14: Offerings
"Rebellion?" I asked as Dormé rushed to pick up the glass I had dropped. "No, don't pick it up. I'm sorry. It's alright, I'll just-" She placed a hand on my forearm to stop my anxious movements as I bent down to pick up the glass as well, not willing to let her pick it up.
"It's alright, General. You should listen to what they have to say, I already know about it." She offered a smile that I returned, quite uncomfortably, as I sat down properly next to Padmé.
"Even if we had agreed not to tell anyone outside this room, I-" Said the Senator.
"Hang on, you had discussed this already? An organisation has been already formed? When did this happen?"
"When we started to realise things were getting out of our hands. A while ago, General." Explained Bail.
"Indeed." Said Padmé. "Now, listen carefully, we had decided not to tell anybody, not even family."
"Then why am I here?"
"For the stars, could you just keep quiet and let me finish?"
"Force, I'm sorry. Is just that...this whole thing is very-"
"Overwhelming, I know." She sighed. "I proposed you do know because you're a Jedi, and Jedi are defenders of peace. We need more people that want to preserve that peace across the Republic and the Galaxy itself, and you could be key in case this escalates to something more serious." I scoffed.
"More serious? We're still fighting a Civil War in every sector, it's been the Separatists against the Republic for years."
"Sadly." Said Mon Mothma.
"And what's the 'more serious' situation you fear? Why organise this?"
"Because, with the powers that have been just given to the Chancellor, the only things left for him to control are the Senate, which he's already working on, and...the Jedi Council." I reclined myself on the arm of the sofa I was sitting on, my hand covering my mouth as I thought, my eyes pinned to the window in the distance. "You could talk to them in case something happens," my eyes darted back to Padmé. "you could inform them of whatever is going on here, prevent them." I was about to say I was sent to spy on them because Kenobi already suspects something's brewing here, but I bit my tongue.
"But I'm not in the Council, and I doubt they'll give me a seat."
"After everything you've done for the cause? All the sacrifices you've made for the Republic and the Order?" Asked Bail and I gulped as I made a list of everything I've done and given in behalf of the Jedi in my head. "Don't you have a Padawan waiting right outside? You're a Jedi Master already, General."
"Yes. I do have a Padawan, Senator. However, even if I have thought about how I do deserve a seat in that room, it isn't something you just demand to be given. It's given to you over time by decision of the actual members. I can't just walk into the chambers and ask for my late Master's old seat. Plus, I have to finish my Padawan's training, that's my priority." I sighed. Cal and Anakin are the only reasons I have to remain in the Order, because I'd leave if I could right now.
"And, in any way, the Council would oppose. Even if we act as military for the Republic, we're separate organisations. The Chancellor cannot control the Council, he simply can't. And the Jedi wouldn't let it happen. That act would start yet another war. That's why I doubt they'll even join the cause, they'd remain neutral as they always do."
"They haven't been neutral in this war, we've all defended the Republic. And I believe that, if their Order and their people are threatened, they'd choose a side. Even if it's theirs, they'd choose one." She paused. "My money is on the fact they'd also choose to fight against injustice, they'd choose to protect themselves and the Republic." I bit my lip knowing she's right, that would be the Jedi's course of action. "I know you know I'm right," I exhaled a breath, not surprised by her statement. "so why not act now?" Said Padmé.
"Because we'd be going against the Chancellor. That would be considered as treason against the Republic itself."
"He's not the Senate yet."
"You sound like a Separatist."
"We're not Separatists trying to leave the Republic." Mon Mothma clarified. "We're loyalists trying to preserve democracy in the Republic, General. We would like to have yours and the Jedi Council's help in case the only solution is...a coup." I pinched my nose as my head started to spin.
"Alright, back up a bit. This is...a lot to take in. Could you, just..." I breathed out. "let's start over." Padmé sighed and Bail nodded at me.
"Now that the Chancellor has been given more emergency powers, he could most certainly take control of the Jedi Council. And he has appointed governors to oversee all star systems in the Republic." Organa explained.
"Yes, that happened on the decree that was posted this morning." I said and they nodded.
"Do you think he'll dismantle the Senate?" Asked Padmé, causing Mon to scoff bitterly.
