A Day In Hell

Lukas's POV:

I sighed heavily as I was dragged to an amusement park. It was so hot out. I felt like I was going to melt under the sun. My blonde hair stuck to my neck and my forehead, causing me to get irritated. I remembered back to earlier today on what made me like this..

"Lukas!!!" A Finnish voice chirped.

I turned and saw my friend Tino. I was busy reading on the couch whilst the AC was blasting on high. "Hm?" I hummed.

"Wanna go to the amusement park today???" He asked pleadingly, giving me puppy eyes.

"No." I replied bluntly.

"Awwww! Why nooooot??" He asked with a whine.

I sighed and closed my book. "Because it's too hot out. Plus I know you and Emil will ditch me as soon as you see your boyfriends." I chided.

"It's not our fault you're a loner." He said, pouting.

I heard someone trudge down the stairs, presumably Emil. He walked into the living room. "Did he say yes?" He asked Tino.

Tino pouted and shook his head. "Nope." 

Emil looked at me and gave me puppy dog eyes. "Pleeeaaase big brother!!" He begged.

I tried to tear my eyes away, trying not to give in..... but I failed. "Ugh! Fine!" I grumbled, standing up and stomping up the stairs to change. I heard a couple of 'YES's from the two downstairs.

Which brings us back to now. "Come on Lukas! Don't be so glum! I promise, I'll buy you a raspberry snow cone." Tino promised.

I pouted slightly and nodded. "You better."

He laughed and was about to say something until he saw his boyfriend of three years. Berwald worked in the park as a security personnel. "Ber!!" He chirped and practically tackled the poor man. It's surprising how strong the Finnish male was for his height and weight. He was shorter than me and slightly taller than Emil, but he was in the chubby department. Not fat, just baby cheeks and a slight tummy.

"Ah. Hej Tin'." The Swede greeted, lightly hugging my friend back.

Tino pulled away and looked up at the giant, compared to us anyways, and grinned. "I got Lukas to come!!!" He squealed, pointing to me.

Berwald looked at me and must've noticed my annoyance with the whole idea and shot me a look of sympathy. He nodded to acknowledge me. To which I nodded back. I probably looked horrible. My hair was sticky with sweat, my skin moist, cheeks red from the heat, and all in all I looked like an overheated Hanatamago. I was glad that I chose to wear a navy blue shoulder top with a black tank top underneath, and black capris on that went a little past my thigh but not all the way to my knee, and navy flats. 

I looked over at my brother, he seemed preoccupied on his phone, looking anxious like he wanted to do something but-oh. I sighed heavily and looked at my platinum blonde brother. "It's fine, Em. You can go meet up with Leon." I said.

His eyes widened slightly in surprise but a rare smile broke out onto his lips. He thanked me and started to run off towards the Tilt-A-Whirl. I didn't necessarily hate Leon. I just don't like anyone dating my brother, but Leon was a good kid and treated Emil right.

I looked over to see what Tino wanted to do.... buuuut he up and left me. I sighed in annoyance and saw that he left his wallet on the ground. I smirked. More treats for me. 

I ended up leaving that area and started to walk around the park. It was loud, hot, and crowded. Three words I hate put together in one place. I saw the snow cone stand. FUCK YEAH! SNOW CONES! My eyes sparkled slightly and I brisk walked over to the stand, lightly pushing my way through the sea of people.

I walked up to the stand, but there was a line so I ended up waiting in line. I didn't mind because I loved snow cones. About ten minutes into waiting I hear a loud and pouty sounding groan. "Maaan! I gotta get back to wooorrk! Why is this taking so looong???" He whined. 

I looked back and saw a tall blonde with a red tank top and a name badge on his chest. He worked for the park. He must've saw me staring because he grinned at me. I blinked and looked away, "Sorry." I mumbled, not that I was.

He laughed. "No worries! Watch'cha gettin'? I'm getting cherry!" He asked/proclaimed.

