A/n: Ok. So by title alone you all know that something is happening with Naruto and his small group within the Isles. Last chapter he saved a little girl from a bunch of grown men, spent the day with said little girls mother figure/adopted mother. And he got to know a little more about said woman. Also I have decided that with the change I'm going through with Naruto's character. Instead of it being an emotionless husk like Ulquiorra. He'll be acting like more of a serious version of his cannon self as more members of his peerage is collected. But the change is the theme song for the story. No longer will it be Alones by Aqua times. Now the opening is Ranbu No Melody. My personal favourite of the bleach openings. And also, we will see the fallout between Rias and Grayfia and even some form of fallout between Rias and her peerage bar Issei. This chapter will have some things but more or less it's a chilled chapter with action. And I noticed that I screwed up with Naruto's eyes. The Slit pupil is in his green eye, and Green tear tattoo is underneath his left eye. His Green eye not his blue.
Also some of you may be confused as to why Velvet. Well, the answer is Miyuki. The proper reason i came up with will made known in the chapter. But basically, as Miyuki was basically raised by Velvet. Her innocence rubbed off on Velvet making her more friendly. But still not someone to be messed with. Now let's get right into this. Velvet Disclaimer please. And yes I will be having different people with the Disclaimer.
Velvet: Why do I have to do this?
A/n: One of my favourite characters. Just do it.
Velvet: Fine. Dmcdante-rocks doesn't own anything in regards to what he writes. He only owns the games and nothing more.
A/n: Thanks, now then. Theme music.
(Ranbu No Melody)
(Start)(Kuoh Japan/Naruto's old house)(1 week after his departure for the Isles)
Ophis had just woken up from yet another long sleep she had. Looking around she remembered that Naruto was out of the country trying to form his own peerage. Looking to her right and seeing that the bed had a large lump in it. An annoyed look came onto her face, something that was rare for her as she never showed emotions unless Naruto was with her. Pulling the blanket, she saw the naked body of Akeno laying there as she held onto something tightly. Placing a hand on the girls shoulder, Ophis gave her a light push that sent her off the bed and onto the ground.
Akeno screamed as she fell to the ground, making Ophis let out a small smile at her work, before she shot up to her feet and glared at said former Infinite loli.
"What was that for?!" She asked angry.
"You were in my bed, I don't remember letting you in. And only Naruto can sleep next to me." Ophis told her as she crawled towards Akeno and stopped at the end of the bed.
Looking down, Ophis saw something that urked her. Laying on the ground was a dakimakura that looked hand stitched. On it was her blonde interest in a pose that most woman would consider amazing as his slightly wet hair stuck to his face, his impassive gaze locked upwards. His clothes messy and slightly see through as well. His pants being pulled down slightly on one side. Looking back up to the teen, she stared boredly into her eyes and asked.
"What is this exactly?"
"It's the Dakimakura of the person I love. It helps me sleep." Akeno asked plainly as she stared at Ophis with annoyance.
"Ok but why is Naruto on it?" Ophis asked feeling annoyed.
"Oh, because I couldn't take it. For as long as I known him he never turned his eyes to me in any sort of romantic light. I made this, as a little taste of what I Will have in the future." Akeno said with emphasis on the word will.
"Oh, you really believe that you can make him fall for you?" Ophis asked smiling.
"Of course. I've known Naruto since he first became a devil. I always tried my best to look after him and I am going to be the one who shows him what true love between two lovers is." Akeno declared with a determined smile as Ophis stared on.
'Not if I get to him first little girl.' Ophis thought to herself before she remembered something.
"Girl, how is your peerage faring with the sudden loss of him?" Ophis asked.
"Not to good. Ever since he left, we've been divided." Akeno said looking to the ground and picking up her dakimakura and holding it closely.
"That I could tell easily. But how badly?" Ophis asked again.
"Well, whenever Rias says something or tries to order me to tell her about Naruto, I just tell her that it's something that's no longer her problem. She had her chance but she blew it all on the idiot. Speaking of which, even after the fight, he thinks Naruto left due to him not wanting to be in as Issei puts it. 'Amazing prescense'" she said using air quotes.
"And what about the other three?" Ophis asked.
"Koneko worries me a little. She can't stand Rias and Issei and goes out of her way to ignore them whenever they ask her for something. Though I have a feeling if the idiot badmouths Naruto again, Koneko is gonna break what makes him a man. And with Kiba, he's following in Koneko's footsteps and ignoring them. Making them feel what Naruto felt. And Asia, she's still her usual self and is trying to make some peace with them." Akeno explained as she let out a loud sigh.
"So red is angry at the fact she lost Naruto. And it's messing with all of you as well." Ophis simplified as she moved to sit next to the girl.
"Pretty much, and to be honest, not having him around is effecting me as well." She said sadly as Ophis looked confused.
"What do you mean?" Ophis asked.
"Well back before everything happened. I was the closest to Naruto, I stayed with him more times than I could count. Without him around, it's like I can't fully wake up." Akeno complained.
"Kinda like a rechargeable battery." Ophis said as Akeno smiled.
"Exactly. That's why I have the dakimakura but it's just not the same." She said sadly.
"It may take a month or two, but Naruto will return. He is just gathering his own peerage. People who he can protect from falling into despair." Ophis explained making Akeno smile.
"You really believe in him." Akeno stated with a smile.
"Of course. When has Naruto ever let us down." Ophis said as Akeno suddenly had an idea.
"Are you able to view Naruto without traveling anywhere?" Akeno asked.
"Yes. It's quite easy for me." Ophis replied to the teen.
"Could you show me how he is. I wanna see how he's doing." Akeno explained as Ophis could see how the girl felt about the blonde.
Nodding to the girl, Ophis raised her hand infront of her. Both of them watched in silence as a small ripple appeared before it showed Naruto walking around the town of Abel. His clothing was something that Akeno never expected to see the usually stoic and emotionless boy to wear. He had a white singlet with a red spiral over his heart. On top of that was a Orange jacket that stopped at the bottom of his ribs. On the sleeves of the jacket, was the same spiral in the same color. He had on a pair of Gray baggy track pants with blue boots to top off the get up. (Future Trunks Clothing, Android Saga. Recolored) They saw him leading a small girl around as a small smile was etched onto his face.
Akeno, knowing the smile as one Naruto's true smile, could do nothing but give her own.
"He looks happy." she stated as Ophis turned to her.
Closing the ripple, Ophis turned to the girl as she stood to her feet and moved to get dressed.
"What's your name girl?" she asked.
"Akeno Himejima." Akeno replied as she turned to Ophis. "And your the Dragon god of Infinity, Ophis."
"That's correct. Now Akeno, how about we talk about something." Ophis suggested as Akeno raised a brow.
"And what would that be?" Akeno asked as a smile appeared on Ophis's face.
"A little agreement for our favourite blonde." Was all she said before she had Akeno's full attention.
"I'm in." She agreed instantly.
"Good." Ophis said simply.
(Gremory Estate)
Grayfia was currently walking around the Estate making sure she had cleaned all the rooms and done all of her jobs for the day. Once she was finished, she decided to pay Sirzechs a visit. Teleporting to where her king would be, she found him behind his desk filling out some papers. She stood there for a few minutes before Sirzechs lifted his head away from his work and noticed her.
"Grayfia-chan, how is my queen doing?" he asked happily as a smile came onto the womans face.
"I am doing well. So far, I haven't heard anything in regards to how Naruto is doing in Berseria. So i can only imagine he's doing perfectly fine." She replied.
