2: Orders


Our lightsabers crashed loudly and I could feel the muscles of my arms and back tensing, I don't doubt the muscles of the Padawan are just as tense. I pushed downwards and Cal's arms gave in as well as his legs, with a swift spin, the blade of my lightsaber was close to his head, he exhaled tired and defeated.

"Again." I turned it off and offered him a hand to stand, he took it and stood before me.

"Again? Can't we take a break?" He asked as I grabbed a towel and wiped the sweat off the back of my neck. I turned around to see him doing just the same and how he took off the sweat from his face too.

"Is there a break out there in the front?"

"Every now and then, rarely, but yes." I chuckled.

"Allana has taught you to give sassy comebacks?"

"Maybe. Just like you've taught me cuss words in huttese. She was so angry, by the way." He said with a smile, chuckling at the end of his sentence.

"I know, she yelled at me when she came back." The kid chuckled and I sighed. "Well, given the amount of time we've been here-"

"The entire morning, you mean."

"Right, the entire morning, I'll give us a ten minute break." He let himself fall against the cold ground, making me laugh.

"Thank the stars for that." I sat down beside him.

"Your defence is good but you need to make sure to make your legs stand their ground." He nodded as he took a sip of his water. "The strength comes from there and your core." I took a sip of water myself. "I remember how Master Gallia would push Allana with the Force. It always amazed me how she could stand that."

"I know, she's done it with me a few times and sometimes I fly across the room, sometimes I don't." I chuckled. "Normally I'm able to stand my ground but, right now, I'm tired."

"I know, I wore you out. Apologies." He shrugged as I sipped from my own water again.

"No worries, Master. Hey, do you know when will Master Naberrie come back?"

"Just now." Said the brunette's voice from the entrance when I was about to open my mouth to say that I didn't know. I looked over my shoulder to find her smiling at us, her hair braided and tied in a low bun on the back of her head. I smiled back and when I looked back at Cal, his eyes had lit up. He loves his Master. We all love his Master. "How's it going?"

"Pretty well, Skyguy here has been enjoying a lot not having you here to train me." She looked at me and smiled more, it was her idea in the first place. Ever since Snips' departure she has allowed Cal to stay over with me and the 501st more often, we've been having fun.

"Glad to hear that. Hope you're not too tired." He groaned annoyed. "I told you we were going to train a bit more when I got back."

"I know, I know." He sighed. "I'm not too tired. I've got this."

"That's the spirit Witty." He high-fived me as he stood up and I nodded to give him encouragement, and proceeded to high-five her as a greeting when I had stepped close to her.

"Alright, now get over there and get ready."

"For what?" Lana shrugged with a smile, making Cal roll his eyes with a smile. "Always so ambiguous."

"You're welcome. You should know by now that life isn't predictable, you don't know what might hit you in a moment." He arched an eyebrow.

"Was that a clue?"

"I don't know, was it?" I chuckled.

"You're impossible."

"Not true." Cal started warming up doing some stretches while Naberrie clicked the controls to get the drill started. When I saw Kestis jumping in circles and facing the wall, I was fast enough as to steal a kiss from my wife. She opened her eyes wildly, smiled, blushed, and punched my chest.

"Not here, you idiot. Cal's over there." She complained in a whisper.

"And he didn't see anything." I said, making her chuckle. "How did things go on Naboo?" I asked.

"Pretty well, thank you. I got the vest fixed and I am wearing a new one." I eyed her torso, the blue vest seemed like the other one but...

"Looks fancier." She chuckled.

"It is. Made out of the silks the dresses of the Queen are made of. It can handle blaster fire shot from up-close, like Tup's attack, it's fresh like cotton and soft as silk on the inside. The most comfortable and expensive armour I've ever worn." She giggled.

"Those shoulder pads are new too." She nodded with a smile that I returned. In a moment, our attention went back to Kestis.

"Ready, Padawan?"

"I guess." The platform where Cal was standing turned upside down and there were some ankle holders for him not to fall. "Oh, boy."

"Don't worry, this is a hard exercise but with your reflexes it should be as easy as assembling a toy." She extended a hand a his lightsaber flew towards her hand. "Now, tell me, where's the Force, Padawan?"

"Everywhere. It's within me. It surrounds me." He said.

