an act of love

this is another thing I wrote in language arts . but its based on the revolutionary war.

Dean Winchester had always been told that you have to fight for something you want. He practiced this many times. 1, to keep his brother Sam safe. 2, to protect his friends. And 3, to gain his independence as an American citizen. Living in the colonies was always tough for the 18 year old boy. His father was part of the army, which guaranteed Dean a spot, even though that's not what he wanted to do. But he had no say in what his father does. He was determined not to get on the bad side of the man, because he was bitter ever since their mom passed away.

The air of Massachusetts that morning was thick with smoke. Dean's house was frigid despite it being the first day of April. The wood stove was putting off smoke, but wasn't heating the house. So he had to go check what was wrong with it. His father, General John Winchester, had gone early that morning to meet with the head of the American Army, George Washington. Henry wasn't very fond of either of those men, the only thing they had in common was their hatred for the British. The fact that his father had left so early didn't settle well in his stomach either; it could only mean one thing; the British were looking suspicious. America was already having a rough time with the Natives and the good supply... And the taxes and money. The Brits looked as if they were going to raise prices, again!

Dean's father was very secretive about his work. The only things Sam and Dean knew were things they accidentally eavesdropped on. The boy decided not to think too much on the subject, trying to persuade himself that one day they could all be free. So, he got up out of his bed to go start a fire, but that got his mind going again. "Man, if I'm the son of a General, and Sam is my brother, why am I treated so poorly? They all have nice outfits and I'm just rugged... I'm just a maid now... Not even his son." He spoke to himself, walking outside. The hair on his arms stood up, as he shivered. He made his way out to the wood stove, not realizing that someone was there behind him.

"What did you just say Dean?" He turned around to where the smaller voice was coming from and he met the dark brown eyes of one of the natives. Her name was Lisa. "I thought you didn't agree with slavery?" It was a known fact that he despised slavery. He thought that everyone should be treated equal. No war between America and Britain. Nothing against the Native's or slaves... He really believed that people were people who should all have equal opportunities. He hated being a military general's son because he got so much extra everything. He didn't accept most of it, and because of that, his father treated him like he was a slave; and not just for that.

"Lisa, what are you doing here? You're gonna' get into trouble if someone tells that you left the tribe! I could get killed! They could think I'm going to hurt you! Your father is the leader of your tribe! You need to get out!" Henry panicked and his usually deep and strong voice was something more squeaky. His father and Lisa's father were enemy's and fought about the land they claimed. His father ended up winning that fight, but helped the Natives a bit with their own land. There was still a lot of tension however. Dean didn't want to take risks.

"Calm down, Dean." She chuckled. "No one is going to find out that I am here. I have a message for you..." She trailed off. Henry's tanned and toned arms flexed as he tried to pick up pieces of wood from in the stove, only to find that ash and dust had dirtied and blocked the heat source from entering the house.

"What message?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows in concentration as he knocked the soot out of the stove and into a metal bucket, that he could throw it into the woods with. He backed up from the stove and wiped his hands off on his pants, getting them all dirty. His pants were shaggy anyways, so that didn't matter to him. If he was his brother or his father though, it would have been a big deal. Dean though, was just Dean. A soldier in training. Very popular because of his family, but he didn't mean anything to anyone who knew about him. That was because he was different.

"General William Howe has some of his top soldiers stationed here.. As spies. They're just spies though. Nothing too bad to worry. I'm just afraid they will try and sabotage you and your family. I heard that the British are brutal. And all of this tension is getting worse.. It's going to break with the leaders being so secretive."
Dean opened his mouth to speak, but he heard his brother call his name from inside. Lisa waved a goodbye to him, before she scampered off. Her long black hair was swaying in the wind as she ran off. Dean thought that girl, the Indian with the soft facial features, dark skin, bright eyes, and amazing smile was just stunning. He had to tell himself that he liked her, just to try and convince himself that he was attracted to females. Despite how hard he tried, he couldn't help but know he was wrong. He didn't like Lisa. He liked this person he met from his school. Benjamin Lafitte. It was scary how Benjamin was one of his best friends, and he couldn't always control himself. Henry didn't know anyone like himself. he thought he was a fluke. He always had to hide, he knew it was unnatural... He ran inside, and when he met his brothers face, it was the perfect definition of disgusted. "You should wash up, Dean... But I'm hungry." The much younger boy had horrible bed head, and he tried to comb his fingers through it. "Do we have anymore left over biscuits?"