"That's good. And anything in regards to her?" he asked as Grayfia's smile disappeared.
"She contacted me two days after he left." She said as Sirzechs let out a sigh.
"And?" he asked again.
Grayfia sighed before she went on to explain as to how Rias had been upset at the fact she was tricked.
Grayfia had just finished her daily duties before she felt a familiar energy signature appear behind her. Knowing what it was about, she dusted off her clothes before she turned around and saw a very angry and upset Rias standing there.
"Good afternoon Rias-sama." She said offering the young heiress a small bow.
"How dare you?" Rias asked as Grayfia stared at her in confusion.
"How dare I?" Grayfia asked confused as Rias walked towards her.
"You took him away from me. He had saved me from my nightmare. And you came and took him away." She said as Grayfia could only sigh.
"Rias-sama. I did nothing of the sort. If I hadn't made you sign the trade agreement then Naruto would've most likely left as he didn't want to have to deal with anything you would've put him through. He had already been ignored by you for long enough, if he had of stayed as a member of your peerage then there is a high chance that he would've gone stray and we would've had to deal with a young and powerful devil." Grayfia explained as she stared Rias in the eye.
"No, I would've showed him how I truly felt." She said only for Grayfia's look to harden.
"How you really felt? Do you actually think that he would just accept the fact that you had suddenly changed and actually returned the feelings that he had?" She asked rhetorically as Rias could only glare at her.
"He cared about me." She said not seeing that she was in the wrong.
"He use to care about you. But those feelings started dimming the more you ignored him for the filthy pervert. You were drawn to the pervert as his powers weren't hidden away behind a proper lock like Naruto's. The perverts power could be shown whenever. But not Naruto's, he had to suffer more than he ever had before. It was only after that, that you started to notice him. But once you did, it was too late. He had already moved on and didn't need you. I took him under my wing, as my queen, as i know that he wouldn't take being a member of your peerage anymore." She continued as Rias backed away.
"Your saying all I cared about was his power? That's nothing but a lie!" She denied as Grayfia scoffed.
"Then where were you when he needed you. When he wanted to confess to you, what were you doing? You were to busy trying to give yourself to the perv just to get out of your engagement. After all that, can you really say that he would accept anything you had to say. Trust me on this Rias, as his new King. I know that Naruto would not be happy serving under a king like you." Grayfia said as she turned to walk away.
"After all, with how his life was growing up, he would rather be around those that he can trust. Those who can help break his curse. Goodbye Rias-sama. Think over the mistakes you have made." With those last words Grayfia left, leaving Rias's angry to disappear as she realised that everything that was said was true. Yet she was also curious about this curse.
(Flashback end. Don't worry, this isn't the end. Rias won't drop the subject easily)
"Well then. I guess I couldn't expect much. We always spoiled Rias, so when we took away Naruto, it was like we were denying her something." Sirzechs said before he saw a small magic circle appear on his desk.
The two watched as a hologram of Naruto appeared from the circle. He bowed to the two devils in front of him.
"Lucifer-sama. Grayfia-sama." He said.
"Ah, young Naruto welcome. We were just wondering how you were doing. I must say I like your clothing choice." Sirzechs said as Naruto had taken off his jacket and was now reporting in his singlet.
"Thank you Sirzechs-sama, I am getting in contact with you because I need help with something here in the Isles." He said causing Grayfia to become suspicious and a little worried.
"Is there a problem?" She asked as Naruto turned to his king.
"Not in the way you were thinking. After discussing this with Ravel, we were both thinking of properly moving to the Isles and making it our home and base of operations. We both enjoy it here." He explained.
"Does Ravel know what your true intentions are?" She asked as Naruto nodded, folding his arms.
"She knows that I am doing this as a way to be away from her. She supports me in the decision." He said before letting out a small laugh as a smile was on his face. "I really must thank Lady Phenex the next I see her for giving me such a wonderful girl to be my first piece." he laughed again.
"Naruto-kun. Once your time is up in Berseria, if you decide that you will be living in Berseria, how will you attend Kuoh to keep up your studies?" Sirzechs asked as Grayfia stared on interested.
"My Garganta will get me to Kuoh easily. And don't worry, the only reason that I would originally appear two hours later was because I couldn't properly use it. After awakening my Sacred Gear properly, i found that when i used it. I would come out on the other side at the exact time I left." He explained as they watched him turn and look behind him. "I'm sorry but we must cut this short." Naruto apologised. "Lucifer-sama, will you lend me some people to help build a house for me and my peerage?" He asked as he turned to the red haired maou.
"We'll see Naruto-kun. You just go have fun on your vacation." He said before the door his office opened.
The occupants turned to see Rias there, glaring at the silver haired maid who only gave an stoic gaze in return. Sirzechs smiled before his gaze wandered to Naruto who looked back to him and gave him a nod. Naruto bowed as Rias's gaze turned to him.
"Lucifer-sama, Grayfia-sama. I hope you two have a good time. I must leave, my potential Queen and someone important to me are calling me." He said before he heard Rias call his name.
"Naruto. Please forgive me. Come back and be my knight. Please." She begged as Naruto's back was to her.
"That request..." He said trailing off giving some hope to the girl.
"Is something that I cannot grant." He finished as the girl was shocked as her hope was shattered.
"Why?" She asked looking at the ground.
"Rias Gremory. My life has been filled with Despair since the moment I was born. I would have parts of my life, where I was able to find what I believed, was what I deserved after all I've been through. But that was nothing but a foolish ideal held but someone who was an utter fool. As such, what you did to me, is but another addition to my ever growing despair. Making my ever longing wait, that much longer. Farewell. Rias." He finished as the hologram disappeared.
Rias's gaze was stuck to the ground as his words bounced around in her head.
"All this time." She started.
"He's been waiting for something that he could see as the end. The thing that ends despairs long grip on his life and make him feel happier about himself. To make him realise that he doesn't have to suffer within despair. And like everyone else, he too can have happiness." Grayfia finished as she bowed to her king. "I'll take my leave." She said before disappearing.
Sirzechs could only watch as Rias turned around and walked out of his office. He could see that she was still reeling from the fact that Naruto had originally seen her as the way to break his despair. Only for her to screw it up. Feeling sorry for her. He stayed where he was, head in his hands as he let out a heavy sigh.
"Hopefully, this will allow you to grow more as a king Rias. To not make the same mistake and hopefully, you can learn how to handle things when they reach the end." He said before getting back to work. 'Good luck with your life from now on Naruto. Knowing your supposed luck from what Grayfia's told me. Your happiness could be ended within an instant. A positive for the negative.' he thought to himself. 'But, your a strong kid. You can bounce back from anything.' he thought before he went back to work. 'I hope Millicas can grow to be as strong as you.' Were his last thoughts before he drowned himself in paperwork.
(With Naruto)
After saying what he did to Rias and cutting the connection, Naruto was standing around in an empty room of his house. Currently he was staring at the ground before he opened up a Garganta. Walking through, he ignored as Ravel called to him as Velvet looked on from behind her, curious as to the reason he would just suddenly leave. Looking at the younger girl in front of her, she placed a hand on her shoulder as Ravel turned to her. Walking to the lounge with the younger girl following her. They both sat down on chairs as Miyuki walked in and looked around in search for Naruto.
"What's wrong with Naruto?" She asked.
"Guessing from how he acted, he had to deal with her." Ravel answered as she looked Velvet in the eye.