"Just so. It connects you. There will be times when emotion, pain, or exhaustion trick you." The handle of his weapon was floating in circles with her control. She clicked a button and a platform rose beside us. "You will feel cut off." The lightsaber was placed on the platform. "Isolated."

"I felt that when I was kidnapped." She gulped. That memory and feeling still haunts her from time to time. When she doesn't have eyes on Kestis or he doesn't answer his comlink fast enough souring battle, the fear of losing his Padawan again fill her up in seconds.

"I know. But it is an illusion. You lightsaber lies there, out of reach, but you remain connected through the Force." He breathed in and out, closing his eyes. "Exactly. Feel that energy around you, and summon your weapon." Cal reached out and tried to pull the saber towards him, the handle moved a little on the platform. He exhaled.

"The Force is within you, around you, connecting you...and your weapon." He said lowly, repeating words Lana has said to him. He extended his hand and the weapon moved a few centimetres closer to him.

"Ignore all distractions, clear your mind, Cal. Bring your weapon towards you and free yourself." He reached out again and, this time, the lightsaber flew to his hand. With a swift movement, he managed to free himself. He fell on his feet and smiled to himself. "Well done, Padawan."

"Thank you, Master. It was an easy task. Easier than I had thought." I chuckled.

"Better get ready, I suspect the next task won't be as easy." I commented.

"Is he right about that?" Lana smiled and shrugged at the kid's question.

"Probably." She said.

"What now?" Asked the kid.

"Now you rest and tell me all about what you two have been up to while I've been away." She said with a smile as we gathered our stuff to get out of the training room. That's when my comlink started to beep, cutting Cal's monologue of the mission we had gone to and our training sessions.

"Sorry, Skywalker here." I said.

"Skywalker." It was Shaak Ti. "We need your presence at the Communications Centre, immediately." I frowned as I wondered what could this be about.

"I'm on my way." The communication ended.

"Want us to come with?" Asked Lana.

"I have no issue with it." She nodded and the three of us made our way towards the centre. When we walked in, we found a hologram of Fives, one of my best men, on the holo table. The blue light emitted by the image flooding the room where Master Ti was standing accompanied by the holograms of Masters Windu, Yoda, and Koon.

"Master Naberrie, Padawan Kestis, I was not expecting your presence. Welcome." She said and they bowed their heads at her.

"They were with me at the training rooms when I got the message, I figured they could join us." I explained.


"Well, we're here. What's the matter? Why's there a hologram of Fives on the table?" Shaak Ti sighed.

"After the events with Tup, we made some examination on him and Fives. The scans showed nothing at first, then, an anomaly appeared." Lana frowned and crossed her arms. I noticed how her fingertips went over the blaster shot she received, the ghost of the burn made her run her touch through the smooth fabric of the navy blue vest she's wearing. "The Clones have an inhibitor chip that is meant to prevent them from being violent and unpredictable. Tup's had a malfunction, that's why he attacked you, Allana, and killed Tiplar."

"What does this have to do with Fives?" Asked Lans.

"He claims otherwise. He said the Jedi had instructed for these inhibitor chips to be implanted, and that they have to be removed. That, otherwise, the entire Republic Army could be compromised. Nala Se said that, when Tup's chip was removed he died. That, if the entire Army removed theirs, they could die too. But Fives had removed his chip and he was alright...Or so I thought." My eyes met Allana's. "He convinced me to plea this case to the Chancellor and I brought him here from Kamino. When we arrived, he was taken to the Chancellor and he said that someone was covering something up, that if it wasn't the Kaminoans, then it was a Separatist plot. He assured that the chips are there to make them more violent than less."

"We initially thought about that, that's why I sent Tup to Kamino in the first place. If it's a Separatist plot we're talking about the entirety of the Clone Army." I said.

"Kill the Jedi." Allana whispered. "That could explain it." She added. "If they managed to make Tup attack me and kill Tiplar...they could command them all to kill every Jedi in every corner of the Galaxy."

"But it is unlikely. The Clone Army was commanded to be created by Master Sifo-Dyas and he did so before the War even started. Why would he, a Jedi, ask for such thing? Why would he want to terminate the Order by using an army for a war that didn't exist and that wouldn't exist in years? It makes no sense." Explained Shaak Ti. "Nala Se assures it's impossible, that the malfunction of the chip was caused by a virus, Separatists plot or not." She sighed. "After a little debate, Nala Se and I were asked to leave the room for Fives to explain himself to the Chancellor alone, so we did. Next thing I know is that there's blaster fire on the other side of the door and that, when I opened it, Fives had a blaster in his hand and was aiming it at the Chancellor, who was on the ground. He tried to kill him out of the blue."

