Chapter 22
Flashback in italic
Arnav: Did they marry?'' His heart stop to pump and on seeing tears in them made him more tensed. Miserable thoughts coming to his mind. ''Aunty please tell me, you are scaring me. What had happened on Marriage night? Did Khushi..'' It is hard to imagine his Khushi to belong someone else. He is just praying whatever he is thinking was not true.
Vasundra: ''I thought her suffering come to an end. But no..'' After a deadly silence she speak out.
Day before her marriage, one panditji came to match their kundali, but when he saw Khushi's kundali it is enough to break her fragile heart.
''What rubbish are you talking? Are you out of your mind?'' Neev shouted on his face with his grip tightened around his collar. While Khushi is just standing numb. Tears streaming down her face by what she heard by him
Pandit: Your shouting and screaming not going to change her fate. I'm saying whatever is written in her kundali. My prediction never get wrong, ask anyone. No man will ever marry this girl as it is written in her destiny that she will remain unmarried for life-time. NO MAN WILL EVER MARRY HER. SHE IS NOT LIABLE TO BECOME ANYONE'S WIFE
Kyunki Is ladki ki kismat mein shaadi ka sukh hain hi nahi.. (Because there is no chance she could get married EVER)
After this bitter realization, she felt her knees given away and fell on the ground crying untrollably. Neev rushed to her and held her both hands urging her look at him.
Neev: No Khushi..please don't cry..this is all rubbish..This marriage will definitely happen..You will become a wife, a mother, a life me.. (Slowly she lift her gaze. The hope in her eyes is ready to crush any moment)
Khushi: Sach Arnavji..hum hamare Arnavji ki patni ban payenge na (Really? Can I become a wife of my Arnavji)
His grip tightened around her, hearing this name, but he remain unaffected and console her.
Neev: Jarur banogi..No-one could separate you from only belongs to me..
Khushi: I have only one dream to become my Arnavji's wife for whom this heart of mine beat. (Her eyes shine in happiness as he give his node)
Pandit: This is a cannot marry this girl and if you try to challenge her destiny then it will be last day of your life.. (Her smile faded instantly)
Neev: Just shut up pandit. Security!!!!!!! Throw this idiot out..
In no time his men came running inside and started to drag him out.
Panditji: Mark my words..She is not liable to wear wedding symbols ever in her life as there is something else written in her destiny. Her desire and wishes cannot get fulfilled.
Vasundra: I wished neev had taken his warning seriously then..
Arnav: ''You mean..?'' The look on her face signing him something worse going to happen.
He get up swiftly and his gaze move toward Khushi.. He have no courage to hear anything. But to heal her pains and sorrows, he should make his heart strong and gulp all the bitter truths because he is sole responsible for all her suffering. Taking a exasperated breathe, he urge her to tell him everything.
''You're looking very beautiful..just like a princess..'' Vasundra admire the beautiful bride before her eyes and put black tikka behind her ear. ''Kisiki najar na lage''
Vasundra: What happened? She asked seeing her lost in deep thought.
Khushi: Do I'm doing right?
Vasundra: Why you're saying this..?
Khushi: I don't know but something is not right. I'm scared.
Vasundra: You are thinking too much beta. Come on let's go..your groom is desperately waiting on alter.
Sooner, She was taken down toward the alter. Every pair of eyes were fixed on her. Khushi is fidgeting with her hands. Her heart is thumping indicating her something bad going to happen. Before moving to alter, she went to the small mandir behind alter, praying with her best friend, to Her Devimaiya.
"Give me strength is the most important day of my life..Arnavji is my life..his presence is very important for me..All I need is his love, nothing-else matters to me..give me your blessings so that i start the new beginning" She waited for any signal but when nothing came it made her worry. She stare at DM idol momentarily.
I know you are worried about my married life..about my future..Yes I admit I don't remember anything about my past life. But until Arnavji is with me, I don't need anything because you chooses him for me haina?" She close her eyes. Her face is glowing thinking about her life after this moment. But suddenly flashes of past began to haunt him.
With a sudden jerk, she open her eyes. I couldn't breathe. I felt my heart stop to pump. What was that? was it was any dream or I'm hallucinating it?
At this moment Khushi couldn't differentiate between dream and reality.
Who was that man? Why there is so much hate for me? Why he called me his mistress? I shut my eyes to get the answer and then his face visible out of darkness.
I jumped out of skin as that face has the capability to knock my senses. That's when someone place a hand on my shoulder. Confused by the sudden happening of events made my whole body stop functioning.
Khushi didn't realize when she was being dragged to the alter and made her seat next to Neev. While lost in her thoughts, she continue to pressurize her brain in the search of truth.
I have see his face. But where? And those harsh words were enough to cut my nerve. I could recognize that voice very well but where? All this is making me mad. Then my gaze fell on the holy fire and once again those flashbacks continue to haunt. I need to know my past anyhow. Please your child.
''Ab ap dono phere ke liye khade ho jayeye..'' (Now you both start taking pheres) Neev stand up and gesture his bride the same. But when he saw no movement from her side, Vasundra motioned her and help me to get up.
