Chapter #4
A Not So Sweet Release
A faint star flickered as my heart picked up the pace. I hated the dark. It prevented me from seeing the things around me. I hated the things that were in the dark. Evil thrived in the shadows where it could creep up on you before you even felt its presence.
I couldn't see anything other than my glowing heart beat which flashed like a beacon. If I was being followed then it wouldn't be easy to hide. A single star in a world of darkness. The idea made me sick. It felt like a target on my chest.
Swallowing my panic I walked slowly. I was feeling light headed now and I wasn't sure how much longer I would be able to make it before I would pass out.
Now that I thought about it I had no idea where I even was let alone where to find the nurse. I'd never been sick enough or injured to go there.
My breathing gradually got faster and shallower until I was sure I was going to hyperventilate. I felt like I was drowning as the thunder cracked and the lightning flashed over and over again. The glowing from my chest slowed and seemed to dim. I didn't want to think about that would mean, but I couldn't stop myself.
The star was connected to my heart in some way and if it was getting duller than that could only mean one thing. My heart beat was slowing down. I would be out cold and on the floor from blood loss any minute now.
It took a while, but eventually the red emergency lights flickered to life and I heard voices. I hadn't been able to find anyone before, but now I at least knew I wasn't alone. Following the red lights and the voices I managed to find a class.
The teachers were evacuating students and I wasn't close enough for them to see me. What would happen when they saw me? I had blood all over my face and clothes. My skin was surely pale and glistening with a thin layer of sweat. I looked like death itself at this point.
My head spun and I opened my mouth to called for help. Nothing came out as a hand wrapped around my head and covered my mouth.
Someone had been following me! I felt panic raise, but my vision was starting to blur. I pushed against my captor, but I was too weak and disoriented. Before the teach or anyone in the class could see me I was dragged back into the darkness from which I had emerged.
The star on my chest flickered at a dangerously high speed. I kicked out and thrashed as I was dragged backwards. I tried to bite my captor's hand, but whoever it was didn't seem to feel pain. Blood filled my mouth as my teeth split their skin. I tried to spit it out, but the hand blocked my mouth. Soon I found myself drowning in a stranger's blood with my own running into my eyes.
I couldn't breath. I couldn't see. Soon I wouldn't be able to stand.
I left myself go limp suddenly in a hope to thrown off the grip that held me. I'm not sure if whoever it was let me go or if my plan had actually worked, but the next thing I knew I was on the floor spitting up blood.
My movements were sluggish, but I managed to get to my feet and run back towards the class. I couldn't see much, but at the moment that didn't matter. Gasping through tears and blood, I cried out.
"Help!" I gasped as I tripped and slammed into one of the windows. "Someone please!"
A soft laugh sounded behind me and the tears flowed freely down my face. Everyone thought a guy was supposed to be tough, but I was in pain and about to die. I couldn't seem to find any strength or courage inside of me. This was it. I was going to die.
Hail slammed the window as I let myself slide to the floor. I couldn't even find the will to fight. I had nowhere to run. The building had surely been evacuated to the lowest floor by now with the teleportation devices.
Teleportation booths.
I'd always thought that teleporting would be the end of me, yet there I was about to be murdered in my own school. A place that was supposed to be safe.
Thunder cracked outside and I managed to turn my head. The clouds had parted in just a way to make the black hole prominent in the sky. It was like a dark eye waiting eagerly to watch me die.
My star flickered as a steel toed boot slammed into my gut. I crumpled into a fetal position as the kicks continued. My arm went numb with a sharp crack. I tried to cover head, but only succeeded in getting my hands smashed into my face. One of my cheek bones was shattered and my nose broke before the kicks stopped.
I fell out on my stomach in a haze of pain. I couldn't move.
My ears popped as a gunshot rang over my head. It took me a while to realize I hadn't been shot, but the window behind me had shattered.
Rain, hail, and glass blew in on the wind and I felt myself being drawn to the edge. I should have passed out, but I couldn't seem to escape my misery. I knew I was going to die, but some part of me couldn't accept that.
"Please." My voice cracked as I pleaded {pleading that I find pathetic when I think back} with the dark figure above me. "Don't."
I saw the glint of a knife just before I felt it cut across my back. A fire burned through my nerves and I screamed. The knife traced across my skin in what seemed like some strange pattern. I wasn't sure what was happening or why I couldn't just die or at the very least pass out.
I wanted the pain to go away. If that meant I wanted to die than so be it. I just didn't want to hurt anymore.
Finally I felt the pressure for the knife leave my back. If I could have found the strength I would have rolled out the window. I didn't know what the figure would do to me next. I would rather decide the way I die.
I blinked the blood out of my eyes and saw a hook coming towards my face. The barbed metal was going to rip me apart. I couldn't take anymore pain. I just couldn't do it.
I didn't know who was doing this to me. I didn't know why it was happening. All I knew was that I had to make it end. I was going to die one way or another. I could either end it now or wait for it to get more painful. No one could help now. I couldn't even help myself.
It was then that I remembered the diamond dagger strapped to my waist. If only I had thought of it earlier. Maybe I could have saved myself, but it was already too late. Both my hands were broken. I couldn't hold the dagger even if I wanted to.
With a cry of despair I pushed myself with everything I had. I rolled.
The hook sliced through my shoulder, but didn't get a good hold.
I was out the window.
I was in free fall.
The wind blew at my hair and clothes.
The hail smacked me, but nothing would hurt worse than when I hit the ground.
The ground.
It was coming towards me like a dark void ready to embrace me. This was it. This was the end.
I closed my eyes as I made impact.
The little star glowed one last pulse before it flickered for the last time.
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