My daughter's boyfriend is hot.

Castiel Novak, 45, is the father of 17 year old Lisa Braden. She had the last name of her mother since at the time she was born he wasn't married to her mom. Well, they never really did get married. Shortly after Lisa was born they stopped communicating.  She would spend a week at a time with either of her parents. She spent most of her time with her father since she was his favorite.

Currently, he was pulling up to a dance academy that wasn't too far from his home. At that academy, his daughter was a ballerina. He really didn't want to go in there to get her, but she told him to come in so she could shoe him a new thing she had been working on. He didn't want to go in there becauee he knew Lisa's boyfriend was in there.

His name was Dean Winchester. He was 18... so was it technically illegal if Cas liked him...? Well, nevermind tgat subject. Castiel walked into the door and looked around for Lisa.

Dean had been standing in Lisa's studio, alone. He waited for her to get back from... what was she doing? Getting new shoes? He didn't really care, honestly. He'd dated her so she could be a beard and, well, so he could check out her dad whenever he wanted.

Castiel Novak, well that was one hell of a man. He was tall, dark, handsome, and rich: the exact combination to make Dean weak at the knees, not to mention that he was overall... fucking gorgeous. Dean was really infatuated with him. When he looked at his girlfriend, all he saw was her dad...

Dean was ripped from his thoughts as Castiel walked into the studio. "Uh, hello, Mister Novak," he mumbled awkwardly, looking down at his tight-clad legs nervously.

Castiel looked over the boy, stopping at his pecks that were visible in what he was wearing. "Hello, Dean." He said quietly. "Where is lisa?" He asked after a moment of appreciating him.

"Uh- I honestly don't remember.. heh.." Dean licked his lips, his cheeks a deep red. "How have- how have you been, Mister Novak?" His gaze traveled towards Castiel, his eyes taking in every inch of him.

Cas's eyes met dean's beautiful bright green ones and a smile crept across his face. "I've been alright. And you?" His voice dropped a little with the last word of the sentence.  He coughed it off to hide how embarassed he was. His voice only ever changed when he was nervous.

Dean didn't seem to hear the nervousness in Castiel's voice, "oh, I guess I should start stretching since I gotta dance.. heh," he'd blushed at the fact that he completely forgot to do so, bending over to stretch his legs, "I've been okay..."

Cas turned around and walked over to the chairs so he wouldn't be tempted to look at Dean's Jesus of an ass. Like holy wow it was great... anyways... "Alright. Lisa wanted to show me something.  That's the only reason I'm watching this practice. I hope I'm not a distraction." He held in his next comment that would've been about how hot Dean looked in those tights.

Dean sat down on the floor, spreading his legs so he could stretch more. "Ah, no problem! It's kind of a surprise you're here, actually." He mumbled, laying back with an exasperated sigh. "Ughhhh I hate stretching."

He totally wasn't staring at his crotch... his mouth was dry and his face was all red.  He kind of forgot how to speak all together.  When Dean  stretched back he could see a perfect outline of his cock. Thick and long. Not too big and definitely not small. But his size didn't matter since he was always on the receiving end. It was the bubble butt that got Mr.Novak going. All the things he wanted to do to that boy...

Dean ran a hand up his thigh, massaging it lightly; he did this because one, he'd pulled a muscle in it and two, he wanted to get a reaction from the other man. He let out a small moan.

Lisa walked in with a bright smile, ruining the moment, dressed up in her dance attire. "Dad!" She squealed.

Castiel didn't have time to mentally react, but he was half hard. He ignored it and hugged his daughter. "Hey Lis!!! I'm excited to see what you wanted to show me."

Lisa grinned, pulling away from Castiel. "You ready, Dean?"

Dean stood up, stretching his arms. "I think so... I'm like freakin' taffy right now.." the two of them laughed and Lisa went to start the music.

