What if he curses me for being so inhumane?
"What did you do with her, Shahveer?" Amir asked in a worried tone.
I remained silent.
"I want to know that what happened next."
I still remained silent.
"Shahveer, I want to know my answer!" He started becoming angry.
My body started trembling as I feared losing my best friend.
"I want to know what happened to her. I want to know the reason behind the delay and the reason why you are unable to find her since two years!"
Amir begged again and again.
He shook my shoulders angrily, trying to bring me back to my senses.
I jolted upon realizing that I have to open the most dirty chapter of my book in front of a friend who was so dear to me.
After a huge silence, I mustered up some courage to mumble,
"I damaged her soul, beyond repair!"
Few warm and painful tears cascaded down my cheeks, causing a stinging sensation in my eyes.
The moon which had witnessed each and everything that night, immediately hid behind the clouds as it did not want to remember that terrible humiliation once again, after two years.
"I broke her heart!"
"You did not!" Amir shook his head with disbelief.
"Yes I did!" I whispered.
"She confessed her feelings to me that night. The feelings which she had accommodated in her beautiful heart since eighteen years!"
"Eighteen years?" Amir's eyes widened with astonishment.
I nodded.
"She had loved me since childhood. Can you imagine what sort of love that would be?"
I asked with my trembling voice.
"A love which is hard to find in this world!"
Amir answered spontaneously.
"Exactly!" I smiled weakly.
And then, I started to narrate each and every single thing to him. That night was nothing but an open book in front of him which he could easily read now!
Hooriyah's Confession.
Her heart touching words.
The way she reminded me about her letters.
The way I started laughing at her.
The way I threw that beautiful bouquet out of the window.
The way I insulted her father for earning much less than my father.
The way I called her features ugly, although they were beyond beautiful.
The way my friends laughed at her disheveled state and called her with abusive names.
The way Soniya called her a 'slut and a gold digger'.
The way I looked at her with disgust and called her feelings shitty.
The way I tortured her soul by calling her love fake.
The way I brutally pushed her and she fell on the floor while crying her heart out.
The way I brought the glass of wine near her face making her feel cringe although I knew that she was a girl who was far away from such things.
The way she shouted at me to remove that haram thing from her skin.
The way our foreheads touched and I looked at her teary eyes and the way my heart started to shatter upon realizing how merciless I had been.
The way I wanted to hug her and wipe her tears away but failed to as I wanted to keep my reputation high in front of my friends and Soniya.
The way I wanted to kiss her painful tears away but failed to so that my friends won't call me a man with low standards.
The way I wanted to hold her in my arms and tell her how much in love with her was I, but failed to so that the society doesn't question me upon loving a girl with a lower status than mine.
The way I wanted to fight for her, but failed to so that my reputation, my ego, my self respect and my status and values don't get harmed.
The way those tears started to brim in my eyes but I tried my best not to cry in front of her so that I could prove that I was stronger and she was the one who was weaker.
The way I wanted to stop her and beg her to not to leave, but failed to so that she actually leaves me and gives me the punishment which I truly deserved.
And when I had caused her so much pain that her patience brutally started to end, that was enough for me to realize that indeed, I was nothing and she was EVERYTHING!
The way she cursed me was enough to make me realize that I was doomed.
The way she denounced evil prayers upon me, was enough to make me realize that I am going to beg for peace for the rest of my life.
The way she had looked fiercely in my eyes, was enough to make me realize that I had lost, and she had won!
The way she turned her gaze away from me and left the lobby, was enough to make me realize that she was strong and I was the one who was weak.
"The only thing which fascinates me so much is that out of all of her curses, each and every evil prayer of hers was fulfilled except for one!"
Amir looked at me with amazement.
"She cursed me for sleepless nights, I am suffering from insomnia. She cursed me for falling in love with the one who causes me the same pain, I fell in love with her. She cursed me to never find peace in my life again, I didn't find her anywhere since two years. But her last curse, and the most dangerous evil prayer was that may I never get Hidayah (Guidance), but here I am, in front of you!"
I smiled as I looked at my friend.
"Perhaps, that last curse did not come straight from her heart!" Amir smiled while looking in my tear filled eyes.
"Perhaps!" I mumbled under my breath.
"I wish I knew what I had done at that time! The sin of breaking a heart is so disgusting near Allah that He doesn't forgive you until the person who was hurt by you forgives you by his or her own will. Little did I know, that I had broken the heart of a girl who was so dear and beloved to Allah. If I had known that how He would make me suffer for the upcoming years of my life, I would have never broken the heart of an innocent soul!