"Why bother? As a practical matter, the Senate no longer exists. The constitution is in shreds amendment after amendment."
"We cannot let a thousand years of democracy disappear without a fight." Bail commented.
"So you suggest your rebellion as loyalists to the Republic?" I asked.
"Exactly." I sighed through my nose and poured myself a new glass of water with ice as I felt my throat sore and dry.
"I cannot believe it has come to this." Said Padmé as she bit her thumbnail and I chugged down the glass, rubbing the side of my belly.
"My thoughts exactly." I agreed.
"I mean, Chancellor Palpatine is one of my oldest advisors. He served as my ambassador when I was Queen."
"Maybe, but sometimes no one and nothing is what it seems. Sometimes, the people you believe to know so well are complete strangers." I sighed before I continued to speak. "I never fully trusted him, my gut has been telling me to stay away from him all these years, but...I don't think he'd be capable of doing that, of taking over the Senate and the Council. Sure, he's been on that chair longer than he should've but-"
"General, Padmé..." Bail called us. "I fear you underestimate the amount of corruption that has taken hold in the Senate."
"The Chancellor has played the Senate as well." Mothma pointed out. "They know where the power lies and they will do whatever it takes to have share in it."
"And we cannot continue debating about this any longer." Said Bail as he stood up to pace around the room.
"How many people know about this?" I asked.
"The three of us, you, and a couple of close friends." Answered Padmé.
"Are they trustworthy?"
"Yes, with no room for doubt." Senator Organa was quick to respond, I assumed one of those close friends would be his wife, the Queen of Alderaan.
"How long have you been debating this for?"
"A few weeks." I breathed in and out through my nose.
"We have decided to do whatever we can to stop it." Said Bail.
"Alright." I bit the inner part of my cheek as I thought. "So you put together this...organisation."
"Yes, and no one else must find out." Even if they said no one must find out, my head was already rushing towards Anakin, his image popping in my head. It makes sense now why Cal was asked to wait outside, to protect him from all of this. In case it's found out, the list of traitors would be short. And I agreed.
"That means those closest to you, even friends and family." Mon told me. "No one can be told."
"I understand. But, if that's the case why am I here? If I cannot discuss this with the Council-"
"Yet." Padmé pointed out.
"Right. If I cannot discuss this with the Council yet then...what do you want from me?"
"We just want to know if, when the time comes, we can count on you to inform and convince the Council, because we know that without the Jedi's help, we cannot go against the Chancellor." Padmé explained. I breathed in and out, my index and thumb fingers pinching the fabric of Anakin's shirt close to my belly.
"You can count on me." I assured a moment later. "Only that I wish things to be resolved before we have to get the Council involved in all of this."
"We could not agree more. Thank you, General." Said Bail and I gifted him a formal nod. I bit my lip before sharing what I was doing here. If they had trusted me enough to tell me what they're planning, I believe I could trust them with what Obi-Wan thinks.
"Now, I must tell you something that's happening on my side of the line." They exchanged looks and Padmé nodded at me. "I don't know if it's just General Kenobi or if it's the Council, but the Jedi are beginning to feel skeptical. Every single one of us has an odd feeling, but no one has come forward with an answer to it."
"Why do you mention Master Kenobi?"
"Because he was the one to send me here." They looked at each other, startled. Even if they are not weak-minded, people tend to be vulnerable when they're scared. Reading their minds was easy. "No, the Jedi are not spying on you, or the Senate. However, we're trying to find out the missing pieces. Call it a superstition. Master Kenobi knows I'm one of the few Jedi you see over here often, so it wouldn't be suspicious if I attended today's assembly." They nodded, all three of them releasing a relieved breath, their shoulders relaxing. "Are you entirely sure I cannot share this with him at least? Obi-Wan is trustworthy, he wouldn't tell a soul."
"Don't do it just yet, okay? Give it time. Find out on your side and ours so you can give them all the information once we're all sure of what's going on." Padmé told me.
"But the problem is the uncertainty of what's going to happen."
"I know, I know. Just...give it time, alright?" I sighed.
"Alright. Is that all you wished to discuss with me?"
"Indeed." Said Mon.