"Her?" Velvet asked confused as she wondered who Ravel was referring to.
"Naruto-kun's previous King before he took on the placement of Queen under the Devil Grayfia Lucifuge." Ravel said. She went to continue only for Velvet to interrupt her.
"Explain who Grayfia is later, Naruto and 'her' first." Velvet demanded as Ravel nodded.
"Right. As I was saying. Naruto-kun was formerly a Knight under the heiress of the Gremory clan, Rias Gremory. From what I can gather, he wasn't treated the way some people believed the Gremory treated their peerage. So whenever he interacts with her, he seems to be put into a bad mood. Guess he won't be letting go of the grudge." She said as Velvet thought on what she was told.
"And now, with his own peerage, he plans on making sure no one ever feels the same thing he did?" She asked as Ravel shrugged.
"I wouldn't know. I've only been Naruto-kun's bishop for a week now. We really haven't bonded much besides what we've done here." She explained as Velvet brought her hand to her chin in thought.
"From what I've seen so far. Naruto tries to make those around him happy." She said as Ravel nodded. "The fact he has been trying to keep Miyuki as happy as possible for the short time he has been here, tell's me that with how Naruto is acting, he wants people to never experience what he feels. I also gathered that he has been scouting me. But I have two questions." She finished as she stared at the blonde girl.
"Ask away and I'll try and answer all of them." Ravel said as Velvet stared her in the eye.
"First of all. What piece am I being scouted for?" She said as Ravel released a sigh.
"How it is so far. You are going to be the Queen of Naruto-kun's peerage." She said as shock appeared on Velvet's face.
"Why the Queen?" She asked shocked.
"Naruto-kun has seen that you are determined in your quest for revenge." She paused as Velvet went to say something only for Ravel to stop her. " He has explained to me that about what happened. Being a member of his peerage, he doesn't want his own peerage to have secrets between it's members. Back to the fact of why he wants you to be the Queen. Naruto also needs someone to help him run the peerage. While I can gladly help him with that. I can tell he doesn't want to trouble with with every little matter." She continued as Velvet nodded.
"Ok then." She said simply.
"Not only that. But Miyuki is also a huge factor to his decision." Ravel said looking towards the small girl who was using crayons to draw a picture.
"Miyu-chan is a factor to me becoming his Queen? How?" She asked.
"Naruto-kun had told me this a couple days ago. He enjoys the company of the two of you. He's grown quite attached to Miyuki." She said smiling. "From the little bit of his past that he has told me, he never got to experience the feeling of a family. And I think, seeing how you and Miyuki are. He wants to make sure that she will have the family that he never got. So if you became his Queen. Then the two of you together could truly be a proper family to Miyuki." She finished as Miyuki's voice caught they're attention.
"Hello Mister fox, why are you here?" She said as they saw a fox sitting on the table sitting in front of the little girl as it stared at her.
The orange furred fox stared at her before moving towards her. She raised her hand and petted the animal on his head. The fox leaned into her touched before he moved into the girls lap and started licking the bottom of her chin. The little girl laughed as Velvet moved over to her.
The fox turned his head to her as the blood red eyes he had stared into her golden ones. The long ears that resembled a rabbit's more than a foxes had perked up more as he caught a scent on her. They watched as he moved over to her before he sniffed her some more. Velvet crouched down as the fox started making a yipping sound. Placing her human hand out, the fox opened his maw and lightly bit down, not enough to break the skin, but only enough as he started to pull her towards the door.
Picking the fox up and holding him in one hand, she turned to Ravel who had stood up and moved over to Miyuki.
"Can you please look after her?" She asked as Ravel nodded.
"Don't worry. I'll keep her safe." Ravel said as Miyuki looked up to her worried.
"Mama, What's going on?" She asked as Velvet smiled.
"I'm just gonna go find Naruto-san. That's all." She said as the fox yipped again.
"Ok then. Go find Papa and bring him back." She said smiling with her eyes closed, missing the blush that appeared on Velvet's face.
Walking out of the house quickly, Velvet started to run into the forest following the direction in which the fox was taking her by pointing it's tail. Meanwhile, what Miyuki has just said had just clicked inside Ravel's head. She turned to the young girl quickly, a shocked expression clearly on her face.
"Did you just call Naruto-kun...Papa?" She asked pausing to make sure.
She got a large smile and a nod in return.
"Yep. Papa has been doing the same thing Mama has and he's only known me for a week. For that, and for how Mama seems to like him. I could only think that Papa is a good thing to call him." She said smiling.
She grabbed the drawing that she was currently working on and showed it to Ravel. She saw that it was a normal drawing that a child would normally make. On it was four people. She saw two people standing on the left side with blonde hair. She looked over the drawing before she looked back at the young girl. Looking over to the right side, she saw another person that had long black hair and a red coloured arm. In between the taller blonde and the black hair woman was a drawing of a little girl with black hair. On the piece of paper at the top, she saw the words.
"My Family."
"Is this how you see your family? Who is this next to Naruto?" She asked as Miyuki pointed to the people.
"That's you." She said pointing to the shorter blonde.
"Why am I here?" She asked surprised.
"Because I see you as my big sister." Miyuki said as Ravel's eyes widened.
Ravel couldn't hold herself as she wrapped her arms around Miyuki and pulled her into a tight hug. Miyuki simply giggled before returning the hug as the Ravel was laughing slightly.
"I'm finally an older sister!" She yelled in happiness as she pulled away.
(With Velvet)
She was currently walking around the dense forests on the outskirts of town. The orange furred fox pointing her in the direction of the person she was looking for. She eventually came to a large cliff where the waves below constantly crashed into it, spraying it upwards. Looking around as the fox that was on her shoulder did the same, she eventually saw a small pillar of smoke rising to her right. Looking to the fox on her shoulder, she turned back to the pillar as she walked off in the direction of the smoke. After wandering for about ten minutes, she eventually came to a destroyed clearing.
Looking around, she eventually found Naruto, who was trying to gather energy into his right hand. She watched as a black orb had formed into his hand. Running towards a tree, she watched as he slammed his hand into the tree with the energy dispersing. She watched as he stepped away before he formed a green Javelin in his right hand and cut the tree down in annoyance. The spear disappeared as she started to walk towards him. She watched as he turned to her. She stopped slightly as Naruto's eyes had changed from their normal Sapphire blue right eye, and his Emerald green left eye, to a golden colour on a black background. He let out a sigh as his eyes turned back to their normal colour.
"What are you doing out here Velvet-san?" He asked as she gave him a cocky smile.
"Looking for you. Didn't expect to see you just leave like that? You looked like a kid who was throwing a tantrum." She mocked as Naruto closed his eyes and scoffed.
"I just had to blow out some steam that's all." He said with a smile as she raised a brow.
"Because of your former King right?" She asked as Naruto's eyes widened.
"How did you-" He was cutoff by the woman in front of him.
"Ravel told me. She explained what she knew of your past." She told him as Naruto shook his head.
"That's my bishop and manager for you." He said chuckling lightly.
"Making sure that we are set for the future." She said as Naruto looked her in the eye questionably.
"What do you mean we?" He asked as Velvet walked over to a fallen log and sat down.
He followed and sat down next to her, as the fox on her shoulder jumped off and moved over to Naruto. He turned his attention to the fox for a bit as he pet the animal getting a happy yip in return.
"So that's how you were able to find me." He said as Velvet looked to the fox in his lap.
"Yea. That little guy was the only way that I could find you. He led me right to you." She said as Naruto stared down at the fox in his lap.
