4: To love is to trust, to trust is to believe


  The journey back to Coruscant was incredibly silent, no one said a word. I was thankful Anakin had saved us, but I was angry and disappointed. Why would he behave like this? It's unfair. I looked out the window the whole time, not even caring to be a proper co-pilot, I just sat there and looked at the blue clouds of hyperspace, as I like to call them.

  When we arrived, the sun was shining above Coruscant. When Skywalker landed the ship at the Senate, I was the first one to stand up. When I walked past R2, I patted his head softly, making him beep cheerfully. As we approached the entrance of the building, I spotted someone who looked at me with a strong and cold glance.

"Master Yoda." I said and looked at my feet.

"We weren't expecting such a formal welcome, Master." Said Anakin.

"A personal request of the Chancellor's, my escorting you was, Senator." He said and I gulped. Usually he knows when I'm going on missions like this one. However, this time I didn't even ask for permission. I understood if the old man's mad, but I was glad he's keeping up my undercover identity...unlike others. "Adventures have you had on Scipio, hm?"

"Indeed, Master Jedi. Have you met Rush Clovis?" I spoke gently and they looked at each other.

"Met, we have, yes. Intrigued we are, by your return to Coruscant. Much distrust is focused upon you." Yoda told Clovis and Anakin scoffed in a whisper while I tightened my grip around my wrist.

"I understand." Said Clovis. "But I hope to right the wrongs that I have done."

"Delay we must not." The Senate Comandos moved aside and we all walked into the building. Once there, I said I had to go to 'my office' quickly. They stood at a considerable distance from the door and I stepped in to find the real Padmé with a healed Dormé chilling at the living room.

  "Oh, Allana." My sister stood up and rushed to me with open arms. "I was so worried." She said as she hugged me tightly, adding too much pressure on the shoulder wound making me squeeze my eyes shut. I hugged her back, not as tightly because of how tired I was.

"I'm okay. Being in jail isn't as fun as I thought it could be." I said jokingly.

"I'm so sorry." I shook my head.

"Don't be, it's alright." I sighed. "I need to get changed. Do you have a dress here?"

"What? No, you're done. I'll continue."

"You can't. What I saw after you left, the conclusions I've reached, they're not something you know and I can't brief you in fast. There's a meeting with Palpatine right now, they're waiting outside for me."

"The Council's here."

"I know, Yoda was our welcoming party."

"Does he know about what happened?"

"Partially, yes, and he's not happy. I can't imagine the rest are. I need to get up there, do you have a dress?"

"I do. Dormé, if you please." Dormé rushed to get a dress of a darker purple. She undo the bun and braided my hair to tie the braids into a ponytail adding an ornament with amethysts on it over my head, like a thick diadem. She fixed the make up and I looked like Padmé Amidala again.

"I hope Palpatine doesn't notice the difference." I said and Padmé nodded with a soft smile.

"I'll go as your company maid. And, by the way, your lightsabers are safe on the desk's drawer."

"How are they safe there?"

"It's locked with a special key." I smiled at her as she put on a light purple dress and threw over her head the hood of a greyish lilac robe.

"Thank you." I told Dormé, who stayed and Padmé and I walked out and, alongside the group, we resumed the walk to get to the Chancellor's chambers. There, Masters Windu, Mundi, Koon, Unduli, and Tiin were awaiting for our arrival, as well as Senators Mothma and Organa.

I was thankful the situation was too tense as for anyone to stop and try to spot the differences between Amidala and myself. I placed myself beside Anakin, Padmé was behind me, and Clovis stood to my right. When the doors closed, we told the ones present about our findings at Scipio.

  "Excuse me if I find it hard to trust you, Clovis." Said Bail. "You used to sit on this very Senate even as you funnelled credits into the droid foundries of Count Dooku."

"I understand all of your trepidation, but there is corruption in the Banks." Clovis commented.

"And once we find this corruption?"

"I believe the ones responsible should be ousted from control before the entire Banking infrastructure collapses."

"Oh, and I suppose you're the man to do it?" Said Anakin. I sighed quietly and slowly through my nose. I looked at Anakin and then at Clovis when he started speaking.

"I only want the Banking Clan to be what it once was, a fair system of trade and commerce. I came here to root out the criminals and reveal the truth behind what is happening."

