A/n: Ok I honestly didn't expect this to get so much love. Anyway, within this chapter, we see Naruto break out of his shell a bit and meet everyone's favourite demonic glutton. I feel as though Magilou should be doing this. Also at the bottom of this chapter will be the arc list I have planned. The first chapter was a prolouge and the next few will be The Peerage collection arc. And I also am already having a lemon being written for this as well. Also side note, i will be making changes to his Garganta. Such as removing the time distortion as many have advised me that having the Garganta with a two hour time distortion is a stupid thing. From this chapter onwards, the Garganta has no time distortion, so if Naruto enters it, then the time won't accelerate. If he went in at 8:30, he will come out at 8:30. The only excuse i have, is that he couldn't control it properly as he didn't have full access to his sacred gear.
Before we move onto theme music. Ravel, Disclaimer please.
Ravel: Dmcdante-rocks. Or Blackgoku666 on wattpad, does not own anything but the plot of this story. He will never own them. Though he will own his own copy of Tales Of Berseria hopefully by Christmas.
Thank you for that. Now then. As Kuzco says at the start of his show. Theme music.
(Alones Aqua times)
Naruto awoke to the sound of his alarm clock going off and for someone to be banging on his door. Moving the infinite Loli off his chest, he walked over to the door with a pair of black jeans on before opening it to find Rias's peerage bar Rias and Issei,along with his bishop Ravel standing at the door. Looking at them with a raised brow, he moved away from the door as he walked back into his apartment.
"What are you all doing here?" He asked with a yawn as he grabbed a shirt and placed it on with a black zip up jacket on top of it.
"Well, we came to see how you were doing." Akeno said as she saw Naruto grab a full duffle bag. "What's that for?" She asked confused as Ophis walked down.
"He has a trip. So he's just packing the rest of his stuff away." She said before walking over to Naruto before she pulled his shirt away from his neck.
Once she did that, she leaned closer to him before everyone watched as she bit into his neck roughly. They watched as blood flowed down his neck lightly as she moaned slightly. She pulled her head away and everyone watched as a tattoo appeared around his neck similar to that of a collar. It was two snakes intertwining as they shifted around his neck until the eventually stopped at the front of his throat before they circled around the hole at the base of his neck and bit into the neck of the other snake.
"What is this exactly?" He asked as he stared at it in confusion before grabbing a tan raincoat and placing it on before giving an umbrella to Ravel.
"A mark that symbolises that you belong to me." Ophis said as Naruto looked at her while everyone else was shocked.
"Wait, so you basically made it so that Naruto is your mate?" Ravel asked shocked.
"Correct. He is mine. I will share him but I will be his first and nothing will stop me." She said as she glared towards Akeno who returned it full force.
"All of you can come see me off, but your not coming along. This is a mission for Ravel and I. Are you ready?" He said to them before turning his attention to his bishop.
"Yes I am Naruto-kun. Shall we go?" She asked before he opened a Garganta.
"Let's." Was all he said as Ravel jumped into the Garganta with Naruto and the others following.
Once they exited it, they found them on the docks on the edge of Kuoh. They all saw what looked like a huge boat that was meant for an entire party group instead of two people. They also saw Ajuka standing next to it as he lit a cigar while Grayfia stood next to him. Everyone watched as Naruto walked over to them and bowed. Walking over and doing the same they saw Ajuka pull out a little black notebook with a pen and give it to Naruto.
"What I want you to do Naruto is research. There is a special breed of demons called Therions. Apparently there is only one left on the islands. The way to find her, is to look out for a demonic left arm that she has." He explained as Naruto took the notebook and looked at him confused.
"Her?" He asked.
"Yes, her. Don't worry about it, you'll be fine especially with your abilities. Now once you reach the Isles of Berseria, (A/n: Sorry I spelt it wrong last chapter. But thanks to someone I got the proper way to spell it.) You will meet a girl waiting for you at the docs. Her name is Crowe. That's all she gave us. You need to find out the rest yourself. Good luck Naruto." Ajuka said before he disappeared.
Looking towards his king, Naruto saw her hand him a bag with what he thought to be clothing. Looking inside, he found his assumption to be correct as a black suit was inside it.
"You represent me as my Queen. While I do not care where I stand in the underworld I will not have my name tarnished. Understand?" Grayfia asked with a glare getting a smile from Naruto.
"I understand my King." He said bowing to her.
"Good. See you when you get back." Was all he heard as she vanished. Straighting up, he nodded to everyone as he and Ravel boarded the ship.
Everyone watched as Naruto turned to them and offered a small wave before the boat started up and left. Naruto saw as Ophis walked into a portal she made as he felt the marking around his neck flare up. Sighing to himself, he watched as everyone left before he turned and walked towards a bathroom that was on the boat as Ravel sat on a bench watching as the water flowed past her.
