Act 1 part 4
CJ groans as she hears a loud thud sound coming outside her window. CJ sits up as she sees her parrot calling her name. CJ didn't like her parrot sure harriet gave it to her but no one takes her seriously with a parrot named polly on her shoulder. No. No would take her seriously.
Polly: Ahhh Wake up CJ !
CJ throws a blanket over polly
CJ: Quiet bird !
CJ walks over to her window to see a rock being thrown at it.
CJ: You got to be kidding me ! (Opens up the window and a rock comes flying into the room) Hey knock it off !
Mal smirks at CJ as she holds another rock in her hand behind her was a blue hair girl who looks at herself in the mirror, a darker skin boy with long brown hair and a boy with white hair and wearing a black and white outfit who looked nervous. This was Jay, Evie and Carlos. Mal's friends.
CJ: Oh hey Mal, what's up ?
Mal: Get down here kid, we have some stores to hit
CJ: just hang on I'm coming down
CJ grabs the bird cage and then goes over to the window,
CJ: Hey Jay catch ! (drops down the bird cage)
Jay catches the bird cage and holds it up while CJ climbs down from her bedroom and into the outside to join her 'friends'. She smiles at them.
CJ: First thing first, Let's go sell this dumb parrot
Polly: Ahhhh Dumb parrot !
Mal grins as she high fives CJ.
Jay: I know someone who will take it
CJ grins as they walk away from her house, not knowing this was going to get her trouble with her sister.
Glass shatters as rocks our thrown at a large castle that has a lake in front of it. The VKS laugh and howler with glee expect Evie who stares herself in a mirror. Carlos and Jay laugh as they chuck rocks at several windows. Mal smirks as she damages the upper window.
Carols: Hey Mal who's castle is this ?
Mal: (casually) Urusal's castle
CJ: (mutters) Uma is not gonna be happy
Mal aims the rock to a window that breaks to Uma's room. As if this was on cue the big doors open up to revale Uma looking angry when she sees it was Mal who broke her bedroom window. One thing to note about Mal and Uma was they didn't like each other, They hated each other... well it was more hate on Mal's side and Uma distrusted Mal always finding her unpredictable. Not a lot of VKS know this but Mal and Uma were once friends until one day Mal caused some serious harm to Uma which caused the young sea witch to cut ties from Mal and hide her scar which Mal had caused. Uma doesn't like to talk about what Mal had done to her and so very little people know went on between them.
Uma glares at them while Mal smirks evilly at her as she produces a fire ball to taunt her. Jay sees a tired looking and barely dressed Harry Hook who had just woken up. He didn't look angry he just looks annoyed as he gives CJ a raised eyebrow knowing the girl was getting herself into trouble again.
Uma: Alright your out of rocks, Get lost !
Mal: Fine will just go wreak Anthony Termaine's grandma's castle then !
Uma: Just get out of here !
Mal: See you next time Shrimpy (her friends turns around to leave)
CJ follows them but Uma grabs her by the arm, stopping her.
Uma: Kid what are you doing with Mal and her friends again?
CJ: Just having some fun
Harry walks next to CJ, placing his hand on her shoulder.
Harry: It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt, lass
CJ: You don't know what your talking about
Uma: More then you know kiddo, Look Mal is a unpredictable person. You think she's your friend but when she wants cause harm to someone for no reason, she'll go after you when done nothing to deserve it.
CJ: Your just saying that because you don't like Mal !
Harry: She's telling the truth lass
Harry pulls down his sleeve to show a burn scar on his shoulder, showing what Mal did to him a long time ago.
CJ: Mal did that ?
Harry nods solemnly, Uma comforts him.
Uma: She was being merciful to him, me on the other hand....
Uma takes a deep breath, her eyes shifting sadly as she lifts up her shirt to a healing whip scar on her fargail body that was located on her stomach. The sight of the whip scar almost made CJ throw up.
Uma: I didn't do anything to Mal do desver this and the worst part was I was 11.... Mal was only 11. She got a whip one day and wanted to hurt someone, Unfortunately for me I was the closest thing near by so she tied me up and wiped me just to harm me. Things hasn't been the same since.
CJ: No... Mal won't do that to me I'm her apprentice, her friend
Harry: Lass we don't want Mal to hurt you like she's hurt us
Uma: She is daughter of the mistress all evil... She has no heart for friends or family. We are a family CJ and we do anything to protect each other.
CJ: We're villains friends and family shouldn't exist for us, Villians don't protect each other they betray each other, You should know this Uma !
Uma: But that doesn't mean I would betray you or Harry, Even Villains have people they care about. Mal might not have people she cares about but me, Harry and even Harriet do.
Harry: I mean there's a reason me and Harriet are over protective of you
CJ: Your over barring
Harry: But we care about you, Many VK's family can't even say that
Uma: Your a lucky girl CJ, My mother dosne't love me but yours does. Don't take that for granted Kiddo.
Harry: Yeah will be there for you even when you don't want us there
CJ gives a weird look.
CJ: Look I gotta meet up with my friends, I'll see you guys later (begins to walk away but Uma grabs her hand as if she was trying to protect her)
CJ looks at her with a annoyed look.
Uma: Just.... just watch out for Mal, Okay ? She's unpredictable
CJ: Fine! can you let go ?
Uma sighs as she let's go of CJ's hand and the girl runs off, Uma and Harry watching in disappointment.
Uma: You calling Harriet aren't you ?
Harry: Aye
Uma: I gusse Hooks care about the little one
Harry gives a grin.
Harry: Me and Harriet took care of her as a baby, Of course I'm gonna protect her no matter what
Uma can't help but smile as Harry walked into the castle. In some strange way they are a family no matter how dysfunctional they could be.