My cold blue icy eyes stared at him. "Really? I was hoping you would purchase a dictionary." I retorted.

He didn't seem to understand for a second but then chuckled. "Heheh! You're funny!" He chided. Funny? I wasn't trying to be. "What's your name? I'm Matthias." He said with a friendly smile.

Eh. This guy was annoying.. but he didn't seem bad. "Lukas." I said plainly.

"Lukas? Nice name for someone as cute as you." He said with a wink.

My cheeks burned a bright red, and not from the heat. "Stupid." I mumbled, quickly looking away.

He laughed and lightly shoved me forward. "Your turn." He said, pointing to the cashier.

I blushed out of embarrassment for not noticing and I back kicked his shin, ordering my treat. "Blue raspberry please.." I said, reaching into Tino's wallet.

Before I could hand the lady the money, Matthias tossed her a five dollar bill. "I'll pay for ice princess here! Keep the change!" He said with a grin.

I glared at him but sighed softly. I took the icy dessert and walked out of line, I don't know why but I paused for a moment, waiting for Matthias to get his. "Aww! You waited for me!!" He mused.

I kicked him again. "Don't let your ego inflate. I was only going to say thank you and that's all. Have a good day." I said, beginning to walk away.

He lightly grabbed my shoulder. "Hey wait! Wanna hang out for a bit?" He asked, a smile on his face.

I bit my lip in thought before seeing his childish expression. I let out a breath and took a bite of my snow cone before shrugging a yes.

The blonde grinned, his azure eyes sparkling in delight. "So! Where do ya want to go?" He asked, taking a big bite of his cherry snow cone, wincing at the coldness.

I shrugged. "I don't care." I said bluntly, taking another small bite. 

He nodded. "Well.. want to walk around for a bit? This place is huge." He commented.

I nodded. "Sounds good." I said softly.


We started to walk around the park. Mostly the food stands and vendors. We were just getting around to the games. "How much you got? I have about thirty, forty, give or take." He asked me with a shrug.

I opened Tino's wallet and counted. "About one hundred, but since this is my friend's I should only spend a little." I replied to him.

"Ah. Who's wallet?" He asked curiously.

"Tino, my friend. He's dating a security guard here. Berwald." I told him, already feeling comfortable with his annoying and childish presence,

Matthias stopped in his tracks and gaped at me. "I know Berwald! He's my roommate!" He declared with a laugh. "I met Tino before, he makes amazing cookies." He commented.

I nodded. "Wow. Small world." I said.

He nodded in agreement. "So, my dear Lukas, which game first?" He asked me.

I blushed slightly at the 'dear' part but forced my cheeks to cool down. "I dunno. Ring toss?" I said unsure.

He nodded. "Sounds great!!" He chirped.

The taller male lightly took my hand into his and gently pulled me to the stand. He said hi to the worker, I guess they knew each other by the looks of it. I guess I was spacing out because all of a sudden I saw ten rings in his right hand and ten in his left. He handed me the rings in his right hand before turning to the game.

I wasn't very good at it. I only got around three rings around the Pepsi bottles. I looked over at the stupid Dane and my eyes widened in slight shock and awe. He managed to get all of them around the inner bottles. The worker seemed slightly irritated about it but let Matthias choose his prize. He ended up choosing a GIANT blue and purple raccoon. He smiled at me and held it out. "For you!" He chirped with a smile on his face.

I blushed slightly and shyly hid my face in the fake fur. "Thank you...." I said quietly. 

He chuckled and gently ruffled my hair. "It was no problem! I'm glad to spoil someone as cute as you!" He mused.

I turned red. "You think I'm cute?" I asked awkwardly. Awkward for me anyways, I was always so nervous when it came to people liking me. Wait. Did he like me? Ugh! Stupid internal monologue.

He nodded. "Yep! Very cute! I'm surprised you don't have a boyfriend!" He said with a grin.

I smirked. "How do you know that I don't?" I asked tauntingly.