"No matter what, you've always had my back. Ever since I found you. Isn't that right? Kurama?" He asked as the fox just seemed to nod.
Velvet looked at the two before Naruto turned back to her.
"So, you decided that you would join my peerage?" Naruto asked as she nodded.
"Yes I did. I'm joining to make sure you can keep yourself safe and for her." She said as Naruto nodded understandingly.
"Miyuki. I want her to remain safe. Not only her, but you as well. Since I came here, you've been nothing but helpful, and Miyuki has been a light in my relatively dark world. I want to keep her safe. So that she won't fall to my curse." He said as he looked to the ground.
"Your curse?" Velvet asked curious.
"It's something I believe is within my life. When I find something that I can see as my light...it always ends up being taken away from me. It's happened quite a few times. Now it's the source of my true power. I use the power of the despair I feel, in which I can channel it and then I change." He said as entered his Sacred Gear form.
"So that's your power." She stated as she looked him in the eye.
Emerald green eyes stared into golden as he turned his head away.
"Despair's Onslaught Murcielago. That is the name of my Sacred gear." He explained as the form disappeared. "With it, I have a lot of abilities that are useful. Such as high speed regeneration." He started as she looked intrigued.
"High speed regeneration huh. What can you heal with it?" She asked as he smiled lightly.
"Just about anything. I focus my energy to the wound and then it is simply gone within a second. Though there are two things that I can't regenerate. My brain and other vital organs. Should those be destroyed, I'm finished." He explained as Velvet laughed.
"So all we have to do is make sure that doesn't happen. Sounds easy enough." She joked as Naruto went on.
"Then as you saw earlier, I can form orbs made of pure energy. Though, the difference is that I was trying to create a close range attack. Usually, I simply gather the energy and then release it. I can form it into a ball and make it stronger depending on how much energy I use for it. When it is formed into a ball, It's called a Cero. I can form it around my hand without making anyone take notice and release a much weaker version. The difference is that this attack travels more as a wave and faster than most people can track. It's called the Bala. While not as strong as Cero, It can move a lot quicker." He said as Velvet had an idea.
"You said that you were trying to make a close range attack using your Cero as a base for the attack right?" She asked as he nodded. "Well, I might be able to help with that." She said standing up.
"Oh yea? And what should I be doing then?" He asked as Velvet's demonic arm came out.
"Show me your Cero. Let me see the base of the attack." She ordered as she pointed to a tree.
"Not even my Queen and yet your ordering around like I'm your husband or something." He joked getting a blush from her.
"Shut up and do it already!" She yelled as her cheeks were still coloured a healthy red.
Laughing to himself, he pointed his hand to the tree she pointed at. His energy formed in his hand as it formed a large orb.
"Cero." He said as the orb turned into a large beam and destroyed the tree with ease. "Is that better?" He asked as she saw the damage.
Bringing her demonic arm up, she started gathering her own energy into the palm of her hand.
"Just watch this. It might help." She said as he stared at her open palm.
He then saw as a small ball of energy was created. The energy inside seemed to be spinning around as it grew to the size of her entire hand. He watched as it seemed to hold it's shape even while it continued to spin.
"This is my attack. Impulse Desire." She called it as she slammed the orb into the ground causing a crater to form with cracks reaching of from the impact area. "Now. Explain that attack." She said as Naruto looked at her confused.
"Why? You know the attack, there isn't a reason for me to explain it." He said as she shook her head.
"If you explain it, you might figure out what your missing with your attack." She said as he realised what she wanted him to do.
"Well you formed the attack first by forcing your energy into your palm." He started as she nodded.
"And how was my energy moving?" She asked with a smile.
"It was rotating wildly." He said as she nodded.
"Exactly. You want your attack to work so that it will work as a close range attack so that if you released it, there's less chance of hitting your friends. But what you were missing when you tried it earlier when i walked in, was that you needed to use the rotation as a way to help the attack hold it's shape." She explained as Naruto nodded slowly.
"By using the rotation to keep shape, you can focus on adding more power into the attack to make it stronger as well. And finally comes containment. Being able to hold the attack while it is rotating in that single shape alone will help with it staying as a ball for the attack completely." She finished as Naruto raised his hand up.
"So from what your telling me, I realised that I already have the power and containment when it comes to the attack, but I'm to used to releasing it instead of holding it. That's the reason why the it dispersed earlier." He summarised as she nodded with her arms crossed over her chest.
"Exactly. Now, give it a try. This time, start with rotating your energy until it forms a small ball then add in more power to increase the size and finally. Contain it into that size." She told him as she walked over to stand by him.
She watched as his energy formed as his eyes had changed into their golden colour with a black background. His energy had formed in his hand, the problem was that he wasn't rotating it. He was simply holding it in his palm. She went to say something only to stop as she saw his eyes reverting back to their normal state. Looking back at the orb, she watched said black and green orb had started to peel away. The black and green colour faded away completely to reveal a glowing blue orb in his hand. Though once he moved an inch, the orb exploded sending him flying into a tree. She looked over to him as he pulled himself up and stood to his feet.
"What the hell happened just then?" He asked as she sighed.
"You probably overloaded the attack just then." She guessed as he dusted himself off. "Hey Naruto." She called getting his attention.
"Yea?" He asked as she looked at him questioningly.
"Just before where you were trying to create that attack. Your eyes were different, Why did your eyes change?" She asked him.
"It's been happening while I've been training lately. Murcielago said it was because I had become more used to his power." He paused as he reached into a garganta and pulled out his sword. "I'll experience some changes and my powers will spike. It's just my body reacting to the powers of my balance breaker." He finished as the sword disappeared in green flames.
"Ok then." She said as a smile appeared on his face.
"What, were you worried about me?" He asked as she simply walked past him and grabbed his arm, her demonic arm having become bandaged once again as she walked them both back to the boy's house.
Kurama having been sitting on a rock, ran over to Velvet before he jumped onto her shoulder and made himself comfortable. She smiled at the fox and petted him softly as Naruto now walked by her side.
"He likes you." He said as she looked towards him.
"Well I like him as well. Any canine animal really." She said as Naruto looked at her with a raised brow.
"Really? To be honest, you look like more of a cat person." He said as Velvet looked away.
"I like canines cause they don't abandon their masters. Though I'm also allergic to cat's." She admitted embarrassed.
"Hey, no need to be embarrassed about that. Everyone has something their embarrassed about." He stated snickering slightly as she turned to him with a glare.
"Even you?" She asked annoyed.
"I'm afraid of..." He trailed off mumbling his answer.
"I'm afraid of? afraid of what?" She asked only for him to mumble his answer again.
Getting annoyed quickly, she pointed her wrist blade at his stomach and asked slowly.
"What are you afraid of?"
"I'm afraid of needles ok!" he shouted at her as she started laughing.
He blushed in embarrassment as they continued their walk, Velvet's laughter calming down into quiet snickering.
(Naruto's Home, Berseria.)(8:00pm)
The two teens had both arrived back in the blonde's house and walked in to see a sight that brought a smile to the blonde's face. Gesturing to his companion to be quiet, he moved over to the couch where he saw Ravel and Miyuki asleep together. The younger girl having fallen asleep using the blonde girls lap as a pillow. Velvet walked over before she picked the young girl up. She went to leave only for Naruto, who had Ravel under his arm, to stop her.
"Why don't you just stay here for the night. It'll be easier since I can reincarnate you before we go to sleep." He suggested as she nodded with a soft smile.