"Well, then, if you'll excuse me," I stood from the sofa and they mirrored my action. "I must head back to the Temple."
"Right, go ahead, General. Thank you for your time." Said Bail as they walked me to the door, which slid open. On the other side, Cal was chatting with one of Padmé's commandos.
"Anytime. Senators," I bowed my head at them, then at my sister's handmaidens, every single one of them smiled at me. I smiled back as I walked out, bumping into someone. "My apologies."
"No worries, Master Naberrie." Said Ani with a smile.
"Master Skywalker. Funny finding you here." I smiled back at him.
"I could say the same." He looked over my shoulder. "Senators, good morning."
"Good morning, Master Jedi." Said Padmé with a kind smile. "Excuse me, but I must return to work."
"Every single one of us must." We shared a chuckle at Bail's words. "Have a good day."
"Likewise, Senator." I said and he walked away, as well as Mon Mothma. "I'll see you soon." I told Padmé, who nodded and walked back into her office, the door closing behind her. I assumed the transmission her maidens were sharing would dissipate and it would seem as if nothing had happened. I sighed as I turned around to face Anakin. "What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Had a chat with the Chancellor."
"Oh, interesting." He nodded.
"Witty told me you were in a briefing with Padmé and the other Senators." I nodded. "What was that about?"
"Discussing what happened in this morning's decree. Then Padmé asked me to stay a little longer, to catch up."
"So why couldn't I go in?" Asked Cal.
"Because we were discussing Naboo, our family, our jobs, what we've been up to. Boring conversation for you." I lied concerningly easily.
"Alright, it does sound like it." Ani and I chuckled.
"Why did Palpatine wanna see you?" I asked Ani, my eyes moving from Cal's to his face, I saw how it dropped.
"I brought a transport, need a lift?" He avoided my question, which was odd.
"Sure. Why are you dodging my question, though?"
"I'm not." I arched an eyebrow. "I might be. Sorry. He...told me something he wants me to bring before the Council, which is what I'm gonna do when we arrive. They asked me to tell you to join the meeting, they have something to discuss with you as well." He smiled at me, so I nodded and agreed, not tho king much of it.
The trip back towards the Temple was silent, all three of us comfortably listening to the buzzing ships around us and the tranquility of the Capital planet. But if I removed that from the picture, I was very anxious. My hand rubbing my belly just to feel some sort of comfort. I closed my eyes as I felt Anakin's eyes on me. "You okay?" He asked and I opened my eyes as I breathed in and out, nodding.
"Yeah, just a little tired. That's all." He nodded at me after I assured him with my eyes that I was fine. Eventually, we arrived at the Temple and walked silently all the way towards the Council Chambers. I could sense Anakin was troubled, and he could sense I was troubled, but we weren't willing to share what we had heard. Not yet.
The doors slid open and every member of the Council that was in the Temple was sitting down on their respective seats, as well as the holograms of those that were far away in a distant system. However, I did realise there were two empty seats to Obi-Wan's left. One used to be Adi's. I scoffed to myself as I thought about how they haven't found someone fitting to be in that seat yet.
When my eyes met Obi-Wan's, he nodded discretely, and I nodded back. Anakin looked at me over his shoulder for less than a second and I knew he had taken note of the gesture I had just exchanged with his Master. I crossed my arms and tapped my forearm twice. 'I love you'. He smiled at the ground just as discretely before returning the gesture. 'I love you, too'. I smiled at the ground.
"Skywalker." Said Windu. "Why did you ask us all to join this room?"
"Master, as I'm sure some of you are aware, Chancellor Palpatine asked me to join him at his office earlier today. He told me that the Senate would call a meeting to ask him to take direct control of the Jedi Council." I felt my breath shortening as every member of the Council began to murmur and complain about this statement. My mind rushed into thinking about his this rebellion would happen a lot sooner than anyone was expecting. "He says he'd do it just to bring an end to this war, and..." He cleared his throat, crossed his arms, keeping his hands in the sleeves of his dark brown robe like he does when he's anxious, looked at his arms, to the left towards Obi-Wan, and to the right towards me. I felt my eyebrows knitting together as I watched him.
"And what, Anakin?" Asked Obi-Wan. Ani sighed, closed his eyes, clenched his jaw, and opened his eyes as he looked at the Council members again.