Cas sat back down to watch. Yes, he kept an eye on his daughter. He watched her with pride. His girl was so graceful and elegant.  A great dancer... then there was dean. Elegant as well. But with every move he could see a different muscle in his body.

At one point castiel's eyes fell to Dean's ass. He saw the muscles clench when he attempted different moves... all the things he wanted to do to that ass. It was so perfect. So touchable. So kissable. So loveable.  So fuckable...

He quickly snapped out of it. He felt so wrong. He was way too old for the teen, he could have fantasies thought... right? No, this was his perfect daughter's boyfriend.  He couldn't do this.

Once the two had stopped dancing, they both bowed. Dean was blushing, looking down at his feet. It had been his first time dancing in front of anyone except Lisa.

"Did you like it, Dad? We've been working pretty hard on it!" Lisa grinned at her father, grabbing Dean's hand.

Cas did a slow clap, "you two did wonderful. I wouldn't mind watching that every single day. I'm so proud of you honey." He smiled at her daughter and then looked at Dean. "Not too bad yourself." He winked playfully.

"Thank you!" Lisa giggled.

"Uh..." Dean cleared his throat, "yeah, thanks.." he licked his lips.

"Dad, can Dean stay the night tonight? Please?" Dean's eyes widened at her question, though he said nothing. Lisa was very spontaneous especially when excited.

Cas raised an eyebrow "the poor boy looks like you never even asked him if he wanted to stay."

"Well, I definitely can." Dean smiled at Castiel. "That is, if you want me to?" As Dean spoke, Lisa gave her father a pleading look.

Cas just gave in. "Yes, but, no sex. Clothes stay on. Got it? Or I'm never letting anyone come over again." Even if Dean was hot and he trusted him, he was protective of his daughter... and he didn't want Dean having sex with her when he could just have him- wut.

Dean almost cringed at the thought of having sex with Lisa, but he was more professional than that. "Yes, Sir!"

"Dad!" Lisa gasped. "We would never!"

He rolled his eyes "go get ready to leave, I'll wait here."

Lisa left the room and Dean sighed, heading towards his bag. "You don't uh- you don't mind if I change in here, do you? It takes like, thirty seconds..." Castiel covered his eyes and turned around so he wouldn't see him. But just to his luck, the whole room was mirrors... and he sneakily watched him. Dean took a deep breath, slowly taking his shirt off, before bending down to take his shoes off, his ass in the air. Once his shoes were off, he stood up once more to take the tights off, before he grabbed his normal skinny jeans and slipped them on.

"You have a really nice ass," he blurted out by accident and then almost cried becauee of how embarassed he was, once again. He wanted to suffocate in his trenchcoat.

Dean blushed. "I um- thank you, Sir..." he bit down on his lower lip, his heart fluttering and his stomach stirring from the thought of the older man checking him out. He put his shoes on before slipping on a shirt.

Cas cleared his throat and walks out to the car, waiting for them. Dean was honestly the most beautiful boy he's ever laid eyes on.

Dean shoved his things into his bag and waited for Lisa. The two of them walked out to the car together. "Uh, I walked here... your dad wouldn't mind giving me a ride?"

"No, of course not.." Lisa smiled and kissed her boyfriends cheek. "You're gonna have to sit up front with dad  so I can lay down in the back. Also becauee he has his boxes from work in there. I'm smaller and can actually fit."

When they got to the car, Dean didn't protest. He just shrugged and got up front.

Cas went into safety dad mode and commanded them to put their seatbelts on before he cranked up the radio. It was set on the classic rock channel as always. He immediately started humming along to a led zepplin song. Dean put his seatbelt on, singing along to the song under his breath. He had his bag in his lap and held it to his chest.

"Hey kiddos?" He asked them both. "Wanna stop anywhere? I'm pretty hungry."

"Uh, sure." Dean licked his lips, "I could use a good burger!"

Lisa mumbled something in agreement.

Cas didn't really hear her, "what about you lis?" He looked in the mirror with a grin on his face.