She watched as dolphins swam next to the boat and jumped into the air. Hearing foot steps behind her, she turned to see Naruto walk over to her dressed in his new clothes from Grayfia. He was wearing a black button up suit with orange studs on the wrists. With matching black dress pants as well as chocolate brown dress shoes. He had a black white undershirt under the suit jacket that had the collar neatly folded over with a black tie. This hid his hole and the marking from Ophis completely, and gave him a more sophisticated look. On his hands were a pair of white gloves that covered his entire hand and went to his wrists. (Basically he's dressed like Sebastion from Kuroshitsuji) Ravel felt a blush occur on her face due to how Naruto looked. He sat down next to her and simply crossed his arms and closed his eyes.
"You better rest. Who knows how long till we reach the Isles." They heard the captain said.
With those words in mind, Ravel came closer to Naruto before she closed her eyes and leaned onto his shoulder. Naruto looked at her before he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. This brought her closer to him as he closed his eyes, deciding to take the captains words to heart.
(1 hour later).
Naruto had his head back and was jerked awake as they hit a particularly rough wave. Opening his eyes, he found Ravel had moved from his shoulder and was now resting her head on his lap while he was running a hand through her hair. Shaking her awake, Naruto watched as she sat up and stretched out causing some cracks to sound. She turned towards him with a smile as she picked up a small handbag as they noticed they had finally come to a stop. Naruto looked over the side and saw a woman sitting down on a chair. Grabbing his duffle bag and opening a Garganta, he placed it inside before closing it completely. He walked down to the bottom of the ship with Ravel following him.
Once they got of the boat, they looked towards the woman as she stood up and looked up at them with bored golden eyes. Her bored look was returned by Naruto's own as Ravel stared between them with her head tilted.
'It's like looking at a female version of him.' She thought.
And she was right. The woman in question with how she gave an impassive and bored gaze, looked like a female version of Naruto just with golden eyes and natural black hair. Her midnight black hair fell to her knees and the end was tied together by a grey hair tie. She was wearing a torn red vest that covered her chest and left her stomach open to the world. She had on what was possible remains on black jeans. They were torn leaving her legs open. Though her more important parts were now hidden by her now shorts. She had multiple belts on her body. One was wrapped around her waist while she had another three around her right thigh. She had armour plating on her right leg going from her foot to her knee while it only covered her foot on the other leg. She also had matching armour on her right arm that went from her forearm to her elbow. However something that caught both of their attention more than anything was the fact her entire left arm was covered in bandages. However they never thought of it and left it alone. She also had a ruined black cape that was tied around her collar bone. While looking at her Naruto had to admit she was quite beautiful. She also saw the woman's golden eyes boring in Naruto's own with no emotion that she could see.
She watched as Naruto raised his hand towards the woman.
"Naruto Uzumaki." Was all that he said.
"Velvet. Velvet Crowe." Was what he got in return.
"It's nice to meet you Miss Crowe. This is Ravel Phenex." He said bringing her attention to Ravel who bowed.
"It's nice to meet both of you. Come, I will show you to where you will be staying." She said walking off with the two following her.
While following Velvet they were given a small tour of her home. She showed them were all the main shops to buy groceries were. Though out the tour, Naruto and Ravel kept quiet and simply took in the scenery. That was until a little girl came running up to them and bumped into Naruto. She hit the ground while Naruto stayed as still as a statue. Him and Ravel looked down to see a little girl wearing grey rags, that were two sizes to big for her, as clothes. Her black hair looked dirty while her eyes held a look that Naruto knew all to well. A look of someone who has given up. Someone who had the same eyes he did as a child. The eyes of someone who has given into despair. Looking up, he saw a small group of four grown men coming towards them with sticks in their hands. Velvet glared at the people until she saw Naruto move in front of her and hold the girl to the back of his leg.
"Who are all of you people? Why was this girl running from you?" He asked, a slight undertone of anger within his voice.
"None of your business outsider!" One roared as the little girl grabbed his pant leg tightly.
Naruto looked down at the girl and saw that she had small scratches on her arms. Seeing those injuries on a small girl who was only about six years old, brought the anger Naruto held within him to the surface as he glared at the men.
"It's my business now. This girl is under my protection now and to see injuries like that to someone her age is a quick way to piss me off. And let me tell you this, me getting angry is not something that happens often." Naruto spoke to them as he turned to the little girl. "Were these the ones that did all this to you?" He asked, hiding his anger as to not scare her.
The girl didn't trust her voice nor did she trust Naruto so all she did was give a slight nod. Ravel watched as Naruto's eyes which showed that he felt sorry for the girl, became covered in anger completely. She moved over and brought the girl away while holding onto her to make sure she didn't run away.
"Don't worry, I haven't known Naruto-san for long, but I know one thing. He's gonna teach those bullies a lesson for picking on you." She said calmly as Velvet overheard it and look towards Naruto.
'She's just an orphan girl that you have never met and yet you want to protect her after just meeting her. Naruto Uzumaki huh? Interesting.' She thought to herself as Naruto walked up to the man leading the group.