"And he asked for me to be his representative in the Council." I blinked a few times realising I wasn't the only one who was asked to be in the Council by someone else today. "To be his eyes and ears." The whole room whispered and murmured again. Apparently, the Senators want Jedi as spies nowadays.
"Allow this appointment lightly the Council does not." Said Yoda. "Disturbing is this move by Chancellor Palpatine." I bit my lip hoping for them not to think it was a demand made by Anakin disguised as a petition from the Chancellor, which is something they might consider.
"You are on this Council," said Windu after a pause and I felt my heart leaping with joy for Anakin, he deserves it, more than most Jedi in the room. "but we do not grant you the rank of Master." I frowned, confused and angry. How could he do that? When has a Jedi been in the Council but not as a Master?
"What?" Asked Anakin before I could. Windu arched an eyebrow as Anakin's eyes scanned the room looking for Obi-Wan's. Kenobi looked at his apprentice, then at his fellow mates. "How can you do this? This is outrageous. It's unfair." I bit my tongue the second I thought about backing him up as Ani unfolded his arms, his annoyance winning over his anxious hands. "How can you be on the Council and not be a Master?"
"Take a seat, young Skywalker." Said Windu coldly. Anakin sighed and bowed his head calmly.
"Forgive me, Master." He said and walked up to the seat he knows wasn't Adi's with heavy feet. Obi-Wan looked at his apprentice and shook his head, causing Anakin to gulp and frown sadly as he looked at the ground, then he looked at me.
"Naberrie, please, come forward." Asked Windu. I nodded and stepped at the middle of the room, then I bowed my head at them. "We asked Skywalker to call you to this meeting. Obi-Wan sent you earlier to the Senate, what did you manage to hear?"
"Well, the Senate has voted for the Chancellor to gain more emergency powers." I informed.
"Did you hear about him trying to take a hold of the Council?" Yes.
"No. However, I did hear many Senators are not happy with giving Chancellor Palpatine more power than he already has, they claim it's a bold move from him. They fear the death of democracy, and I agree."
"Why is that?" Asked Master Billaba.
"There's word going around of the Chancellor planning to take over the Senate. It is a matter of concern because it's the second time he's given more power, the first time being fifteen years ago when Naboo was being blockaded by the Separatist fleet. His time as head of the Republic is long overdue." Everyone nodded in agreement. "That's all I could gather." Windu nodded.
"Thank you, Naberrie."
"Is that all you wished to discuss with me, Master?"
"No. We also wished to discuss a position for you in this Council." I blinked and looked at Anakin, then the seat that Adi used to sit on. "Your old Master's."
"What?" Windu blinked. "Master, I..." I blinked as well, lost for words. "I don't know what to say." Cal ran out of the room, the hiss of the door and his footsteps calling everyone's attention. I felt as if the air had been knocked out of my lungs the second I watched him run away. I wanted to run behind him, but I knew I shouldn't. "I'm honoured, but...I'm afraid I'll have to decline." Everyone murmured and my eyes wandered around the room, the second I met Anakin's gaze, he shook his head, his eyes asking me to take the seat. "I can't do it."
"Everyone in this room believes you can, why don't you?" I scoffed.
"Oh, that's not what I mean. I don't doubt I can do it. Matter-fact, know I can." Anakin tried very had not to scoff as well, but I heard him doing so. I also heard Obi-Wan shushing him. "I know that, if someone's going to try to fill up Master Gallia's shoes, I would be the most qualified. However, I have a Padawan whose training is not complete yet. If you want to name someone 'Master Jedi', I believe Skywalker is more qualified for that, why not name him a Master?" Windu sighed.
"Allana," Anakin called, when I looked at him, he shook his head. 'You don't have to do that.' He said in my head. 'I know. But this is unfair and disrespectful to you.' I replied.
"This is not about Anakin, Allana." My eyes went back to Windu's. "It's about you. You should take that seat."
"I will. Once I complete my Padawan's training, if the offer's still up by then."