"I can't believe that." I said and she played the security footage of him running away, escaping. "He wouldn't have tried to kill the Chancellor."

"All security and Clone forces on Coruscant have been ordered to join the manhunt." Said Windu and I blinked at the word 'manhunt'. "The Chancellor has been moved to his Senate quarters, and the perimeter has been secured. However, Jedi involvement has not been requested."

"That's a little odd, isn't it?" Asked Cal looking at both his Master and I with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Hmm." Said Master Yoda. "Discover the truth we must."

"If there is a plot involving the Clones, we must get to the bottom of it." Said Master Plo.

"We will investigate quietly, undercover. We must make sure this Clone is not killed." Windu ordered.

"I'll handle this investigation with Naberrie. Fives was part of the 501st and he's a close friend. If we, alongside Rex and Wolffe find him, he'll trust us."

"Be wary." Said Shaak Ti. "Since he removed his inhibitor chip, Fives may no longer be the man you once knew." I frowned, sighed through my nose and nodded.

"We'll figure this out immediately." The holograms disappeared and we rushed out of the room.

"Where do we go looking first?" Asked Cal.

"The city, of course, specially the lower levels." Answered Lana. "The question is, where exactly?" My comlink started to beep again.

"Yes?" I asked.

"General." It was Rex. "Kix contacted me, he says he just met with Fives." I stopped walking, and so did the other two. "He says Fives wants to meet us, talk to us and he sent me some coordinates; Wolffe was with me when I received the message, he's coming along."

"Well, General Naberrie is listening to this too, she'll be coming along too. Meet us at the Temple's hangar, you'll get us there."

"Yes, sir." I ended the transmission.

"Guess we'll find out where exactly in brief." I said.

"Cal, I want you to stay here, go to the Investigation centre and look at every camera and probe that might be transmitting something to us or the Senate." Lana instructed.

"How am I going to access the Senate's probes system?" Asked the Padawan.

"Being the Senator's stunt double has its advantages, here." She handed over a small data disk. "These are passwords and users to have access to the security of the Senate. Log in, and let me know if you find anything that might come in handy." He kept the disk in his pocket.

"You got it. Good luck out there, and bring him home safe." He said as he walked away. We nodded and rushed to get to the hangar.

Once there, we gathered with our Captain and Commander, then, we got into a small shuttle and Rex typed in the coordinates. I piloted us there and we landed in no time on the 18th level's landing zone. It was dark and it smelled like trash when we got off the transport. It looked like a warehouse.

"Well, these are the coordinates Kix gave us." Rex said. "Let's hope Fives is inside." I sighed.

"I hope he knows what he's doing." Wolffe said and we all walked in. The placed seemed to be abandoned, it was dark, no lights were on, we couldn't see anything. I turned on my lightsaber to use it as a torch and Rex held his blasters in hand, just like Wolffe held his own gun.

"There's an upper level." Lana pointed out. "Stay with them, I'll check everything from above." She told her Commander and, after sending me a glare and exchanging affirmative nods, she jumped using the Force to impulse her. She landed and I started to walk further into this building.

"Fives?!" I asked after a while, my voice echoing everywhere. "It's Anakin, I'm here with Rex and Wolffe, like you asked! Come on out, we just wanna talk!" We kept on walking for a while but didn't hear from him at all.

"General Skywalker!" He said from somewhere in the facility all of the sudden. I stopped my walk, as well as the rest. Even Lana, who's still above from where we are, stopped on her tracks. "Thank you! Thank you for trusting me! Now, have you come without troops?!" I frowned.

"We have! It's just the three of us!" I decided to keep Lana a secret, the ace underneath my sleeve in case things got ugly for some reason. We walked closer to the source of the voice.

"Put down your weapons, then!" He commanded and I looked around trying to find where he was. He was able to see us but we couldn't find him.

"I don't think so, Fives!"