His hair overshadowed his eyes, before he looked up showing his true anger. They watched as he kicked the leg out from under the leader while grabbing his arm before attacking his ribs as the grip on the leaders weapon lessened to the point where Naruto tore it from his grip and then spun around before slamming the front of the stick into his face. Turning to the other men he dropped the stick before disappearing. They were looking for him only for Naruto to deliver a strong kick to one of their heads. The last two turned only for Naruto to grab both of them by the head and slam their heads together. Looking around, Naruto saw the small group of four men lying down groaning as they held various parts of their own body. Placing his hands in his pockets, he went to move back to Ravel's side only to turn and kick one of the men who were starting to stand back up in the side of the face sending him back down hard. He watched as the others went to stand but instead stayed on the ground as they felt a dark presence come over them.
They all turned their attention to Velvet who was covered in a dark aura as heat waves flowed off her left arm. Naruto's eyes narrowed, before he saw her looking towards the men lying on the ground as she stalked over to them. Naruto walked past her as she stopped in front of them and stepped on the head of the closer man as she stared at all of them with a glare. He looked at the young girl and saw her staring at Velvet with a smile. Meanwhile the group of men were cowering in fear as a blade shot out from then gauntlet armour on her right arm as she faced it towards. Naruto deciding that these men weren't worth the energy for her, stopped Velvet before turning towards the group.
"Don't waste your time on these guys. They're not worth it." He said simply as the men all flinched in fear. "Besides, after today's beating, I don't think that they would try anything should they see me nearby. If they did, then I would show them true power." Was what he finished saying as Velvet moved away from them and to the girl.
She saw as the girl smiled happily as Naruto stood in front if them protectively while the girl grabbed Ravel's hand and started dragging her off towards a nearby park. Velvet looked on with a soft smile as the girl seemed to see Ravel, even after just meeting her, as what she guessed to be a big sister sister. Naruto walked over and stopped next to her and watched as the girl dragged his bishop away. Looking over to Velvet he saw the smile on her face. Shrugging his shoulders, he bumped her before walking after the young girl and his bishop. Velvet walked faster so that she could walk side by side with Naruto and talk with him.
"Tell me Naruto-san. Why did you decide to do what you did back there?" She asked as she turned her attention.
"It was her eyes. When I saw the dead look in her eyes, I was reminded of myself at her age. Tell me a bit about that girl." He said as his hands were back within his suits pockets.
"Her name is Miyuki. No known last name. She just appeared on the orphanage door step one night while it was raining. I was making my rounds to make sure all the little ones were asleep until I heard someone knock at the door. Opening it, I looked around to find no one there. Assuming it to be a joke I went to shut the door until I heard a noise, I looked down and there she was sitting at the door. She had a note with her, but all it said was to find someone to help raise her. She didn't know who gave her the note or how she got to the orphanage. Both of us didn't know what the note meant so I brought her in and have basically raised her as though she was my own. To replace the loss of my little brother." She explained before becoming depressed at the end.
"You lost your little brother?" Naruto asked feeling sad for her.
"Oh I said that out loud, didn't I?" She asked slightly embarrassed before her face became upset. "But yes, I lost my little brother a few years before I found Miyuki. I still miss him." She finished bringing a hand to her chest.
"It's hard to get over the loss of someone dear to you. From what I've heard, it leaves a hole that could never be replaced. I myself was raised in a orphanage just like Miyuki. My parents had both died. My mother due to complications at birth while my father placed me in the orphanage a little bit after I was born. Then thanks to a close friend of mine, I found out he died due to a heart virus a little after I was born. I was picked on for my birth mark and ostracised for it by most of the adults. Though like how Miyuki has you, I had someone who was there for me. Her name was Nono Yakushi, she was a nun at my church who found me laying on my bed covered in scratches as the others had bullied me. She patched me up and then...we just started bonding. Before I knew it, I was always around her and kept to myself unless she asked me too." He told her his story.
"So you know how she feels. To be raised in an orphanage from day one. To not know about your family." She responded.
"Correct. When I saw her eyes, I was reminded of myself before I met Nono. I didn't want someone as young as her to be treated the way those men were treating her." He told her with conviction.
"Just meeting someone and already caring about her. Your a strange one Naruto." She said as they stopped at the park to find Miyuki on a swing next to Ravel.
Miyuki saw both of them and waved them over with a smile firmly planted on her face. Naruto and Velvet walked over to them before Miyuki got off the swing and stood in front of Naruto. Naruto watched as she shyly looked up at him, with what Naruto could see as sapphire blue eyes that matched his own right eye. She locked eyes with him as Naruto stared on before he closed his eyes with a small smile before he felt someone hug his right leg. Looking down, he found Miyuki had latched onto his leg tightly. She looked up at with her blue eyes shining brightly as a large smile came across her face.
"Thank you for helping me mister." She said shocking Naruto.
"No prob little one." He said ruffling her hair.
She grabbed his hand before dragging him towards the swings. Naruto looked at Velvet for help he saw her give him a shrug. Naruto sighed at this before he joined in, by pushing Miyuki on the swings, so that Miyuki could be happier and show off her natural smile. One that actually made Naruto's lips turn from their normal thin line into a small smile.