"Now, now." Said the Chancellor. "We are grateful for you bringing us this information, but what exactly can you prove?" Clovis pulled the device with the intel out of his pocket and placed it on the Chancellor's desk.

"These files show that huge founds have been diverted out of the banks into what I believe are private accounts." He clicked a button and the yellowish hologram appeared before all of us, the numbers reducing to zero again. It also showed pictures of the supposed owners of these accounts.

"And the veracity of this information?" Asked Bail.

"I was the one who downloaded the files from the Muun's secure mainframe." I explained. "I believe that what Clovis is saying is...correct and truthful."

"Then, Senator Amidala, I would like you to spearhead this investigation." He looked into my eyes and his glance made me feel as if he knew who I really was, though I knew he didn't. I hoped he didn't. "Work closely with Rush Clovis." I took a short breath as I sensed Anakin's anger again, the jealousy, and saw how Clovis looked at me from the corner of his eye. "Find and expose these secret accounts. Once we know exactly what we're dealing with, then we can decide how best to handle this situation." The Chancellor stood up and everyone straightened up.

  He walked out first, followed by the Jedi Council members and the Senators. Padmé walked alongside Bail and they all got lost down the hallway. I stopped walking when a strong hand grabbed my arm and turned me around.

"Why didn't you just say no?" Anakin asked coldly.

"Because Senator Amidala wouldn't have said no." I responded just as coldly. "I don't want to do this, me, Allana. I'm exhausted, I want to go home, have a nice meal and take a bath, but I have to continue this mission."

"It's not your mission!" He whispered.

"It turned my mission the second I walked into that vault!" I whispered back.

"I don't want you working with Clovis."

"You don't want me working with him?"

"A serpent can shed its skin, but it's still a serpent."

"Well, you'll just have to trust my judgement here." I turned around but his hand found my hand.

"Like that last time? Hm? When you almost ended up dead? Or how about you just getting arrested, and it was me the one to bail you out?" He let go of my hand.

"Well, technically, you bailed Padmé out, I have no criminal record."

"Lana, now's not the time for your jokes." I groaned.

"I was trying to diffuse the tension, alright?" A beat. "The Chancellor has asked me to do this, Anakin."

"He asked Padmé to do it, not you."

"Well, I am her at the moment."

"But I am asking you to say no." He turned around. "As your husband, I am demanding you to tell the Chancellor you're stepping down."

"The fuck?" I scoffed. "Okay, what makes you think that, husband or not, you can demand something from me? It's a mission, Anakin. Just that. And, you know me! You know I'm not foolish enough as to be deceived twice." A beat. "I thought you knew me enough as to be sure my loyalties rely with you, the Jedi, and the Republic. You above anything and anyone!" I sighed and felt a lump in my throat. "If you can't trust me-" Someone clearing his throat called our attention, it was Clovis at the door. Perfect fucking timing, asshole.

"Uh, excuse the interruption." He said looking at the General. "Padmé, shall we begin?"

"Yes, of course." I said and he nodded.

"General Skywalker." Anakin sent him a fake and forced smile before the Senator walked away. I looked at Ani and my eyes begged him to trust me before I turned around and walked away feeling my heart saddened.



  After she walked away with Clovis, I made my way out of the Senate and towards the Temple. I managed to get to my room in the building without having anyone call me or being asked to go on a mission. The door slid open and revealed light shades of brown on the walls, the blinds and the bedsheets, as well as pod-racing posters that were still attached to the walls. Next to my bed rested my desk.

  On top of it right on the left corner, rests a box with two silver lightsabers that I can't even look at from time to time, next to it, a broken droid head that I rebuild to ease my mind. I break it later to have something to repair again. It's a vicious cycle that never ends. Actually, that's a lie, it ends when I find a new droid head to mess with.

  The voice of one of my closest friends echoed in my head. 'If she'll pretend to be me on this one, she may have to play along...differently. Trust her.' Said Padmé once. I breathed in and out as the door whooshed open and I welded some circuits. It was Obi-Wan. He's the one that, despite being very respectful all the time, never bothers to knock on my door.