"Can't she train Cal and have the seat?" Asked Anakin, trying to help me out as well. "I know it takes a lot of time to be in the Council, just as training a Padawan. But take Master Billaba for example, she's here and she's also training young Caleb Dume. Doing a hell of a job, might I add." Depa smiled and nodded at Anakin. "And, if we know anything about Naberrie, is that she can multitask very well." I smiled at him. His words were kind, but I could tell he was sad, disappointed...hurt. His eyes met mine. "You shouldn't decline the seat, Naberrie. It would be foolish to do so." I sighed.
"I will not abandon Cal." I said, determined. "If you want me to take the seat, you'll have to let me keep my acolyte." I looked at the door. "Whom have to find right now because he might think I'll abandon him now, excuse me." I bowed and started to walk away towards the door.
"You can keep on training the boy." Said Windu and I halted my movements to look at him. "But you've got to let him have his space right now and take your place in this Council, Naberrie." It sounded as if he was scolding me. "We have an important matter to discuss and we need you to listen." I tightened my hands into fists and breathed out before sitting down on Adi's seat right beside Anakin. It felt odd. Wrong. Like it belonged to someone else. "Now that everything has been settled-"
"It hasn't." I said, bluntly. "I'm still debating on it." Windu looked at me with cold eyes.
"Anyway, what's that...matter we have to discuss?" Obi-Wan asked, cutting the tension in the room with a knife.
"Grievous." Said Mace before he turned to Master Mundi, allowing him to talk.
"We've surveyed all systems in the Republic," Said Mundi's hologram as I fidgeted in the seat, uncomfortably. Anakin placed his forearms on his knees and moved his foot, his boot hitting mine in a comforting and discreet manner. I breathed in and out, thanking him with a small nod. He nodded back. "but we have found no sign of General Grievous."
"Hiding in the Outer Rim Grievous is." Master Yoda assured. "The outlying systems you must sweep."
"We do not have many ships to spare." Obi-Wan commented.
"What about the droid attack on the Wookies?" Asked Master Mavra Zane.
"It is crucial we send an attack group there immediately." Windu added and she nodded. Out of all the Jedi in the room, she's the one to have the closest relationship with the Wookies besides Master Yoda.
"He's right. It's a system we cannot afford to lose." I bounced my knee up and down. It was uncomfortable to be in here as they discussed everything because I felt that, no matter how much discussion about the course of action we'd take lasted, there would be no fast solution. Anakin cleared his throat beside me, I looked at him and he scratched his cheek to hide the hand movement he made, asking me to calm down. I stopped bouncing my knee as I breathed out, we placed our arms on the arms of our respective seats, his forearm and the side of his hand brushing mine, my heartbeat spiking with a rush of adrenaline.
"Go I will." Said Yoda. "Good relations with the Wookies I have."
"I shall accompany you." Said Master Zane.
"It's settled, then. Yoda and Mavra will take a battalion of clones to reinforce the Wookies on Kashyyyk." When Obi-Wan looked our way, Anakin reclined his forearms on his knees and looked away while I laced my hands together on my lap. "May the Force be with us all." I stood up the second he was done speaking and rushed out of the room, hearing rapid footsteps behind me.
"Lana." Anakin called, but I didn't stop. "Allana, wait." I shook my head. "Lana, stop!" His hand gripped mine and I pulled away because a lot of people could see us here. His eyes were opened, suddenly surprised at my reaction. "Calm down." He said, his hands holding my arms as he moved us behind a pilar by a window.
"I just...why would they do that? It's as if they knew." I mumbled to myself.
"Knew what?"
"You said that it was as if they knew, what do you mean?" I blinked and shook my head, knowing I can't tell him about what's brewing at the Senate. Not yet, at least.
"About you. That you wanted to become a Master. It's outrageous, indeed. And then they ask me to be a Master right in front of you and Cal? What the hell were they thinking?"
"I know. I get it."
"I'm sorry." He shook his head.
"You don't have to be." He rubbed my arms up and down. "It's okay."
"No, it's not. It made me so furious. I still am." I sighed, slowly we had pulled into each other, like magnets. "I don't want that seat."
"You should take it."
"No, I won't."
"What? It's not something I want. I mean, I used to want it but now I don't. The one time I saw myself as a Master was back in Mortis and, according to that vision I had of myself, I had to let go of you for it to happen. And I won't. I can't. It's ridiculous."