"Wherever you guys want to go is fine with me!" Lisa smiled politely.

Dean closed his eyes, leaning against the window. Cas started driving to a nearby burger joint. "Hey dean, you can change the radio station if you want. "

"No way! This is my favorite station in  the area!" Dean grinned at Castiel.

Cas smiled back at him, admiring his smile. "Hey, me too!" He looked back at Lisa. "Girl you got a great boy, by the way."

Lisa chuckled and blushed. "I know, dad.." she whispered. It was then Dean's turn to blush. He looked down at his lap.

"He's hot and he's got a good music taste!" He was obviously joking, but low-key wasn't.

Lisa's eyes widened. "Dad!" Dean just blushed harder, clearing his throat.

"It's true. Look at him." He pulled  up to the restaurant and then just looked at Dean.  "Jeez. He's even got freckles. Perfect." Cas was one of those dad's that was a walking meme. He tried to hard to be cool but it was bad.

Dean shook his head and got out of the car. Lisa got out as well. "I mean, he is quite handsome." Lisa kissed his cheek. Dean halfheardedly smiled. Cas felt a tinge of jealous run through him.

"Lisa that's no fair. Stop teasing. I wish I had a hot young lad!"

Dean bit his lip. "I gotta.. uh.. go to the bathroom.." he walked towards the entrance and walked inside.

Lisa practically growled at her father. "You scared him away! Not cool. Just becauee mom left you doeant mean you have to be rude."

He frowned and was taken aback by his daughters sudden mood change.  "It was just a joke..."

Dean walked into the bathroom and sighed. He stood in there for a minute or two, trying to comprehend what the /hell/ was going on. Lisa knocked on the door, worried. Dean came out of the bathroom. "Hey, babe..."

"I'm sorry about my dad. He's usually not this embarassing. Mom left him because he was gay and he always tries to flaunt it and make me look bad."

Dean frowned. "I-it's okay... just uh-you don't think he... he could have the hots for me?"

"He's joking you butt.' She playfully punched his arm.

Dean smiled softly. "Okay, thank god... let's go get a seat."

"Dean." She stopped him. "Why did you get so upset? So what if he did, you don't like him back.  Lighten up.'

"It's always a compliment to have a gay guy like you." Dean shrugged, walking towards the tables.

Dean sat down at a booth, across from Lisa's dad. He looked down at his lap. Cas was squinting and looking at his phone, trying to figure out that emoji thing. "...Are you okay, Mister Novak?"

He Hummed and then looked up at him. "I don't understand texting..."

"Texting?" Dean chuckled softly. "What about it?"

"These little... things..." He turned his phone around to show him the text he got. It was from this random guy named rick. He was tryna fuck.

"Oh um.." Dean's face turned red. "That means that he wants to... uh.." he cleared his throat, "do the deed."

His eyes widened "I don't know this guy!" Of course this had to happen when Dean was around. Cas was an English professor at the local college and somehow his number leaked. The kids liked to tease him.

"Yeah... some guys are like that- I mean, not that I'd know, I'm not gay.." Dean cleared his throat awkwardly.

"I know you're not... thanks for clearing it up. But it's an eggplant and a peach. I don't understand..."

"The egg plant is a penis-"

".. uh-" the waitress looked at the two men in horror.

Cas was blushing "I'm sorry maam..." He turned his phone off and ordered. Dean ordered as well, looking down at his hands.

Lisa was very uncomfortable  "dad? Why suddenly are you so sexual? It's really annoying."

He shrugged. "I feel dumb. I don't know what it is... I needed help in understanding the thing ."

Dean looked down. He'd had a feeling that it had to do with him, but he didn't say anything. When their food came he got his and went to go eat in the car to give them some space.  Dean looked over at Lisa. "So..."

She sighed, "I'm sorry. He's a jerk."

"I don't think he's trying to be.."

He always is. He's so friken embarassing!" By then, she was stress eating.