"Yes," he whispered, as he walked to the table, and his brother laughed. He knew exactly why too. Curse his stupid bow-legs. As he made his way over to the basket on the table, he noticed a note in his father's hand writing laying there.

'I had to leave early for a meeting, Dean it's your job to make dinner. I don't care what you fix up, as long as you don't spend extra money. Absolutely no one can take money risks right now. We don't know what's coming to us. '

He put the note back down with a sigh before getting Sam his breakfast. Without eating something, he wanted to get a head start on the day by deciding to just go fishing for something to eat for that night. Henry always loved working and just being outside, but now it was scary for even the strongest of all people. Everyone could feel the tension in the air, tension with the leaders of the colonies and Britain. By the time he found a working fishing pole and bait in the garage; and made his way to the lake, it was noon. The sun was now high in the sky, and it reflected beautifully off of his green eyes. He cast the line into the semi-clear water and waited. The wind picked up after a bit, almost blowing off his cap. He shivered a little, and suddenly felt really eerie. This sudden feeling crept up his spine, it was like he was being watched. He shifted uncomfortably on his feet, and stared at the ground, anxiously waiting for something to tug on the line so he could get out of there.

The trees behind him rustled and he slowly turned around. Lisa's news was correct. There, half hidden behind a tree was a man in a red coat. He was unmistakable for a British soldier. Dean pretended he didn't see the soldier and went back to fishing. He didn't feel safe at all, knowing that a spy for Britain was watching him try and catch his dinner. There was a strong tug on the life and he barely struggled to pull it in. It was a medium sized bluefish, enough for him and his brother. He was really proud of himself on the inside. He baited the hook again after putting the other fish on land. He waited patiently for another fish to swim along, that gave him time to realize that the soldier was probably only doing his job. Dean himself was a soldier, unwillingly, but he never really got involved. His father forced him to do some duty's but he'd only have to really fight if war broke out.

The other soldier in the red coat was just doing his job, spying on Americans. Henry guessed they were spying so they could find out what the colonies were playing. Word already broke out that they were going to dry and break free of Great Brittan's rule... So he guessed they were just taking precautions. Dean caught another one of those fish, and another. Three had taken him over two hours, which wasn't very good. The boy never really did have luck with fishing. He didn't bring anything to hold them with, which he felt stupid for. He slung the dead fish over his arm and turned around to walk home, but he stopped dead in his tracks when his eyes met a pair of piercing blue ones. He whispered a timid hello to the man in the red coat. He didn't expect the other to even respond as he made direct eye contact. The soldier stood, holding his musket, looking back. He nodded with a slight smirk on his face.

"Hello.." The guy's accent mixed with his deep and gravelly voice was almost bone chilling. "What're ye' doing here?" The Brit looked at him, up and down. He studied him trying to pinpoint what exactly he was. A child? White slave? Apprentice? Dean knew though, that if the soldier knew who he was, he had to be careful in case he was trying to get information. The soldier in fact didn't know who or what he was. He was simply being friendly, standing at his post, and asking around trying to find people who would be worth trying to pry.

Dean gulped. "I was getting food for dinner..."

The soldier cocked his head. "Don't you have eh, slaves for that?"

He chuckled. "Personally I don't agree with this whole slavery mess. I did it myself to show that... May I ask who you are and why you've been watching me though..?"

"Oh..." The soldier paused. "I'm not really allowed to tell you.."

"Well, I'd like to at least know your name. Isn't it kind of rude to just watch someone?" Dean smirked, but the smell of the dead fish turned his face up.

The soldier let out a low laugh before he responded. "It's my job.. But my name is Novak. Castiel Novak." He held out his hand as if to shake Henry's, but he couldn't shake back. He had fish in one arm and the pole in the other. James pulled his hand back quickly, redness rose to his cheeks as embarrassment sunk in. Dean looked down at the ground and whispered a sorry, before looking back up at Novak, still giving him a questioning look.

"Funny name. And what exactly is your job?" He studied his red coat, and the little bit of the musket that he could see, which was half hidden behind the soldier's back. "And what do you have that thing for?" He motioned to the weapon, and shifted uneasily on his feel.