Noticing this himself and deciding to pay her back a bit. Naruto pet the girl on the head as her injuries started to heal quickly. Miyuki looked over herself in shock as she turned to Naruto who smiled at her before pushing her over to the swing with Velvet occupying a nearby bench and watched as Naruto played with the little girl as though she was truly his own child.
They spent the entire day together with Naruto acting like a father spending time with his daughter. Unfortunately, it was time for Miyuki to return home and for Naruto and Ravel to be taken to their hotel. Naruto was walking behind Velvet as Miyuki was on his back asleep. The small group stopped at the orphanage before Naruto walked in after Velvet who was holding the door for him. He walked to her room after Velvet told him where it was. Placing her in her bed and tucking her in tightly, Naruto placed a small kiss on her forehead before walking out of her room with a smile on his face. Walking to the door he found Velvet standing there with a smile.
"You're a good father you know that." She said as he walked past her.
"Never had to look after kids. I never interacted with the younger ones when i was still in the orphanage. I guess i was just doing what was natural." Naruto admitted with a smile.
"You seem to have opened up more. When we first met, you didn't show any emotion. No smiles. In fact, it's almost like you never had emotions to begin with." She said as a thoughtful look appeared on his face.
"I guess, Miyuki-chan's happiness and how she acted towards me today broke down the walls i put around myself. The innocent smile on her face, I just couldn't help but give one to match ya know." he told her as he placed his hands in his pockets as Ravel stood up from her sitting position on the steps.
"Well, I have to say it really is an improvement considering when we first came here and you two met each other." Ravel said pointing at them. "It was like looking at a wacky mirror. You two were just like each other. Though the smiles you both have look really nice on you. You should smile more Velvet-san and you Naruto-sama, should just place Rias at the furthest part of your head and forget about her. You'll have more people to help you now that your a king." She added as she looked away from the two. "After all, I'm your first piece so i will be the closest one to you." She finished a cocky smile on her face.
"You're a king?" Velvet asked shocked ignoring how Ravel deflated at being ignored.
"That I am. I also serve as a queen for someone else while maintaining my own peerage. I have help of course." Naruto told her while pointing at Ravel who puffed her chest out proudly.
"Is she your only piece?" Velvet asked seeing as Naruto never referenced if he had more than one.
"Yes she is. And as you can see, she takes a lot of pride in that fact." Naruto said as a blush came across Ravels face, not that the two people behind her could see that. "Now I'll answer more questions on the way to our temporary home. Would you kindly show us the way?" he told her before asking her politely to lead them home.
Velvet gave a nod before she walked in front of the two devils with them following closely behind her. On the way Naruto's attention was drawn to Velvet's bandaged arm. He remembered what Ajuka had told him before he left for the Isles.
'To find the Therion, look for her demonic arm.'
Narrowing his eyes as his attention was still on her arm, Naruto noticed that they had arrived. It was a small wooden house. Sending Ravel inside after she grabbed the key from Velvet, he opened a Garganta so that Ravel could grab any gear that Naruto had placed within it. Once that was done, he closed it before Ravel went to explore their current housing situation.
"Velvet. I have something i need to ask of you." Naruto told her as he donned his expressionless mask.
"What is it?" She asked.
"Do you know the identity of a being called 'The Therion'. The devil Ajuka Beelzebub asked me to find out about her." He explained as he noticed her bandage arm's hand ball into a fist.
"I'm afraid I don't know." She lied as Naruto let out a sigh.
"Velvet, It's you isn't it?" he asked with a nagging feeling. "You already know that I'm a devil. Raised in a orphanage run by a church. Tell me about your past and i will help you." He told her as he moved closer to her.
"Yes. The reason i am the way i am, is because i didn't want to lose my little brother." She admitted as she undid the bandages showing her arm.
A giant black and red clawed hand was what met Naruto's eyes. On the fingers sat claws that looked as though it could easily rend flesh into nothing within an Instant. Naruto's left eye recorded the look and the possible deadliness of the arm as he heard her speak again.
"You told me about yourself. Now let me tell you how i became what i am." She said before walking off with Naruto following.
Once they had stopped, he noticed her sitting on a bench, overlooking a beach as the water crashed violently against the rocks, staring at her demonic left arm with anger. Sitting down next to her, Naruto placed his attention on her completely as she let out a sigh.
"Naruto. Even though we just met, you interest me. You seem dead to the world yet after today, you've shown that you can actually show emotions. Why do you hide them?" She asked.
Naruto knew she was simply buying time, but deciding to humor the girl he answered her question.
"I was originally a knight to a different king. She brought me back when I was near death. After she did, I started to develop feelings for her. I thought I loved her. But in truth, I don't know how I felt about her. I don't truly know what love for another person is. At least romatically. I have felt the love of a mother but that's it. So when it came time where someone wanted to force her into marrying them, she decided that she would have to give her virginity to a pervert she reincarnated as well. I was upset at first, wondering why I wasn't in his place. But now, I just don't care. All I want is to protect those precious to me, and make sure that they can never be hurt. No matter the cost." He admitted as Murcielago appeared in his hand. "It's with this blade, my sacred gear Despair's Onslaught Murcielago. That I will protect everything close to me." He finished with a determined smile before turning towards Velvet who was staring at her hand.