She followed him as he stopped at Ravel's room and tucked his bishop into bed with the same smile that seemed to be stuck on his face for most of the day. Once that was done, he led Velvet to his bedroom. Once they reached his room, he opened the door and let her in. Velvet walked in and placed Miyuki down on the bed before she sat down next to the girl. Naruto smiled at her before his expression turned serious.
"You ready?" He asked as she nodded.
"Just one request." She said as he looked confused. "Once, I'm your Queen, don't treat me like a slave. I am your Queen, someone you can trust no matter what." She finished as he smiled before she laid down as the Queen appeared in Naruto's hand.
"As my Queen, my problems are your problems. As such, we can sort them out together." He said before placing the Queen upon her chest. "It's time. I'll ask you once more. Are you ready to become a devil and stand by my side?" He asked as his queen piece glowed green slightly with a green magic circle appearing underneath her.
"I am." Velvet said calmly.
"Alright then. Velvet Crowe I hereby Reincarnate you, to stand by my side as the Queen of my peerage." He said as the Queen piece slowly disappeared into Velvet's body. Once it fully disappeared, the magic circle followed not long after.
Once it had disappeared Naruto watched as Velvet sat up and looked at her hands. He could tell that she was trying to understand the new power that flowed through her body thanks to the Queen piece.
"This power." She started as she felt as though she could take on a whole army and win without breaking a sweat.
"It's amazing isn't it. Your Queen piece has raised all of you abilities. As you are now, you might be able to go toe to toe with me when I use Murcielago." Naruto stated as he grabbed a pillow from off the bed.
"Where are you going?" Velvet asked as she looked at the back of her king.
"To the lounge. I'll be sleeping on the couch. See you in the morning Vel." He said shortening her name.
Velvet watched as he opened but was stopped by the voice of Miyuki who sat up and rubbed her eyes sleepily.
"Mama?" She asked as Velvet smiled and pet the girl on her head.
"Hello my little girl. How was your day with Ravel?" She asked the girl as Naruto stood at the door and listened to the interaction between mother and daughter.
"It was so fun. We played games all day until we took a nap." She spoke happily as a smile appeared on the face of the two teens. "Did you find Papa?" The girl asked as both teens were now shocked.
'Papa.' Naruto thought to himself.
"You mean Naruto right Miyu-chan?" Velvet asked as the little girl nodded.
"Yep." She said before she saw said person at the door. Getting off the bed, she ran over to him before throwing herself at his legs.
Naruto was knocked out of his thoughts as the little girl held onto his legs tightly. Looking down, he saw Miyuki's blue eyes staring into his own eyes. The smile that was on her face was one that Naruto always wanted to see every day with her. Miyuki face shifted to one of concern as she felt liquid hit her forehead.
"Papa are you ok?" She asked as Naruto brought a hand to his emerald eye and wiped away a tear.
"I'm fine. Didn't think I still had these." He said as he picked the girl up and walked over to the bed.
Miyuki was holding onto him tightly as her smile returned five times stronger than it did before. Though she was once again confused as Naruto placed her down before walking back to the door.
"Where are you going?" She asked with her cheeks puffed in annoyance.
"Your mother and you can have the bed, I'm gonna be sleeping on the couch." He told her as she ran over to him again and grabbed his hand.
She pulled with all the strength her little arms could muster, as she dragged him over to the bed. Getting behind him, she pushed with all the strength that she could muster until Naruto was sitting on the bed. Panting slightly, she was smiling her usual smile. One that caused Naruto to let own his own, no matter how small it was.
"You will sleep here with Mama and I." She said as the two teens looked at each other before looking away with blushes on their faces.
"Miyu-chan are you serious?" Velvet asked shocked at what her daughter wanted her to do.
"Yep. That's how family's sleep." She said before climbing onto the bed and getting under the blankets.
Naruto stared at Velvet as she stared back, a small blush on both of their faces. Their teenage minds not believing that this was an event about to happen. Naruto shrugged his shoulders before he got under the blankets of his king sized bed. Velvet sighed before she did the same. The two teens simply looked at the roof before they felt Miyuki grab their hands. Looking at the girl in between them, they both laid down properly as Miyuki brought both of their arms to rest on top of her. Naruto's left hand being placed on top of Velvet's right. The blush seemed to increase for them before they closed their eyes. But not before they heard something that brought a smile their faces.
"I love you." Was what they heard from the girl in between them.
"We love you too Miyuki." Velvet said looking at the girl in between them.
Naruto's face still had the unusual smile present as he nodded at his queen words before he shut his eyes. Miyuki who had one eye open, stared at Naruto before she moved so she was closer to him. Velvet moved closer until they were all bunched together in the middle of the bed. Velvet on the right. Her human arm laid on top of the blanket. Miyuki in the middle with her smile still present. And Naruto on the left. His left arm above the blankets as his hand rested on top of Velvet's own.
They all fell asleep a few minutes later. The quiet sound of the others breathing having lulled them all to sleep.
(Morning. Berseria.)
Naruto was awoken by the light of the sun as it shone through an open curtain. Sitting up, he felt a light weight on his lap. Looking down, he saw Miyuki had found her way on to his lap as they slept. Letting out a small laugh, he smiled before noticing that an arm was currently laying across his waist, going along Miyuki's back. Following the arm, he saw that Velvet had moved closer, probably when Miyuki had moved. Smiling at the peaceful face of his Queen and his new daughter. Naruto moved both of them off of his body before grabbing some clothes from his drawers. Walking towards the bathroom, he noticed that it was a sunny day with no clouds in the sky. Looking back towards his room, he had a idea for them to spend the day together.
(30 minutes later)
After having a shower, Naruto walked out wearing a pair of orange shorts with a open orange and black jacket. He had no shirt on underneath. He walked down to his living room where he found his Queen in her normal attire with a plate of scones in hand. She was sitting down in a chair before she placed the plate down and grabbed a book. Opening the book, she went to take a bit of one of her scones only for Naruto to lean in over her shoulder and take a bit for himself. She jumped back as he swallowed the food and didn't move from his place behind the chair she was sitting on.
"Morning." He said as she glared at him.
"Morning." Was all she said before she grabbed another scone and bit into it.
"So I was thinking..." He started trailing off at the end.
"Of what?" She asked.
"Why don't we go to the beach. Spend a day together." He said as she thought about it.
Nodding at his thought she said that she would be back in a bit. Walking out the door, Naruto looked and saw that she had left her plate, which had three scones left, on the arm of the chair. Walking over he grabbed it before walking over and opening the oven. Placing the plate inside, he walked over to a shelf he had and grabbed a book he enjoyed. Sitting down, he found where he left off and let the words engulf him in their story.
He was brought out of his reading a few minutes later as Velvet came back in. She had a bag in her hand.
"She woken up yet?" She asked in regards to their daughter.
"Not yet." he replied as she walked to the stairs.
"i'll wake her up. Can you wake Ravel-san?" She asked as he closed his book and stood to his feet.
"Sure." He said following after her.
Eventually, he came to Ravel's room. Knocking on the door, he soon had it open as Ravel stepped out dressed in a maroon coloured dress with a sun hat on her head.
"Good, your up. Hope you brought some swimwear." He said as she nodded.
"We going to the beach today?" She asked hopefully.
So far she has just explored around Abel and the forests outside the town just to get used to the surroundings. Being able to go to the beach that the island nation had was something she wanted to do.
"Yep." He said as he turned around and walked away. "We'll be leaving soon, so be ready." he said only to have her run past him with a fully packed bag.