"Why should I tell you if I don't even know who you are?" Castiel had to be careful with his words if he wanted to gain any information at all. He could already tell that Dean wasn't stupid.

"I'm Winchester."

Castiel chewed on the inside of his lips, and moved his toes around in his boots. Winchester. The name sounded all too familiar. It only took him a few more moments to realize that this boy was probably a relative of j
John Winchester himself; the person he needed to get information on. When Castiel didn't answer again, Dean started to walk away. A clear image of the soldier had been engraved in his mind. Those blue eyes were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

"I must get going though... You're wearing a red coat... I can't trust you."

"How do you figure that one? I could be different, Mr.Winchester..." Castiel's grip on his musket tightened slightly. Dean noticed it, getting a little scared. And so he backed up. Castiel just responded by shaking his head. "I won't even shoot you for back talking me, see? I'm different..."

"Or you know who I am and don't want to get in trouble."

"I didn't know that. You must be important... With a face like that, you must be royalty." Castiel thought he was being smooth, but failed at it. Dean opened his mouth to speak, but got cut off by Castiel. "I have to go." His voice sent chills down Dean's spine. Another voice could be heard in the distance. It was someone shouting at the soldier.

"Novak. NOVAK!"

Castiel ran off, back to where the voice was coming from. Dean trudged home, and started another fire in order to actually cook. Castiel however, had to go back to his general. General Howe. He was really strict, and very determined to keep America under the rule of King George III. Howe scanned the area of trees, looking at the sky and then back to Novak. He adjusted his hat on his head and had a smile of victory on his face as he explained what he found out. Not even from Henry or anyone else. He found it out from some slaves that worked in the farms about a mile away.

He took his army spies back to a secret fort right outside of Concord, Massachusetts. There were about 50 soldiers stationed there at the time it all began. A lot more tension brewed in the air over the next week. Howe clarified who Winchester was after a little bit. Since Castiel had actually talked to Dean, he was sent to gather even more information. He was sent to make a friend, get close to him, and then attack when it was over. The British desperately needed to know what America was planning. It wasn't quite fair. Howe's army wasn't very familiar with the land there, but General Winchester was. It was becoming harder and harder for the red coats to keep hidden as more and more people became curious. It was a struggle for as well. He knew getting close to Dean would be horrible. He was trying to make a friend. He acted like he wasn't even a soldier around him. He acted like the young bloke he used to be before he was selected to join the army.

He spent countless hours snooping around Dean's property, but acted as if he was just helping out with the daily tasks. Every night he'd report back to their fort and tell his finding's for the day. As the weeks passed and the middle of April neared, it became almost impossible for Castiel to tell the whole truth to his General. He didn't want to anymore. He didn't want to be on the side of Great Britain anymore. Talking with Henry made him realize he was fighting for the wrong side. All the emotion that they put into their talks as well just gave him even more feelings that were wrong. He wanted to break away from his own side and give independence to the 'arrogant Americans.'

Dean had figured out Castiel was a spy, and he felt stupid for trusting him. Many times though did he pour his heart into his opinions. He had never gotten someone to listen to him like that. Castiel knew this was bad, he knew there was something more piling on top of their friendship. His job was to get information and then kill. He couldn't.

"So.." Dean started, walking beside his friend into town. Castiel had taken off his uniform and dressed more an American so no one would look at them funny. The day was April 18th, only a month ago, King George had risen the taxes, but now they were up again. Dean was all stressed about it because money was tight, even on his family, which was more wealthy than most families. Castiel was scared. He knew that General Howe had a plan for that night, a plan to ambush Lexington in the morning. That's Where Dean's father was at the time being. Dean, since he was technically a soldier, would have to have been called in.

"Dean... I have to talk to you. We've known each other for a fortnight... I feel like I can really trust you. But I have to tell you something that I can get in trouble for..." Castiel pursed his lips and looked at the ground, before taking Dean's hand and pulling him into a nearby alley. It smelled badly of mildew and sand. The solider took his hat off and ran his fingers through his dark locks nervously. "You know, we are going to be fighting a war right... My side; were supposed to ambush you at the daybreak of tomorrow. Attack the town as payback for you trying to break away. I just have this awful feeling something will go wrong and you'll get hurt. Oh my, if anyone knows I told you this, I'll be killed..." He sighed and put his hands on his face. "Your father and George Washington are leading this revolution, Henry. We have more than just our 50 soldiers here now... You're going to get called in for help." Tears started burning and they dared to slip from Castiel's blue eyes.