"The reason I am a Therion, a rare demon. Is because of my family. My sister Celica Crowe married an Exorcist by the name of Artorius." She said noting that Naruto flinched at the title exorcist. "It was a scarlet night, where a blood moon fills the sky with a bloody glow." She started.
(Flashback and backstory time) (from here on, past Velvet will have Quotation marks. While current Velvet will have thought marks.)
A younger Velvet was wondering around her small home town of Abell. She was walking around with a smile looking for her little brother. She was wearing a long sleeved brown collared shirt that had the sleeves rolled up to her biceps. She was wearing grey jeans as well while having a pair of brown boots as well. Her gauntlet blade was still set on her right arm.
'I was fifthteen when it happened. A happy teenager, loving her life.' Velvet spoke as Naruto's attention was captured. 'My little brother, Laphicet or Laphi as I called him, was missing and I was trying to find him. I eventually found him in a forest, he was walking to the cape.' She finished.
The younger Velvet was wondering in a forest until she found a young boy with dirty blonde hair wearing a small grey cloak with matching shirt and pants. He smiled at her as they both continued on a walk. But they had to stop as they were suddenly attacked by a monster.
"Laphi, I want you to get away now. I will protect you." She said as a blade came out of her gauntlet
The demon which stood at about the same height as the younger Velvet looked oddly like a bipedal wolf with grey fur and farmers clothes on. It's claws glinted in the light of the sun as it growled at her. It rushed her ready to tear her head off only for her to roll under it and swipe at it's legs cutting the thighs. She jumped over the wolf before stabbing it in the shoulder. She tried to remove her blade quickly only to have the wolf grab her arm and slam her into the ground and throw her away like nothing as she slammed into a tree.
She sat up as her little brother moved in front of her to protect her.
"Laphi? What are you still doing here!?" Velvet screamed in shock.
"I am still here because I want to protect you Onee-chan." He said as the wolf charged both of them.
Velvet threw herself in front of Laphicet to take the full brunt of the attack. The last thing Velvet felt was pain as she was slammed into full force by the wolf. She and Laphicet were sent to the ground. Pain was all Velvet felt as she blacked out, Laphicet's face was the last thing she saw.
(Small timeskip)
She woke up within her bed with a startled gasp. Looking around and finding herself in her room, she felt something sitting within her hand. Looking down she found her little brother's comb sitting in her palms grasp. Looking outside and seeing that the town was dyed a scarlet red by the glow of the moon, she got out of bed before heading outside and moving towards the shrine at the edge of town. On her way, she had a bad feeling as she couldn't find Laphicet anywhere. All she had was a small note in her pocket written by Laphicet. The note told her that he was with their brother in-law Artorius at the shrine.
When she arrived at the shrine, she found Artorius and Laphicet standing at the edge. (Artorius will be referred to as Arthur whenever Velvet is around. But if she is with others, then he will be Artorius)
"Laphi, Arthur." She called out to them as they both turned to her.
"Yet another sin I have to lay to rest." Arthur said as Velvet's hands and ankles were pinned to the ground as fire appeared on them. The fire didn't burn her but simply hold her in place.
"What are you doing Arthur?" She asked.
"This place is where a seal that protected this world is. Laphicet here will be sacrificed in order to insure we are able to protect everyone." Arthur said as Laphicet was enveloped within a golden glow.
"What? Your gonna sacrifice Laphi? Are you insane!?" Velvet screamed as she glared at Arthur.
"Laphicet decided to sacrifice himself once he found out what I had planned. For what it's worth. At least this way you will be protected." He told her as Laphicet floated above a dark abyss before the golden glow moved outside and formed a golden pentagram around him.
Though to Velvet's shock and horror, a golden cross appeared in Laphicet's chest. She saw his face opened in pain before the cross disappeared as he started falling. She pulled her limbs away from her binds and shattered them completely. Moving quickly, she ran towards the edge of the abyss before grabbing Laphicet's hand as she almost fell in but grabbed the ledge.
Arthur moved up to the edge as he drew his blade in one hand as he stared at Velvet who glared at him in anger.
"Yet again. You're a slave to your emotions. Goodbye Velvet." He said as he slashed her arm off.
Velvet watched in shock as her arm flew in front of her face as her own blood was splattered on her face before she fell into the deep dark abyss with Laphicet just ahead of her.
(Flashback end)
"I came out of that dark abyss, with my arm being how it is. As it stands now, I'm a demon who lives by killing other demons and devouring them." She admitted as her arm was wrapped in bandages once more. "Ever since then, I've worked in the orphanage and then I met Miyuki and then raised her as though she was my own." She finished as tears had formed in her eyes.
