Chapter 50: Unwanted Meeting
Arnav swung his hand in hair out of frustration and restlessness. Today is the most crucial day.. He wanted to make all the arrangements before Khushi made entry to his office. While on the other side, little one is not letting him at peace. She is giving a hard time, making it delay. Before moving to office, it is his daily routine to wake her up, make her ponytail, tie her shoe race, etc etc and later drop and pick her up to school on time. Like every other day, she is nagging him.
Arnav(While taking out uniform from cupboard): Baby wake up..we are getting late..
He shakes his little khushi. She snorted, getting irritated by his non stop shaking. Giving a kick, she make her poor Papa half fall from bed.
A giggle escapes from the other end. Annoyed, he turns his face toward his lady love Khushi standing in the middle. She is laughing continuously looking at his state.
Arnav: Tell your daughter not to trouble me today. It's important, dammit.
Khushi: Why so desperate, Mr Raizada.
Arnav: Why should I tell you. Hey, you again laugh at me. (He got up and run behind her to catch her. She show her tongue teasing him more. He make a baby face.)
Arnav: Both daughter-Mother always trouble me.
Khushi: Aww my Arnavji is so cute..(she burst into laughter as they heard a yell from Baby Khushi not to disturb her sleep.) Let her sleep nah. Why you are disturbing my Jaanu.
Unknowingly, a cute smile appear on his face as he gets smitten by her smile and continue to stare at her without blinking.
Khushi: You have your entire life to admire me Laadgovernor. Firstly go and control your naughty daughter. Otherwise her anger will explode your house. (She grinned and lean down to kiss her forehead)
Arnav: Bilkul apne maa pe gayi hain..Jiddi aur akdoo (Gone completely on her mother..stubborn and rude) Her mouth opened in O-shaped.
Khushi: Oh hello I am not akdoo..She got all these traits from you.
Arnav: Do you know how hard it is to control kids..But how will you know you neverrr.. (He stopped immediately)
Guilt stabbed his heart when the smile on Khushi's face fell. The sparkle in her eyes dulled as she sighed audibly.
Khushi: I have no experience to be a be a mother..I have zero knowledge in this department. I don't know how to handle kids..what makes them happy, what makes them sad, when they cry, when they smile. I have no idea what is the first word my baby spoke..At which age she stood on her feet..I don't know how to love to pamper them..I..
Arnav: I didn't mean that..I..
He wants to erase her pain, he want to wipe her tears but the moment he took first foot, she disappears.
Arnav: Tum vo saare palon ko dubara jeeyogi..tumhe vo haar khushi milegi vo tumse chini gayi hain..ajke baad tumhare ankhon mein ek bhi ason nahi ane dunga..tumhe itna pyaar karunga tum rona bhul jaogi.. (You will relive all those moment will get all the happiness which has been snatched from you...from today onwards there will be no room for sorrow..not a single drop of tear going to shed from your eyes..I will love you like the way you forgot to cry)
A clock strikes 8 Am alarming him. His face turned pale upon realizing he got terribly late. Oh god that hitler meera will screw me off if I got late. I have to meet Khushi on time otherwise she will go without meeting me..dammit!!!! He grabs his head and then glance back at his extra naughty kid who is sleeping selling horses.
Khushi(rubbing her ears) Papa don't shout..let me shlleepp..(Covering her face with a duvet, she shifted to the other side ready to take any nape.
Arnav: Baby please listen to me..Baby..(Removing duvet from her face, he took her small form into his lap.) Papa has a very important meeting to your eyes, bachha.
Khushi: Cenchel it na..what a big deal..
Arnav: Papa can't loose her..(Yawning at him, she gives a look) ..erhh..Papa can't lose that deal..
Khushi: Is that deal more important than Papa's pilncess..can't you choose one?
Arnav: No baby..Papa loves both you and that deal(Referring to khushi) very very much. (He Increases the length of his hand explaining to her the importance of his mother in his life.
Khushi: Me jealous.. (Making a sad pout)
He kiss her cute chubby button nose and whispered sweet little into her ears that melted her insecurity into a moment. Tip Toeing into his arms, She gives a tight huggy and stays like this for a while. But Arnav's eyes fixed to the clock. Tension building upon him by every passing second.
Khushi: Papa no skul..pleezzz na Papa..pleezz..plezzz
Arnav: butterfly..
Khushi: Uff papa why you are buttering me..what so special today that you are so desperate for that deal?
He holds a hidden smile preventing him from getting caught. She has eyes entirely on him and analysing each and every expression of him activating her detective brain.
Khushi: Papa apna bahar chakkar toh nahi chal raha na.. (Are you having an affair?)
Arnav: What the! chakkar? Who taught all this to you..That ananya..