"I know, but it's a great opportunity for you. Regardless of the nonsense, it is."
"It's not nonsense." Said Obi-Wan behind Anakin as he approached us. Ani and I pulled away from each other, he placed his hands on his hips while I crossed my arms over my chest and looked out the window, spotting Cal with Caleb talking on the Courtyard.
"I believe it is. All of it." I said as I breathed in and out. Anakin nodded to my left.
"Put me in the Council but not make me a Master? It's never been done in the history of the Jedi. It's insulting." He said.
"And then trying to name me a Master right in front of him after denying him his title?" I jumped in. "Come on. I mean it, if someone deserves to be there is-"
"Both of you." Kenobi halted our rambling with his voice. "Both of you have earned that privilege."
"Then name us both Masters." We said in unison. "If we've made the same efforts to be there, why just one of us? It's so stupid." I added.
"Calm down." Obi-Wan said as he invited us to walk with quick steps towards the elevator. "You've been given a great honour. To be on the Council at your age...it's never happened before." Anakin sighed beside me. "The fact of the matter is you are too close to the Chancellor." Obi-Wan added as he looked at Anakin. "The Council doesn't like it when he interferes in Jedi affairs." I bit my tongue and looked away.
"I swear to you, I didn't ask to be put on the Council."
"But it's what you wanted." He resumed the walk and we followed behind him further down the hall towards the elevator. "Your friendship with Chancellor Palpatine seems to have paid off." How could he say that?
"That has nothing to do with this." Ani argued.
"The only reason the Council has approved your appointment is because the Chancellor trusts you."
"Then why don't you trust me?" He asked and a moment of silence was made.
"I do. I'm on your side." We stopped and Obi-Wan placed a hand on his apprentice's shoulder. "I am on your side, Anakin." Kenobi sighed. "I didn't want to put you in this situation." I sighed and looked out the window.
"What situation?"
"The Council wants you to report on all the Chancellor's dealings. They want to know what he's up to." I started to walk near a window when Anakin's eyes landed on me, both men following behind me.
"They want me to spy on the Chancellor?" Asked Ani, upset. "This is...way too crazy to even hear. That's treason."
"We are at war, Anakin."
"Spying on the Senate feels illegal. It actually is." I pointed out.
"You don't sound surprised." Anakin told me. "Why are you not surprised?"
"Because he's also put me in a situation like that." He furrowed his eyebrows as Obi-Wan sighed. "I was at the Senate because I was sent there to spy on the Senators, listen to the hearings closely and find out if anything was going on there, but I couldn't spy on the Chancellor. He's way out of my reach."
"Did the Council give you this assignment?" I shook my head.
"Man in a beard did." We looked at Obi-Wan, who was rolling his eyes.
"Alongside Windu and Yoda." Kenobi assured.
"Why didn't the Council give us these assignments while we were in session?" Anakin asked.
"These assignments are not to be on record."
"The Chancellor is not a bad man, Obi-Wan. Nor the entirety of the Senate." I held my breath and looked out the window again. The urge to tell them what Padmé had told me itched me. "Palpatine befriended me. He's watched out for me ever since I arrived here."
"That's why you must help us." Obi-Wan looked at me, his eyes softening as I picked on the corner of my lips. "Our allegiance is to the Senate, not to its leader."
"Who has managed to stay in office long after his term has expired, might I add." I said, looking at both of them. Anakin tilted his head to the side and I shrugged. "I told you once I didn't trust him. And he's been on that chair for far too long, so I get why the Council wants to spy on him."
"Thank you." Obi-Wan told me. I looked at him and pointed at his face.
"I never said I was okay with it. It still feels wrong." I told him, then folded my arms again.
"The Senate demanded that he stay longer. Just this morning they agreed to it." Anakin added.
"But they're giving him more emergency powers. That man is this close to becoming the Senate himself." I said to him, gesturing with my index and thumb, as if I was pinching air.
"Exactly. Use your feelings, Anakin. Something is out of place." I nodded at Obi-Wan's comment and Ani sighed.
"You're asking me to do something against the Jedi Code," Anakin's blue eyes landed on me. "against the Republic, against a mentor and a friend. That's what's out of place here." He was truly upset. "Why are you asking this of me?"
