2 - Welcome Committee

Important Author's Note 

So, I've finally had the motivation to update which is awesome! I've gotten into writing a bit more, as you can tell by my One-Shots. It helped inspire me to update this as I feel bad for not adding more. I really do love this story, I just have a loose plan with it so it's hard to write it. I also got motivated by some people who were asking for updates, so thank you for inspiring me! Not only that, but I noticed how many hits and views I've gotten and I can honestly say that I'm impressed! Not that it represents how many people are fully reading... but still. 

Life has become even crazier if you can believe it, which means updates are just as random. I've just finished my first year of college (yes, I've finally finished the hell that is High School) and even though that means I have more free time, I've been struggling with the story a bit so expect updates to be just as slow. In less then two months, I'll be back being a busy bee in college. My program is quite busy, as I'm in Film Production, which takes up a lot of my time (but I'm happier then I've ever been before, so I can't complain!).  

Oh, also I joined a new fandom! It's The Umbrella Academy, which has now honestly become my second favourite show ever, with Supernatural being #1. Hmm, maybe after this entire series is done, I'll write a one-shot crossover with TUA and this universe. I don't know, just a thought that crossed my mind. Does that interest anyone? 

I've also officially joined the anime community, which has quickly become my life in these times of quarantine. More information on my conversations page as well as my profile. 

I also wanna say that I have seen Descendants 3 now, and I really loved it! I'm sad that the series is over, but this fandom will always have a special place in my heart <3 Also, I can't even begin to express my sadness over the loss of Cameron Boyce. I made a tribute post on my Instagram where I talked about what he meant to me, and I'm thinking I might put it one here. If you want to see it, my Instagram is now officially public. My username is snowflakegrams_05

Anyway, I'll let you get back to the story, sorry for the long authors note! There will be a short one at the end with notes about the story, rather than a life update, so make sure to read those as well. 


*A Few Days Prior* 

"I have gathered you all here today to tell you some very important news," Ben stated to the group of people sitting at the desks in front of him. He had decided to hold this meeting in an empty classroom. 

Mal rolled her eyes, "Yeah, we kinda figured as usually we're not involved in important school stuff" she said while gesturing to Evie, Jay, and Carlos who were sitting by her. Evie beside her, while Carlos sat beside Evie and Jay beside him.   

Ben cleared his throat, "Yes, well, I thought you would like to be informed about this matter and I also hoped that you might be of help." 

"Oh just spit it out Bennyboo, you know you can tell us anything," Audrey said in annoyance as Jane, who sat beside her nodded her head in agreement. 

"I mean, you don't have to be nervous, you know you can tell us anything. Now that I think about it, it does kind of feel like the meeting you had when you brought in the villain kids over from the-" Jane made an 'oh' face as she realized what was happening. 

Ben gave a tight smile before nodding to confirm their suspicions. 

"You're bringing more kids from the Isle!" Mal, Audrey, Jay, Evie, and Doug all yelled at once. Mal with betrayal, Audrey with distaste, Jay with confusion, Evie with excitement, and Doug with curiosity. 

"Huh, did not see that one coming," Doug said in shock. 

Mal looked at Ben with confusion in her eyes, "I thought you would have at least talked to me about this! You know, that's how healthy relationships work and everything, by communicating with each other" she said in annoyance. 

Ben gave her an apologetic smile, "Sorry Mal, its been kind of up in the air as of recently, and lots of stuff has been going on to prepare for it. I only just recently told my parents about it." 

Mal sighed, "It's fine, just don't keep secrets like that from me again." Ben nodded at her, "I won't." 

Evie clapped her hands together in excitement, "Oh! I'm so excited. I wonder who it's going to be. Or wait! Have you chosen yet?" she asked. 

Audrey laid back in her chair and scoffed in disgust, "Ugh, more of you guys. I only just got used to the four of you." 

The VK's looked at her, "I don't know whether to take offence to that or not" Jay said in honest confusion. 