Dean ate slowly. "I still don't think he means to be. He's trying to be funny... give him a break. He's working hard trying to be cool."

"Why are you on his side de?"

Dean shrugged, "Cause it must suck bein' a dad, y'know?"

"Is that something against me? I'm a wonderful daughter..."

"No, babe! You are a wonderful daughter. The dude just seems to have not too amazing of a life, is all. Just wants to fit in with you."

"Oh yeah. He tries to fit in with my friends. He's the most supportive  man ever,  but hes too old. Great dad. Bad friend."

"He doesn't get that." Dean bit his lip. "Lis.. can I uh- can I tell you something?"

"Of course, babe."

"I think- I um.. I think I might be bi."

She dropped her food and held her face in her hands.  "Christ he's rubbing off on you."

"No! No... I-I've been... thinking about it for years.."

"And you bring it up now of all times!?"

"...yeah, that's kind of coincidental.."

"Do you and him have something going on? That's really sick!" She turned pale at the thought.

"No, Lisa. That's disgusting. I'm with you..."

"Then don't yell at me. And stop helping my father think he's cool."

"Why? I'm not gonna be mean to him, Lisa."

"Don't be mean, but don't fuel him. Please." She was almost begging.

"Whatever." Dean sighed, finishing off his food. "Let's go."

"Dean, your tone sucks." She mumbled."You're really hurting my feelings."

"My tone sucks? How am I hurting your feelings? Your dad has feelings too, y'know, and you should care about his more than you care about yours. My dad treated me and Sammy like shit since mom died and I still care about him more than I do myself!"

By then people were looking and she was furious. "He complimented our dancing,  he's a good guy, doesn't give him the right to constantly embarass me. Stop defending him!"

"He doesn't mean to! He wants you to actually love him!" Dean stood up, walking out of the shop.

She quickly paid their bill and followed him out. "I do love him, you're overreacting."

"I'm the one overreacting? You treat him like shit!"

"No I dont. I told him to stop embarassing me." She rolled her eyes, "how bout you just walk home.  I don't want to see you right now."

"I'm going over to your place, aren't I?" Dean chuckled, "or do you suddenly not want me because I told you the truth?"

"Go away!" She yelled at him, tearing up. "It's like you're both out to get me!"

"I'm not out to get you, Lisa!"

"You both caused a scene in there!"

Dean rolled his eyes, getting into the car. She refused to get in the car, just sat on the step. Cas looked at Dean and saw how upset they both were. "Is everything okay?" He asked and then his eyes shot over to his daughter.

"Yeah.. we got into a fight and she hates me now." Dean sighed.

He frowned "why does she hate you?"

"I told her to stop being mean to you." Dean sighed, looking down.

Cas Got out of the car and went to his daughter. He got her to stop crying and In the car. "Dean, apologize." He didn't think Dean was in the wrong, so he winked at him to tell him to just go with the flow.

"I'm sorry, Lisa. I-I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Dean sighed.

She nodded "i-its okay." Dean bit his lip. Cas sighed and drove home. Dean looked out the window the whole time.

When at home, Lisa got out and ran inside. Cas held his head in his hands. "Thanks Dean..."

"No problem. I just- why does she think she has it so bad? My dad beat me and my brother... and abandoned us... and put sleeping with girls in front of our well being but he's my dad and I still treat him with respect." Dean frowned. "Sorry for um- oversharing there."

He shook his head. "Don't be sorry, I understand. My life was summilar... Lisa's mom was my parents forcing me to be with girls..."

Dean nodded. "I'm sorry.."

"It's not your fault. But thank you for standing up for me. I'm going to try and be a better dad. But how? I give her everything she wants..."

"You are a good dad, she's just a bitch." With that, Dean got out of the car. Cas's eyes widened and he couldn't help at laugh. He shpuldve yelled at dean for calling Lisa a bitch but it was really funny. Dean walked into the house. Cas followed and immediately had to go out back to the woodstove because  it was cold. Dean got out his phone but put it back down when Lisa sat beside him.