"Please, sir! Please, I'm unarmed!" I looked at the troopers over my shoulder and nodded. I turned off my saber and clipped it to my belt as they placed their weapons down. I looked up and saw Lana hiding behind some boxes.

"Alright! I'm putting my pistols down!" Said Rex and left the blasters on a wooden box.

"So am I!" Wolffe commented, leaving his blaster right beside Rex's guns.

"What are we here for, Fives?!" I asked as I kept on walking around.

"I need your help!" He answered.

"I know you do. We know you're not well. It's been rough for you these last couple days!" I told him as I walked a few steps.

"I'm not crazy! Please, please, just...just hear what I have to say!" Suddenly, his voice sounded close behind us. We all turned around and gave a few steps forward.

"It's okay, Fives. Just come with us. Let us take you back to the Temple and-" The sudden appearance of ray-shields shocked me. "No!" I yelled as I hit the wall with my fist. Now we're trapped underneath the shields, we cannot get to him.



The shield fell upon the boys and a gasp left my mouth. Couple seconds later, Fives crawled out from behind a pile of boxes that were right in front of the shield where they were trapped in.

"I just need you to listen." Said the trooper. He looked ill, his beard gone, as well as his hair, thinner and with his cheekbones swollen. I frowned with worry. "Please!"

"I'm not really sure we have any other choice!" Anakin complained with a hint of sarcasm in his anger. He crossed his arms, the man hates being held in place.

"I was framed because I know the truth." He said and I frowned as I moved closer silently and slowly to not call his attention and make this situation worse. "The truth about a plot, a massive deception."

"By whom?" Asked Rex.

"Well, there's a sinister plot in the works against the Jedi. I have proof of it." He held his head from time to time. "I can prove that everything that I know it's true beyond a shadow of a doubt!" Fives seemed like a maniac. My heart started beating faster as I thought about what had been spoken at the Communications Centre not so long ago.

"Show me the evidence." Anakin said firmly, this made Fives take a deep breath and exhale as he held his head.

"The evidence is in here. It's...it's in here." He pointed at his head, the same spot in his head over and over again. "It's in all of us, every Clone!"

"What is it?" Asked Wolffe.

"Organic chips built into our genetic code, to make us do whatever someone wants, even kill the Jedi." My heart skipped a beat as I looked away to take a deep breath myself. That's when my comlink beeped. I placed my hand over it to quiet the noice and answered in a whisper.

"What is it, Cal?" I asked.

"Master, a Senate probe saw Fives at the landing zone of a warehouse, they've sent a squad there. You'll have company soon." He informed.

"Shit. How much time do we have?"

"Five minutes tops."

"Alright. Thank you, kid." He ended the transmission and my attention went back to the trooper.

"It's all in here!" He pointed at the same spot on his head.

"Let's just get you some help first." Anakin said and I started to climb down silently. "Then we can review everything. It'll be okay, Fives. We'll sort this out." The soldier screamed.

"You don't believe me!"

"We I do." I said and he looked at me, everyone did.

"General Naberrie! What- what are you doing here?!" He asked as he gave a few steps back and I placed my hands up.

"I followed them here. I want to help, Fives. I want to help you." I approached him slowly. "We're listening to you." I was now standing beside Anakin and Rex, across from Fives. "I'm listening."

"We only want to help, brother." Said Rex.

"How do I know you're not tricking me?" Asked the ARC trooper. "How do I know this is not a trap?"

"Because I had Cal hack the Senate security systems, and I'm telling you they're sending a squad here. A probe followed you here and they'll blast through the doors any second now but we can help you. I've delayed them to give you time to explain yourself to us." He breathed in and out rapidly. "What's going on?"

"The Chancellor's trying to kill me, that's what's happening! I didn't try to assassinate him, I would never do that!"

"Okay, okay. I trust you, we all do." He looked at his brothers, they nodded.

"The squad has arrived." Cal's voice echoed through my comm, loud enough only for me to hear.

"The Chancellor?" Asked Anakin, genuinely concerned.

"He's in on it!"

"On what? The plot?" I asked.

"Yes!" He grabbed his head as he thought and paced around. "I don't know to what extent, but I know he orchestrated much of this. He told me in the medical bay!"

"He told you?" Anakin and I asked at the same time. "You've gone too far, Fives." Anakin added.

"Okay, okay, hold on." I said.