"Velvet. Your a strong woman to be the way you are after what you went through. You are still sane and have a good heart." Naruto told her only to have her claws dig into his right arm as the bandages disappeared again
"No, I'm not a strong woman. In my rage and despair, I slaughtered everyone I could find. Entire villages, men, woman and children weren't spared. I devoured them all without hesitation! I'm nothing but a monster." She told him as her claws dug deeper into his arm.
"And yet here you are. Protecting a young girl who had nothing in this world as though she was your own child. Velvet, even with your past, your still a strong woman. You can't let yourself be defined by the mistakes. Learn from them, use the mistakes to become stronger. You've already started with Miyuki, now you just have to move on." He told her placing his other hand on top of her demonic one.
"Naruto, I was called the Lord of Calamity. I've killed hundreds without a care in the world. I'm a monster." She said pulling her arm away from his.
"Velvet the Lord of Calamity. It's a wonderful name. Velvet. I think we should get some sleep. This is a vacation and I really want to see what this place has to offer." He said standing up and offering Velvet a hand. "Come on. Let's go." He said as Velvet looked at him.
She saw a kind smile on his face as her line of sight shifted from his face the outstreched limb in front of her. Bringing her clawed hand up and placing it within Naruto's outstreched hand, she felt his hand tighten before he pulled her up. She looked towards him with a shocked expression as a silhouette of her little brother Laphicet appeared next to him along with a woman around her twenties. The woman had the same golden colored eyes as her, with matching black hair. She had a kind smile as she wore a form fitting black dress with a white apron over it.
'Celica, Laphi.' She thought to herself as she saw them place their hands on top of her own with a smile.
"Live a long a purpose filled life my dear little sister." She heard her sister say before she faded.
"Be happy with your life sis. I want to see you happy and smiling like you always were." Laphi told her before he himsef disappeared.
"Come Velvet. Let's get you home so that you can rest." He said as he started walking with her to her home.
'Celica, Laphi. Thank you. And Naruto, why would you try so hard to help some random monster.' She thought to herself looking down.
Unknown to her, Naruto was staring at her with a saddened gaze mixed with confusion.
'Why is she like this. Why am I wanting to help her.' He thought to himself.
'It's because that's the kind of person you are.' He heard the voice of his sacred gear speak within his head.
'The kind of person I am?' Naruto asked Murcielago.
'Your entire life, bar your moments with the blue haired girl and Nono Yakushi and with the Queen and Rook of your former peerage, you've hidden behind a mask of indifference. Even now you still have it, but that little girl, Miyuki, she is bringing out the true you. Seeing how Velvet is, you want to see her smiling. You want to see her happy. You will do anything to make sure those around you are happy.' Murcielago told the boy.
'I want to see her happy?' He questioned as he stared at Velvet.
'Yes. The true you Naruto, is a selfless person who would give anything to make those around him happy. I think your time here will do good for you. You can show your true self.' Murcielago told him.
'To see her happy.' He thought to himself again before a smile came over his face. 'I agree Murcielago, this place will bring out the true me. Thank you for bringing this to light Murcielago.' He thought to his partner.
'No problem. I will always lend my power to you. I will protect, what you want to protect. After all, we are partners.' Murcielago told him.
Once he was done conversing with his spirit, he noticed that him and Velvet were standing outside a small house that was near the orphanage.
"Never wanna move far from work huh?" He joked in reference to her living close to the orphanage. "And here I thought you lived in the orphanage to be closer to Miyuki." He said as a small smile appeared on her face.
"No, I just go there and spend time with the children every now and then. And in regards to Miyuki, I plan on having her taken out of the orphanage and placed into my custody soon." She told him as she opened her door.
She noticed that her hand was still showing and was still being held by Naruto's own. She looked at him as he noticed as let go of her hand before placing it within his pockets.
"So your adopting her?" Naruto asked her as he stood at her door way.
"Yep. I'm just making sure that I have everything ready for her. I just want Miyuki to live a proper life." She told him as her arm was covered in bandages once again.
"I can tell you'll be a wonderful mother Velvet." He said before turning around and starting to leave. "And also Velvet. As long as I'm around, I will help you. Whether it be by helping you overcome your past, or simply being there, I will help you." He spoke seriously as he turned to her and showed a bright smile. "After all you've been through, you deserve happiness." He said before he walked off back to his temporary home. "See you tomorrow Velvet." He said before he disappeared completely as Velvet shut the door.
"Naruto. Thank you." She said to herself, grateful that someone wanted to help her. Even if they just met.
(With Naruto at his house)
He had just arrived home and opened the door and walked inside to see Ravel sitting in front of a fireplace within the living room drinking a hot chocolate from a cup she found. Walking into the living room he took his clothes off of his upper body leaving him in a black and red singlet. He sat down on a chair that was next to Ravel as his peerage set came out in a flash of energy. Placing it down on a coffee table that was in front of him, he looked at the set that was sitting in front of him. Eight Pawns, one mutated Bishop, two Knights, a normal Rook and a mutated Rook and his only Queen piece was left. Looking at all of his remaining pieces, his eyes focused onto the queen piece that was next to his mutated Bishop.
