Act 1 part 2
Sammy Smee runs to an newer looking pirate ship where an older looking girl leans against the mass as she downs a bottle of rum. Sammy takes a deep breath and runs up to her.
Sammy Smee: Harriet !
The older girl in question about 21 years old ,looks at him with an serious look as she countines to drink. She had dark black hair, white skin and dark green eyes. she wore a red and black pirate outfit, a sword strapped to her side. As Sammy approaches she brings out mock shape hook with an evil glitt her eyes.
Harriet Hook: Sammy I've told you not disturbed me at high noon
Sammy Smee: (Holds up his hands in deference) Look i know but it's about your little sister, CJ
Harriet gives an annoyed look. This isn't the first time her first mate came up to her about CJ and how she pisses off the wrong people with childish pranks.
Harriet: Oh what did the rascal do this time !?
Sammy Smee: Harriet I don't want you to get mad but (Holds up a parrot in a birdcage)
Harriet looks at him angerly.
Harriet: That ungrateful little brat ! (Goes into a rant) I gave her that parrot when she was a baby ! And the worst part is that this isn't the first time she's done this ! She's tried to sell that bird 50 times ! Dose it mean anything to her that I love her and gave her a nice gift! No ! Because she thinks i'm a boss stuck bitch ! Well i am.... I'm a bitch of a sister that puts up with her shit !!!
Sammy Smee: Feel better ?
Harriet: Actacully yes... thanks for hear me rant you know I love CJ she just drives me nuts. I'm mean i wish sometimes she would try to stop selling that bird and appericate that I gave her something special...
Sammy Smee: Actually that's not all she did.... this might be the dumbest thing she did...
Harriet: (Glares at him) Is it so dumb that she pisses off the wrong people again?
Sammy Smee: This might top it....
Harriet: (glares at him) What did she do this time ?
Sammy smee: She vandalized the Maleficent staute
There was a moment of sliences with Harriet's face turning into shock then anger.
Harriet: (Shouts angerly) I'm gonna kill her ! (Raises up her hook)
Sammy: Harriet let's think about this !
Harriet: There's nothing to think about. I'm gonna kill her before Maleficent dose !
Sammy smee: Don't you think we should talk to CJ and why she should not try to piss off the villians?
Harriet: Don't you think I've tried that Sammy? That girl is too stubborn and prideful.... Kinda of reminds me when I was her age.
Sammy: Then you should talk to her face to face. You said you love her, right ?
Harriet: Of course I do, no matter how much she drives me crazy
Sammy: Then we find CJ, Have you two talk and i'll be the imitator... Sound good ?
Harriet: Fine! (drowns more rums)
Sammy: (dispoppinted and concern) Harriet...
Harriet: What ?!
Sammy: Give me the rum (Holds out his hand)
Harriet: You wanna die Sammy ?!
Sammy: No but i don't want you to approach you sister drunk, so hand it over
Harriet: Yeah a little to late for that (Drinks more)
Sammy: So is it worth when you accidental hurt your sister ?
Harriet: (sighs as she hands it over to him) I get drunk fast so this won't help much
Sammy: Just promise me you will go easy on her
Harriet: Fine but not because you asked...
Sammy shacks his head as they head off the ship and towards the line castle area where they look for CJ. However the young pirate girl was waiting for them because earlier she had set up a paint trap for Harriet, knowing she would go this way.
Harriet turn the corner, tripping a wire that causes blue, red and purple paint to fall from above her.
A scream of pure anger is heard throughout the isle of the lost.
Harriet: (off screen) CALISTA JANE !
CJ and her friends round a corner and spots Winnie Sanders and her cousins May and Susan Sanders the Daughters of the Sanderson cousins.
Winnie: Well isn't the youthal looking girl on the Isle.
Chase chesier: Normal people don't say that'
CJ: Listening Sandersondon'ts I don't have time for this...
Winnie: Get her girls !
Lydia Lefou: CJ Ran !
Freddie gives CJ cover so the pirate girl can run to pirates bay to get away from the witches. They chase after CJ leaving her gang behind.
Zevon: I swear that girl is gonna get herself killed one of theses days
Lydia Lefou: (gasps) Don't say that !
Freddie: Come on !
They chase after them to pirates bay.
Inside a darken store at pirates Bay, A 17 year boy with dark brown hair and dark blue eyes sits at the table with his Pirate boys as he drinks a bottle of rum and eats some food.
Pirate boy one: Hey Harry I hear there alot sea witches
Harry Hook: Aye there's a terrible sea witch that's keeping a beautiful girl hostage
Pirate boy 2: What happens if you come face to face with that sea witch ?