Mal turned to look at Carlos, "You know, you've been awfully quiet their C. Anything you want to tell us?" she asked. 

Carlos looked like he was about to answer, but instead sunk deeper into his chair in guilt. Luckily, Ben was there to rescue him. 

"He was in on it. I came to him for input on who to bring over when I decided I was going to bring more kids." Ben rushed out. 

Mal looked at him offensively, "So you trusted Carlos, but you didn't trust me?" she said in anger. 

Evie cut it, "No offence M, but your not the most trusted person to ask about which kids to come to the Isle considering you just scared everyone off. At least Carlos knew most of the kids. Jay was always too busy stealing and I was stuck in my castle for most of my life." Evie didn't often mention how she was raised, so Mal took the hint that she shouldn't be too bothered by the situation.

The door then burst open and in came a lanky boy with curly hair, in a pink pastel jumper, white jeans, and wearing a pink and white flower crown. "Sorry, I'm late everyone! Niall couldn't find his phone in our dorm room, so we spent the last 20 minutes searching for it only to find out it was in his pants. So, what did I miss?" he asked as he sat down in between Jane and Audrey. 

"It's okay Harry, I was just telling them that we're bringing over more kids from the Isle," Ben said, as he gave Harry a smile. 

Harry smiled brightly, "Really? That's amazing! Who are you bringing over?" he cheerfully asked looking around the room at everyone. 

"We're not sure, Ben hasn't got to that part of the meeting yet," Evie said to Harry in a kind tone, before smiling at him. "Hi Harry," she said as she smiled waved at him. "Hi Evie!" He waved back at her in excitement, with a smile to match. 

"Actually, I've just been wondering what this whole meeting was about in the first place. I mean, if you were just going to say you're bringing more kids, you would have just made an announcement to the school. So, what is this about?" Doug asked in a curious tone. Everyone then turned to look at Ben for an answer. 

Ben cleared his throat, "Well, I have chosen all of you to be the welcome committee for the new VK's!" he said. 

Everyone stared at him in silence, before Harry clapped his hands in joy. "Really? That's so amazing! Thank you, Ben, for choosing me to be a part of this!" 

Ben smiled at him warmly, "You're welcome Harry. That's one of the reasons why I chose you because you're really good with people and always make others feel welcome. Which is why I am putting you in charge of them, to be their tour guide as well as someone they can go to that they can trust." 

Harry's eyes widened, "I'm so honoured you chose me for this role. I won't let you down!" he said cheerfully, before saluting at him. 

"What are the rest of us here for then?" Jay said gesturing to everyone in the room. 

Ben smiled before clapping his hands, grabbing something off of the desk, and handing out sheets to everyone. "Well, almost everything is already prepared. I have already talked to Fairy Godmother, who has set up the same classes she set up for you guys when you first got here. We're not sure how they are going to react, so it's better to be safe than sorry. I also got two new rooms set up for them as well. I'm not going to say who they are, but I will say that it is four males." 

Ben then walked backed to the front of the classroom, "Okay, now onto everyone's roles. Evie, I want you to be in charge of filling their closets with clothes. We'll wait until they arrive for their measurements though." 

Evie smiled at him in joy, "You can count on me! Fashion is my expertise after all." 

Ben then looked at Mal, "I'm going to trust you to decorate the two dorm rooms. Make it feel like home for them. Just some basic stuff, you know? Obviously we'll allow them to personalize their rooms later, but I know how much you hated the preppiness of the rooms when you arrived, so I want to avoid that. And yes, I'm allowing you to use magic for this." 

Mal smirked at him, "This will be fun." 

Ben turned to Jay, "I want you to gather a few people who would be willing to welcome them. We're not doing anything crazy like we did last time considering how all of you reacted. It's going to be more private with all of us, the people you gather, and Fairy Godmother of course." 

Jay smiled at him, "That's gonna be easy. Thanks, dude." 

Ben then turned to look at Jane and Audrey, "You two are going to set up the decorations outside at the front of the school. Just because we're not going all out like last time, does not mean we can't try and impress them." 

