Summer Camp
Hello and happy summer, everyone! In honor of summer, I thought I would write a chapter on the Descendants characters going to a sleepaway summer camp together (to specify, this has no real place in the Descendants timeline, and I have no idea where it is, except that it's somewhere in Auradon). I hope you enjoy!
In the guys' cabin, Jay likes to tell Ben and Gil ghost stories. Lonnie sits outside of their cabin and makes noises on the other side of the window. It gets them EVERY time. Lonnie and Jay do it every night but Ben and Gil still freak out. Carlos and Harry like to sit next to the wall of another room in the cabin (sometimes with popcorn) and laugh at the terrifically bad ghost stories and Ben and Gil's hilarious reactions to them.
In the rule book, it says that they aren't allowed to bring outside food in. Jay threw a fit because he wasn't going to be able to eat a snickers bar for three weeks, so Carlos snuck in three bags of mini snickers and hid them under his bed.
Audrey and Carlos are terrible at all of the sports games they play. Like, seriously so terrible. Lonnie and Jay, on the other hand, are great at them. So the two of them are usually assigned to be team captains.
- One time while picking teams, it got down to just Audrey and Carlos left, so they played rock, paper, scissors to decide who was going to get who. Jay got Audrey, Lonnie got Carlos.
- It was a game of kickball, and when someone rolled the ball to Carlos and he kicked completely over the ball, tripped, and fell on his butt. Audrey kicked it straight into someone's hands because she thought that was the concept of the game.
Uma is really good at the athletic games. Jay and Lonnie end up fighting over who is going to get Uma on their team. She's also crazy competitive so if she ends up on the losing team she will refuse to be with that person the next time they pick teams.
Jay always gets Gil. He's always his first choice. Even when Lonnie has the first pick, she lets him take Gil. Mostly because if she doesn't, everyone is going to have to listen to both of them complain all day about how they didn't get to be teammates.
One time Gil found an injured bunny. He put it in a box and kept it in his cabin for the entire three weeks of camp. He, Ben, and Carlos, with the help of Evie, nursed it back to health and released it on the last day.
Gil has a really bad habit of wandering off and getting stuck in mud, or falling in a hole. Everyone rotates on 24/7 Gil duty so that he doesn't die.
The camp puts on an "American Idol" night where the kids get to pretend to be contestants on the show. Everyone is supposed to participate and the winner gets $50 to spend in the camp snack store. Second place gets $30. Evie and Uma are always in either first or second place EVERY year, and always split the money between all ten of them.
One time Lonnie climbed to the top of the tallest tree in the camp ground. The entire time she was doing it, Evie and Ben were having mini heart attacks because they were afraid she was going to fall.
-Iria decided it looked fun so they climbed up there too and the two of them sat at the top of the tree for about an hour before Evie went and got a camp counselor to force them to come down.
Gil falls in love with a different boy every year at camp but he never talks to him. He just stares at him from afar and talks about how he thinks he might be with whichever of his friends is willing to listen to him (they all take turns with who has to listen to his romantic ramblings).
- One summer, Harry got annoyed at how Gil refused to talk to the guy. So he walked right over to him and told him that Gil thought he was hot. Gil got to live out his "summer romance" dreams and it was really annoying for everyone else because he thought he was Sandy from Grease.
There's an end of camp dance and the girls are supposed to ask the guys, and every single one of them thinks it's cisheteronormative bullshit. Most of the time, they all go together as a group.
But the first time the AKs and the VKs all went to camp together, Lonnie asked Evie, Uma, Audrey, and Iria, and they all escorted her to the dance. Jay asked Carlos, Ben asked Gil and Harry, and everyone spent the entire time dancing with everyone, having fun, and not worrying about relationships.
Ben, Lonnie, and Audrey have been going to this camp since they were little and their pictures are in the dining hall from when they were all seven and had caught huge fish in the lake. EVERY summer they tell the story about the fish. The VKs have the story memorized at this point, but they still let their friends tell it.
The camp counselors gave up on trying to maintain boys' and girls' only cabins like the very first summer they came because all ten of them ended up sleeping in the same cabin no matter what they did.
Ben, Gil, Carlos, Audrey, and Evie sometimes sleep outside in sleeping bags because they can actually see the stars out here. They like to lay under the stars and make up stories about how each star came to existence.
Evie loves nature walks, walking through the woods is one of her favorite aspects of the summer camp. She tries to force people to go with her every chance she gets.
- Most of the time she gets at least Ben, Carlos, Gil, and Audrey to tag along. Ben and Gil genuinely enjoy the nature aspect, Carlos just likes spending time with his best friend (and needs the fresh air), and Audrey comes along just because Evie asks.
- Harry, when he does come (especially without Uma), spends the entire time asking random questions, throwing rocks, trying to chase animals, and generally getting on Evie's nerves. She's pretty okay with the fact that he doesn't come with her all that often.
- Jay and Lonnie are a bit too intense for peaceful nature walks, their thing is hiking. Evie comes along with them sometimes, and they usually have a lot of fun, even though Evie's usually winded by the end of it.
- Iria will mostly spend the whole walk in complete silence, possibly with a few words thrown in here or there. Honestly, the total lack of noise kind of freaked Evie out the one time it was just them.
- Uma mostly tags along to keep an eye on everyone else.
- One time Evie convinced the whole gang to come along, and it was super chaotic but so fun. Evie, Ben, Gil, and Carlos tried to relax and have a nice peaceful nature walk, but those plans didn't really work out... At all. Gil is only chill when he's not around Harry, Jay, or even Lonnie, so of course he joined in on their activities, and the four of them spent the whole time trying to do acrobatic stunts off of trees, parkour off of rocks, and trying to hit targets with small pebbles (one time nearly hitting Audrey in the head. It was a terrifying experience for all involved). Uma spent her time determining the winner of these shenanigans. Iria remained in complete silence except for occasionally shouting out number scores for Jay, Lonnie, Harry, or Gil's stunts. Audrey yelled at them a lot for almost hitting her in the head, and also tried to stop them from getting themselves killed.
Their last day of camp ever, they all sat by a fire and told all of the stories they had from their years at camp. They all cried. It was super melodramatic.
The next summer they became camp counselors but Evie, Ben, and occasionally Carlos and Audrey are the only ones who are good at it. The other six forget they're in charge now and do stupid stuff that gets them in trouble with the camp owners.
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