"Hey babe...?"

Dean faked a smile, "yes?"

She smiled right back and kissed him softly. Dean was very uncomfortable but did just kiss back to distract himself from the million different feelings and thoughts in his head.

Cas came back in. The slam of the door made Dean pull away from Lisa and look in his direction. Dean watched ad Cas bent over to take his boots off and he practically studied the curve of his ass.

Lisa looked at Dean followed his eyes, "dean!"

Dean looked over at Lisa. "Yes, honey?"

She slapped him "Don't check him out. What is wrong with you?" She whisper screamed.

"I'm not! I just looked in his direction, damn. I come out to you as bi, and suddenly you think I'm gonna jump every guy in my sight?"

"Yes I do!"

"A-alright... sorry.  Gosh."

She said this next part too loud "And don't check out guys! Especially my father!"

Cas turned around with a chuckle "I can't help it if I have a nice ass." It was a joke.

Dean sighed. "I'm just.." he stood up, "I need some water.." he walked into the kitchen. The older man went up to his room and wasn't seen the rest of the night. Lisa fell asleep during the night and Dean went into the kitchen to get another glass of water. It had been a long night.

Around 3am Cas got up to get something to drink. He only ever slept in just his boxers so that's all he had on... Dean was leaning against the counter, sipping at a glass of water when he saw Castiel walk in. Cas didn't have his glasses or contacts in, so he didn't see Dean. He got a glass of milk and sat down at the table.

"Uh.. hi, Mister Novak." Dean whispered.

He jumped and turned around "h-hello?"

Dean ran a hand over his stomach, his upper body clad in a tight white tank top. "What are you doing up?"

"This is a routine. I always get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and get somethin to drink... why are you up?"

"Your daughter's snoring sounds like a mother fucking freight train."

He laughed softly. "I'm used to it... take a seat if you're gonna stay out here. Your legs surely must be killing you."

Dean nodded and sat down,  looking straight into the older mans eyes, forgetting how to speak.

Cas, being older and more mature, just stared right back. "Even without my glasses on, your eyes are very beautiful."

"Uh- thank you..." Dean blushed. "Yours are absolutely stunning."

"Oh you flatter me, honey." He chuckled softly.

Dean blushed even harder and looked away.

"Hey kid," he whispered as if to change the subject. "Were actuslly checking me out earlier or is Lisa pmsing?"

He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Y-yeah..."

Cas furrowed his eyebrows. "Why?" He thought Dean would find him disgusting, and that it was all one-sided admiration.

"I... I don't know..why were you checking me out when I was stretching earlier?"

"I wasn't..."

"I think you were.." Dean smirked.

Castiel protested. He shook his head and started drinking his milk again.

Dean licked his lips. "This can't  be one sided, you obviously want me, too..." he whispered.

The older man was very surprised, "But what do you see in me?"

"You're the sexiest fucking man I've ever seen in my life." Dean just blurted out. She doesn't have to know if we..."

He chuckled softly, "that goes against every moral I have. I really don't want to hurt my daughter...  And I mean..." He sighed.

Dean took the hint. "I'm sorry, I'll go back to bed." He was really disappointed.

As Dean turned around to walk away, Cas spoke up. "My bed. Now."

Dean happily went up there and Cas followed, locking the door behind them. "So how are we going to do this sir?"

"Preferably,  you naked. On my bed. Legs as far apart as they can go, okay?"

Dean whimpered at the thought but then he got nervous. "I-ive never been with a guy before..."

Cas's 'im going to fuck you' expression softened and he leaned over to kiss Dean softly. "I won't hurt you. I'll be gentle."

Dean nodded and moved away to take his tank top off. Cas watched with wide eyes. They were examining every inch of him and all his perfection. Dean chuckled at him, "what are you waiting for? Let's go before she wakes up." He laid down on the bed, propped up on his elbows.