But it was too late!
The diamond had been finally stolen from my treasure !
The golden sparrow had finally left the cage!
My destiny had finally decided to take a pathetic turn! The climax and the turning point which I had never expected to be a part of my life, was ready to embrace me!
She wasn't going to come back! Because, I had finally lost the most important fragment of my own soul!"
I wept with pain and sorrow like a child while narrating my tragic past to Amir.
Amir wiped my tears off and squeezed my shoulders while trying to calm me down.
Its been 2 years! But not a single mark of her existence could be seen anywhere. The quest which had started two years ago was simply not ending at all! I was roaming here and there like an idiot , from one province to another, from one city to another, but there was no sign of her existence. I don't even know whether she is in Pakistan or not! I don't even know whether she is alive or not!
Where had she gone? Will I ever find her again? How long would I have to wait? How long????
"So is this how you both departed two years ago? Is this how you finally realized your mistake and your love for her, Shahveer?"
Amir asked me with curiosity as he was still confused that how can my story just end on the night at which I humiliated her.
I smiled politely while wiping my tears off.
"How could it end so soon Amir? This was just a small beginning my dear friend! This story wasn't meant to end on the night of her humiliation. Obviously, It wasn't the night I realized my mistake and my love for her. It took me five more months after her departure to realize that, just when she started haunting me in my dreams, day and night!"
I stared at the shiny crescent and tiny stars on the sky high above, blankly.
"She used to haunt you? But how?" He asked with amazement.
"She still does, Amir!" A painful sigh escaped my mouth.
"I still get hallucinations. I still hear her voices, her screams! Her shadow follows mine, every second Amir, every second !" I smiled weakly.
"So when did she finally leave? And what happened next? How did you actually end up here, in Kalaam? Where is your family and where is her family? Didn't you go back to Manchester, Shahveer? What actually happened after the night at which you humiliated her?"
Amir stormed me with a bunch of questions which showed how much he cared for me and how much he was interested to know more about my past!
"December 2014, Lahore!That's when the tables started to actually turn!"
I smiled as I started to continue the other half of my painful story!
The story of my tragic past, which had completely ruined my life and made me a trash can in the eyes of this world!
All thanks to Hooriyah Jahangir Khan!
Because of her uncountable evil prayers, which were miraculously and immediately accepted on the same night at which I had completely destroyed her pure, innocent and beautiful soul.
A soul, which silently ran away far from my existence, one day later!!!!
I told him how difficult and painful those five months have been after her departure. How tough it was to bear the pain of sleepless nights, hallucinations, nightmares and the addiction of drugs. How everyone started to assume that I was becoming a psychopath and how everyone started to distance themselves from me, even my own parents and sister.
Then how I started to realize my feelings for Hoor and how I met a car accident and got my family's love back.
How my family allowed me to go back to Pakistan and how I promised them that I will come back in five days.
"Five Days!" I laughed.
"That was so stupid of me. How I wish I knew that it won't be five days! Mom and Dad keep calling me and ask me to come back, but I have told them that I won't come back without Hoor!"
"Even if takes a century?" Asked Amir in a sympathetic manner.
"Even if it takes my whole life!" My eyes glistened with moisture.
There was a complete silence between us as we finally stood up and started walking back towards the Mosque, as we had to offer our Taraweeh Prayers.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked innocently.
"Sure!" He almost whispered.
"Are you mad at me?"
There was a huge silence.
Without answering my question, he started to walk towards the prayer area, making me feel embarrassed.
I deserved this!
I really deserved this!
I remained silent and turned to leave until his voice stopped me in my tracks.
"Tonight, I will ask all of the men who will come to offer Taraweeh, to make a Dua!"
Amir smiled.
I turned back and looked at him with amazement.
"A Duaa? For whom?"
"For a psychopath!" He chuckled.
I remained silent.
"That may Allah help this psychopath in finding the true love of his life!"
My eyes widened with ecstasy as I heard what he said.
He came forward and hugged me tightly, making me feel extremely relaxed.
"May you get your Hoor back, brother! Ameen" He whispered in my ears.
I whispered back while few drops of water escaped through my eyes as that angelic face appeared again in front of them, smiling at me, sprinkling the glitter of hope upon my soul.
The same face which had been appearing in front of my eyes since two years.
The same face which I was yearning to have a glance of since two years.
And God knows, how many years more!
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