Pirate boy 3: Would you rescue the girl ?
Harry grins wickedly as he pulls out his sword as he stands up on the table.
Harry: I'll take my sword and stab the cural Sea Witch and rescue the beautiful girl !
The pirates cheer for him as they laugh with glee. Suddenly there's a scream of anger from outside.
Pirate boy 4: Is that the beautiful girl?
Harry: No worst...
The door swings open to revale Harriet now covered in colored paint, her face dripping in pure anger.
Harry: It's my sister
Harriet: I. am. going. to. kill. her !
Harry drinks more of the rum, not wanting to be part of this.
One of the boys hanging out with Harry, has blond hair and light blue eyes looks at Harriet with a confused look.
Gil: Why are you covered in paint Harriet ?
Harriet looks like she's gonna explode.
Harriet(trying to hold back anger but it comes through) : I'll tell who did this.... a blond hair little Brat named Calista Jane hook who thought it would be funny to drop 15 pounds of color on me. But you wanna know the funny part ?
Gil: Sure
Harriet: She expects to live after pulling this stunt, Well the jokes on her when i see i'm gonna take my sword and stab through her little heart !
Sammy Smee: (Comes into the place) Harriet let's think about this...
Harriet: No i was gonna do it you until the little brat did this, she needs punishing and ohhhhh am I gonna punish her until she regrets the day she was born!
Harry: Well keep me out of it ( drinks more)
Harriet: You encourage her !
Harry: I did not
Harriet: You did, you keep telling "Stand up to biggest villian of them all and piss them off, Sure you maybe a small blond hair and easy traget that they can easily smash but you know don't because you a pirate !"
Harry: Get off your high horse i never said that to her.
Harriet: You said something to her and now she's activly trying challenge villians because she thinks she's the worst of the worst.
Harry: Okay you easily blaming me when dad is probably telling her this ?
Harriet: I know it was you Harry ! and when I'm done with her, I'm gonna...
Harry: You threaten me ? Don't make me laugh sis
Harriet: I'll make you eat those words you little shit!
Harry: (Takes out his sword) Say that to my face !
Harriet: (Takes out her sword) I'm gonna pumble you to the ground !
Sammy: For the love god can you two please not fight each other to the death !
Harriet and Harry: NO!
A 16 year old girl with aqua blue breaded hair, dark blue eyes, dark skin and sporting a nice ocean outfit. She looks at the hook siblings with a emotionless stare having seen them fight before.
16 year old girl: (In a soft voice) Please don't fight in my house, I don't want blood on the floor.
Sammy smee: What do you mean again?
Pirate boy 1: Is that the sea witches daughter ?
Gil: That's Uma
Pirate boy 2: She dosen't look like she's being held hostage
Harry: But she is beautiful
Uma stares at Harriet who was still covered in paint.
Uma: Sister troubles again?
Harriet: Uma i swear this is the last straw that girl is going to learn the hard way, why she should stay in her place and not piss off the bigger villains
Uma: I don't think you'll give the girl a chance, You'll just kill her
Harriet: You damn right !
Uma: Well don't do it here !
Harry: and leave me out of it
Harriet: I'm not through with you dear brother of mine
Harry: Bring it you bitch !
Uma: Not here ! do it outside
Sammy smee: Or not at all !
Gil: Fight fight fight !
But pure luck CJ comes through the door.
CJ: Hey Uma I need some where to hide so i'm crashing at your place. (looks up to see Harriet covered in paint) Oh shit ! (turns around to leave)
Harriet: Hey get back in here !
But as she turns around two of Harriet's men stands in front of her, smirking at her.
CJ: Hi lads!
Harriet: grab her!
The two pirates grab CJ by her arms and drag her towards Harriet who has her hook out. Harriet grabs CJ by the front of her shirt, pulling the pirate girl close to her. Harriet places her hook to CJ's cheek.
CJ: (sheepishly) Hey Harriet you got something on your face
Harriet brings the hook closer and CJ whinces.
Harriet: I'm gonna cut you up into little pieces,you brat! (lifts her up by her shirt)
Sammy: Harriet it was a harmless prank so you know, No need to harm you sister!
Harriet: If you won't let me harm her then what do you think i should do to her !
CJ: Just let me go! I'll have a better time with the sanderson cousins
Harriet: The sanderson cousins are after you again ?! Oh no your better here with your family !
CJ: No i'm not! your insane where the point where you want to seruise harm to me !
Harry: She has a point
Harriet: Shut up Harry!
Sammy: Is there another way of punishing CJ without harming her ?
Cuts to at night where CJ is hanging by her underwear on a archer.
CJ: I hate my sister
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