He chuckled. "Because every time Tino comes over, he always complains about how one of his roommates doesn't have a boyfriend even though he's adorable." He replied with his own smirk.

I pouted. "Oh."

He laughed. "Hey, since we mostly just walked around, ate, and played games.. wanna go ride some rides?" He asked.

I felt kinda bad. I hadn't really thought that he would want to ride rides. The thing was... I was terrified of super fast rides, but I could handle that, what I can't handle though... are heights.. I have never rode a Ferris wheel in my life because of it. I nodded. "Sure..." I agreed quietly.

He grinned and lightly tugged me down the asphalt paths. We soon arrived at a small building. I looked at him, confusion on my features. "So we can put our stuff down." He answered before I even spoke. I nodded and handed him my stuff which consisted of the giant raccoon, Tino's wallet, cotton candy bags, and a half eaten candied apple which I would enjoy later.

After we put our stuff away he took my hand in his. I saw him blushing, he looked like he was wondering if it was a good idea. The thing was.... I didn't mind. I slowly interlaced our fingers, not looking at him. I could practically feel the rays from his grin though.

We soon arrived at a roller coaster called the SkyLiner (it's an awesome rollercoaster in Lakemont... where I live hahaha) It was made of wood, not metal, and it creaked a lot. I felt slightly nervous as I saw the structure shake from the fast car. 

"It's okay Norgie. I rode this ride many times before. It's safe." He assured.

I nodded, trying to believe in him.


About twenty minutes or so later, we finally made it to the front of the line. He lead me to the middle and told me it was the least scariest spot. I nodded, feeling thankful I had him with me. We sat in our seats and buckled up, pulling the black bar down across our laps. 

We heard the announcer guy tell us to be safe and ladda ladda. The ride soon started. We were going up a hill, a big on. I scooted a teeny bit closer to Matthias, not wanting to make it seem obvious that I was scared,

After we made it to the top we went on a turn and then all of a sudden we went down a 100 or so drop down the hill. I almost flew out of my seat. I latched onto Matthias, whom was yelling in excitement. This went on for another minute or so until we went down a larger hill. "OH MY HOLY HELL BUTTER BALLS!!!" I screeched as I practically clung to Matthias.

He started laughing, I thought he was laughing at the ride but it was most likely because it was an interesting sight to see me scream and yell stupid stuff like that.


The ride ended about two minutes later. We stumbled off, my hair was super messy. Matthias laughed and started to fix my hair. "Heh. I didn't know you were a screamer." He teased.

"In what way?" I asked teasingly, shooting him a playful wink.

He turned red and instantly facepalmed. "I did not mean it that way." He defended.

I laughed. Like actually laughed. Give this man an award. He smiled at me... but this smile seemed different somehow.. Not like an evil smile or a smile that's hiding something. But a smile that is... loving. I blushed at the thought and slapped my hands to my cheeks to cool them down.

He chuckled and we continued to walk around, riding a lot of the roller coasters and rides.


"Wanna share some cotton candy? I'm too lazy to walk all the way back." He asked with a groan, pointing to the candy stand.

I nodded. "Sure. I could use some." I said.

We walked to the stand and ordered a large cotton candy on a stick. He held the stick as I picked off small pieces.

He was telling me jokes until I heard an "OH MY GOD!!!" from a voice I knew all too well. We looked behind us and saw a squealing Tino. "Are you two together???" He asked excitedly.

I turned a slight red and quickly looked away, shaking my head. "Nah. We're just hanging out." Matthias told him.

Tino pouted and crossed his arms. "You don't look like it. You look like you're on a date." He pointed out.

"Ahahaha! Really? Oh well!" Matthias said with a laugh.

I took a bite of the cotton candy to hide my small smile. Tino always noticed everything. He always had.

"OKay, well Ber and I are gonna head to you and his house. Can you give Lukas a ride home?" Tino asked Matthias.

"Yeah, but if I find out you two did anything on the couch, I swear to god." He said.