"I have been looking for you." He said as he placed his forearm on the desk.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"You tell me." He grabbed a protocol droid's head, the last one I repaired over and over again until I found this one, which used to belong to a Commander Droid. I believe is the head we retrieved the day we saved Tup from the Separatists, Cal had taken it to analyse it and I saved it from the junk.

"Not...that I'm aware..."

"Master Yoda feels that your judgements concerning Rush Clovis are clouded." I tightened my teeth together. He explained as I took a wrench to adjust some screws.

"So that's the problem." He sighed and offered a smile. I sighed too. "I believe he can't be trusted." I added after a short pause.

"Yes. But there is more, isn't there? I sense a deep anger in you by simply saying his name." I stopped working on the droid and looked out the window watching the ships come and go behind the glass and the blinds.

"He almost got Allana killed when she pretended to be Senator Amidala the last time, and I would've been responsible."

"Allana decided to take that risk on her own, if anything, she would've been responsible." I bit the inner part of my cheek. "She has risked her life many times by pretending to be the Senator and she has handled it very well, even now that things got slightly out of hand. She's more than capable of taking care of herself."

"I know, but it's different the way she has to pretend to be Padmé. It's like when we were in Geonosis, she can't use the Force, fight like she's used to, etcetera. And it's...worse when Clovis gets into scene. The Senators had a relationship once, Allana...she doesn't-she hasn't found herself on that situation. I simply feel she's vulnerable to her emotions." I grabbed the toy of a Naboo ship replica I got when I was younger and sat on some boxes I have piled up here.

"She is...or you?" I frowned and felt a wave of nervousness washing over me.

"What are you implying?"

"Anakin, I understand to a degree what's going on." I gulped as he sat on the bed facing the door to avoid looking at me in the eye. "You knew Satine, that I once...harboured feelings for her. It's not that we're not allowed to have these feelings, it's natural."

"Allana and I are friends. Just friends. Best friends, if you will." I had to swallow the lump in my throat, that's when he stood up and faced me.

"And best friends you must remain." My eyes went from his to the window again, it pained me not to be able to speak our truth. "As a Jedi, it is essential you make the right choice, Anakin, for the Order." I placed the ship on a box and stood up.

"I understand my responsibilities."

"Responsibilities that must be observed whatever relationship develops between Allana and Rush Clovis."

"They have no relationship." My tone came out quite harsh. I exhaled. "It is simply...business between them." Obi-Wan frowned and nodded.

"Then we should have no problems, should we?" He placed his hands behind his back, turned around and walked out.

  I wanted to tell him, I wanted to speak the truth so bad and ask for his advice, know if it would be wise to leave the Order or if I should stay, follow my heart's desire or what I was instructed to believe in, to do. What I swore my life to.

  Instead, I let him walk out the door and close my eyes. I breathed out as I thought about how much I love that young woman, how I also swore my life to her and how, at the beginning of all this, we acknowledged how this lie could destroy our lives. I just hoped for our love not to have been comprimised.



  Clovis decided to take Padmé out to the Opera before heading to her apartment and talk business. Padmé helped me get dressed. I was wearing a black dress that got attached to my neck, half of my back exposed, thankfully the scars were covered, and it had long gloves. I felt terrible. Not only has this day been one of the longest days of my life, but I had the first big fight with Anakin, and now I'm wearing a dress that resembles the one I wore for the dinner in which he confessed his feelings for me a bit too much.

  My hair was tied up with two buns on each side of my head, the hair being held by silver ornaments carefully. My head ached. I wanted to take all of this off and go to bed.

  We arrived at the apartment and I helped the Senator's staff set the coffee table for dinner as Clovis worked on something in his computer on my sister's desk near the window. She was gone to Sola's apartment here on Coruscant.

"The Opera was delightful." I commented with honesty, for I've never been to the Opera. "But I'm glad we can get down to business." I approached the chair he was sitting on and placed my forearm over the wood behind him. He turned to face me and pointed at the screen.

"If you look here, the Separatists haven't been repaying any interest on their loans. But still the Banking Clan is promising to lend credits to the Republic, credits they simply don't have."

"But where have all the savings go?"

"Each of the files that you downloaded shows hundreds of hundreds of small withdrawals, small enough to remain undetected individually, but as a sum total..." He started typing some stuff onto his computer and the screen showed lots of red numbers. "A devastating theft."