"How the?" He asked confused.
"I've been ready to go to the beach since we first got here." She said before pulling out a second bag. "I've also taken the liberty to pack you some clothes as well." She said as he nodded at her.
"Thank you for that. My lovely Bishop." He said getting a blush from her.
"N-n-no problem." She stuttered as she turned around. "You should be grateful that I care about my reputation." She said getting a raised brow.
"How should I be grateful that you care about your reputation?" He asked crossing his arms as he walked down to stand by her side.
"Because, that means I'll have to do anything you want me to in order to look like a wonderful piece." She stated with arrogance.
"Be that as it may. I could just tell people that you were terrible." He said as she turned to him shocked.
"Why would you do that?!" She asked shocked.
Naruto gave her a smile before placing a hand on her head.
"That way, you would stay as my lovely bishop forever and I wouldn't have to worry about someone taking you away from me." He said honestly as her blush increased.
Their conversation was stopped as Velvet walked down with a still half asleep Miyuki. Grabbing Velvet's bag. Naruto walked outside as Velvet walked in front of them. Her being the native, leading them to the beach. After about 10 minutes of walking, Naruto was told to wait outside the changing rooms, seeing as he was already dressed for the beach. He stood around before he felt a sudden chill strike him. Looking up, his eyes widened as it had started snowing. Knocking on the door, Velvet walked out still fully dressed. Looking at him confused till she noticed that it had started snowing. Closing the door, he heard the groans of disappointment come from Ravel as she was told to get dressed in her normal clothes.
Once that was done, they all walked out as Naruto looked around, his blade and partner Murcielago, in his hand fully drawn. Reaching into her bag, Velvet pulled out her gauntlet and placed it on her right arm. They both looked forward as they heard foot steps coming from in front of them.
"Would you look at this commander. Our target out in the open." A voice stated.
"Why yes. The only problem is the two in front of her." They heard another say as the two stepped in front of them.
Standing in front of them was a tall, beautiful and slender woman with long light blue hair and blue eyes. She wore a General's apparel with long sleeves, a blue scarf on her neck, and high-heeled boots. She also has a tattoo on her chest. Her blue eyes stared at the two teens as if they were her playthings. At her waist was a rapier. Standing next to her was a girl around their age. She has short black hair in a twintail style and black eyes. She wears a black sailor uniform and a wears a red belt that has a red side skirt cover. She also wears red gauntlets. She had a sword at her side. She wears the outfit with long black socks and black shoes. The two stared at the two teens in front of them before the blue haired woman stepped forward.
"Hello, I am Esdeath. A mercenary hired by some interesting people to capture that little girl behind you two." The now named Esdeath said as she pointed to Miyuki, who was being held by Ravel.
"Oh? And you think I'll just hand her over to you?" Naruto asked snidely as the woman shrugged.
"I wasn't asking. I was letting you know what happens when I'm walking over your corpse." She said as she drew her Rapier.
Naruto, thinking quickly opened a Garganta behind Ravel and Miyuki. Turning Ravel around and lightly pushing her through it with his foot. He closed it quickly before he turned back to Esdeath and her follower.
"Well, it looks like you won't be capturing anyone now." He said as a look of annoyance came over her face.
"You've managed to delay it. I'll just make you open up that portal after I'm through torturing you." She said smiling as Naruto's face showed no emotion.
"Velvet. I want you to take care of the girl." He said looking over to the girl around their age only to see her missing.
He felt his Pesquisa go off. Turning around and raising his arm, the girls sword had found itself stuck in Naruto's. Smiling a cocky smile, the girl was covered in a dark aura as she put more force into her swing. Naruto's eyes widened as he suddenly couldn't feel his left arm from below his wrist. Velvet moved and swung her Blade at the girl, only for her to dodge the swing and move over to Esdeath's side.
"Nice work Kurome. Making the blonde a cripple before the fight could begin." She praised the now named Kurome who smiled.
"Thank you Esdeath-sama. It was easy to get around him while you kept him distracted." She said only to hear Naruto let out a small laugh.
Looking at his opponents from behind his Queen, who was standing in front of him as a shield. He brought his left hand into view and showed that his hand had already regenerated.
"I have to admit, that was interesting. You managed to fully get through my Hierro and cut off my arm. That's a feat that not many have done." He praised them as he stepped in front of Velvet with Murcielago at his side. "Why don't we do some introductions?" He suggested trying to buy time.
"Alright, I'll play along." Esdeath said as she stepped forward. "As I told you before, I am Esdeath. The girl at my side is Kurome." She said as the girl nodded her head.
"I'm Naruto Uzumaki." He said as the ones in front of him drew their weapons. "This is Velvet Crowe. My Queen." He said as a hint of realisation came across Esdeath's face.
"So you and your small group are devils?" She asked as Naruto nodded. "Well then." She started before rushing Naruto and pushing him away from his queen. "Let's let our subordinates have fun while we face each other." She finished before kicking him into the surrounding trees.
Velvet could only watch before she was forced to dodge an attack from Kurome.
"Don't let your guard down. For it might cost you your life." She said before rushing Velvet who met her blow for blow with her gauntlet blade.
Meanwhile, Naruto was dodging thrusts from Esdeath who was constantly trying to end him before he could fight back. Deflecting an attack, he moved quickly and kicked Esdeath in her side and sent her flying into a tree. Backing away, he placed his blade in a ready position as she stood to her feet with a smile.
"I must say, when you switch to offence, your attacks can really pack a punch." She said as Naruto stared her down. "Though it felt like a flea bite to me." She said as Naruto eyes narrowed in annoyance.
"Is that so?" He asked rhetorically. "Guess I'll have to try harder." He finished as Esdeath gave him a questioning look.
"Why are you doing this?" She asked as Naruto charged her.
"Doing what?" He asked as their blades met.
Both jumped back before rushing forwards again. They dodged the off handed attacks the other sent their way while having a slight talk.
"Protecting someone you don't even know." She said as she moved to the left and tried to pierce Naruto who disappeared and reappeared behind her using Sonido.
"Miyuki is nothing but a scared girl!" He shouted as she spun around and stopped his attack with a knife made of pure ice.
"But that's the thing. You haven't heard the truth." She said as she pushed him back before the ground around her was frozen.
"The truth?" He asked as he jumped into a tree.
"Yes. The truth behind the connection of your dear Queen and that little girl." She said as Naruto pointed his blade at her.
"Before I attack you, I want you to tell me what you mean." He said getting some breath back.
"Miyuki Crowe as her name would be. Isn't a normal little girl. I've been on this island doing research on my target since I was given the mission. And to see that little girl treated the way she was disgusted me greatly." Esdeath admitted as a look of shock appeared on Naruto's face. "But I can see why." She said as she stared at Naruto who only glared at her.
"And what reason would that be?" He asked as he gathered his energy around him.
"You know the saying don't you?" Esdeath asked as she took off her hat. 'Human's fear what they don't understand and hate what they fear.' She said giving Naruto a slightly edited quote.
"And what does that have to do with anything?" He asked as his sword disappeared.
Esdeath raised a brow at the action before she continued.
"Everything. They hated the girl because they don't understand how she came to be." She said as Naruto looked on confused.
"And how did she came to be?" He asked as he felt an energy spike in the distance.
"She was created as a lock." She answered as Naruto turned his attention back to her. "That feeling you got just now. It was what is known by some as the Awakening of Calamity. Without the Lock of Calamity, the lord of Calamity will rampage once more." She explained as a look of slight worry appeared on Naruto's face.