"The Council is asking you." Obi-Wan said after a short pause. I looked at them and sighed as Anakin was the one to turn towards the window this time. I followed his eyes and saw Cal all alone by the tree of the Courtyard now.
"I really need to talk to Cal." I said and walked away. I entered the lift and clicked the button that would take me to the Temple's lobby, then, I made my way towards the Courtyard. As I approached Kestis, he didn't say anything, he just looked at me and then away at the tree leaves that were on the ground, drying out. "Hi." I said once I was standing before him.
"Hey." He said with disdain.
"May I sit down?" He shrugged.
"Sure." I sat down as I sighed, my back aching.
"Thanks." He hummed in response. "So..." I cleared my throat. "they offered me a seat in the Council."
"Master Gallia's, I heard."
"Did you accept?"
"Not really."
"Why not? You deserve it, and she'd like you to have it."
"Maybe. But that seat has never been my priority. My priority has always been my Padawan." I saw how he looked at me from the corner of my eye. I looked at him and sighed. "At first, I cared about building myself a career, my own name. And having a seat at the Council was part of that, but it was so distant. Then, the war started and my focus was on helping everyone I could, look after my men. And, couple years later, you joined my team." I looked at the big building, the elegant and yet intimidating Jedi Temple rising beside us. "I used to think having a Padawan was too much responsibility, a burden even."
"And? Is it?" I looked at the young boy beside me. I smiled at him.
"It is a huge responsibility, but you're no burden, Cal." He smiled a little. "They offered me the seat, insisted for me to take it, but I told them that finishing your training is at the top of my list, above everything else."
"So...you won't abandon me?" I shook my head, my hand finding his shoulder.
"No. Not now, not ever." He offered me a full smile. "I swear to you, kiddo. I'll never abandon you. Whenever you need me, I'll be there."
"You will?"
"Yeah. All you gotta do is call for me. And I'll be there." I smiled at him. "You won't get rid of me that easily."
"I sure hope not." I chuckled. "I like training with you. Being trained by you."
"You better, 'cause I'm not letting you off the hook with those trainings. We gotta catch up with our schedule, by the way."
"Alright." I nodded. "How 'bout tomorrow? Caleb invited me to duel in a few minutes, Master Billaba is going to supervise."
"She hasn't told me anything and we were in session together."
"That's because Caleb's just informed her." I nodded and chuckled, knowing Depa and Caleb were doing this because they had seen Cal all alone here and upset.
"Alright. But I want you first hour in the morning ready for a training session."
"Deal." I smiled and he stood up, that joyful smile that caused his boyish eyes to glimmer flashed across his face.
"So, we're good?" He nodded as he breathed in and out.
"We are."
"Alright. I'll go to my quarters to freshen up and rest. If you need anything just call, alright?" I said as I stood up.
"Yes, Master." I placed my hand on his head and messed up his red hair as I walked past him, making him laugh, then he walked up to me, both of us entering the Temple side by side. "Master?" He called as we began to walk our separate ways. I stopped and turned around to face him.
"Yes?" Cal just looked at me for a moment and threw his arms around my torso to hug me. For a moment I was frightened he'd feel the baby bump, that he'd freak out all of the sudden, but he just...embraced me. "Oh." I whispered as I hugged him back.
"Thank you."
"Whatever for, kid?" Cal pulled away after a couple more seconds and looked up at me.
"For everything." I frowned. "For being my Master and teaching me everything I know, how to survive and how to live, for choosing me above everything else...for being the best friend and big sister I never had." With a lump in my throat, I blinked at his sweet words and pulled him into another hug.
"Thank you, Cal. For everything." We pulled away from each other and after exchanging smiles and waving hands, we walked our separate ways. I reached the lift. The doors closed and I was about to push the button that would take me to the level where my quarters are, but I stopped. Instead, I clicked the button that would take me back to the Council's Chambers.
I walked in, determined. I interrupted a conversation between Obi-Wan, Mundi, Yoda and Windu. "Naberrie," said the last one mentioned. "what can we do for you?" I looked at them and sighed.
"I'll take the title and the seat." I said, all of them smiled at me.