Khushi: Of fo papa don't say anything to mumma..she is very sweet.. (He rolled his eyes) And always remember you are only no lobe anyone more than me otherwise I katti..Plomise..? (He stare her dumbfolded)
He can't make this promise to her. He loves her Mum so damn much. This separation killing him from inside.
Khushi: What happen waiting..
Arnav: Beta, we are getting late..come..
He give her a toothbrush, gesturing to her to go to the washroom fast. She make a baby face, not in a mood to go to school. The main reason is the homework she hadn't completed and most importantly today is the class test. She bite her nails thinking how to avoid going to school.
Arnav: Come down from bed..NOW.. (Her face fell and she get sad)
Mini Khushi loves to spend time with her papa. She doesn't like her papa to give anyone attention more than her. For the first time Papa denied any of her demand. But as he said that deal is important, she agrees halfheartedly otherwise mini Khushi is very possessive for Papa and never does anything which she doesn't want. She doesn't like sharing her Papa with anyone. For the first and last time she shares her Papa with that devil Aunty of her. But she broke her trust and hurt her by hurting her Papa. But not this time. No damn business or deal comes between them.
Khushi: Okay I go..
Arnav: That's like my good and understanding princess.. (She gave a weak smile after giving quick peck to his cheeks)
He sighs deeply after she comes down from bed. He made her tub ready for bath and took out clothes for her.
Handling business is easier than handling kids. He lied to his daughter for the very first time and this made him guilty. But does he have any option?
''Damn you Khushi..I can't wait to see you..'' He smiled to himself and started getting ready till Khushi came out from the washroom. Making a call to Abhinav, he told him to make Khushi busy, not let her step out so soon as he have time to reach office. But Abhinav is badly stuck
How is he going to stop her from going? Meera Mam is very punctual. She hates to wait for someone. If anyone get late for a second, she cancels the deal and make their life miserable who disrespect her. But Abhinav is unaware this time she is going to face Asr. If one is fire, other is a bomb.
Arnav didn't realise how long he stood in front of the mirror checking himself from time to time.
With hands on her hips, Mini Khushi peeps out and notice her Papa's weird antics. He is smiling like a fool that makes her eyes rounded suspiciously.
''Something's fishy..why Papa is acting strange..?''
Khushi makes a video call to Ishita out of nervousness. Butterflies jumping inside her stomach, but reason is unknown. This is a feeling like she is going on a date, not for a business meeting.
Ishita: Why are you sweating? Is everything alright? (Khushi placed her hand on her forehead, not knowing how to share it.) Is anything bothering you? (She first nodded her head in yes and then no.) What? (Ishita began to laugh seeing her weird behaviour.)
Khushi: Don't laugh. It's very serious.
Ishita: Okay I won't.. (She controls her smile and makes a serious face) Tell me, what's matter.
Khushi: My heart is beating violently..I feel his presence everywhere.. (She said holding her unsteady breathing.)
Seriously. You are a mental case. I think my wish is going to fulfill soon. Your perfect man is going to enter your life.
Khushi: Stop it Ishita. This is a very serious matter. Here I am shivering and you are teasing me.
Ishita: Does that client single or married? I wish he is single and ready to mingle. By the way, who will say no to my beautiful and charming friend. Every man desires you.
Meera: Enough is enough!!!!!!!!! I am not interested in that idiot.
Ishita: Aww you already give a cute nickname. What a start.
Khushi: Ishu I will kill you..
Frustrated, she hung the call and throw it off.
Khushi is not at peace. Firstly this house and then her heartbeat..all are indicating that something terrible is going to happen. Her heart started thumping as she slowly touched the beautiful painting of the walls..every single decoration was done by them together..they painted the walls together, the interior design, bedroom color, every single thing is done by them. She scan her eyes with tears in her eyes. The images of the time they spent together out there appeared like a film.
Khushi: No..No..No..
Arnav: Yes yes yes..
Khushi: I said na..I want Pink design in the living room.
Arnav: Are you kidding me? Your tacky taste. This is my house and I will select the color and designs. Got it.
Khushi: You are so mean..You promise me everything I say you obey after marriage..
Arnav: Promise..what promise.. (Her mouth open in O-shaped) After marriage who knows we marry or not.
Khushi: You stupid donkey..(She ran after him with her belt.) Are you planning to ditch me..I gonna kill you if you chase another woman.
Arnav: Get off me. (She sat over him and began to jump like a rat. While he screamed out in pain) You are unbelievable..ouwww it is hurtingggg..
Khushi: You deserves it..First say you never look at any other woman..You only love me FOREVER..
Arnav: Stubborn lady..leave me you dumbo..
Khushi: No..No..First say..
Arnav: I will look all the sexy models and ladies infact I would like to affair with some..
