10: Old Friends Not Forgotten
Apparently, by the time we left for Yerbana, many Separatist forces surged around the galaxy, all of them attacking in synch and led by General Grievous, causing many Jedi Generals to be dispatched around the Outer Rim.
We found Obi-Wan and Lana's fleet finishing off the Separatists at our arrival, so, we just had to give out a hand on the ground. Lana and I, as well as the 501st, got into gunships as to get to the ground. As we flew into the atmosphere and got closer to the different spots where trouble were, we acknowledged there were loads of enemy troops.
"What's the plan?" I asked Lana.
"Well, Cal sent me the coordinates of where he is, apparently the 104th and 212th are stuck at a bridge fighting Separatist forces." She said as she looked at the hologram of the bridge Kestis had sent her that R2 was kindly projecting for us.
"Alright, I guess they're on that bridge." I said pointing outside, for the gunship's gates were open. She looked over her shoulder and nodded. The Separatists were letting hellfire rain upon the Republic Forces, we could see two blue lightsabers deflecting blasts and covering the flanks of the soldiers. "They're in serious need for reinforcements."
"It's a good thing we're here, then." I smiled at the curly haired young woman. "Problem is that the droids will surround them if they get to cross the other bridge." She added.
"So, we gotta take those out before we help them out."
"Yeah." I nodded as she communicated with Cal to let them know we have arrived and we'd help them out soon.
"Alright! Drop the rockets upon those droids on the second bridge on my mark." I commanded our pilot. "We jump down when the smoke crates a curtain." She nodded and grabbed her lightsabers from the holders getting ready. "Rex, do you know if your men have their backpacks ready?"
"They do, sir."
"What are you thinking about?" Asked Lans.
"An ambush." She smiled and nodded.
"Oh, I like it." I scoffed.
"Thanks." I turned back at Rex. "Get those backpacks on, make sure to carry plenty of explosives with you; you'll fly down with us, then you'll follow my lead. You too, R2."
"As usual, General." I smiled. R2 beeped, agreeing to the plan as well.
"When should I drop the rockets, sir?"
"Not yet." I waited for us to get closer. "Hold it...hold it...Now!" The rockets flew from the gunship to the bridge, we saw how many of those droids blew up, specially the walkers and spider droids, the rest was easy work. Lana and I jumped off the gunship with the members of my legion following behind flying with their jetpacks.
Allana landed on a walker that was still firing its weapons and, in a second, she stuck the blades of her lightsabers into its eye, melting it inside out.
Meanwhile, I was cutting off the heads and arms of some super droids that were firing at us and, at a very steady pace —and after forty minutes or so—, we managed to destroy the wave that could've killed our friends.
"Now what?" Asked Naberrie as she removed a light coat of sweat that was on her forehead.
"We get over there." I pointed at the bridge.
"You don't have a plan, do you?"
"I do have a plan." Lana arched an eyebrow. "Sort of." She added a smile and I sighed as I shrugged. "I have parts of a plan, alright? But we'll figure out the rest as we go, just trust me." She laughed and I smiled, her beautiful face made my heart leap with joy.
"Blindfolded, General. Now, how do you plan on getting us over there?"
"We get a lift." I waved at Rex and he called Jesse to help us. "Would you get us over there, gents?" I asked, Jesse held my hand while Rex held on to Lana's. In a moment, they flew us all the way to the other bridge with my loyal droid dude following close behind. "All of you, get under the bridge and wait. When R2 signals you, fly over the droids and blow 'em up, use every explosive you might have."
"Yes, sir." They left flying and I saw the rest of the 501st flying under the bridge as an explosion echoed behind us. When we turned around, we found the Commanders, Obi-Wan and Cal taking cover.
"And what do you want me to do? I don't wanna miss the fun." Said Lans to my right.
"You'll do the talking."
"I'm pretty good at that."
"Oh, I know." She chuckled as we walked up to our friends.
"Oh, Anakin, Allana, where are you?" Obi-Wan asked over the boom of another explosion.
"We're right here." We spoke at the unison, the four of them turning around to face us. "What are you doing down there?" I added as we moved to dodge a blast that was going for our heads. Cal smiled, relieved, and Lana smiled back at him.
"Been doing a great job, kid." She told him.
"Thanks, Master." He answered as he let out an exhausted breath.
"We're taking cover." Obi-Wan answered my previous question. "Now, get down!"
"You're not serious. There's only like a thousand droids down there, tops." