5: Crisis At The Heart
I woke up when I turned around and my hand found an empty and cold spot on the mattress. I sighed. I knew this wasn't our home, our room, our bed, that he wouldn't be there for obvious reasons but still, it was odd not to find Anakin asleep or awake next to me.
I breathed in sharply and sat up. Only a moment later, I got out of bed feeling less tired than yesterday but exhausted still, my chest felt heavy. I walked out the bedroom and found Padmé already dressed up and having breakfast with Dormé and Typho.
"Morning." They said as I rubbed my eye and approached them.
"Hi." I greeted back as I sat beside Padmé. "You shouldn't have let me oversleep." She shrugged.
"I figured that's the least I could do after what you've done for me." I smiled and the chef droid placed the plate of breakfast and a cup of coffee in front of me.
"Thank you." He walked away after giving me a head nod.
"I had Typho get Dormé to you apartment and bring you some of your clothes." I frowned.
"Thanks. Although I thought I'd be going with you." She shook her head as I took a bite of my food.
"You've done enough for me disguised as me, I'll take over from here. Plus, only Senator Lawise and I will be allowed in the chambers for both Republic and Separatist sides to be equally informed of the decision of the banks and the transactions that are made. No other forces will be allowed in and that certainly includes the Jedi." She took a sip of her coffee. "Not even Dormé or Typho are coming along." I blinked.
"I suppose neither of you are very thrilled about that." I asked both the handmaiden and the Captain, both exchanged looks and sighed. "That's enough answer." Dormé chuckled. "But you're not going alone, are you?"
"No, the Chancellor asked Commander Thorn to accompany me." I nodded. "I have to go." She stood up, as well as the rest of the team. "Could you lock the door on your way out?"
"Sure." She kissed my forehead and handed over the keys of Sola's place. "Hey, contact me if anything happens."
"Nothing will happen."
"Yeah, right."
"Padmé, the three of us could've died and we thought nothing would happen. If you have any sense there could be trouble, contact me. It's an order, Senator." She chuckled and her team smiled.
"You're such a busy person, General."
"It's literally my job." She smiled. "Take care, love you."
"Love you too, little sister." With that, the three of them walked out and I was left alone. I finished my breakfast at a steady pace, drank my coffee, and proceeded to get dressed. Dormé brought me a black sleeve and backless turtleneck, my gloves, the armour of said loves, black trousers and black boots. I clipped my belt around my hips once I had tied the shoelaces of my boots and braided my hair. I placed the nightgown into the closet, turned off the droid, and walked out of the apartment, locking the door before walking away.
I made my way to the Temple. There I asked if Master Billaba, therefore Cal, had come back from Kashyyyk to learn that they were still over there, so I decided to train by myself. I fought against the Temple's guards and defeated three of them quickly, the fourth guy gave me quite a tough battle, but I defeated him eventually. After thanking them and continue exercising for a while, I decided to take a shower.
I got to my quarters and took said shower, it was a long shower. It's crazy how you enjoy being under the warm water and how much your mind can go blank for you to relax, specially when you're sad. I closed the water once I was finished and stepped out, grabbing a towel to dry my skin. I dried my hair and proceeded to walk towards the closet.
I opened the wooden doors and found Jedi robes, my version of them. I took the dark brown trousers, the light brown vest and put it on, then, I took the dark brown top vest and placed it on. The fabric fell in the shape of an x over my chest and fell down my back evenly. It felt weird not to have my back exposed for once. I clipped the dark leathered belt around my waist and clipped the lightsabers on each side.
I walked out of the room as I adjusted the gloves all the way up to my elbows and made sure the armour with the Wolfpack symbol was well placed over my forearms. I let my hair loose to dry naturally as I walked towards the Courtyard, there, I found Anakin by the tree. He was sitting there with a data-pad in hand, eating an apple. His eyes met mine as I approached the tree as well. We'd come here to study together, read, or hang out away from the noise back in the day.
"Hey." He said.
"Hi." I said as I sat down beside him.
"I thought you'd go to Scipio."
"I thought so, too, but I stayed." He nodded. "What are you reading?"
"A mission report." I nodded. "So...your mission is over?" I looked at him.
"I guess you could say so." His turn to nod. "I...missed you." I saw how he looked at me from the corner of my eye. I scoffed. "I hadn't realised how much I need you by my side to fall asleep." My hand was playing with a leaf that had fallen from the tree, his own hand moved slowly to grab the leaf too, our fingertips brushing.
"I missed you, too." I looked at him and he smiled. "I really am sorry. I know I made serious damage this time, I sensed it."
"Sensed what?"
"The heartbreak in your heart." I blinked.
"Didn't know we were that connected." He chuckled and I smiled. I looked at the leaf, his hand found my chin and lifted my face. He seemed to remember where we were and pulled away quickly to look around and make sure no one had seen him.
"I do trust you, with my life."
"In the battlefield, perhaps, but you didn't show it here. I need you to trust me everywhere, all the time."
"I know, I will. I do." He sighed. "I don't want to lose the best thing that's ever been mine." I smiled at him and blushed.
"You're an idiot."
"I'm your idiot. Forever. 'Cause we're married." I laughed as he whispered the last part.
"I could kiss you." He arched an eyebrow. "Pity we're in such an open area."
"Well, your quarters aren't an open area." I knew why he suggested my room, Obi-Wan never knocks on his door, but he does knock on mine.
"Meet me there in ten?"
"Sure." I got up and left towards my quarters. I got inside and waited by the door. Eight minutes later, there was a knock and the door slid open, revealing Anakin, who looked everywhere down the hall to make sure no one could see him getting in.
I pulled him inside by the robes and threw my arms around his neck to kiss him passionately. The door whooshed closed and he locked it behind him, then, his hands found my waist as I pressed his back against the door and my chest against his.
"A bit desperate, aren't we?" I chuckled at his words as he unbuckled my belt and let it fall to the ground.
"Says the one who got here two minutes early and is already undressing me." He scoffed.
"Hi." I smiled against his lips.
"Hi." I unbuckled his belt as he made us walk towards the bed. I took off his robes and he took off mine. I removed my boots as he found protection on a small pocket of his belt. I laughed. He turned around and placed himself on top of me, and kissed me as his hands were placed on my skin. I broke the kiss. "The gloves, soldier." He chuckled and removed the gloves quickly with his teeth. Then he started to kiss me again.
I could get drunk with his touch, his kiss, and the way he makes me feel good inside and out. When his hand was gripping my shoulder, my waist, my jaw, when his fingers intertwined with my own, I felt like I belonged. Like we clicked perfectly. My heart felt whole.
My fingers were tangled in his curly hair, just like his were on mine. Our lips still glued together.
"Mine." He whispers as he moves to kiss my neck.
"Yours." I breathe as my head moves back with pleasure to give him more access.
"I love you." He says as he looked into my eyes.
"I love you, too." My hand found his cheek and caressed his skin. He kissed my palm and then my lips again.
Suddenly, minutes turned into hours in which we were tangled in the light brown coloured bedsheets. The sunlight that came in through the blinds of the window created shadows I played with on his bare chest. He smiled as his robotic hand traced lines across my back. I looked up at him and he kissed my forehead, I smiled too.
"Promise me we'll never fight like that again." I whispered as I looked at the window.
"I promise." Another kiss fell on the crown of my head. I looked up again and moved to sit on his lap, his hands on my bare hips.
"You're my one and only, my life line." He moved a curly lock behind my ear. "And I will always be yours." He smiled and nodded. "We'll survive this, and we'll be alright."
"I know." He sat properly and brought me closer to him, my arms around his neck. "We'll survive this stupid war, and we'll live the life we want by the lakes." He repeated our dream out loud, as if that could make it come true in the snap of a finger. I nodded and kissed him tenderly. It was a promise, an oath, a vow. I got lost under his touch again.
The sudden beep of my disk —the one I use when I'm undercover as Padmé and gives me notifications about the Senate— snapped me out of the peaceful trance I was in. I groaned as I broke the kiss while Anakin sighed, and I moved away from him to grab the disk. It was a message, when I clicked the device, the banner of an emergency meeting being called appeared before us.
"Emergency meeting?" He asked.
"Apparently." I got out of bed, rushed to the bathroom, and out to the bedroom again to start getting dressed again. "I'll walk out first." He got up and started throwing his clothes on as well.
"Meet you at the hangar?"
"Sure." I took my belt and clipped around my waist. I unlocked the door and walked out just to make my way towards the hangar. In about five minutes he joined me and we hopped on a yellow speeder that he drove towards the Senate. I braided three sections of my hair, the ones closer to my ears were tied into two separate buns on the back of my head to accompany the braid.
Once inside, we got to the room where all the Senators were gathered and heard them whisper about why were they called in. A minute later, Masters Windu and Yoda showed up, I moved to stand next to Anakin for them to be on the opposite side. I reclined my body against the wall, just like Skywalker did, and the Chancellor's platform rose from the ground. He then exposed the situation and the 'emergency' label that was given to this meeting made sense.
Apparently, Padmé had informed the Chancellor all the way from Scipio that Rush Clovis said it was essential that interest rates on loans to the Republic were raised immediately. And that was that. A terrible first choice as Leader of the Banks that caused outrage around the Senate. Some senators yelled that they had warned the rest this would happen, that once a traitor, always a traitor.
"And what of the Separatists?" Asked the Senator of Mon Calamari.
"From the little information Senator Amidala has been able to establish, there will be no raise on their current loan." Explained Palpatine. The room roared with disapproval and disagreement everywhere.
"I knew from the beginning that Clovis would do this." Said someone to our right.
"Hm, correct you might have been about Clovis." Said Master Yoda looking at Anakin. He nodded.
"It's incredibly foolish for him to make a move like this so early." Said Windu. "He will turn the whole Republic against him."
"Not clear to us are his objectives."
"This doesn't make any sense." I spoke and the three of them looked at me. "When I was undercover, he seemed genuine about his intentions, he wanted to make things right and keep the banks neutral." I shook my head.
"Something's wrong." Anakin spoke my thoughts and I nodded.
"I would like to call for restraint and allow us time to analyse the situation." Palpatine's voice called our attention.
The crowd was dismissed and we walked out onto the hallway. As we walked, my own communication disk started to beep, I answered the call and it revealed a concerned looking Senator.
"Senator Amidala." I said. "Are you alright?"
"General Naberrie, I need your help." The four of us stopped waking. "Our garrison has been attacked by the Separatists and it appears they are staging an invasion of Scipio!" I could hear blaster fire in the distance.
"An invasion?" Asked Windu. "What do they hope to achieve?"
"With this news, the Senate will vote to attack Scipio." I thought out loud. "You need to get off world immediately."
"I can't."
"What do you mean you can't?" Asked Anakin.
"All the ships have been shot down, Generals, I'm afraid I'm trapped." We heard the door being shot down. The Senator gasped, turned around and a comando droid appeared behind her. "No!" He took a hold of her and my heartbeat increased. "Let go of me! Help!" The transmission ended.
"I need to help her." I said as I kept the disk in my pocket.
"I'll go with you." Said Anakin and we started to walk away.
"Skywalker, a second, before you go?" Asked Master Yoda and we stopped on our tracks to turn around and look at him.
"Sure, Master." I looked at Anakin and our eyes met. We nodded at each other.
"Inform the Chancellor about this, tell him to invoke another emergency meeting immediately, please." I asked Windu, who nodded. I walked away from the scene but stayed close enough as to be able to hear.
"Great emotions you will find on Scipio? will you not?" Asked Yoda.
"We are worried for Senator Amidala, after all, she's a dear friend and...family." He said. "I'm afraid we may be too late." I gulped.
"Correct you were about Clovis, but let go of your selfishness you must if you are to see clearly. Not all is as it seems."
"I understand, Master." With that, the conversation ended and he turned around to meet with me.
We walked a few meters and then we started to run until we got to the speeder we had come on back to the hangar of the Temple. On our way there, I contacted Wolffe and Rex, asking them to have the battalions ready for take off. They said they'd bring extra help and, in all honesty, we'll need it if we are to face Separatist forces invading a system. I told Anakin my plan to get to the ground and he said he'd follow my lead. When we arrived at the hangar, both of us got to our respective cruisers and made our way to Scipio.
"Admiral, communicate me with everyone in this ship." He opened up the Triumphant's channel in a second.
"You're through, General."
"Thank you. Listen up, 104th." I called and every man in the room payed attention to me, and I assumed the ones that weren't here were listening to my voice through the speakers in every corner of this ship. "When we get to Scipio, we'll find a Separatist fleet blockading the planet and awaiting for our arrival, how big it could be, I have no idea, but we'll face those clankers alongside Skywalker's battalion. Wolfpack, I need you to have three gunships ready and loaded, Light Squad, you'll handle the air strike alongside the Shadow Squad, General Skywalker and I won't be with you because we're getting to the ground; cover our backs from those nasty droids as we get down there. The rest of you, gentlemen, will handle the force here. I want those ships tore down to debris by the time I get off world and every single one of this ships and it's tripulantes safe and sound. This will be a tough battle, but we'll rescue Senator Amidala, secure the planet and the banks."
"For the Republic!" Yelled Wolffe and soon all his brothers started chanting the same thing.
"For the Republic." I repeated. "May the Force be with us."
When we jumped out of hyperspace, I got to the gunships with Wolffe and Sinker. The gunships were ready as I had asked, when we got inside, Admiral Coburn opened the gates of the cruiser and we got out. I looked at my Commander. "Wolffe, have you gotten a fix on Senator Amidala's position?" I asked.
"We'll have a better lock once we get near the city, but initial scans suggest she's still alive, ma'am." A breath of relief I hadn't realised I was holding escaped my lips.
"That's good." I clicked my comlink. "Warthog, patch me through with Skywalker."
"Yes, sir." In a second Anakin's hologram appeared beside me.
"Thank you." I looked at Ani. "Once we're on the ground we're gonna need air support, I've spoken to Corvis and he's already handling that."
"Hawk says the boys are ready to fly, too." I nodded. "What's the plan?"
"The Light and Shadow Squads handle the air strike as we get to the ground, once on the surface, we fight the droid army until we manage to get past the city gates. Once there, we look for Padmé, Wolffe is pinning her position."
"Do you have an initial guess where she could be?"
"The Chambers, most likely. It's the safest place besides the vault."
"Ma'am." Wolffe called me. "We've entered the planet's atmosphere and are closing in the city. Senator Amidala doesn't appear to be in the Chambers but above them."
"Above?" Anakin and I asked at the unison.
"There seems to be a small building on top." I sighed.
"Alright, we'll worry about finding that building later, right now, we'll worry about what we encounter the second we're on the landing zone." I said and a transmission from the Triumphant came in. "Admiral, how's it going up there?"
"Oddly, ma'am. It appears the Separatist feet is on full retreat." I frowned at Coburn's words.
"They left, ma'am. Their ships just jumped into hyperspace." I looked at Anakin.
"Surely Yularen already knows, but I'll inform him and have the boys return to the cruiser to get ready for anything. This seems sketchy."
"I know. This situation stops having sense by the minute." I looked at Coburn. "Thank you, have our troops return to the hangar as well, I'll let you know if we need assistance on the ground, Admiral."
"Roger that, General." The holograms disappeared.
"General." Warthog called me. "We're closing in the city gates."
"Alright, everybody, get ready." I said and took my lightsabers from my belt. The gunship landed rough but softly and the gates opened. I stepped out and turned on my lightsabers to deflected blasts back towards the droids that were blocking our way. I pushed one away with the Force as Anakin cut one by the half as he approached my side.
"Why are these guys still here if the Separatists fled?" He asked.
"No clue. There aren't as many as I thought." We took cover behind some destroyed droids. "Wolffe, Rex, hold the droid forces here. Anakin and I are gonna push on and get Padmé."
"Copy that, General." Both Clones said at the same time and Skywalker and I started running towards the open city gates destroying droids as we ran.
We got to the Chambers and they were alone, empty and the screens destroyed. I guided us to the back towards the vault and found nothing again. I groaned annoyed.
"Hey, over here." Anakin called. Behind a fake wall was a door. "It's an elevator." We hopped inside and I pressed the last button. I chewed my lower lip as I held my lightsabers tightly in my fists. "Left or right?"
"Left or right? There are always droids to the left and to the right, I just wanna know which ones you'd like to destroy so I can handle the other ones." I smiled as he tried to make me feel slightly less tense, which I thanked.
"Right." He nodded. "I get extra points if I destroy a comando droid." He scoffed.
"You're on, Naberrie." We arrived in two minutes, the glass doors let us see that, to the right, was a comando droid and to the left a conventional droid, both holding Padmé while Clovis was in front of them. "Fuck you." I scoffed.
"You already did." The doors opened for us and we turned on our lightsabers. I jumped and cut the head of the comando droid and then it's arm, allowing Padmé to get away from its grip. Meanwhile, Anakin stabbed the yellow droid. I heard Padmé's gasp and my attention snapped towards her, my eyes found her figure being held by Clovis, his arm around her neck and a small blaster aiming at her head.
"Whoa, hold it there, Clovis." I said slowly and turned my lightsabers off. He blinked a few times in my direction.
"You're the sister, I assume." He said.
"General Allana Naberrie, pleasure to properly meet you." He scoffed.
"You've deceived me again!" He yelled looking at Padmé.
"Trust me, buddy, she didn't want to. It was my call, to keep her safe."
"Tell me, was it you or her last time?"
"It was me." I answered with honesty. "The Chancellor asked me to work with you, you took me to the Opera, and it was me the one who got into that vault and was arrested. It's a good thing that won't be on my personal record, though." He groaned and I gave a step forward, just like Anakin.
"It's over, Clovis." Said Skywalker.
"Stay away from me!"
"Alright, alright, calm down." I said. Anakin's lightsaber was still on, this made him anxious. He started walking in circles, us walking as his mirror.
"I didn't do anything wrong, you have to believe me!"
"You don't want to do this." Said Anakin.
"You've all been deceived!"
"Yeah, by you."
"No! By Dooku!" He pressed the blaster against Padmé's head and she closed her eyes. "I'm not the villain here! Tell them, Padmé."
"Let me go, Clovis!" She said.
"Okay, listen, how about you let her go and explain everything to us? We'll talk to the Chancellor about this and you'll have a fair trial." I said calmly. "Clovis, I know you meant well, I know you didn't plan this, and I know you don't want to hurt my sister. Please...let her go." He slowly released Padmé and I stepped forward, extending my hand for her to take. She grabbed my forearm and I pulled her towards me, then behind me. Anakin grabbed Padmé's hand and pulled her towards him. "Okay, great. Thank you, Clovis. Now, I need you to come with us." He hesitated as I kept walking towards him at a slow and steady pace.
"Please, Clovis. Turn yourself in." Said Padmé, that's when a buzzing echoed closer and closer to us. We all looked at the window and saw a blasted vulture droid falling on a free fall.
The droid hit the floor beneath the office we were in and the ground started to tremble until a part of the structure gave in and the floor broke by the half, the section I was standing on alongside Clovis tilted downward. Anakin held on to Padmé's hand and they managed to hold on close to the wall. I slid down with Clovis.
"No!" I heard both Anakin and Padmé yelled. I thought fast and looked for my cable in my belt's pocket, but said pocket was empty. I forgot to place the wire's replacement the last time I had used it.
"Lana!" Anakin's voice echoed from above as I kept sliding down the emerald ground. When I thought it was over and I'd fall to my death, a hand grabbed my forearm tightly. I looked up and saw Anakin, he had two deep cuts on his left cheek and was bleeding. He was also holding Clovis. My hand held on to his forearm but I feared he was holding my armour glove. He groaned.
"I can't...hold both of you." He said.
"Let me go." Said Clovis.
"No, Anakin. Don't!" I said out of breath.
"Try and climb." Skywalker said as he looked at me. My left arm grabbed his forearm and I tried to impulse myself up, but I felt the way I was sliding away from his grip.
"I can't." I said with worry, fear.
"I'm losing you!" He was as scared as I was. His eyes said 'I can't lose you' and mine started to fill with tears because of the possibility of him losing me when I had promised he wouldn't flooded my chest. "Lana, please try to climb." I pulled myself up again.
"I'm trying." I groaned. "I can't. Let me go."
"No! Don't ask me to do that."
"Save him, save Clovis. He'll restore the banks. It's okay, let me go."
"I can't let you go!" The first time he's ever said something like this in front of another person. "I can't lose you too, I told you that." He tried to pull us both up again. Clovis looked at me as a second of silence fell upon us.
"Tell Padmé...that I'm sorry." He said.
"What?" Clovis let go of Anakin's hand and he fell to his death. "Clovis!" I tried to reach for him but he was too far. I couldn't bare the sight so I looked up to hear bones crashing and blood splattering meters below me.
My glove slipped away from my forearm but Anakin was quick and grabbed me again with his other hand. He threw the glove away and held me with both hands to pull me up again. This time, he could bring me up, on the last pull, he fell backwards and I fell on his chest.
"I've got you. I've got you, you're okay." His strong arms wrapped themselves around me and I could feel my body shaking. "It's okay, you're okay." I couldn't breathe properly, the air was lacking. He squeezed me harder without hurting me. "It's over. Everything's over."
"I'm sorry." I said when I managed to take a mouthful of air. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay. It's okay."
"I'm sorry."
"Everything's over, you're safe. It's okay." He breathed in and out sharply. "Do you think you can stand?" I nodded. "Okay." He stood up and brought me up with him. I felt my legs like jelly, so every step I took, really was a step taken by Anakin, who was walking for the both of us.
He jumped to the safe side of the ground, where he had left Padmé. Her eyes opened wildly and tears of relief left her eyes, rolling down her cheeks. She hugged me and I held her very tight.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"No, I'm good, I'm okay. He saved me." She sighed and looked at us both.
"Where's Clovis?" I remained silent, just like Anakin. "Where...he...he's?" I sighed. "Oh...oh." I heard her heartbreak as the realisation hit her like a hammer and held her as she cried for a lost love.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Padmé." She continued to cry against my shoulders. "We need to get you out of here." Anakin opened the elevator gates and we stepped in.
Soon enough, we got out of the city and we're back at the landing zone. Both Captain and Commander informed us the droid forces had been neutralised and that the space was clear. We got into a gunship and we're taken to the cruiser.
When we got to Coruscant, the emergency meeting was still in session. The Munn told the Senate that Clovis was the one to orchestrate this invasion and the near collapse of the banks. Even if he told us it had been Count Dooku, it was our word, and the word of a dead and treacherous man, against the Munn and many others that —with all understanding— call him a traitor. I could sense Padmé's inconformity, it tormented her not being able to clear Rush's name.
The control of the banks were given to the Supreme Chancellor's office and I scoffed in disagreement.
"Of course." I said lowly. Padmé's eyes were locked on the front and I felt Anakin's eyes on me. As everyone chanted 'long live the banks' the three of us walked out. We were in the hallway in silence for a while. "How are you feeling?" I asked my sister.
"Not very well." I understood. "I want to go home."
"I'm sorry I couldn't save him." Anakin said softly. She looked at him and a small smile appeared on her lips.
"I appreciate that, General Skywalker. I'm glad you did save Lana. I don't know what our family and I would do without our little Flower." She said, placing an untied curl behind my ear, her palm on my cheek. I smiled at her, as well as Anakin, as the Senator sighed. "It's been a...terribly long day. If you'll excuse me, I'll go home. I suggest you do the same."
"Try to rest. And let me know if you need anything, okay? No matter what time it is." She nodded at my request and held my hand. I gave it a squeeze.
"Thank you. Goodnight, Masters Jedi." We bowed our heads at her and she walked away with her Senate Commandos. I breathed in sharply and exhaled.
"We need to report to the Council, right?" I asked.
"I think so." He pointed towards the exit with his head. "Lets go."
We made our way to the Temple, wrote down our mission reports in detail, and personally reported to the Council once we had left the new archives with Madame Jocasta. When that was done, we quickly grabbed a bite at Dex's and headed home.
Once there, I took a long shower again. Anakin joined me shortly after. We didn't really speak, he just looked at me and hugged me tightly under the warm running water. He then kissed me tenderly and we both walked out of the shower to dry our bodies with our respective towels.
I brushed my teeth, got to the bedroom and grabbed my own white silk nightgown and threw it on. I untangled my hair carefully as I looked at the night sky standing close to the balcony's railing. I suddenly felt Anakin's arms around my waist. I breathed out and closed my eyes as my back hit his chest softly. I left the hairbrush on the stone and my hands found his.
"I was terrified." I said out of the blue as he rested his chin on my shoulder.
"So was I." He sighed. "Don't ask me to do that again, please. I can't let you go. I'm not strong enough to do that."
"Don't worry, I won't. I thought that it would be the right thing, to save Clovis. Even if I said it was okay...I really wished you told me to go fuck myself and not let go of my hand." I felt his smile against my ear. I turned around to face him, my hand finding the wounds on his cheek, two small twin scars will appear there soon. "It will scar, Ani." His hand found the scars that rest underneath the silk and on my skin.
"It's not my first..." I saw the scar across his eye, remembered the ones on his torso and his back from that explosion on my cruiser, the day I almost lost him. "And it certainly won't be my last." I smiled.
"Knowing you, that's definitely true." He chuckled.
"We seem to be made of scars." I shrugged.
"A reminder of a battle we survived." He smiled too. "Thank you for saving my life, Skyguy." He smiled more.
"It was my pleasure, Smarty." He sighed. "You owe me one again."
"I wonder how can I pay you." He chuckled and gave me a mischievous smile.
"I can think of a couple things." I giggled. "But I'll ask you to pay that debt some other day. Today was very agitating and exhausting. We should go to bed." I nodded.
"We should." I took the brush and we walked hand in hand into our bedroom. I left the hairbrush in a drawer and got underneath the bedsheets, Anakin mirroring my movements.
When we were both laying down and ready to sleep, I placed my head over his chest and he held me close to him. I felt his kiss on my forehead as I closed my eyes and placed my head on the hollow of his neck.
Unlike last night, sleep came to me easily as his embrace and steady breath sang a soft lullaby for me to get lost in the land of dreams peacefully.
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