The VKS run across the darken pavement.
Jay: We really got Uma good !
Carlos: Yeah she looked pretty pissed, right evie ? Evie ?
Evie keeps looking herself in the minor.
Mal: The look on her face as we smashed her window
CJ laughs along with her friend.
???: Calista Jane !
CJ: It's CJ !
CJ turns around to see Harriet holding the birdcage with Polly inside while sporting an annoyed look. Next to her is Sammy Smee looking concerned.
CJ: Oh come on Harriet ! Can't you leave me alone for one day !
Harriet: Of course not ! Were sisters it's my job look after you !
CJ: You mean suffocate me like the bossy sister you are !
Harriet: Stop being over dramatic Calista Jane!
CJ: It's CJ ! Stop calling me Calista Jane in front of my friends !
Harriet: We named you Calista Jane Hook, use it ! That's your name after all!
CJ: No you just calling me that to embarrass me ! Was your little fight with Daddy not good enough for you !
Sammy Smee: Girls please don't talk about it here !
Harriet: You want to start with me little girl ?!
Sammy Smee: Harriet that's not why your here, your here to calm talk with your sister. We have to bring her home.
Harriet: Right.... Calista let's go home I promise me and Daddy won't fight anymore.
Jay: Why do you have to say Daddy like that?
CJ: Bit my ass Harriet I'm not coming home I'm staying with my friends !
Harriet growls because her sister was attacking like a brat.
Sammy: Harriet please....
Harriet: That's it I'm dragging her ass home!
Sammy: Come on don't do it in front of the other VKs. She's growing up...
Harriet: Well she's still a brat !
CJ: And your old!
Harriet growls as she grabs CJ by her the back of her Jacket to pull her in front of her.
Harriet: Alright were going home and your keeping the parrot !
CJ: You suck !
Harriet tries to keep her anger under control as she tries to push CJ forward which was proving difficult because the girl was being stubborn. Mal doesn't like this so she decides to mock Harriet.
Mal: Mother like daughter right Harriet?
Harriet stops in her tracks as she glares at her, hoping she wouldn't say it.
Mal: You do sleep around with with your priate men, just like your mother a worthless prostitute who sleeps around just for money.
Harriet: Shut I'm a pirate and a hook ! I'm nothing like my mother !
Mal: You'll be a hook alright Harriet! A pirate Hooker!
All the Vks brust out laughing at Harriet even CJ laughs at her. Harriet face turns red with anger as she growls, the look on her face looks like she was gonna kill Mal. The last time someone mentioned her hooker of a mother, Harriet killed that person. Yeah Harriet has a surprised kill count.
Sammy sees the look of anger on her face.
Sammy: Harriet.....
Harriet: You know when I had a treator in my crew and they mentioned my mom... they didn't live !
Harriet does the unthinkable and punches Mal square in the face before proccoding to punch and kick her while Mal lays on the ground. CJ, Carlos, Jay and Evie watch in shock but do nothing to stop Harriet. Sammy grabs Harriet by her arm in attempt to stop her knowing how out of control Harriet's anger can be.
Sammy: No don't ! She's the daughter of the mistress of all evil! Not to mention your beating up a minor.
Harriet: The moment she called me that ! All bets are off I don't give a shit that she's the daughter of Maleficent, Someone needs gives this girl a beating !
Sammy: You got her ! See? (points to Mal who's holding her stomach in pain)
Harriet: Yeah Yeah I got her (Kicks her in the face)
Sammy: Stop ! You got her ! high five?
Sammy gives Harriet a high five in attempt to calm her down. But still in raged Harriet does this.
Harriet: Mother ************! (Punches Mal uncouises)
Sammy: (Shock) Maleficent is gonna kill us
Harriet breathes heavily in anger before turning to CJ, grabbing her wrist.
Harriet: We're going Home Calista Jane
CJ pulls away in anger.
CJ: I'm not going anywhere with you ! Not after you hurt my friend !
Harriet: Friend ? Don't make me laugh, lass. Mal isn't your friend she's just using you !
CJ: No you just don't want me to be happy ! That's why you and Harry killed my boyfriend a year ago !
Harriet: There was a reason for that ! But I don't expect you to understand !
CJ: No I understand perfectly you want me to suffact me and don't want me to be in a relationship !
Harriet grabs CJ by the surf of her shirt and lifts her up.
CJ: I hate you ! I don't want any part of my family and especial not you !
Harriet let's out an angry yell as she throws CJ on the floor. CJ goes into a fetal position when she lands on her shoulder on the unforgiving stone floor. Her shoulder fractured. CJ cries out in pain as she holds her shoulder. Harriet could see the blood on the stones. Her eyes widen in shock at what she did. She didn't mean to harm her little sister. Soft sobs comes from her little sisters lips. Seeing CJ cry broke Harriet's heart.
Harriet: Calista..... (Tries to reach a hand for CJ's shoulder)
CJ: (Through her tears) No don't touch me!
Harry and Uma come into the scene looking at the injured girl.
Harry: What did you do to my baby sister !
Harriet (Still in shock) I... I didn't mean too
Harry runs over to her to see CJ's shoulder fractured. Harry picks her up while Uma comforts her.
Uma: Poor thing... (looks at Mal) At least Harriet taught Mal a lesson
CJ: (Through her sobs) Harry ?
Harry: It's okay lass I'm here
CJ: Take me to my mom I'm not living at home any more.
Harry: That makes two of us now. Come on Lass I'll take you to your mom.
Harry and Uma carry CJ to her mother's house to repair her shoulder.
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