Shattered Glass: Gil x reader (Lime)

Wow it's been a while, and I also just realized I misleaded you guys in the last part.
The clue answer was 'limon' which is Spanish for lemon... but I was hoping for you guys to connect it with lime, cause you know lemon, lime... But it turns out that I forget that lemon is also a kind of one shot... So from here on now, lemons in this book will go as smut, just so we don't confuse lemons and limes again!
Request by: TheofficialMartinez

Prompt: Gil is completely in love with Uma's cousin, Y/n. Yet he's never talked to her. How will things turn out once his best mate, Harry, calls over the sea witch's daughter over to their table?
"Uma!" You called out in a sing song voice as you walked into the run down restaurant.

"That's my name!" She laughed as it was perfect timing as they all just finished talking *cough*singing*cough*
about the importance of her, so they have to know her name.

Uma walked over to embrace her cousin and catch her up on the plan.

"Look at her mate" Gil sighed, putting his elbow on the table and resting his chin on his hand, "ain't she the most beautiful maiden on this Isle?"

"Who are we starting at, Romeo?" Harry joined Gil at the table looking in your direction.

"The girl who's always walking in here to talk to Uma" he said dreamily and nodded his head towards you.

Harry let out a laugh, "Y/n? Your in love with Y/n, mate?"

"What's so funny, Harry?" He said furrowing his eyebrows and looking at him.

"That" he pointed towards you, "that right there, is Uma's cousin, daughter of Mor-ga-na!" He emphasized the name, "you know, Ursala's sister"

"And? What's that have to do? I want her as my girlfriend" Gil said.

"Not a chance in the world, mate" Harry patted Gil's shoulder, "her mother wants to marry her off to a prince, and you haven't talked to her once on the past 6 weeks that she's been coming here"

"She's so pretty!" Gil's eyes were practically shining with hearts as he ignored Harry's comment, "her hair is always shining! And she was the most beautiful e/c eyes I've ever seen! And--"

Harry gave a loud sigh, "look you wanna go kiss her? Then what are you waiting for? OI Y/N!" He called out and your head turned to the boys.

You saw Gil with him and smiled, your cheeks tinted an extra of rosy red as you walked over to them.

"No, Harry!" Gil tugged down on his bandana as he blushed.

"Hey!" You said with a smile, looking between Harry and Gil.

"Y/n, it's lovely to see you again" Harry said in his thick accent, "I don't believe you've ever been acquaintanced to my best mate here" he put his hands on Gil's shoulders, "I'll leave you two to talk" he said.

You expected him to leave, but he just sat back down.

You looked down at him, he looked up at you with his green eyes, "go on" he waved a hand dismissively.

"I-I'm Gil!"


Gil's breathe hitched in his throat and his heart beat faster as your soft hand shook his own.

He stared at your e/c eyes with a cute smile, "your really pretty"

You blushed and giggled at how straight forward he was, "thanks you"

"And, um well, I-I want to ask--"

"Ooookk, let's speed things along here" Harry said as Gil was still hypnotized with your eyes making you blush even harder, you found it adorable.

"Gil, here," he put his arm around Gil, "would like to take you out on a date tonight, around 7:00?"

You pushed you hair aside "Sounds cool" was all you manged to say as you looked at Gil one last time before turning to leave the restaurant.

"Aha! You heard that mate?" He shook Gil out of his trance, "aw man, her face was redder than a poison apple, I think she's into you, mate!"

"You really think so mate?" Gil asked with excitement.

Harry thought and looked at Gil up and down, "but her mum wants a prince... let's see what I can do in this shitty island"

You waited outside Ursala's Fish n' Chips for Gil to come.

You've been crushing on the adorable pirate for sometime now. Visiting your cousin, Uma, is your excuse you tell your mom so she doesn't know that you're crushing on a pirate.

"High class royalty is what your marrying!" She said, "get yourself a handsome prince just like that, Mal" she said her name in disgust, "and get us off this island! Diamonds and rubies! A kingdom to rule! I could have it all!"

She's the one who wants that life, to be honest, you kind of preferred adventure. And coming to see the pirate crew was your only adventure in this Isle.


You turned to see Gil, looking a bit different.

He wore an outfit that came straight out of Harry Hooks closet, he traded his bandana for a fancy pirate hat, and a big red coat.

"Think your mum would approve?" He said sheepishly, "Harry said she wants a prince"

"Who cares what she thinks" you said taking off the hat and fixing his long hair, "I like the adventurous pirate that you are"

Gil let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in, "really?" He took off the coat leaving him in a more casual sleeveless pirate shirt with lots of dangling seashells, "Harry told me to take you over to the boardwalk but if you like adventure, then hows it we go break some windows instead?" He asked with his adorable smile.

You giggled, "sounds fun!"
Breaking windows was a fun activity for two villian kids like you guys.

You guys made all kinds of outrageous rules for the game like, top windows are worth more points than bottom ones, and the more pieces it shattered the better.

Of course there were angry complaints but you guys just laughed it off and continued throughout the streets.

Glass shattering rang throughout the streets.

"Y/n, check this one out, top window!" He said with a wide smile as he threw a grey rock up to a very high window, shattering it to pieces.

"Nice sho--ah!" You got out of the way as the glass fell down to were you stood.

"Ohmygosh, I'm so sorry I really didn't mean to! Are you ok!?" He said as you stumbled forward and he caught you in his arms.

Oddly enough, you smiled at feeling of his arms wrapped around your body, just holding you close, away from the danger.

×××××3 weeks later×××××××
A loud unsuspend crash was heard outside your window making you jump.

You put your bracelet that you had been weaving in the rickety night stand that you had and walked to the window, opening it.

You popped your head out to see what was the broken.

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!"

You giggled seeing Gil outside your house, a million pieces of broken glass a few feet away from him.

"I'll be right down!" You called out and ran down the stairs and opened the door.

Dating Gil over the past 3 weeks has been the adventure you need I'm your life. After all the walls over to the restaurant before you dated Gil weren't the most adventurous thing there was.

With Gil, there was always fun time.

"Gil!" You laughed as you pulled him inside, "what if my mother was home? She would of chased you all throughout the isle!"

He pulled you in for kiss, "sorry I really wanted to see you!"

"Your lucky she's at the restaurant... but still I would of probably chased after you two!" Your arms hang loose around his neck as he pulled your hips in closer.

He gave you an adorable smile, "you're the best, I love you so much, it's starting to hurt everytime I have to leave" he hugged you tightly.

"Well your here now, you don't have to leave anytime soon" you said parting so you could see his face, "I really love you too, Gil"

He leaned in to connect your lips to give you a passionate kiss, "I wasn't planning on leaving" he murmured and picked you up.

You wrapped your legs around his waist as your lips connected once more for a heated kiss as he began to walk up the stairs that lead to your room...
My very first lime! How did I do? I really hope you like it!

Next update clue:
"I steal souls... were you expecting flowers?"

And it's going to be: um... What was that dogs name again? The one from Harry Potter? The giant one with, ya know, three heads??

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