"Whoever is behind this is no fool. We need to find out who's benefiting. We're still lacking a critical piece of information." He nodded, sighed, and closed the computer. He unplugged the device and kept it in his pocket as he stood up and we walked towards the living room.

"Whatever we find must remain between only you and I. This will be highly dangerous information should it get into the wrong hands." He sat down as I poured two martinis.

"Of course." I looked at him and remembered the anecdotes Padmé told me about to have some conversation to do when I first met Clovis. I smiled at him. "This reminds me when we had three nights to prepare for the Senate hearing to rescue Bromlarch's planetary aqueduct system." I said as I grabbed the glasses, walked towards him and sat down beside him on the couch. He chuckled as he took one cup from my hand.

"And together, we saved a lot of people from total drought and famine." He made the glasses clink and I was quick on taking a long sip of that martini. "I don't think either of us got any sleep that whole week, let alone ate anything." I chuckled.

"We're not as young as we used to be."

"Well, we're not that old either." He placed his arm around me, his hand holding my naked shoulder. It didn't feel right, his warmth isn't the warmth I like to feel on my skin. I cleared my throat and moved forward to get my plate just to do something.

"You might be right. Perhaps we should eat something." A beat in which I started placing food on my plate and took a deep breath. "So, Clovis, why have you gotten so involved with the Munns?"

"I believe in the banks. The system works. The Munns aren't bad people, it's just a dishonest few who are destroying everything for their own gain." I served him a plate like my own and handed it over. "Thank you." I nodded.

"You know, you never told me how you rose to such heights within the Banking Clan." He sighed.

"It's not a happy story." I started eating my food. "My father was a personal attaché to the household of one of the Head Munn families. We were basically servants."

"I had no idea." He took a bite from his plate. He chewed and swallowed before looking at me.

"As I grew up, the head of the family took a personal interest in my education. I was the same age as his children, and so we all studied together." His eyes were covered by the shadow of sadness. "When my parents and his wife were killed in a shuttle accident, he adopted me." I felt my face turn sad with empathy.

"How old were you?"

"Twelve." I sighed.

"That must've been very hard."

"I was accepted as their child everywhere we went. I almost forgot where I was from, until I looked in the mirror."

"They sound like good people." I spoke with honesty.

"They are. Must Munns are." He placed his plate on the table and stood up. "And they want this corruption ended more than I do. You should know my contacts within the Munn government run deep." I stood up and left the plate over the glass of the table. "I have many allies, should I need to call on them."

"I didn't appreciate how personal this was for you." I said as I approached him. When we were face to face, he held my hands. I realised he's as tall as Anakin, perhaps slightly shorter. But he's not as handsome, tender, or passionate as he is. His hair is black and his eyes are green instead of light brown and blue. I wished I could be holding Skywalker's hands right now.

"Perhaps now you will trust me." I sighed.

"I'm here, aren't I?"

"I want to thank you for everything you've done for me. I don't think I would've had the strength alone." He started to get too close to me.

"Clovis, don't." I let go of his hands and turned around.

"Is that Jedi, isn't he?" My heart sank to my feet. Yes, I wanted to scream. But I couldn't. I just bit my tongue and closed my eyes as I let a quick breath out.

"General Skywalker? No, we're friends, nothing more." I turned around with a well practised smile on my lips.

"Friends don't argue the way I saw you arguing today." I gulped as he stepped closer to me again.

"You're confused."

"Isn't it forbidden to a Jedi to have romantic ties?"

"Yes." I answered too quickly.

"He would be vanished from the Order, would he not?" He arched an eyebrow and I frowned. He's threatening to speak a rumour that I know is true.

"There is nothing romantic between he and I." He grabbed me by the shoulders, strongly, and brought me closer to him. This reminded me of that Zygerrian scum, the way I didn't want to, the way he held me...I felt it was hard to breathe and oxygen wasn't enough.

"Then there is absolutely nothing to stop us from doing this."

"No." I said and made an attempt to push him away. His left hand tightened itself around the back of my neck and his right hand found my waist, holding me too close. "Clovis, don't. Stop, please. Get off of me!-" The door opened and a gasp called my attention.