Ravel noticed his gaze before her attention was shifted to her King himself.
"Have you found someone to take another piece?" She asked expecting the obvious.
"Yes. And with the power I felt first hand, I think she would make a wonderful Queen." He said pulling his sleeve up to show the five holes in his arm from Velvet's claws. "One thing that interests me is that she as slowed down my regeneration." He told her as the holes in his arms were closing only at a snails pace.
"She was able to do that? How?" Ravel asked shocked.
"I think it's due to the fact she can eat other demons. While we are devils, I think we can fall under that category. Or it's because we are demons, that she can't fully devour us. But she can still eat some and take power from what she did. When her claws were within my arm, I felt some of my own energy being drained. I didn't pay mind to it, but now I'm interested." He explained as a smile etched it's way onto his face. "Now all we have to do, is get her to join. I won't force her, if she joins it'll be by her choice." He finished standing up. "Also Ravel. What do you think of living here." Naruto asked as he looked outside.
"Living here?" She repeated.
"Yes. It's a big change compared to where you live now. But at least if we stay here, we can have peace. No worries about stray devils. No interaction with Heaven. A place were all our problems are far from reaching us." He explained as he turned his gaze to her.
"It truly is a wonderful place. But are you sure you want to stay here because of the stray devils and heaven?" She asked. "Or is it because of Rias?" She asked again.
"In truth, I have stopped caring about Rias. What I said was completely true. The only problem is that would she would keep bothering me until I explain why I did what I did. And I can't deal with that." He told her.
"Why did you? I wanna know as your bishop. No secrets alright?" She asked.
"Right. Your my precious bishop. The reason I did what I did, was brcause I couldn't stand to always be reminded of how I caught Rias and Issei. I was actually getting ready to tell her that I had feelings for her, then I found her trying to give herself to Issei to break the contract. After spending time with Ophis-hime in the dimensional gap, I learnt that I had nothing but a crush. I learnt that as she gave me what she thought was her love. I accepted it and basically we've been a couple since. Kinda why she gave this marking." He said as he rubbed the marking around his neck.
"Right, she said it marks you as her mate." She said remembering what the Infinite loli said before she glared at Akeno.
"Yep." He said simply. "Anyway, it's time we get some sleep. Velvet is taking us out on a proper trip and show us around the town." He said as he walked towards the bedrooms.
"I've been meaning to ask. What is the name of this town?" She asked as she stood to follow him.
"Abell." Was all he said before he went into his room.
Ravel smiled as she walked into her room with a smile. 'Naruto-sama, I feel that you will unleash your true power in a bid to do what you must.' She thought as she sat on her bed. 'Good luck.' Was all she thought before she let sleep envelop her.
(Timeskip to the next morning.)
Naruto woke up to something he hasn't experienced in ages. Peace. No sound bar the playful tweeting of the birds. No alarm clock blaring in his ears as it rudely wakes him. Sighing to himself, he pulled himself out of bed and walked down to the kitchen. He entered the kitchen and open the cupboards before he grabbed two cups. Placing them on the bench he pulled out a bag of powdered chocolate before he started to make some hot chocolate for his bishop and himself. Once he was done, he grabbed the hot chocolate he made for Ravel and placed it aside before moving on to making blueberry pancakes. After he finished those, he heard a knock at the door. Walking over to it, he opened the door and was meet with both Velvet and Miyuki standing there.
"Good morning Velvet-san. And a wonderful good morning to you as well Miyuki-chan." He said to them both before ruffling the little girls hair. "Do you want to come inside? I just finished preparing breakfast for Ravel and myself, I wouldn't mind making some for you two." He asked as he stepped aside as Miyuki moved inside, leaving the two teenagers standing at the door.
"Energetic isn't she?" He asked laughing slightly as the girl disappeared into the kitchen.
"She truly is. Are you sure it's ok if we come in? I already made food for Miyuki and myself." Velvet said as she looked sheepish as they both stepped inside.
Once Naruto shut the door and turned to Velvet, he saw her wearing a pair of black jeans with a brown vest covering her upper torso. Her left arm still had the bandages on them while her right had her gauntlet on it. She was also wearing a pair black boots. Naruto had to admit, that this made Velvet look like a normal teenager. And not a demon who's had a tough life. (Her Villager outfit)
Velvet turned to him and noticed that his chest was proudly on display as he wasn't wearing a shirt. She saw the tattoo being displayed proudly on his chest along with the hole on his neck. All he had on was a pair of black jeans with slippers on. And on the very top of his head was a night cap he wears. She looked towards the kitchen as she heard a noise. Both of them moved towards the kitchen as they saw Miyuki sitting at the table. They both sighed as Naruto ushered Velvet to the table as he grabbed some plates and dished them out some pancakes.
Placing the plates next in front of both of the girls, he grabbed a plate and walked upstairs before opening Ravels door and placing the plate on the night stand next to her bed. Placing his hand on her shoulder and shaking her awake, he smiled as she looked towards him with a tired smile.