DM try to show her the mirror but her heart is not ready to join the dots or accept those facts.
Neev: ''I love you, Khushi..'' His confession shaken me. I look at him with uncertainty.
''Will you be mine for the rest of my life..You trust me, right''.
Trust? This one word has something knock inside me. I'm not sure but I know I do trust my Arnavji. Ignoring every notion, i look back at my present and future who is ready to embrace me with full heart.
Khushi: ''Hum apse shaadi karenge..'' (I'm ready to marry you)
Arnav bang his hand to the table. How dare he marry my Khushi..Why that bastard not told her the truth. How dare he cheated my Khushi and took her to alter pretending himself to be her Arnav. This is beyond his tolerance. Only if he had shown a little trust for khushi, such day never had arrived.
Vasundra: I can understand your plight but what you're thinking did not happen.
Arnav: What?
As Khushi take her first step forward, light went off and a huge pain shoot her head as if someone had hit her head.
My eyes dreaded in absolute shock on absorbing my surrounding. I look at the unknown place and then back at few men as they were eyeing me lustfully.
Khushi: ''Who are you? Where is my''
They started to laugh at her stupidity.
Man: Ofcourse baby you are in your new sasuraal. Think us as your new husbands for the rest of the upcoming nights.
One of them come forward and cast his hand on her virtue. Ripping her dupatta off her head, it was thrown up in air.
Khushi: Don't touch me..Leave me..
Man: ''Feel yourself comfortable around us..You are at your home..To YOUR old place.. BROTHEL..Remember how your so called Arnavji sold you to us..'' Two men pinned her down. Her bangles, jwellery one by one scattered on the floor, just like her dreams.
Khushi: ''Chod do mujhe..who are you..what do you want? Please save me?''
Man: ''Sorry baby this time no-one will come to protect you like last time..Your arnavji yourself choose this life for you''
Khushi: No, you are Arnavji never imagine to hurt me..he loves me a lot..
Their laughter echoing to the entire palace. This place slowly and steadily making her remember all the dark shadows of past. Starting from their first drastic meeting on Anjali's engagement, their close proximity, her falling in love, their first consummation, her conceiving his child, their separation, their face off on one night stand before her wedding, his deal for 6 months, his betrayal, everything came alive in front of her eyes and at last his killing her.
Her hand slowly move to touch her stomach that is empty. Finally the mask was removed. All the hidden truth were exposed.
ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA..! Her entire body went on fire by the mere thought of him.
A powerful wave of energy which was store inside her finally awaken her. She lifted a murderous glare to those animal who were ready to snatch her dignity.
''YOU BLOODY BASTARDS...'' With sheer agitation and anger, she stood up all fire up, crush all the wedding symbols under her feet which meant nothing to her. When they again make a movement to have her, her one kick is enough to break them apart. They fall on the other side of ground after collapsing against the wall.
''Ay chup kar and come here" (Shut your mouth and entertain us) Another man exclaimed.
Khushi: "You want entertainment..let me show some stunts first..'' No sooner she began punching him ruthlessly with all her anger and pain store inside her. The wall of patience was broke.
DM- who was her idol, her best friend, to whom she worshipped and thought she will safeguard her, all her beliefs and faith shattered today and now she don't believe any nameless statue.
That was the night she ruthlessly killed every emotions, every feelings by killing Khushi existence from her life and become a stone-hearted Meera who hates every single relations, specifically marriage.
Arnav: But how Khushi came to brothel..who had send her to--
She was about to tell him the truth furthur when in a sudden they hear a loud outburst which divert their attention to the two ladies who were fighting like a small kids.
Khushi: ''You dirty kid..who give you permission to step my bedroom and sleep in my bed..''
Little khushi frown by her sudden transformation. Last night she was so lovely dovely and now again become same jungli khadoos aunty.
Thought about her kuchikooing with Papa, made her boil. She took the pillow and throw it toward her direction which she immediately catch it.
Khushi: You hit me? (With a deadly voice)
Mini Khushi: Yesh..
Khushi: ''How dare you..'' Angrily she pounced at her little baby. With quick reflex action mini khushi too attack her with her sharp nails.
''Leave me''
''You leebbe me..''
They keep rolling under the bed to and fro until both lost the balance and fell from the bed. Protectively Khushi safeguard her by twisting her under her embrace before the hard floor hit her delicate skin.
A chuckle escape from Arnav's side when he witness their cat fight. Both are on the floor, struggling and fighting with each other.
Meera: ''What's so funny? Help me out!'' She is trying to get up but failed miserably.
Arnav: ''What will i get if I do..'' She shot an another glare
Meera: Excuse me. (Still lying on the floor) Arnav balanced his daughter and settle her to the bed before moving to her. While Khushi is still struggling as a sprain on her back making it difficult to move.
Little baby burn in jealousy as she saw how her papa extend his hand for her, like a romantic hero.
Vasundra: What are you waiting for, bitiya? Give your hand to him.
Meera: Never! (She tore her gaze and look away)
Arnav: You are hurt. Allow me to carry you.
Meera: If dare you touch me..I will cut your hands.