"The Chancellor isn't capable of what you claim."

"He is!"

"Okay! Let's calm down. Fives, look at me." I said and he focused on me. "The Chancellor?"

"Yes, the Chancellor. I swear to you, General. You have no idea—"

"Stand down, soldier!" Yelled Fox from my left, his whole squad and himself aiming at Fives.

"No!" He yelled.

"Whoa, stand down, soldiers!" I ordered.

"Stand down, get on your knees!" They ignored me and yelled at Fives.

"Stay back!" I yelled.

"No, no! Stay back!" Fives screamed too. In a second, he took one of Rex's blasters. This could get very ugly.

"Fives!" I turned to him and stood in between him and the rest of the troopers. "Fives, look at me! Tell me abut the plot! What do you know?"

"It's all of us. We could end you all."


"It's all in here."

"In here where?"

"Soldier, get on your knees, now!" Fox ordered.

"Stand down, soldier, that's a direct order!" I looked at him over my shoulder. "Do not shoot! I repeat, do not shoot! Hold you fire!" I turned back to Fives. "Where, Fives, where?"

"Right here!" He placed his index finger on the left side of my head. That's when he saw a trooper coming towards him. "Stay away from me!" He pushed me slightly to the side.

"Fives, don't!" Rex and Wolffe yelled when he placed the gun up and aimed at the soldier. He was shot once on the chest, and a second time on the neck. That blast went by close to it, cutting only a little, causing blood to splatter. I blinked when I felt a hot liquid land on my face.

"Fives!" I yelled and bent down beside him, my hands quickly finding the wound on his neck to stop the bleeding, as if that could help.

"Fives! Fives!" Yelled his brothers, who were still trapped underneath the shield and were hitting its walls from the inside.

"Get the shield off!" I yelled at the same time Anakin did. Fox blasted the power generator and the shield went off. Rex bent down beside his brother, held his hand with his right hand and used the left one to press the wound on his chest.

"Fives...call for help! We need a medic!" He yelled. I looked at Anakin as Fives' blood crawled through ny fingers, he frowned with sadness. My eyes pooled with tears.


"I'm here, brother."

"This is...bigger than any of us, than anything I could've imagined." His eyes alternated between mine and Rex's eyes. "I never meant to...I only wanted to do my duty." He started to fade away.

"Fives?" I asked.

"Brother, stay with me. Stay with me, Fives!" Rex begged. "Fives!"

"The mission...the nightmares...they're....finally...over." A last breath left his mouth before the light in his eyes faded into darkness.

"Fives? No. No, come on, Fives. Don't go, stay with me. Stay with me! Fives! Fives!" I removed my hands from the wound on his neck and Rex looking at me with a heartbreaking shock. "General, what are you doing? Keep the pressure on his neck! The wound-!"

"Rex." I said lowly.

"Keep adding pressure, please!"



"Rex! He's gone." My tears fell. "He's gone." I whispered. "I'm so sorry." My hand fell on his shoulder, leaving a dark red bloodstain on his white and blue armour.

"No...no!" He yelled and hugged the corpse of his brother. Anakin's hand fell on his shoulder too as I stood up. A moment of silence was produced in which Rex and Wolffe, as well as Fox's squad mourned his brother. The troopers in the red uniforms approached us, when my eyes met the Commander's I felt anger itching my chest, darkness filling me up.

"You..." I said lowly as I approached rapidly the Commander. "You and I keep on having problems."

"Allana." Anakin called my name.

"First it was Ahsoka, now this?!"


"I gave you direct orders to stand down!" Anakin approached me, his arm around my torso before I could jump on the Commander and scratch his eyes out. "I am your superior, I'm a General, and I ordered to hold your fucking fire, soldier!" I continued, pointing at his face. He tried to keep a neutral expression, but sadness leaked here and there from his mask. "Let go of me!" I pushed Anakin's arm away. After looking at Skywalker for a second, I looked back at Fox. I took a few steps forward, took his hand into mine and cleaned some of Fives' blood from my palm with his glove. "Your brother's blood is on your hands, Commander." I whispered for him to hear and walked away.

I made my way into the ship we had come in and sat as pilot, eyes locked to the front, not one word leaving my mouth. I saw Fox's squad taking Fives' body out on a stretcher covered by a white blanket. I looked away.

