Camp pt 2
Dean and Cas. Now 16 years old. The last two years had flown by. Cas snuck out from where he lived with his foster parents after that first summer. They convinced Dean's dad that Cas was a friend and he got to stay with them. But here he was, two years later with tears streaming down his dumb face. "What do you mean, you don't love me anymore?!" Cas yelled, so lost and confused. The sudden change was overnight. The night before, they had promised each other that they'd get through anything and everything. That they were going to be together forever. "You cant just stop! What did I do?" He asked, crying silently.
"Shut up Cas! We were stupid kids caught in the moment."
Cas's heart broke. He was usually the one to help others who needed fixed. But who would help him. He didn't even know where his foster parents were anymore. "That's a lie! You always said you wanted to be my first everything! You said you loved me!"
"Oh, it was a damn lie. But i didnt realize it until i grew up. Hell, im not even gay!"
He bit his lip before running off upstairs to his own room and packing his stuff. He then tore their pictures apart and he ripped off that stupid necklace off that he was given as a kid. By Dean. That they promised on. Once he thought everything was destroyed, he walked down the stairs quickly and out the door. Dean didnt even think twice as he watched Cas leave. He even laughed. He didn't know how bad be just messed up. Cas couldn't believe that he thought he was truely loved. He was just a stupid kid who thought they found stupid love. Cas left, he went foreward. On the road to anywhere but where he was at.
The black haired man never knew he was going to be spending his 28th birthday in Kansas. But his job moved him there, so there he was. His foster parents forgave him for the act of rebellion. Leaving home for two years to be with someone. They were even supportive. Cas even had a couple boyfriends but nothing lasted. But he was happy again.
His job as as photographer was good. He loved it and had a lot of money. But why was he in a bar, asking for more shots and trying to get him out of his head? Why did that night always haunt him? Why was he so happy, but still so broken?
He hung out with some people and had beers with them and he felt a little tipsy, not much. He thought this was stupid. He should move on, he should but he can't.
"We need more beer!" Someone named Lucifer called.
"I'll get it?" He asked and stood up and made his way to the front. "Uh..12 bud lights please.." Just as the bartender gave the drinks to Cas, Cas turned around. Dean was walking up there and directly ran into him.
Dean never even thought about Cas again. Ever. He settled down with a girl named Anna, and he was even going to propose soon. But she was on her monthly thing and wanted to go to a bar with him to take the pain away. Dean would do anything for this girl. He genuinely loved her.
"Holy f**k man." Cas mumbled and bent down to pick up the drinks. His voice was deeper, and he looked so different from his 16 year old self. "Watch where you're going." He put them back in his arms and stood up, looking at the stranger who ran into him. Oh no. Oh god f**king no. He starred for a bit before leaving quickly, going towards the group of people he was once with before.
"Sorry dude..." Dean mumbled and ordered a drink for Anna.
"What took you so long?" One dude asked and sneared at Cas.
"I was just-.." he got cut off by other people talking over him. Like always. What he had to say didn't matter. He picked up a beer, drank it, and then stood up to leave. He wasn't wasted but stumbled, only a little, towards the door.
Dean noticed the guy get cut off. It didnt matter who it was, but it always adgitated him and he walked over to the group. "I ran into him, its my fault he took so long."
"I didn't need your help with them," Cas snapped. He exited the bar. The chilly night air made him shiver. He sighed with his face in his hands. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. He's not worth crying over.
Dean went back to Anna... He wasnt sure what just happened. The guy looked too familiar, but he couldn't spot it right. "Hey babe... That drunk guy just left. I'm gonna go see if he needs a ride or something so he dosent get killed. And i owe him for running into him."
"Okay, hurry back." She quickly kissed him and sipped on her drink. "Be careful."
Dean nodded and did just what he said and ran out the doors. "Hey sir!"
Cas rubbed his eyes and turned around before quickly walking away, pretending he didn't hear him. He turned into an alley way and kept walking. "Drunk dude. I dont know your name. sorry. Don't you need a ride or something?" Dean called to him in a worried tone.
"No." He yelled back, his heart beating fast. A little dizzy, but that was the beer. "I'm fine." God damn his voice for making it go higher than normal.