Tino punched Matthias in the arm before pulling Berwald away.

I smirked. "You deserved that." I commented.

"Did not!" He defended with a laugh.


We started to walk around a few more times. It was getting dark. "The firework show is gonna start soon, wanna get a spot?" He asked me.

I shrugged and nodded. "Sounds fine." I said to him. We saw Emil and Leon a few moments ago. They were walking away from the game stands. Emil's arms were full of colorful stuffed animals. His face was red in embarrassment that his boyfriend got him all those things. It was cute.

"Oh wait! I have an awesome idea!" Before I could ask what it was, he suggested something that made me freeze in my tracks. "Let's ride the Ferris wheel!"

I shook my head warily. "No thanks... lets just get a spot on a hill or something." I suggested.

"But Norgieee! There's finally no line!" He whined, pointing to the lineless ride.

I stared at his puppy dog eyes, I couldn't refuse. His got me weak in the knees... I think I.... like him.. I blushed and smiled slightly at the sudden realization. He didn't see my smile and was awaiting my answer with a pout. I sighed heavily and nodded. "Fine."

He grinned and pulled me to the ride. My heart was thumping heavily in my chest, a ringing in my ears. We got on the ride, the lights lighting up our bodies in colorful light. We started to move and I got closer to Matthias, squeezing my eyes shut. 

"Norgie? You okay?" He asked worriedly.

I couldn't lie to him, yet I couldn't speak. I went with the easy route and just shook my head no.

His mouth made an 'o' before he gasped. "Are you afraid of heights?" He asked warily. When I nodded he hugged me tightly. "I am so sorry! I shouldn't have forced you!!" He apologized.

I looked up at him, my lip quivering, eyes shimmering. "I-It's fine.." I stuttered. Whoo. So convincing.

He frowned and the the most terrifying thing happened... the ride stopped! We were literately stuck at the top! How cliche!!???

I started to breath heavily and freak out. He started to rub my back. "Shh.. shh... look at me..." He said softly. I hesitantly looked up at him, our faces only centimeters apart. "It'll be okay... I have something for you." He said.

"What is it...?" I asked, trying to steady my breathing. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver cross hair piece. I stared at it in awe. "When did you-"

"When you went off to tease your brother." He cut me off  with a grin. He reached up and pushed my fringe on the left side behind my ear before sliding on the cross. He pointed to the ceiling of the small car thing we were in. The roof was see through so we could see the sky. I stared up at the sky in awe, a small smile on my face.

He gently grabbed my chin, making me look at him. I rose a brow curiously as he stared into my eyes. I ended up doing the same and we were lost in each other's eyes, not realizing we were getting closer to each other. After an agonizing two minutes, I grabbed his face and smashed our lips together. His eyes widened in shock, but then he calmed down and kissed me back. He looped his arms around my waist, pulling me onto his lap. Just as we kissed, the fireworks went off. My heart felt like it was going to burst! My cheeks were a lovely shade of red, tilting my head and making the kiss deeper.

After a while we finally pulled apart. "Is it too soon to say I love you?" Matthias asked breathily, a grin on his face.

I shyly bit my lip and shook my head. I leaned my face into his chest. "No..  it's not.." I said, a smile growing onto my pale features.

I felt him hug me close, letting out a sigh in relief. "Well then.. I love you Lukas." He said softly.

"I love you too.."

"Good, now that we got that out of the way. I gotta confess to something." He said meekly.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"Weeelll.. I didn't realize that you were scared of the Ferris wheel, so I kinda asked the guy to pretend we were stuck and make us stop at the top so we could watch the fireworks... heh.." He said sheepishly.

It took a few moments to process that. I sweatdropped and punched his arm. "Idiot. That was sweet. But you're an idiot." I said, smiling at him.

He grinned and kissed me again. "I love you."

After that, I wasn't terrified of heights.

JUst kidding! I'm still fucking terrified of heights! I'm not pulling that lame cliche shiz. But I do have to say, "I love you too.."

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