Clouds Move; I Don't


Koda Pilvi



March 6



Clothing Style:
Koda can be seen in a black coat with tan faux fur trimmings. It's old, and it's nearly guaranteed you could find an exact copy at any thrift store, but he wears it often, no matter the weather. Underneath, he wears a navy blue shirt with the softest material he could buy. A pair of dark denim jeans accompanied the outfit, as well as a pair of beaten, worn in sneakers. They're almost never tied; it's a miracle how he doesn't trip.




Koda knows not to take things for granted. No matter what it is, even small things, he will say thank you and be genuinely grateful for kind acts towards him, any sort of gift, or opportunities handed his way. If he's close enough to you, he'll express it in many different ways, but if you're a stranger, chances are you'll get a shy smile and a polite thank you.

Angels are known to be gentle, loving beings, and Koda is no exception. Although recently he has made efforts to close himself off and pretend as though he doesn't care; that caring and soft nature will always reside within him, it's what makes him such a great guardian angel.

Not much gets past Koda without him knowing. The fact that he's a neat constant presence doesn't help—but, he rarely ever comments on what he sees so most things simply go unaddressed.

Koda likes to stay within his shell, thus he doesn't talk much. He's always naturally been that way: just a little wary to speak and cautious of what he says, so sometimes he just doesn't say anything at all. He'll open up a bit more when comfortable with someone, but, chances are, he'll still be a way better listener than he'll ever be a conversationalist.

When it comes to both himself and others, it can be hard to meet Koda's demands. He'll point out shortcomings and will address issues openly. That being said, he's also hard on himself as well, not just others.

It's not clear why Koda is like this, he /loves/ to argue. Rumors tell of times when he wasn't so argumentative, but no one knows if they're truth or just tales.

Wherever the angel seems to go, an air of sadness seems to follow. It fades sometimes, and between the storms that constantly cloud his mood, brief moments of sun can be seen; but they usually go back to rain pretty quickly.

Koda is a closed off, negative man. He's pessimistic, quick to fight, and altogether weighed down by something much stronger than him. He's sharp tongued, but it can almost be described as 'tough love', as he does care deeply for those he's guarding over. After all, without that strong ability to connect and protect those he's around, he wouldn't be a guardian angel.
He's reserved, and doesn't like to stand out in crowds. He'd rather go completely unnoticed rather than be the center of attention—which is why often times in crowds he'll turn invisible; that way he won't be noticed by as many people.

Caring, protective, strong, intuitive, and quick-thinking

Antisocial, pessimistic, stubborn, harsh, and self-pities

He doodles flowers and dogs in the margins of papers, keep them away from him unless you want fields of daisies and Dalmatians on your to-do lists. He constantly keeps his left shoelace untied, he never bothers to tie it. When he's lying, stretching the truth, or even hiding something, he cracks his knuckles as a nervous reaction.

Honestly, his job takes up a lot of his time. But, when he does have some downtime, he loves playing video games—Donkey Kong, PAC-Man and Centipede in particular. He also LIVES for gardening.

Introvert or Extrovert:
99% Introvert
1% Extrovert


Michigan, USA

Koda had a fairly normal childhood—the winter when he was twenty-one was where it all seemed to go wrong. It was going to be a cold night, an ice storm was blowing in and he had forgotten to lock up shop. He figured as long as he bundled up tightly, it wouldn't be too bad, it was only a fifteen minute bike ride, after all. All he had to do was keep warm up until then. Hurrying and pedaling fast to keep his warmth up in the middle of a blizzard, Koda knew that the bridge into town was icy, but he kept going, until his bike skidded off and he plunged himself into the icy water. He drowned as he couldn't get above the ice after he was submerged.
Though, all wasn't lost for Koda, as after death he found himself...a job? Turns out, people with certain traits after death are offered the opportunity to protect the living, and that's just what Koda did. He was trained, and went off to assist the living. He was paired up with a woman, who's guardian angel had recently decided to step out of his position due to his long-time working and well deserved retirement, and much to Koda's surprise, found himself falling in love with this woman. Most guardian angels choose to keep themselves hidden from their guarded, as it keeps drama to a minimum, but Koda couldn't help it, and he revealed himself to her. After a fifty year relationship, she passed away due to heart problems. He hadn't aged a day, as he was dead, but, he felt as if he had grown with her, and that was the day he swore he was going to never feel happy again.

Serious Relationships?:
Reina Hotaru- (Deceased) Lover



Mental illnesses?:

Losing his memories of his original life, loosing those he loves, getting too close to people

Making sure he distances himself

Pet Peeves?:
When people yell at him or act without thinking


Favorite food:
He's found a taste for salmon!

Least favorite food:
Anything that has ranch dressing

Favorite movie genre:

Least favorite movie genre:
Comedy or Horror

Favorite plant?:
White lilies

Least favorite plant?:
Poison ivy

Favorite animal:
Morning doves

Least favorite animal:

Ideal traits in a partner:
Someone who can pull him out of his shell and teach him it's alright to love again and that he needs to move on. So, preferably someone more upbeat and he might have a slight taste for people who are just a bit on the reckless side.

Deal-breaking traits in a partner:
Anyone just as sad as he is, or someone who never takes risks—it makes his job boring.



Yes, but not often


Guardian angel

He can fly, turn invisible to certain people, and is just slightly quicker than the average human.

Physical Ailments?:

Scenario 1:

Koda felt like he had lost everything. His guarded human had slipped through his grasp because of something he couldn't control, she was gone.
It had been a long three weeks in the angel-realm, but not long enough. A substitute angel had to be sent to observe his newest guarded, a baby boy. And now was time for Koda to go back.
He sat on the bed, shuffling his black wings and smoothing down the inky black feathers, quietly awaiting your return. He knew time flowed differently on earth—twenty one days in the angel-realm was the equivalent of twenty-one earth years. So, he knew what he was going to be looking for: an adult man. Other than that, he was completely in the dark; he had no idea what kind of job the fill-in had done, what the man's appearance was, or even what he was like. Everything was a mystery to him.
He lifted his head as you entered the room, preparing himself to explain the situation. He knew this was going to be odd, after all, no angel ever really showed themselves to their guarded—it would definitely be a shock. So he'd have to just start it with the obvious then: who he was and what he was here for.

"Hello, I'm Koda, and from today forward I'll be your guardian angel."

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