"You don't seem fine." Dean ran up to him and sturdied him by grabbing his shoulders.
"Dean, I dont need help!" He snapped again and pushed him away harshly.
"H-how do you know my name?" The guy with the big green eyes stood, dumbfounded.
Cas ignored him and kept walking. Good, he forgot about me. Now he could at least live in peace. He made it to the end of the alleyway and paused. He took a deep breath before letting out a shaky one. "Hi, my name is Castiel and I will be your guide to a wonderful summer. Here you will meet new friends and share great joy." He repeated what he said at camp every year before turning and leaving. Dean gasped and covered his mouth before turning and running away, holding back tears that were about to stream down his face. He didn't know what to do or say.
Anna touched his face when she saw how upset he was. "Whats wrong baby? Did that a$$ hurt you?"
"No, baby girl. He's just an old friend..."
Cas went back to his hotel and walked in and closed the door. He sank to his knees, putting his hand in his face and was gonna cry before mustering up courage not to. He sat in the silence instead.
Dean remebered what he said as Cas left, their relationship wasn't a lie. The breakup was just an angry one. Dean forgot about him until he saw him and remebered everything. 'He's the one,' he thought. Regretting everything.
The job went by fast and Cas collected his photos before packing and going out to his car. He packed up his stuff and got in his car. He went to a coffee shop before he left and waited in line. He sat down at stared at the floor as he sipped and thought.
The next day was horrible. Anna just wanted to cuddle and kiss, but Dean was being a prick and he pushed her away. He didn't sleep either. He snuck out to get some coffee, because he was exhausted. But go figure, Castiel Novak was there. Without Cas seing him, he walked up to him and sat doen across from him. "I fell in love with you the way you fall asleep: slowly, then all at once."
Cad looked up shocked, because wow, his favorite book! Dean remebered. He quickly grabbed his coffee and made a move to leave. "I got to go." He shot up and darted towards the door.
Dean followed him and grabbed his wrist. "Wait, Cas..." Dean spoke softly. "You look so different... Its wierd to see you after 12 years..."
"Yeah, like you care," Cas hissed and shook his arm, trying to pull away from Dean. But spaghetti- noodle arms. "Go away. I've been doing fine, doing what you wanted, staying away, and I'm not gonna stop. So just go."
"I never got to apologize. How we ended it, i ended it, was wrong. We were strong for 2 years... and then... You should've known i wasnt acting on my own. Dad found out and... I was scared he was gonna hurt you. Or me. But i lied when i said i didn't love you. I forgot about you on purpose and tried to move on. I was almost successful until fate made us meet again and i realized some things."
"Its not fate. It's my job. I can't do this. I'm not going to do this. I've been hurt enough. I thought I could be happy and trust you, but I really know how you feel. I forgive you, I always did, but I can't be with you. I gotta go. " he says and struggled more. "Let me go. Please Dean. If you really loved me, you'd let me go. You can't just show up and expect me to come back to you, no matter how much i w-want to. Go back to her. You said you were successful. So go. You aren't even gay anyways, remember when you screamed that at me? Go."
"No. I... I overreacted.. I didn't mean any of it..."
"Whatever Dean. I finally got over you, but now you're back! You stole everything from me. My heart..."
"I'm here to give it back," he smiled, and Cas had to look away. Dean always melted him... It was that stupid smile he fell in love with and he was so angry. He knew he'd give into him if they made eye contact. He loved Dean.
"I can't forgive you, Dean.."
"I don't want you to. I just want you." Dean moved closer and gently kissed him.
Cas wanted to storm away as tears started pouring from his eyes again. "I never stopped loving you..."
"Me either, I just- I was scared." He kissed him again. Cas kissed back gently.
"Leave me alone, please.."
"I can't Cas. Let's go, catch up..."
"My life has been nothing since you left me. I'd like it to stay that way."
"But I want you back..."
"Dean, you don't see what you did to me? I don't wanna hurt like that ever again. The answer is no!"
"Let me take you somewhere..."
They ended up going back to that boyscout camp. By the end of the night, Cas gave into him... They made slow love on the hood of Dean's car that was parked beside the lake... Cas was just afraid Dean would tare his world apart again. But he would always love him no matter what. He just desperately hoped for a happy ending.
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