"What is the matter? Don't get upset... It's just a fight. You won't get into trouble. I won't tell anyone. I don't have anyone to tell anyways. And so what? I've spent ages trying to convince people that fighting isn't the answer. I hate England. I hate America too. I feel so trapped!" Dean flailed his arms. "Why am I the only one like me? The only one who doesn't want to fight? Someone who can't even find love because it's wrong and does not exist!" He was getting angrier by the second. Castiel desperately tried to calm him down. He knew exactly what Dean was talking about though, and he was grateful that he was trusted with that information. He was still amazed that by doing his job and stalking a boy; he made the best friend he could ask for. They hadn't known each other long, and already they were way too comfortable with each other. Dean still had this feeling in the back of his mind that Castiel was going to turn on him. He buried that idea because he really didn't want that.

"No, I have a right to be upset! You changed me. You made me realize how awful this whole thing is. I want to help you. So talk to me now. Tell me what we are going to do. We can't just sit and cry about it." Castiel's voice made the last remark come out a little cold. Dean was slightly taken aback by it.

"We can't. We are in public. We can go home and cry though. " He let out a small chuckle and rubbed the slight stubble that was coming in on. "I don't even know why we are out here. My father will kill me if I spend anything."

"Well we can keep walking though. I really enjoy talking to you... I have to go back soon though."

"Then go." Dean whispered, looking at the ground. He was bothered by the whole situation. He was scared now. Terrified, actually. Ever since his mother died of yellow fever, only 5 years ago, he'd taken the topic of death really badly. Just the thought of his best friend or brother dying made him sick. He couldn't care less about if his father got murdered in battle although. Sam wasn't even old enough to fight, he had just turned 7. There was still the chance of him getting hurt. The armies were blood thirsty, and they'd look for any weak spots John Winchester had.

"I- I don't want to leave you like this..." Castiel got closer to the other boy, he was slightly shorter than him. He looked up at him and wiped his eyes gently and carefully. Dean's face was soft except for the facial hair that he had coming in. He scanned his face before meeting his eyes. He couldn't help himself then, his heart was slamming against his ribcage. "Oh, and Dean... Maybe I'm just like you."

Dean's eyes grew wide as he realized what Castiel had said. The night before all of this happened, Dean had told Castiel about his feelings towards Benny... And the newer feelings that he had that were stronger. The ones that he felt for Castiel himself. The actual soldier made sure no one was looking down the alley when he got closer to Dean. The disgusting smell of the stone was gone, and replaced by the other's musk. Before he could realize what he was doing, his lips were on the other man's. Dean was taken by surprise; normally he hated surprises, but he really liked this one. He kissed back for a second before Castiel pulled away. Dean didn't like that it was over almost as soon as it started. He didn't know what to say after they pulled away either. He was dumbfounded.

"I really have to go." Novak whispered and backed away from him. "Can we meet up tomorrow morning? The lake?" Dean nodded, standing there with his mouth slightly agape. Castiel ran away. Dean's face turned scarlet when he realized what happened, when he finally let himself believe he loved someone who was on the opposite side.

The rest of the day, Dean couldn't stop thinking. So many things clouded his mind, but his main worry was the possible battle looming over them. The air was crisp and night was approaching faster now. He watched the people pass by before he blew out his candle to go to bed. They all seemed calm, too calm for the time being. Dear didn't like possibly being the only American who would've known about this pre-planned attack. When his father came home late that evening, he had a guest with him. The voice could only be recognized as John Parker; the leader of the Massachusetts Militia. Words were thrown around about how they found Howe and there was a new change of plans. It was something about Lt. Col Francis Smith, and how he was going to march with some soldiers into Lexington by daybreak. Winchester and Parker agreed that they were going to try and get as many American soldiers as possible, which meant of course, Dean would have to get involved.