"Morning." She said with a tired yawn.
"Morning Ravel-chan. I made you breakfeast and a drink." He said placing a tray on her lap as she sat up.
Ravel looked at the tray and took a sip of the hot chocolate while letting out a happy sigh. "You seriously made this?" She asked as she started to eat the pancakes.
"Yep. Now hurry up, we have visitors downstairs. Velvet-san and little Miyuki-chan are waiting for us." He said before walking out.
Walking back to his visitors, he found Velvet cleaning up her and Miyuki's plates while Miyuki sat down at the table. Moving towards Velvet and the cup of hot chocolate he made for himself, he placed the cup in front of Miyuki before moving over to help Velvet out.
"You two seem to be right at home." He said as he dried the dishes while Velvet was cleaning them.
"Most of the homes here in Abell are the same in structure. Miyuki-chan spends so much time at my house that she knows it like the back of her hand." She told him as they finished.
"Interesting, so what's the plan for today?" He asked the teen standing next to him.
"Well, we are gonna go for a walk around the town and then had down to the cape to pick some flowers. Then we will have a picnic at a wonderful little spot I know that gives a beautiful view of the beach." She listed off the plans as Naruto smiled.
"I'll let Ravel know once she's done." He said as Ravel walked down. "Speak of the devil." He said as he informed Ravel of their plans.
(Chapter end) (Black Night Town)
Ok I wanted to make this longer but I wanna save some ideas for later. Also within this Story, Velvet never went to prison. While this change occured. Rokuro and Magilou have already escaped and are looking for info on Arthur/Artorius. A small timeline below will have the events of Berseria in this world. Also for this timeline, BN will stand for Before Naruto
9 years BN. Velvet age 7. Celica found Arthur/Artorius.
3 years after that. 6 years BN. Velvet age 10. Celica is accidently sacrificed. Leading to the creation of Seres and Laphicet or number 2 (Malak)
3 years after that. 3 years BN. Velvet age 13. Laphicet is sacrificed so that Innominat.
3 years after that. Current time. Velvet meets Naruto and Ravel and is a potential queen for Naruto.
In between the time Laphicet was sacrificed, and before Velvet met Naruto, Miyuki arrived at the orphanage and was later raised by Velvet like her own. And no Miyuki is not to be another Laphicet. In a way. Miyuki is the key so that Naruto will become his cannon self. As was my plan all along. To have people break Naruto's Ulquiorra persona and lead to him being normal.
Also I plan on doing Character Bio's for the characters within this story. Which includes their position within the story and how they interact.
Naruto Uzumaki: Wielder of Despair's Onslaught Murcielago. Main character. Naruto was raised in a church run orphanage as his parents both died not long after he was born. He left the orphanage not long before he started to attend Kuoh. Currently his reasons are unknown as he never left his mother figures side. He became a devil after he was killed by a stray devil. He developed a crush and a slight hero worship to Rias as she brought him back when he thought his life was useless. Due to never experiencing love between to people besides that of a mother, he thought he had proper feelings for her. Currently age 16 serving under Grayfia Lucifuge as her Queen.
Ravel Phenex: Former Bishop of her Elder brother Riser Phenex. Was given to Naruto by her mother as a way to build strong bonds between devils. She is proud as she is Naruto's only piece and is the self proclaimed manager of the peerage. She wants to see the true Naruto as she has seen small glimpses when he interacts with people like Akeno, Koneko, Ophis and his King. In this story is the same age as Koneko. Bishop of Naruto's peerage.
Velvet Crowe: A human turned demon when she tried to save her little brother. She became a Therion, a demon that eats others in order to become stronger. She want's to get revenge on the Exorcist Artorius for sacrificing her little brother Laphicet. She raises a orphan girl by the name of Miyuki as she reminds her of Laphicet. Meeting Naruto, she is curious as to why he would randomly save Miyuki from a group of men and also as to why he wants to help her in her quest for revenge. Is age 16 and is being scouted by Naruto to possibly become his Queen.
Ophis: The Dragon god of Infinity. An immortal who found Naruto when his powers were going out of control. Helping him unleash his powers, she brought him to her home to become stronger. She has marked Naruto as her mate. Though she doesn't know what love is just like Naruto, so she let's her instincts take over whenever she is with him. This leads to some sexual problems between her and Naruto where she will try anything to make them both feel good. Current age unknown and has declared Naruto as her mate and won't let anyone push her away from being the center of his attention.
Alright. I will do a Bio of Grayfia at a later date. But every time a new character is introduced I will place a small Bio of them at the bottom of the chapter. Like these, the bio will include, background, age and connection to the main character. Also with Naruto having the butler outfit, it's for him to represent Grayfia in matters where she cannot attend. Such as the meeting between the Exorcists and Rias's peerage. He won't wear it often, only to important meetings. His main costume will be, his shippuden jacket, a red shirt with a pair on black jeans and brown boots. He kepts Murcielago in a small pocket dimension that he created using his energy. Also I will explain more on Miyuki but only at a later date.
Now then. Ja ne everyone.
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