Cas bit his lip. "Take your pants off first."

Dean did happily. He wasn't wearing underwear however. Cas thought he was gonna have time to just savor and admire him with underwear on first, but this was overwhelming.  His dick jumped at the sight and he let out a little moan. He reached into his own boxers to start touching himself.

Dean whimpered. "Sir please don't... come touch me instead..."

"Fuck baby boy..." He said softly, his voice almost dropping a whole octave. "You are so sexy..." He walked over, still only in boxers, and leaned down to kiss him. One of his hands immediately reached for his cock, thumbing over the tip.

Dean gasped into the kiss, then broke away and looked up at Castiel, his eyes wide and cheeks pink. "So are you..." he whispered, laying down fully.

Cas smiled and tool his hand away, getting on top of him to slowly grind their dicks together.  His was still clothed and restrained. It was driving Dean mad. Cas kissed him again, but this one turned into a makeout. It got heated pretty quickly.

Dean was fully hard, Cas was almost there. He pulled away to take his boxers off. Dean watched  him, amazed. "Sir, since I've never done anal, I don't think you're going to fit."

He shook his head, "nonsense." He went to his dresser to get some lube and walked back over, "I'll be easy."

"Will it hurt?"

"No, unless you  want me to make it hurt..." He smirked.

Dean actually rolled his eyes. And Cas leaned over to kiss him again, getting to the point where he was sucking on his tongue. Then he pulled away and started kissing his neck.

Dean breathed a sentence all out at once "fuckmeplease!" Well, he whinned it out.

Cas made sure Dean spread his legs all the way, and he sat between them. He rubbed the lube all on his hand and gently, very gently, pushed one finger into him. He only moved it further when he felt Dean's body adjust to it. "Baby relax okay?"

Dean nodded and let out a deep breath. The sensation wasn't hurting but it wasn't feeling too good either. It was very unpleasant.

Cas saw his look of discomfort. Once he saw Deans body was able to take that finger, he didn't further stretch him just yet. He pulled it almost completely out and then slowly pushed it back in. He did this a few times, wanting to find Dean's prostate.

Even with the simple movements of his finger, Dean was letting out very small, needy, moans. Cas knew he found Dean's prostate the moment Dean's eyes looked like they were going to bulge out of his face. His mouth fell slack and he moaned, loud...

Cas smirked to himself and applied more pressure to that spot and crawled over his body and started kissing at his neck again as he added a second finger into him to try and stretch him out.

"More," Dean whinned. It stung, but he wanted to feel that again.

He thrusted those two slowly, moving them around a lot and basically scissoring his hole to open it. Just that was enough to get Dean sweaty and grinding back against his hand,  moaning his name under his breath.

"I'm going to fuck your tight little hole and you're gonna be a good boy, begging for daddy aren't you?" He pretty much growled at him as he stretched him open. He moved back down to sit between his legs once again,  watching how his ass was adjusting. Then he got a crazy idea. He used one hand to finger him, the other grabbed at his cock. He brought it to an angle where he could put it in his mouth...

He sucked softly on the tip. Dean whimpered, his eyes screwing shut tight. "Yes, Daddy. Please... please fuck me.." Dean wrapped his arms around Castiel's neck, grinding his hips down against Castiel's fingers.

By then, Cas knew he didn't gave to go slow anymore. So he, in turn, picked up the speed of his fingers, pretty much fucking him. He really wondered how Dean wasnt crying. His first time was really slow becauee it hurt so bad. "If this is what my fingers do to you, imagine what my cock feels like... throbbing and pulsing as it fucks your pretty little hole. Brushing against  that spot inside of you that makes you scream," he loved to dirty talk. "Imagine how hard I'm gonna pound you. You're not going to be able to walk tomorrow, love bug."

