14 - Bronze, Tin and Gold
I think it was safe to say, I was not fit enough to be a solider. Or, really fit enough to be anything other than seamstress, and even then I would probably get a cramp in my hand.
"Are you coming Little Miss?" Nicolai called out as he surpassed me, quickly following Demetri into the woods.
"Give me second!" I called back, although I was most certain my response was littered in huffs and puffs and not a single word could be translated clearly.
We hadn't gone too far, the clattering of the metal and the call of the horses could still be heard this small distance away, but yet, I was absolutely exhausted by the small amount of physical exercise. It must be because I haven't eaten very much - yes, let's go with that.
Finding the will to move again, I headed over towards the sound of Nicolai's endless chatter. Jonathan was right; he never really stopped talking for more than a moment.
Pushing my way into a clearing I was soon greeted with the three men standing by the riverbank. Neither one looked up at me as I approached them.
"Don't worry, I didn't get lost at all." I pouted as I stepped further towards them, although my eyes were more interested in the following water than any of the strong figures.
"That would solve all of my problems." Jonathan muttered before he turned to face me.
"You know, I could have been an assassin and killed you all by now, you should be more vigilant."
"Don't flatter yourself little Miss, your footsteps could be heard a mile away." Demetri smiled at me as he walked over towards me with a small flask in his hands.
I sat myself down on large bolder and gratefully took the flask from his hands and began sculling the sweet fresh water as Demetri sat himself down next to me.
Jonathan and Nicolai both began to fight while Demetri and I waited and watched. It was different than watching my brothers. I knew every move my brothers would make, and thanks to Arthur's lectures, I knew what to expect. This fight was different, maybe it was because I had never truly seen the two men fight before but even their movements were different. They didn't attempt to over power each other like other fights I have witnessed; it was like watching two shadows flicking in the light. One minute they were on the defensive the next they were moving into an attack. While one ducked the other was already landing an attack where they would land as if they knew.
"Ever handled a sword before Miss?" Demtri asked me, pulling me back to the present.
"Not like that," I shook my head unable to peer my eyes away from the pair.
"Where did you learn?"
"My brother, he..." I quickly stopped myself, shutting my mouth and turning to face a very interested Demetri.
"You were saying?" He questioned, pressing me for further information.
"I mean, I've only pretended, when I was child with my brother." I tried to help my situation and recover the conversation. "Peasant girls aren't allowed to handle swords."
And that is what I am a Peasant girl. I really need to watch that mouth of mine.
"But yet you know how to use a bow?" Jonathan cut in as he walked towards us, a small drop of sweat working its way down his face. Behind him, Nicolai laid down on the floor a little winded by his encounter.
"Well, I uh..." Think damn it! "My father was Blacksmith as I've said before." I responded remembering my older lie that no one had believed the first time.
"And he taught you to shot instead of using a sword? Strange man your father." Nicolai put in his opinion as he stood back up, dusting himself off.
"He was." I smiled hoping that the investigation would soon end. I truly needed to write all of this down before I forgot what my own lies were.
"Well then Little Miss, go show us what you can do with a sword." Demetri pushed me forward making me stand up.
Nicolai seemed glad by the small respite as he sat down by the water, eagerly splashing water on his sweaty brow to cool himself. Swallowing nervously I moved to stand further into the clearing while Jonathan smirked a little too confidently for my likely.
I wanted nothing more than to beat him. To show him I wasn't some pathetic woman whom he was dragging along the countryside. But, although I had forsaken my princess status, if Little Miss was anything, she was realistic - which meant, I was going to spend a lot of time on the floor.
"We have rules." Demetri started as Jonathan walked towards me, still looking cocky and entertained. "Each individual gets a long sword and a small dagger, how you use it is up to you. No throat slitting and only small cuts to be made anywhere else on the body. Everyone understand?"
Jonathan held out the dagger that I had pressed against his throat a few nights ago. I smiled at the memory of me having the upper hand; maybe I could do this after all?
I took the dagger gratefully and placed it in the belt around my waist knowing full well that I was going to need both hands to hold the long sword. Jonathan then passed me the long sword, that rightfully belonged to Nicolai with a snake wrapped around its hilt.
I studied the pattern for a brief moment. "Why a snake?"
"It's my father's sigil. That sword is the only he decided to give me."