"Get away from her!" Anakin demanded with a threatening tone of voice. I sensed the anger, the darkness...Clovis let go of me and, in a second, he was being held in the air. He chocked briefly before being thrown against a wall near the window. Anakin pulled out his lightsaber and turned it on.

"No, Anakin!" I said as my eyes opened wildly. Clovis coughed.

"Why don't you try fighting like a man without your Jedi tricks?!" Clovis suggested and I groaned annoyed knowing Anakin would be more than glad to show him his fighting skills. Anakin turned off the saber and threw it across the room.

"Oh, it will be my pleasure." Said Skywalker before walking towards the guy and punch him on the face, taking him down to the ground. Another punch on the opposite side of his face. And it was one punch after another, over and over. The ex Senator couldn't even protect his facial features.

"Stop! Stop it!" I yelped not being able to interfere. My voice was enough distraction for Anakin, who turned to look at me and held his fist up.

"You don't have a say in this." He said pointing at me before Clovis kicked him away from his persona. I suppressed a scream and groaned instead. He sat down with blood crawling out of his mouth and nose.

"I thought you said he didn't have feelings for you." He commented as he looked at me. He stood up and wiped the blood from his nose. Anakin looked at me sadly and I just blinked. He shook his head and the sad frown on his face was replaced by an angry frown. He shouted and ran towards Clovis.

"I see you for what you truly are!" He told the traitor punching his face over and over again. Clovis threw a punch at the same time Anakin did, their fists colliding, only that the human hand of Rush hit Anakin's robotic hand, causing him to yelp in pain. Another punch to the nose, then Skywalker's knee hit Clovis' abdomen. He grabbed him by the vest and threw him over the couch. "You're a serpent, a traitor!"

"Stop, Anakin, please!" I held his arm back but he freed himself from my grip by pulling his arm forward. Clovis managed to kick Anakin's face, making him groan and bleed, Clovis threw another punch but the General was quick to dodge. He was the one to hit his opponent's face. "Please, stop this!" Clovis tried to kick Anakin's side, he blocked. He tried to kick the opposite side, he blocked. That's when he kicked his face. "No!" Anakin smiled dryly as his lip started bleeding.

"Is that all you've got?" He asked, that's when both held each other by the shoulders.

"You should accept that the Senator has other interests than you." Anakin yelled again and hit Clovis' nose with his head before throwing him across the room, he landed on the glass table. Anakin approached him, carried him, and threw him against the ground. "Ah, Skywalker, you fool." Anakin turned Clovis around and started beating the shit out of him even more. One punch after another, and another. I couldn't just keep watching.

"Stop! Anakin!" I grabbed his arm and pushed him backwards. "Enough!" His eyes locked with mine and his face relaxed. "What are you doing?" I moved him aside and bent down beside Clovis, who was semi-unconscious. My comlink started beeping.

"Senator Amidala, is everything okay in there?" Asked Typho.

"No, come in immediately." The doors opened and the Captain, as well two guards, walked in.

"What has happened here?" Clovis panted as he managed to shake off the stunned feeling and incorporated.

"There was an attack." He lied. "It was my good fortune to have General Skywalker here. They escaped in a speeder over the balcony." I frowned. I would've looked over at Anakin, but I couldn't meet his gaze.

"Is that what happened, sir?" Typho asked Anakin.

"Yes. They disarmed me and we got into a physical fight." Skywalker lied too.

"A med-droid it's on the way."

"Please, help Clovis into the bedroom." The guards helped him up and took him to the bedroom, where Typho was guiding them. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at the mess that had been made.

"Lana..." Anakin's hands found my shoulders but I gave a step forward and moved his hands away.

"Don't." I said and he looked sadly at me, guilt in his eyes, tears in mine. "I'll meet you back home." I said and went to check up on Clovis.

  The man fell asleep in no time. I decided to leave the apartment to him and gave Typho instructions to take him straight to the Senate in the morning, saying that I'd like to be taken home. Typho himself drove me to my apartment.

  When I crossed the door, I saw him sitting by the balcony, deep in his thought. I sighed and took off the silver ornament that was holding my hair in place, allowing my curly hair to fall down my back.