He is taken aback by her warning and then back out giving her space to do whatever she wants. Meera tried two three times to move but pain is getting worse. Vasundra try but couldn't convince her. She is as stubborn as this little kid. Only Arnav could help her and lead her to bed but masking egoism, she is not willing to take any kind of help from this bastard.
A hiss escaped from her mouth. Seeing this, her baby daughter jerk her papa's pant signalling him to carry her up. Arnav blink his eyes and approaches her when she shouted at him.
Meera: Don't you dare Mr raizada..Stay away.
Arnav: Shut up Kh..Meera..(He stop upon realizing Chahat also watching him) Allow me to lead you to your bed otherwise you..
Meera: You don't have to worry..I will wait till doctor come..
Arnav: And you think I allow anyone to carry you..
Meera: Excuse me..You are not my husband or boyfriend..on top of that, we share no relation so stop being over concern about me.
Chahat: Oh come on Aunty..What is your ploblemm. Last time you were openly phlirtting and keshing him sammelessly and today acting all enochent.. (She halted on getting a small pinch from papa)
Khushi: WHAT? (Her eyes popped out in horror.) What rubbish this mannerless kid is talking? I'm asking you something Mr raizada..!
Ignoring her further query, with one go, he lifted her up from the ground.
HOW DARE YOU..LEAVE ME.. (She punch his chest angrily. He just smiled leaning close to her while settling her down to bed.
Vasundra blushed and excuses herself on receiving a call. While Chahat clear her throat to break their eye-lock.
Doctor: She is fine now..I give her injection. Within a day, her pain will subsides.
Arnav: Thank you doctor..
Once doctor left, Khushi roughly throw all the things he had bought for her. In no time, all the medicines and syrups lying scattered on the floor. He keep staring her folding his arms.
Meera: LEAVE ME ALONE.. (She said in a plain protest as his presence making her more angry.)
Arnav: I may leave your room but not your house..If you need me find me in the living room. Anyways i need to clear the mess you created.
Meera: No need to show any fake concern. Servants are there to take care of my needs. So what today no servants available. One of the servant, that batameez kid, is still available.
Meera: Let me clear it to you, my name is Meera and second thing is that I don't like torturing innocent unlike you. But that specific kid is someone with whom you're so fond of. So I love to torture her and ready to make her my slave. You know why? Because once upon a time there live a innocent girl. A monster didn't show any mercy and turn her life upside down by putting a tag of a mistress for life-time. I really felt pity for that emotional fool Khushi who died..
She raised her eyebrow in disbelief.
Meera: I thought by now you had forgotten her and got many sexy mistress on your bed to entertain you anyways why to spoil mood talking about that disgraceful women. Let's focus on my new target, what's her name, yeah Chahat. She is suitable to become my new servant. That's why i give long term holiday to other servants. It will be great fun when she will become my slave.
Arnav: No Khushi..You can't do this to her. She is too small..very fragile like our daughter..
He didn't let her complete and grab her shoulder urging her to stop.
Khushi: Why you wanted me to stop. I said what you always desire. You wanted to get rid of Khushi Gupta, to get rid of her unborn, all your demands get fulfilled. Then why you're upset and unhappy. Infact what you're doing to my house and wasting your precious time on me. Go and spend sometime with your wife.
Arnav: Khushi tum..
Khushi: Get lost and spare me..
Without creating any fuss, he did as she said as he don't want to freshen her wounds. But he had decided he will tell her entire truth after coming back next time gathering all the proofs.
Slowly started moving away. But not before turning toward her one last time. She closed her eyes with her hands over her head.
''I promise I will fulfill all the wishes and dreams that my Khushi always desires..''
To get answer of all the unsaid words, he made his ways toward Ishita's house, to Meet Vasundra Aunty.
On reaching the premise, he knock the door. He waiting for a while patiently but when got no answer, he prepare to break the door. To his astonishment, door is half open. Slowly he get inside and saw complete darkness around him.
Aunty? Are you there? He search a way but due to darkness couldn't see anything properly. Suddenly he tripped on being hit by something and lost the balance. To his utter shock, he got the knife and the next moment his entire shirt being wet with the strains of blood.
Blood? His body went cold on spotting a person lying beside him. Once he turn the person and sees the face of the person, his body froze. Before he do something, he heard footsteps.
Light switched on and someone made the entry.
''Ma! I'm hom--..'' Ishita screamed out in horror seeing the dead body of her mother.
Ishita: ''You bastard you killed my mother..I won't spare you..'' She jerk his collar and hit him through her hands. She break down in tears. Arnav try to speak in defense when in a sudden he heard a sharp voice.
Khushi: ''Inspector here is your culprit..arrest him''
No sooner corps make their entry and handcuff Arnav who is still numb to react the happening.
''Make sure this man never escape from Jail and got punishment for life imprisonment..'' Meera added consoling her best friend, Ishita who is crying bitterly in her arms.
To be continued
Precap: Chahat identity was exposed in front of Khushi.
Can anyone guess how Vasundra had died? How will Arnav come out from this trap.
Please leave your votes and comments. Next update going to be a blast for sure.
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