"Thank you for your answer, it's good news."
"On one condition." Windu sighed, his smile dropping.
"What is it?"
"You grant Skywalker the rank of Master." Obi-Wan's arms fell to his sides as he looked at me, Yoda held on to his crane tightly, Windu narrowed his eyes and folded his arms while Mundi placed his hands on his hips.
"Why so much interest about Skywalker and his rank?" Asked Master Mundi.
"Because he's one of my best friends. And I...care about him." I almost fucked up, I almost said 'because I love him' and it pains me not being able to.
"Is this love, Naberrie?" Asked Windu. The arouse of fear of almost getting caught flushed my skin red.
"No...not that kind of love. Its care, compassion and empathy, values of our Code that I always honour, Master. Same as him." I said as I looked into Mace's eyes, he bought it. "With all due respect, you might know a lot about camaraderie, but you do not know much about friendship, gentlemen." They blinked, slightly offended. "I know Anakin will not speak up about this, so I will. He deserves to be a Master. He's done so much for the Order and the Republic, more than most of us have done. He's sacrificed everything, placing his life on the line as the fearless hero he is. So, I believe that he deserves to have the rank of Master. More than most. More than myself." I gulped. "And I'm not only speaking as his friend, but also his co-worker and partner. What you did back there was utterly disrespectful."
"Allana..." Obi-Wan warned, my eyes snapped towards him.
"No, don't shut me up when you know I'm right. Not when I know you agree with me." He gulped and sighed. "You knew how much he's wanted to become a Jedi Master. I mean, Force, he's already been one. Did he not train Ahsoka Tano? And she became one of the best Jedi I have ever seen." They all looked guilty and hurt at the mention of Ahsoka's name. And honestly, good. They should feel that way because they jeopardised her training. "And pulling that stunt back there? Ranking me a Master right in front of him after you declined him of the very same honour? There was not an ounce of respect there. It was a low blow and it made me very angry."
"Careful with emotions like those, you should be. To let go, you must learn." Yoda said, slowly.
"You're right." I said as I exhaled a breath. "But as I learn how to let go, you should learn to trust and be more respectful, welcoming and kind to those that have prioritised this Order more than their own lives." They blinked and my eyes met Windu's. "What's your call?"
"He's not ready."
"Naberrie!" Mundi scolded me, I just glared at him.
"Why is he not ready?"
"Because he's too impulsive, too reckless, too aggressive. Things you are being right now."
"Yet you are ranking me a Master." He sighed, knowing I was right.
"But you think before you act." I scoffed.
"Not always really. And, even if I do, that makes me a better candidate for being a Jedi Master than Anakin? He might be reckless, but that doesn't make him less effective." I blinked and they all seem to be considering it.
"I...do second that thought." Said Obi-Wan and I nodded. "Anakin is one of the best Jedi there is, the best one I know and I believe this...bargain to be fair."
"I do not agree." Said Mundi. "The boy is not yet ready for this responsibility. I do think that in the near future he could receive this title, but not now." I sighed as Windu and Yoda looked at each other.
"Masters, come on." I pleaded. "After everything he's done and shown throughout the Clone Wars...you know he deserves it." He sighed. "I know you do." Windu sighed, looked at his companions, then at the floor. "I'm not the only one who deserves this promotion."
"We cannot rank him a Master." Windu answered after a while. I remained silent for a moment, shocked. "But he'll keep his seat on this Council. That is final." I looked at Obi-Wan, he was looking at Windu, then his eyes met mine. It was as if he was telling me 'you tried', but it hadn't been enough.
"Then I decline the rank of Master. I'll only accept the seat on the Council."
"Naberrie, I don't believe that to be wise." Said Master Mundi.
"And I don't believe you're being fair." I said. "If you're not ranking him a Master, either you take my rank away or I walk and you find someone else to fill in Adi's spot." They remained silent for a moment and I just looked at them.
"You have a seat on the Council. And you are stripped off your rank of Master." I nodded as I clicked my tongue in frustration.
"I wish I could say I'm shocked. Unfortunately...I'm not." I nodded. "Have a good day, Masters." I bowed my head and left. I walked out of the Temple and made my way towards our apartment, where I knew I'd find my husband.
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