  My footsteps called his attention and Anakin turned to face me. When our eyes met, I looked away as I walked downstairs and he approached me. The blood on his face dry, his gloves gone as well as his robes, replaced by his sleeping clothes, only his trousers and the black robe.

"How is he?" He asked as I left the headpiece on the coffee table.

"Nothing that won't heal." I answered as I sat down to take off the heels.

"I'm so sorry, Lana. I- I don't know what came over me."

"What's done, it's done." He sat beside me.

"I wanted to help you, I heard struggle."

"And I thank you for that, I really do, but you didn't have to do what you did. You're much stronger than him, you could've done something you'd regret." He sighed.

"Is just that, when I saw you were about to kiss him-"

"I wasn't going to kiss him! I would never do that." I sighed and stood up. "He touched my shoulders, held my hands, and I was repulsed by it. You know why? Because I don't want to feel anyone's touch but yours. I wouldn't kiss anybody because the only kiss I want to feel is yours!" A beat in which I walked towards the balcony, my hands on the railing, my eyes glued to the ships. "I regret that you saw that, but it was not what you thought. You must know I don't care for Clovis."

"Don't you?"

"No, I don't! Padmé does, so I have to pretend, but it's nearly impossible. I run from his embrace always. I told you why I'm doing this but you refuse to accept it." He stepped closer to me to stand by my side. I closed my eyes. "You could've killed him, Anakin." He remained silent for a moment.

"I know."

"We...we've never had anything like this happen before."

"I know."

"Every friendship, every relationship and every marriage depends on trust. This marriage can't be a marriage if there isn't any trust." I saw how he looked at me from the corner of my eye. I bit my lip. "We said at the beginning that this could be a terrible mistake."

"What exactly are you saying?" I looked at him and saw in his eyes he had thought about that too.

"That other people who are married have everything that we don't, everything that we won't. We live in secret, Anakin." I sighed through my nose. "It is killing me." I added in a whisper.

"It kills me too." He whispered back and a short silence fell upon us. His hand fell on mine and held it, I looked at our hands on the stone.

"Wether we like it or not...our relationship is built on lies, and those lies could be the end of us." He frowned and I pulled my hand away. "No relationship can survive that." I turned around and crossed my arms.

"I know I went too far. It's just..." He sighed. "It's just something inside me snapped." I remained silent.

"I love you." I said looking at him. "But I think...I think we need time." He opened his mouth to complain. "Just while I finish this mission. I cannot have my judgement clouded when I'm already in too deep. I need to do this but I can't let my heart get in the middle of it all." He sighed and I approached him. My hands cupped his cheeks as our foreheads collided gently, his hands fell on my waist. My thumbs rubbed the soon-to-be bruises on his skin and he brought me close.

"I really am sorry."

"I know."

"I love you, too." I felt like crying. My hands found his neck, his shoulders and familiar collarbone. I kissed his forehead.

"I know." I moved away from him slowly. "You get the couch, or you can go to the Temple, your choice." He barely smiled. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I walked into the bedroom, allowing myself to feel and cry. As I took off the gloves and the dress, my communicator started to beep, it was Typho.

"Yes, Captain?" I said trying to sound normal.

"The Senator has been requested to meet with the Chancellor, General." He informed and I frowned as I rolled my eyes. I just wanted to go to bed.

"Right now?"

"I'm afraid so. Apparently, Rush Clovis sent the information of the accounts to Scipio and the Munn have come to inform the Republic about something." A beat in which I sighed slightly confused. "I'll have someone pick you up in five and take you to the Senate."

"Thank you, Captain." I ended the transmission and changed this black dress for the purple dress I was wearing earlier today, I tied my hair the way I remembered Dormé had done and stepped out of the bedroom again to wait for my transport. I found Anakin laying down on the couch. Our eyes met, but he didn't say anything, neither did I. He stood up and walked into the bedroom. I sighed and looked at the night that had fallen over Coruscant.

  In the said five minutes, the speeder guy arrived and I was taken to the Senate. At the entrance, I met Clovis, his face was clean and the bruises I had seen on his skin were covered up. He looked at me and I apologised with a glance and he nodded. We walked into the building and reached the Chancellor's office quickly. There, some Munn were already waiting for us. The meeting started quickly.