Khushi: You Cheater..duffer laadgovernor..You are gone now..
With that she started beating him with a pillow and all the things closer she has.. He grab her and twisted her both hands behind. Swinging her down on the floor, he took the charge. Capturing her into his irresistable arma, he pressed himself against her.
Arnav: Is it the way to treat your husband?
Khushi: Would be husband, Mr Raizada. You never listen to me. Always do what you like. Always scold me. (Pushing him off, she sat on the floor making a face.) You don't love me na.
Arnav: Hey I was just kidding.
He wiped those strains of tears and kissed her eyes. She look at his lover boy eyes and melted like an ice-cream within a fraction of second. It brought a broad smile on her face and she jumped on him hugging him as tight as possible.
Brushing her hairs, he look at her duo eyes all lost for him.
Arnav: Don't love me like this..sometimes it scares me.
Khushi: You have no idea how much I love you..But shaadi ke baad yeh sab nahi chalega..hum jo khahenge apko sunna padega..varna.. (After marriage all this will not be acceptable..whatever I say you have to follow..otherwise..)
Arnav: Don't start again..No-one dares to command me. Everything will happen according to my will.
Khushi: Okay fine. Hum apse shaadi nahi karenge..nahi karenge nahi karenge.. (I won't marry you then)
Arnav: Oh great! Then my way is clear. I would like to marry anyone of my choice..
~Flashback end~
Her hands tremble and lips quiver as she feels someone approaching. She began sweating by the mere thought of him..
She turned around with a jerk. Thankfully there is no-one.
Why am I feeling so uneasy? Why do I feel his presence? Why did Abhinav take me to this house? I have to find out.
Checking the time on wrist watch, she made her way toward the respective address as per sent by her assistant. She came out from her car and began to scan her eyes in the search of her employee. Few of them arrived and they led her toward the office. But before going inside, she needs to contact abhinav and ask about that house. But he is nowhere to be seen. It angers her like anything. If within seconds he didn't appear she would fire him from this job. What kind of irresponsibility is this.
''This way mam..'' A young lady welcomed her with a beautiful smile and gave me a bouquet of flowers. She found it odd and awkward. For the first time she has come to this building but the people look at her as if they know her. All began to welcome her, giving her red roses.
What kind of stupid office is this!
''No thanks..'' She refused and moved forward as the PA led her toward the destination. This office looks quite ravishing and attractive. She felt mesmerized and lost. The interior colors and designs are exactly as per her taste. All those designs Khushi selected for her dream house which Arnav denies.
"No this can't be possible." She stopped urgently. Her legs trembled. She stood outside the cabin thinking of all the coincidences. Her knees buckled. She read the nameplate, A&K written in bold letters.
''Stop it Meera..Stop Thinking about Arnav. This is not Ar designs. How will he know about me? It's impossible. Most importantly he is no-more interested in me. He has moved on in his life..with his new life partner..with his new family. I meant nothing for him..Nothing..''
Absent minded, I knock the door but my mind is clouded in the memories of Arnav.
''How easily you forget me, Arnavji..But I am content you got a girl of your choice. Now you are free from our unwanted relationship.''
She is shocked to see Abhinav welcomed her inside the cabin. She wanted to blast at him, to give him one punch but somehow control her anger for time-being.
Once again her mind diverted upon seeing the colors and designs of cabin. It is exactly the same. She was so lost didn't realized where she was and for what she is here.. She took a seat and began scanning eyes. She felt touched.
''Your like the interior designs of my new cabin?'' Person in front of her asked.
But she didn't care to look and notice what he is saying as her eyes only engrossed in viewing the beautiful interior.
How much I love the color of walls. But Arnavji, he never let me pick this designs for our house.
Khushi: ''Yes, It's really beautiful..'' I reply all lost.
Arnav: ''I am glad you like it, khushi..''
KHUSHI? Then it click me what he said. How this man knows my real name? Why I talk about designs. Focus Meera focus. You are here for meeting. What's wrong with you.
Meera: I am sorry.. I..
Arnav: It's may proceed..
That deadly voice again hit my ear. But I choose to ignore thinking I am imagining him everywhere.
''File..'' This time his voice is quite rough. It is enough to bring me back from senses and loose my temper.
Khushi: Excuse me..I am not your employee so dare you raiseee...
I swung my head to blast at the person but my voice swallowed under my throat as soon as I saw him and released it was not any dream. He is actually before my eyes. My thinking power has become dead after seeing him. I become numb, paralyzed and froze to react. File kept hanging between me and him and sooner it fell from my hands.
To be continued!
Precap: Khushi decided to go back to London!
I wanted to post next chapter too..But it is half done. Will try to post tomorrow. Please give votes and comments.
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