"No one cares about your father issues Nicolai." Demetri scolded him and turned his attention back to us.
I smiled a little and turned back to Jonathan. I gripped the hilt of the sword and took it off his hands, my entire body going straight to the ground the moment he let go.
"A bit heavy for you Miss?" Jonathan chuckled wickedly.
"What makes it so damn heavy?"
"Such vile language for a woman don't you think?" He chuckled again, clearly amused by my struggle.
"A mix of Bronze and Tin of course but there is gold in the hilt." Nicolai added in - proud of his only inheritance.
Sucking in a deep breath, I picked up the sword with both hands and pointed it to the side to make it easier to shift the weight evenly around my body. My arms were already aching but I would be dammed if I didn't at least get a few good touches in.
Jonathan grabbed his own sword in one hand and twirled it around his wrist showing his ease with the weapon. Am I intimidated? Yes, I believe I am.
"Ready when you are Miss."
I didn't dare make the first move. I remembered Arthurs words of wisdom when it came to facing a stronger and more aggressive opponent - although his main advice was to wait until you had a good shot and then stab them and avoid any measure of physical contact, so I guess I would have to rely on my speed.
I watched Jonathan's feet remembering my recent success with predicting my Step-brother's moves. Step after Step, we rounded each other, Jonathan leading the movement as I waited carefully for his move.
My heart was pounding and I could hardly hear anything but the erratic flow of blood pulsing through my veins.
Jonathan double stepped and I quickly jumped back knowing that most men take a second step as they lung forward. Tripping under the weight of the sword, I fell down, landing on my butt.
Looking up I saw a very amused Jonathan looking down at me. He hadn't even lunged; he just stood there and faked a second step.
"You shouldn't only be watching someone's feet, you need to watch everything." He lectured me as he reached down and offered me a hand up.
I took his hand and got back to my feet before repositioning my hands on the sword. We rounded each other again, this time; I was looking at his eyes and not his feet. The black circles that so easily decided life and death were now my prison.
His brow flinched as made his move, swinging to the side only to be blocked by me. The sudden shock of metal hitting metal sent a wave up the sword and through my arms, causing a lot of pain and ache in my bones.
I scrunched my face as I tried to deal with the feeling running through my body but Jonathan gave me no respite. He came at me again; swing his sword to the other side. I blocked the swing and then moved the sword in front of my head, which was thankfully where his next hit was. He was taking his time between swings to give me time to move - a fact I was grateful for.
I blocked his swing a fifth time but this time he swivelled the sword around until the force of the movement made my hands instinctively let go. The sword fell to the ground with a loud clutter and Jonathan waisted no time in moving in.
He pushed me up against a tree and held his sword next to my stomach - showing me its there and that he can easily stab me if I try to move. "You're not as fast as you look" He breathed as he smirked, clearly enjoying having the upper hand.
I fluttered my eyelashes a little, smiling at him in return and licking my lips - letting my tongue slowly run over my bottom lip while his eyes flowed the slow moment. I pushed my breasts towards him and the rest of my body soon followed until I was flat up against his front and his eyes were darting between my lips and my very visible cleavage. I slowly ran my leg up his and back down again but as my ankle moved to meet his I used all my force to push him backwards - using my leg cleverly positioned to trip him over.
He fell with a loud thud on the ground while my knee followed him down, planting itself on his chest by his vulnerable neck and my dagger pressed against his exposed flesh. "I may not be fast, but you're a man. Easily distracted by a pretty smile and anything with breasts."
He smirked devilishly at me making me press the dagger closer into his skin but his hands quickly clamped down around my wrists and he pulled them back away from me making my body shift and extend out over his until he flipped me on my back and threw me into the ground. His weight soon joined mine on the ground as he pinned me down.
"Yes, and if we're stating the obvious then you're a woman, who is easily over powered by said man and clearly has a habit of hesitating."
He pulled back and let go of me as he stood up and reached down to help me back to my feet. I got up and started dusting the dirt from my clothes thankful for the leather that meant the dirt didn't stick to my butt as much.
"You fight smart." He complimented me. "Which is good considering your weak and slow."
I shook my head unsure of what to say to that exactly. He took the dagger back from the floor and slid it into his belt, not giving it back to me - probably because he still didn't trust me with it.
"She may be slow, but she is still a better marks men than you!" Demetri yelled out as he sat up from his seat by the water and walked towards us.