"You mean?" he asked having a hunch where she was going.
"Yep. Miyuki Crowe was created by the world itself as the lock to prevent Velvet Crowe, your Queen from going on a rampage and destroying the world." She explained with a dark smile as Naruto looked to where Velvet was.
"Damn it all." He said as he turned back to her. "You splitting us up was all part of the plan wasn't it." He accused her as his power leaked out.
"Not originally, but once I saw you send away the Lock of Calamity, I knew it was only a matter of time before the Lord of Calamity went out of control. I could tell when I saw her, that The Lock was what was keeping her from destroying everything. And now with the Lock satan knows where, it's only a matter of time before she destroys everything." Esdeath said before she broke out in laughter. "Hahaha, soon...all the weaklings will die and only those who are truly strong will survive. A true world order will formed from the ashes and for those who oppose the order. They will die thanks to the Lord of Calamity being our weapon." She continued to laugh until she felt a large surge of power.
She stopped laughing and saw Naruto floating above the ground in his Sacred Gear form. His black wings fully spread out as the white cloak fluttered gently in the small wind. A scowl was found on the usually stoic boy's face as he formed a green Javelin.
"So that's how you live huh. A philosophy where the weak must die so that the strong can live on." He said pausing as he let the thought sink into his head.
Esdeath rushed him with a glare as multiple spikes of ice formed at his feet. They all moved, getting ready to impale the boy as Esdeath thrusted her now drawn rapier in an attempt to kill the boy. Naruto only looked on before he disappeared and reappeared below her. Spinning around as one of his wings were wrapped around him, he flung it open sending her into the arm from the attack. Appearing above her, he swung down with all his might sending her hurtling back to the ground. Crashing in the now destroyed, frozen ground. He landed beside her before stomping on her chest. The action cause her to get sent into the ground more as a Cero formed at his finger tips.
"If that's the philosophy you live with. Then by all rights, I should kill you here and now." He said as Esdeath closed her eyes accepting her fate.
Only to feel Naruto take his foot off of her chest and start walking back to where his queen was as he turned back to normal. Esdeath brought herself to her feet as she stared at the teen who continued to walk away. He could've ended her, yet he let live.
"What are you doing?!" She screamed in confusion as Naruto stopped and looked over his shoulder at her.
"Letting you live. You lost the battle, there isn't a need to kill you. Nor do I want to kill you." He said before turning back and walking on ahead. "Find another way to live. Living the way you are now, all it'll lead to is death." He added before she stopped him again.
"A group of fallen Angels." She said as he turned to face her. This time, confusion written clearly on his face.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"The people who hired me and Kurome. It was a group of rogue fallen Angels. They knew of the Lord of Calamity and her lock. They are stationed in an old abandoned building to the north." She said as Naruto raised a brow.
"Why are you telling me this?" He asked in a rush as he felt another spike of energy.
"Because....of what you said. If i continue to live by that Philosophy, then all I'll get is death." She said sadly as she cradled what she felt was a broken rib. "I haven't lived my life enough, to let myself die." She finished as Naruto let out a small smirk before a notepad appeared in his hand.
Writing on it, he walked back over to her and gave her the page he had written on. Turning around he started walking quickly as Esdeath looked at the note. On it was an address and under it the words. 'I have a proposition for you. Meet me at this address tomorrow." Looking at the retreating form of the blonde, she let a small smile appear.
Naruto was quickly moving through the trees until he came to wear he left Velvet. Looking around he saw craters and smoke flowing out from them. Looking around, he found Kurome laying against a tree as blood leaked from her mouth. He looked across from her and saw Velvet covered in a red and black aura. Moving closer, Naruto stopped in front of her and grabbed her demonic arm. The clawed fingers dug into his arm as he grunted feeling some of her dark energy flow into his body while she stole his own.
"Calm yourself Velvet." He said as she growled at him.
"Why should I? These pieces of shit want to take our daughter from us! I won't allow that! I'll kill them before they can even touch her!" She snarled in anger as Naruto held her arm tighter as the claws dug into his skin more.
He grunted as a small smoke trail started from his arm as he tried to heal the damage that was constantly being made.
"Look at her Velvet!" he urged as the girl looked towards the scared teen in front of her. "She's terrified of you. She wouldn't be able to fight back. Don't waste your time or energy." He said as she started to calm down as Kurome could only wonder how he managed to calm her.
"If they try anything-" She started as Naruto cut her off.
"They won't. In fact I think we could use their help." He said as she looked at him.
"With what?!" She asked confused and angry.
"Getting payback against the ones who tried to take Miyuki from us. They are under orders from others. Plus Esdeath isn't in any condition to fight. They won't be a problem." He said as she took her claws out of his arm.
Opening a Garganta, he told her to take a few seconds to compose herself while he went and talked with Kurome. Walking over to the scared teen, he saw as she tried to back away in fear.
"Don't be scared. I'm not going to hurt you." He said as she was hesitant to trust him. "Listen, when you meet up with Esdeath, she'll tell you about a meeting. Go with her." He said as she looked at him with fear in her eyes.
"Why should I believe you?" She asked as Naruto looked at her.
"Because, I'm the reason your still breathing." He said before walking to his Queen who was waiting for him.
Kurome watched as they both walked into the portal before she saw it close. Looking to the sky, she watched as it cleared up and a light shined on her. Hearing noise beside her, she watched as Esdeath sat down next to her and showed her the note.
"We might have a new employer." She laughed as Kurome closed her eyes.
"I need a nap." She said as Esdeath laughed before they both stood to their feet and walked to the nearest hospital.
(ORC Club Room)
The peerage of Rias Gremory were all assembled as a awkward silence filled the room. Before it was interrupted by Issei as he walked through the door. Before he could say anything, everyone was shocked to see a Garganta open above him and for Ravel to fall through and land on the pervet. Her knees met the back of his head. When she got her bearings, she quickly stood up and looked at everyone in the room. Miyuki was hiding behind her as Akeno walked over.
"Ravel-sama, what are you doing here?" She asked as Ravel looked at her.
"That Idiot booted me through the Garganta when he saw that a fight was about to start." She said annoyed as Akeno noticed the small girl behind.
"Who is that adorable little thing?" She asked as Ravel blinked.
"I'm Miyuki Crowe." She said shyly as she continued to hide behind Ravel.
Akeno got down on her knees and smiled kindly at the girl as Miyuki looked away.
"Hello Miyuki-chan. I'm Akeno Himejima. But you can just call me Akeno-neesama." She said gently as Miyuki looked at her.
"Nice to meet you Akeno-neesama." She said as she continued to hide behind Ravel.
Akeno smiled before looking over to Koneko. She saw this and sighed heavily before handing Akeno a lolipop. Akeno thanked her and promised to pay her back before she turned back to Miyuki.
"Do you want this candy?" She asked gently as Miyuki stared at Ravel who nodded.
"Go on. She's a nice lady." She said as Miyuki walked out from behind Ravel and reached for the lolipop.
Akeno gave the young girl the lolipop, which she instantly placed in her mouth, before she smiled at the girl. Everyone who was in the room stared at the young girl who smiled back at Akeno.