No matter how much death we watch, how many people we get to see perish before the war, it's never easy to see a friend die. Fives, as well as Echo, have been mates that never failed to make me laugh, that made me feel like the 501st was my own unit, my own home whenever I wasn't with my men. And now he's gone too.

We had to report to the Council, and we found out the Masters that had assigned us to this mission were in the Senate with the Chancellor. I piloted the ship straight to the round building. I landed but none of us moved and everyone remained silent. Wolffe was the first one to speak.

"I...would like to be excused from this meeting, General." He said. Fives was also one of his closest friends.

"Me too." Rex seconded. "I don't want to report on my brother's death."

"Neither do I." Anakin and I looked at each other.

"Alright." He said.

"We understand." I added. They nodded, stood up, and walked out of the ship with their heads low. They took a transport to take them somewhere, where specifically? I didn't know. I could only assume they'd go get a drink, or two, or many. I sighed and looked at the blue sky beyond the glass of the ship. "How was any of this possible?" Anakin sighed too.

"I don't know." I could hear the lump in his throat. "I keep on losing people I care about...I want it to stop." I looked at him and held his hand into mine. They dry blood wouldn't leave a stain on his gloves.

"I'm sorry." He looked at our hands, then into my eyes.

"We need to clean your face."

"There's nothing to do so with in here. I'll wash my face in a bathroom when we get inside." He nodded.

"Make me a favour?"


"Don't you ever place yourself in the line of fire again the way you just did." I smiled.

"In this line of work and given the times we're living in, I find that difficult, but I'll try my best." He smiled, only a little.

"I mean it. I lost a friend today, not long ago I lost...I lost Tup, Ahsoka, and I've lost Echo too. If I lose you...I'd lose my mind."

"Hey, you won't lose me. I can assure you that." He nodded. "I love you."

"I love you, too." He sighed. "They're expecting us." I breathed in too and we got off the ship. Before walking down the metallic ramp, we let go of each other, and made our way into the Senate.

Everyone around looked at me with horror and confusion. I made my way to the closest bathroom and washed my hands to remove every bloodstain from my skin and washed my face. I dried my skin with a paper towel and made sure to get rid of the dried blood that could remain somewhere. When I was done, I walked out of the bathroom to find Ani right outside waiting for me.

We hopped on an elevator and said nothing as we made our way towards the Chancellor's quarters. Once inside, we sat down on one of the large couches. Right next to Shaak Ti. Opposite from us were Mace and Yoda.

"A tragic situation, indeed." Said the Chancellor once we had briefed him on the situation. I saw how Anakin let all the air in his lungs out and placed his elbows on his thighs, looked at the ground and held his head in between his hands.

"About the Clones' breakdowns, have we discovered any new evidence?" Asked Master Windu.

"I had my personal doctors examine both bodies. It appears Nala Se did miss something in her investigation." I frowned and Anakin looked up.

"Another cause your doctors found?" Asked Master Yoda and we all looked at the Chancellor.

"A parasite." I felt my blood cold. My eyes met Anakin's. I could feel my face reflected pure worry. "You alright, child?"

"I...yes, Chancellor." I said. "I just remembered an experience with mind-controlling parasites native to Geonosis. I did think of a parasite being the cause of all this when I was attacked by Tup but, I also thought it could be something bigger than that."

"Well, this time it's not something bigger, it was all a small being's doing. Native to Ringo Vinda. Probably in the canteen of water they both shared. It did cause the inhibitors to decay, once the parasite had taken hold. It is very rare. However, just to be cautious, we have prepared an inoculation for every Clone trooper in our army." We all looked at each other.

"So I guess it's over, then?" Asked Shaak Ti.

"Yes, we can finally put this whole wretched situation behind us." I sighed. As if it was that easy. "We must direct our attention back to the war at hand. Each day we grow closer and closer and closer to victory."

When he mentioned this, the known and terrifyingly familiar sensation of coldness washed over me. I felt a shiver going down my spine, an itch in the tip of my stomach, a tickle in my chest. Fear. The ending of this era, of all I've known as a profesional, scares me.

What could this mean? Why am I so fearful of war being finally over if it meant the reign of peace? Even if victory could be slightly seen in the horizon, I could see darkness coming with it too. I don't trust this, I don't like this...and not being able to foresee it unsettles me.

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