"Hey, at least I hit the rabbit!" Jonathan defeated himself. Well at least he didn't confess that I am, in fact, not as good as Demetri thinks I am. After all I did confess that I wasn't actually aiming for the mark I hit.
"Yes but while she shots it in the eye, you get the stomach and take out half the meat with it."
I giggled and allowed Demetri to defend me as I handed the long sword back to him and moved sit by the lake with Nicolai who was already intently watching the two men take their stances - eager to learn.
I relaxed by the lake for a quick moment, enjoying the coolness of the water beside me.
"You did good." Nicolai complimented me.
"I blame your sword, it is terribly uncomfortable." I smiled at him.
"Bigger hands make it easier little one."
I nodded in agreement. Seemed practical enough. "So the sword belongs to your father?" I asked becoming a little curious about the new people in my life.
"Yes, he thought a sword was better than a name."
I frowned a little confused. "Are you a..." I trailed off finding it hard to ask the question.
"Bastard son of a noble Lord? Yes Little Miss."
"Well at least he acknowledged you." I tried to look on the bright side.
"I suppose so. I was hoping to make him proud by joining the knights but when Demetri took me in as a Shadow knight let's just say proud most certainly not what he was feeling."
"You talk a lot you know that?" I smiled fondly at him.
"A quite world is a boring one."
I liked that sentiment.
Hearing the water trickle once again I stood from my seat on the floor realising that I desperately needed to pee. I started walking off into the woods, away from the boys.
"Don't go too far!" Jonathan yelled as he blocked a blow from Demetri.
I rolled my eyes and continued into the woods for some privacy. I decided not to rush back to the boys just yet, I was enjoying the small moment alone, it was the only time in the past week that I have been alone without being a prisoner - although technically, I was still Jonathan's prisoner although now, I was free to roam around.
I heard muttering just in front of me, catching my attention. Strange, I didn't know I had wondered too close to the campsite. Stumbling forward, I pushed through the bush to get closer. A hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me back violently into something hard.
"Ow - " I screamed.
"Shut up!" A familiar voice scolded me as their hand clamped around my mouth. Looking up, peering over my shoulder I saw the black eyes that have now become the only constant in my life. Grabbing onto Jonathan's hand and tried to free my mouth.
"What is your - "
"Shh." He quietened me and threw me back onto the ground in a loud thud.
I blinked rapidly trying to regain some composure while Jonathan rushed forward towards the raised voices now echoing through the forest.
I quickly clambered to my feet and rushed over towards the clearing only to be confronted with a man falling to the floor with a dagger in his head. I screamed and jumped back, shocked. Jonathan quickly guttered another two men as they attempted to grab their swords but the sword quickly sliced their stomachs in two.
"I think I'm going to be sick." I placed my hand over my mouth and turned away quickly unable to deal with the death. Despite being a Royal and losing family members like my father, I still wasn't comfortable with death. And with my recent exposure to Jonathan's way of dealing with people, I was quickly losing control on my stomach.
"Let's go." Jonathan spoke sternly as he grabbed my arm and started dragging me back the way we came, his uncleaned sword dripping blood behind us.
"I feel light headed."
"If you even think about passing out I will kill you here and now. Now walk!" He pushed me forward so that I walked in front of him.
"Why do you have to kill you could have just told them not to come back, or perhaps knock them out." I argued as I stomped in front of him.
"Because then they come back and kill us while we sleep."
"You don't know that." I peeked up at him over my shoulder.
"I am not willing to bet the my life and lives of each of those men over there, are you?" He raised his brow at me.
"They could have just been travellers."
"Travellers do not travel too far from the road, or have weapons like that."
"Are you always so ruthless?" I spat at him in disgust.
"Are you always so naive?"
"I resent that!" I stopped walking and faced him.
"Well it wasn't a compliment Little Miss." He continued to walk off leaving me struggling behind him.
I know, it has been a long while and yes I am aware I promised regular updates. I went through the process of exams and was rather sick for a time as well, I then had to undergo surgery and have been very hazy on painkillers but I am back and feeling like a brand new person!
I will have an update at least once every two weeks but I am aiming for every week at least for the next few months that is but I will keep you all posted.
Hope you can all stay with me through the journey. Hope to hear rom you all.
Thoughts go out to all those in Paris xxx
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