(Small Timeskip)
Ravel and Miyuki had getting to know the people of Naruto's former peerage for the past half an hour. Ravel saw as to why Naruto kept most of them dear to him. Though she would lightly glare at Rias out of the corner of her eye, but she would also thank her at the same time. If she didn't screw up the way she did, then Naruto never would've left and she wouldn't be his bishop. Miyuki on the other hand was happy spending time with others that she started to see as her family. Rias having enough of waiting around and saying nothing, stood up to speak only to be cut off as they all heard the sound of the Garganta open. Looking back over to the door, they watched as Velvet jumped out of the Garganta and instantly look around for Miyuki.
"Mama." She called as the others who looked at Velvet who smiled and walked over to her.
Miyuki got off the couch she was on, next to Koneko, and went and hugged her mother who flinched and the contact. Miyuki pulled away and looked worried at how her mother flinched. Looking up, she saw Velvet holding her side as some blood leaked out.
"Are you OK?!" Miyuki asked afraid.
Velvet smiled at her and rubbed her head with her non-bloodied hand.
"I'll be fine. I've been through worse." She said as the others heard Issei, who was still unconscious groan in pain.
Looking over, a smile came to all their faces as Naruto was standing there, his foot lodged somewhere firmly between Issei's lungs and stomach. His face had a small smile as he saw everyone else, but it faded when his eyes met Rias's. Stepping off the perv, he stepped forwards as Asia noticed that he had blood flowing from multiple holes in his right arm. She rushed over to him only for him to stop her.
"Heal Velvet first." He said as she nodded before moving to the Therion's side and using her Sacred gear to heal any wounds on her body.
Naruto smiled at how Asia was willing to help someone, but laughed slightly as Velvet looked uncomfortable at how eager Asia was to help her. Akeno stood to her feet and walked over to the other blonde in the room, besides Kiba, and stopped in front of him. Naruto's gaze met her own as he saw something in her eyes that he couldn't place. He was caught off guard as she brought him in for a tight hug. Pulling away, she smiled at how he hadn't changed. Though she was still worried about the blood that was dripping from his arm.
Rias walking over, stood in front of him and all he could see was the regret held within her eyes. Velvet seeing this, stood up and made her way over to the red head, quickly moved in front of her as she tried to take another step forward.
"Get out of my way." She said gently as Velvet's left arm came undone.
"Why should I?" Velvet asked as she brought her left arm up.
"I need to talk with Naruto." She said as Velvet didn't move.
"Then talk, I don't need to move." Velvet said stubbornly as Miyuki walked over to Naruto and grabbed his leg.
Naruto smiled at her as he gently patted her head as Rias glared at Velvet.
"This doesn't concern you." She said as Velvet gave her, her signature cocky smirk.
"It concerns my King!" She said as Rias stepped back slightly as Velvet took a step forward.
Naruto seeing where this was going was going to stop them only for Asia to punch him in the arm where the blood was leaking. He looked at his little sister as she started to heal the holes that were located in his bicep.
"She needs to hear it from someone else. To show that you have moved on." He heard her say as he watched as Rias was backed against a wall by Velvet. "But just because you moved on doesn't mean that you can stop visiting us." She continued once she was finished.
"I'll try and visit more." He said as he picked up Miyuki.
"So your his Queen, so what?" Rias said trying to act tough as Velvet stared her in the eye. "He was my knight first!" She said as Velvet's eyes widened.
"So your the one. His former King. I have to thank you." Velvet said as she brought her arm up to her side to rest on her hip.
"For what?" Rias asked confused.
"For screwing up so badly with him. If you hadn't have done that, then Naruto would've never come to our home and made me his Queen." Velvet said as she walked back over to Naruto who stood next to the still opened Garganta. "Maybe next time, look at the diamond in the rough and not the gold in the open, you foolish girl." She said pushing Naruto through the Garganta as Ravel followed after him. Before she went through though. Velvet turned to the rest of the peerage.
"Thank you all. For looking out for Naruto while he was part of this failures peerage. Don't worry, I'll make sure that he'll visit. We just got a lot of things to do at our home." She said before turning back and walking into the Garganta. "Oh and Red." She said getting Rias's attention.
"The names Velvet Crowe. Keep that in your mind as you remember that Naruto will never belong to you again." She said before it closed. Though Velvet turned before it closed and her eyes had changed to a dark shade of red as she was covered in a black and red coloured aura.
Those red eyes were gonna haunt her dreams as Rias realised that what Velvet said was true. Because she was so caught up in her greed, so drawn in to the fact that Issei's powers had awakened and his Sacred gear was the hold of the welsh dragon, Ddraig. She never saw the true power that Naruto held within himself. Gritting her teeth in anger, she burned the name into her head.
'Velvet Crowe.' She thought in Anger. 'I'll show you. He still cares, I just need to dig deep into his heart to show you. And once I do, you'll realise that he belongs to me.' She continued to think, to caught up in her anger to realise that Velvet is not someone to take lightly.
A/n: Holy Shit. 13k+ words with these Author notes. Again this story seems to be the one that has the most words in a single chapter. I guess because I can go wild with the Peerage collection arc. Now some of you will be complaining how i didn't make the fight between Naruto and Esdeath epic or show the Velvet VS Kurome fight. But they were mainly there to explain as to why I had Miyuki in the story. I am using her as a way to limit how much power Velvet can now put out. I did say that she could stand up against Naruto in Murcielago. Well with her power up thanks to being a Queen and she can get stronger as she devours others, she will be able to give Naruto a very good run for his money.
Now in this story, Naruto can defeat most enemies with ease, but when it comes to godly tier bad guys, he will get his ass handed to him. He can't stand up against Ophis in a fight as he is. As he gets stronger though he will be close that gap. Also I hope some of you like the reason I came up with for Rias to Ignore Naruto.
I used the fact that all devils were attracted to power thanks to the sin of Greed. With how it was. Issei after first awakening his Sacred Gear when fighting Raynare, was constantly releasing energy that it was easier for him to be sensed or found because the output of his Sacred Gear alone. Meanwhile, Naruto's powers were sealed. He could use the techniques of an Arrancar but he wasn't able to use his Sacred gears power as it was still sealed away. As such Rias's devil Nature was drawing her more to Issei rather than Naruto who's power was sealed away and only appeared as a sword. He had his abilities but they aren't as strong as they will be once he fully masters his powers.
Now before people say stuff like. ahh but bleach characters can beat anyone no problem. dumb asses. I'm nerfing him for the story itself. I'm not gonna start with a OP as hell Character who can make people piss themselves just by looking. I'm gonna start with a weaker version and build him up. Bring everyone along for the ride as he eventually becomes a Man who can protect those close to him. That's how I write my stories. I'm just a fan of the whole underdog Cliche. Sure I'll have some where Naruto is all powerful and has people who can't even touch, but I'll also have times when he is defeated by the most simple things. A good Offensive strategy, is a good defensive strategy. And yes I know I changed the Quote, but you get the general Idea.
Anyway, It is getting Late over here in NZ. So This is me for the night. Oh, Also you all better be ready for the New Years Gift I'm Writing. Yes It's the Naruto and RWBY Story, Beacon's Extending Blade. I hope you all enjoy it and Yes It's using a Konoha born Naruto. So Shadow Clones, Rasengan and other things that are used in Cannon will be at Naruto's disposal. He won't have a Semblance or Aura, but Ozpin will allow him to fight in the Vytal Festival because of who Naruto is Connected with. Also Yea. I think this is a good place to place this.
KING: Naruto Uzumaki.
QUEEN: Velvet Crowe.
BISHOP: Ravel Phenex.
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The Peerage list. More names will be added but only as the characters are actually added to the peerage with the story. Later.
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