"The Munn government has seized the accounts and arrested the heads of the Banking Clan." I frowned at the words of the Munn's representative. "We are indebted to Rush Clovis for his service to our people."

"Well, I have done only what I thought was right." Said Clovis.

"Considering the information, it appears that the Separatist government has agreed to allow you to be the new head of the banks." Palpatine informed and I frowned again. That seemed oddly convenient, too fast...something doesn't seem right here.

"And the Republic?"

"I can only give you my endorsement." I thought like a politician, not like a Jedi who reads too much in between the lines.

"Now all that stands in your way is the Senate." I commented.

"We'll arrange that at once." Said the Chancellor.

  Next thing I know is I'm back at the Senator's office informing Padmé of everything relevant that has happened and we're getting ready to attend the session in which Clovis would plea his case before the Senators.

She's wearing the dress I was wearing a minute ago, and I'm wearing the handmaiden dress. The only relying thing I had with myself right now was the weight of my lightsabers on my hips. I also informed her on my emotional situation, for I had to speak to somebody, she offered me to stay with her at Sola's place tonight and I didn't refuse.

  When we walked out, we made our way to the conference. The room was a mess, everyone spoke at the same time, some people not willing to trust Clovis, some saying it was worth it to listen to him, etcetera.

"Good luck." Padmé told Clovis as she sat down. Her eyes glimmering with tenderness. Anakin was there too, and he saw how Padmé still cared for Clovis, he saw the way I had to look at him, but we didn't say anything about it, instead, I just stood opposite from him as the platform they were on started floating towards the middle.

"Rush Clovis will now address the Senate." Everyone was informed by Mas Amedda and the word 'traitor' could be heard around every corner.

"I come with you today with irrefutable evidence that the heads of the Banking Clan have been stealing funds, and have virtually bankrupted the system." Everyone started talking at the same time again, their voices reflected surprise. "I know the Munns to be good and honest people, and that it is the actions of only these unscrupulous few who are responsible. I humbly ask you for your nomination in taking over the banks."

"What can you do?" Someone yelled.

"I can restore order and return the banks back to secure and mutual negotiations and transactions."

"How can we trust you?"  Someone else asked, closer to where Skywalker and I were standing, to the left.

"I vow to be impartial and show no favour to either side in this war."

"But you are colluded to the Separatists."

"It is the Separatist ties to Rush Clovis that has allowed them to accept this nomination." Padmé informed what I had told her.

"Of course." Said Anakin to my left as they all continued talking.

"This whole thing seems sketchy to me." I said.

"How so?"

"Before the fight you two had, we were talking about how we needed to find the ones benefiting from this, that a big and important piece of information was missing; now he suddenly has confirmed what he had just started to find out on the investigation? And just like that he wants to take over the banks?"

"Suspicious." I nodded.

"He also has the full support of the Munn people." The representative of Scipio spoke, making his box gravitate towards the centre.

"And what of the Chancellor?" Asked Dod.

"I believe that in these dangerous times, the bank must be protected at all costs and that a man who has no allegiance to either side, and the support of the Munn people, it's our best hope." Said Palpatine.

"Then we shall put it to a vote." Said Amedda and all the Senators started to submit their votes. A few minutes went by in stressful silence. "A resounding majority of votes in support of the nomination." Everyone was informed and the decision had been taken. A traitor would take over. Anakin sighed loudly beside me.

"I suspect Padmé will still go to Scipio and make sure everything goes according to plan?" He asked.

"I suspect so, too."

"So, you'll go."

"Yes." He nodded as the box floated back to where we were. "I imagine we'll leave first hour in the morning." He nodded and they walked out of the box and onto the hallway. "See you around, General." He bowed his head at me and we walked away from where he was.

  After some chit-chat, Padmé and I were taken to Sola's place. I hadn't been here but it's so much like her. Dark green decorations, flower pots everywhere, cozy.

  I was taken to a room right next to Padmé's where I took off the dress, unbraided my hair, kicked off my boots, took off my belt and left it on the nightstand. The Senator lent me a white silk nightgown, the softness of the material was relaxing. I placed my head on the pillow and tried to fall asleep feeling the odd absence of my beloved next to me. Sleep took it's sweet time to join the party, and I couldn't sleep for most of the night.

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