Dean let out small whimpers at the feeling. There was a slight burning sensation, but overall, the feeling of being fucked by something felt so good. "W-want it... want it so bad.." he wasn't exactly the best at dirty talk with guys.

He smirked and pushed his fingers against his prostate once more, keeping them pressed against it as hard as he could. "What do you want baby?"

Dean let out a loud moan, not even caring if he woke Lisa up at that point. "Want your cock, daddy... please..." he whimpered, grinding his hips down again.

He slowly pulled his fingers away, getting up to grab more lube. He lathered it on to his rather large member before he went back over to Dean. He pulled his legs up over his shoulders and lined himself up with the boy's entrance. Dean looked up at Castiel with wide, nervous eyes. He nibbled on his lower lip, mentally preparing himself for the pain. This time, Cas was much more gentle then his fingers. He held onto his legs and slowly pushed the tip in.

Dean gasped, already loving the feeling of havinf Castiel inside him. "S-so big.." he whimpered.

Cas blushed and tried to keep inching his way in. He was terrified of hurting Dean. "Is this okay?" He moaned softly. Dean's tightness on his cock was heaven.

"Yeah... more..." Dean panted, slowly rocking his hips. "More, please." Cas grinned and bottomed out inside of him. He took a few moments to let him adjust before hebstarted thrusting slowly. Dean moaned, closing his eyes. He arched his back, just taking it. He let dean's legs fall at one point and kissed him as he moved. Dean groaned, kissing Castiel back. "H-harder."

He moved to kiss his neck and leave hickeys as he started fucking him. Moaning his name softly as the bed jerked against the wall. "O-oh fuck," Dean was getting closer to his orgasm, "Daddyy.." he whined. It didn't take him long since he was an anal virgin. Cas kept sucking on his neck and fucking into him, hitting his prostate, but reached down to stroke him. Dean moaned loudly, "ah- daddy.. ah.." he whimpered and rolled his hips. "Harder daddy.." Cas tried his hardest to go faster. His old bones wouldn't let him for too long however. Dean came with a shout. "O-oh fuck..."

Cas knew Dean would be oversensitive. So he made love to him till he was able to finish as well.  Dean was just  in heaven. "S-so good..." He mumbled. Cas pulled out slowly and was about to cuddle him, but Dean sat up, suddenly realizing what he had just done. "Holy fuck... I just- my girlfriend's father just fucked me in the ass.."

Cas was trying to cuddle him. But the fact that he broke away made him upset. "Yeah? You wanted me to..."

"I-I know... I.. oh god..." Dean put his head in his hands, "and I liked it... like.. more than.. anything I've ever done with her. I fuckin loved it."

Cas curled up in his pillow, "I'm sorry."

"No.. no don't be. Sh-should I break up with her?" Dean looked over at Castiel.

He started tearing up "She loves you. If you break up with her , I won't ever see you again." He reached for his hand timidly.

"You're saying... you're telling me to lie to her so we can fuck behind her back?" Dean's brow furrowed.

Cas shook his head and got up to get dressed. "I don't want to fuck behind her back. I want to love you. I can't believe I just did that... fuck, you don't even want me..."

"I-I do, Sir. You're the only reason I stayed with Lisa. So I could see you.." Dean admitted, ashamed of himself. "We should just tell her..."

"I'll lose my daughter. Yes you're great,  but it's not worth her hating me."

Dean chuckled, "ouch okay..."

Cas sighed. "I'm sorry..."

Dean nodded but when he sat up he winced. "It's cool, daddy..."

Cas blushed dark at the name. "Why did you wince? Are you hurt?"

"My ass." He laughed softly.  "I'm fresh fucked."

Cas sat down on the side of the bed where Dean was and made him roll over. He started massaging his bare  butt. "I can make it feel better. "

Dean moaned softly. "Mmh.. yeah." He closed his eyes.

They both fell asleep shortly after that, all cuddled up. Last words spoken were "I hope Lisa doesn't find out."

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