Jane smiled at Audrey, "Oh! That will be fun, I think I already have a few ideas. What about you?" Audrey thought about her reply, "Hmm. I think I can come up with some ideas. This will be interesting though. I'll get Chad and some of the tourney members to help set up. Is that okay Bennyboo?" Audrey asked. 

"Oh yeah definitely, the more help we can get, the better," Ben replied. He then walked back to where Carlos was sitting while Audrey and Jane starting writing down some ideas, "Since you are aware of whose coming, I want you to set up all of their electronic stuff. Also, I want you to be there to teach them how to use it. You can go online and choose the colours and once they're set up, put them in their rooms. Does that sound good?" he asked. 

Carlos smiled at him, "Sounds good to me! Would have been nice to have a few more days warning, but I think I can get it done in time for the deadline." 

Everyone turned their heads to stare at Carlos, "Deadline?" Jane asked. Carlos looked at them in confusion, "Yeah, deadline. Their coming in three days you know." 

Everyone's eyes widened, "Oh my god! There's so much to do with so little time. We better get a move on!" Audrey said before everyone else started to get out of their seats in a hurry. 

"WAIT!" Ben yelled out. Everyone reluctantly sat back in their seats and listened. "I'm not done yet, just give me a few minutes and then you can leave, ok?" he asked. Everyone nodded their heads at him. 

"Good," he said before walking over to Doug. "You are going to help me set up anything last second. So after this meeting, I'm going to need you to come to my office and will discuss what needs to be done. You as well Harry, because I need to have a meeting about what you're going to be doing and to help you get organized." 

Ben then looked at the VK's, "I was also hoping that you guys will be there to help the new VK's adjust. Not only that, but I want you to watch out for them and make sure their not getting bullied at all. And let me know if anything goes wrong. " 

Evie smiled at him, "Don't worry, we'll watch out for them. You can count on us!" she said as the rest of the VK's nodded their head in agreement. 

Ben smiled, "Good, any questions?" 

Harry raised his hand, "Yes Harry" Ben called out. "Yes, I was just curious, when's the rest of the school finding out?" he asked. 

The rest of the group looked at him, "Um, as far as I am aware, Fairy Godmother will be making an announcement later today. So actually Jay, I would wait until that announcement before you gather people." 

Jay nodded, "Sounds good to me dude." Everyone then stared at him in anxious silence. 

Ben rolled his eyes, "Okay, now you can leave." 

Audrey and Jane were the first ones to rush out as they had the most to do. Evie walked like the princess she was, calmly following everyone out, with Mal, Jay, and Carlos trailing behind in a lazy manner. Mal and Jay were talking while Carlos was busy on his phone already ordering what he needed. He had been given access to Ben's credit card a while back and knew the king was okay if he used it for this. 

Harry and Doug stayed behind till everyone was out, before following Ben, who was the last one out and already talking to him about his plans. Now that everyone knew what they had to do, it was time to prepare for the arrival of the new VK's! 


Note: We've finally been introduced to one of our new AK's! The wonderful Harry Fitzherbert, Son of Queen Rapunzel and King Eugene Fitzherbert. We also got a mention of Niall, but don't worry, we'll meet him and the rest of the new AK's in the next chapter. For those who have seen the new Descendants movie, I wanna say that Audrey as of now is not evil and jealous, and I'll address that when I write the mini-sequel about D3. I'll probably have her disappear for the sequel to this as well, just like they did in D2 so that it makes sense. I apologize if Carlos seems out of character, when I was writing this I was struggling on how to portray him, and I hope I do a better job in the future! He is supposed to be slightly out of character, but I still want him pretty similar to the original. We'll see how that goes though. 

On another note, I'm sure a few people have noticed but I have officially updated the summary. I have also gone back and fixed any mistakes that I've missed in the past. I'll probably always be doing that as I usually miss at least a few. 


All writing mistakes are my own.

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Bye bye Snowflakes! ❄️       

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