The next morning, he was woken up by yelling. His father was frantically running around, trying to get everything in place. Paul Revere had stopped by to tell of the news, that they were already in town. Henry got his uniform on at the request of his father, but didn't go to the line formed of soldiers in front of the church. That's where the militia was supposed to meet up to go over the plan and grease up their muskets. Dean ran, all the way to the lake where Castiel wanted to meet up. His heart thudded in his chest when he saw that he wasn't there. He paced the area and cried out for his name before he heard a gunshot. It was coming from a place north of the lake. A town with quite a few people. Where the church was that they were all supposed to meet up at.

As he got closer, he heard shouts from the soldiers. Cries for help; and from which side, he didn't know. The people of that city stayed in their houses despite the loudness of cannons and guns. Some carried bayonets, others regular knives. Dean stayed hidden in a bush, watching those people, animals, kill out of... what? There was no reason other than pure ignorance that they were even fighting. It got bloody fast, and he was scared for Castiel. He tried to stay back and find him, or wait for him, but he heard his name being called by someone else. It was his father who was shouting for his sons help. He wasn't hurt, just wanted his son in on the action. Another thing he always told his kids was that revenge was sweet. This was some sort of revenge against Britain for making their lives so hard.

Dean was devastated as he got pushed into the fight with nothing but a knife in hand. The only thing he knew to do was fight off the men in red coats. It was an up close battle, which he hadn't expected. It was smart though. The British armies didn't know their way around the colonies, so this battle would be an easy victory with their advanced weapons and gear. The boy couldn't get his find in the right place after he felt his knife sink into another man's body, all the way up to the hilt. He was scared again, and did it out of pure defense. He froze up then and all he could hear was the last gasp of the man he stabbed and the thud noise he made when he hit the ground. Not even the loudest blood curdling scream of people from both sides dying or trying to distract each other made him snap out of it. Not even the feel of someone's cold hands on his neck. All he could think about was how his mother would be ashamed of him for killing.

A British soldier had gotten his enormous hands around Dean's neck and went to strangle him. He almost succeeded at the task, and was really confused when a swatch of red was seen out of the corner of his eye and then he was out. The soldier was down, and Dean was unconscious. Castiel had shot the man of his own team in the back of the head. The sight of him holding that gun with hooded eyes, still pointing down at the lifeless shoulder brought attention to a few people, and then more, and more. Until it was deadly quiet. All eyes on him, Castiel Novak. Lt Smith stepped forward, his face twisted into a difficult expression. He was about to speak up but Castiel dropped to the ground trying to wake up his unconscious friend.

"Treason!" Someone from the crowd shouted. Castiel stood up angrily and just cursed back at everyone.

"You all are animals! People should just listen to each other and respect one another. Not kill out of rage! We are all humans, so we should act like them. Not wild animals that kill their own kind! This is all so horrible and foul. If we just tried to help each other instead of trying to get ahead of everyone, it would be fine! We wouldn't be like this!" He was directing most of his anger to his own army, which he was not in favor for. "We should just love each other like sane creatures!"

He was one of Lt Smith's best fighters and this was all uncalled for. Dean woke up halfway through his friend's little speech, and stood there smiling proudly at him. Castiel was oh a spiel about everything Henry had told him. He pulled the shorter boy into a hug and whispered a thank you in his ear. Followed by three words. I. Love. You. That was a thank you for saving him, but that would only cost one of them their lives. As Castiel's words sunk into everyone's brains, Smith realized how correct he was. He didn't want anyone to betray them, so he took action immediately.

"You betrayed your country!" He almost screamed, lining up the gun with Castiel's head. Dean pulled him back almost protectively, and he was the one who ended up getting shot. The bullet went straight into his brain and was an instant kill. Castiel didn't even get to tell him goodbye- or even an I love you back- he did love Dean back. He was willing to do so much for him. But that was all gone. Dean saved him...

He was taken in by his own army despite the Americans trying to save him. The Americans won the battle of Lexington that April morning. They were ultimately thankful for Novak. The only reason they won was because he had caught so many red coats of guard. The British still got Novak, and he was hung the very next day, in front of everyone he betrayed. Winchester and Novak both died heroes. Their words were so meaningful, but they only touched few people. Everyone listened, most agreed with their views, but no one acted on it. It wasn't until many years later that the British surrendered. They had finally came to terms with the views of those 2 brave soldiers, who not only fought and died for something they wanted; but also fell in love without realizing it.

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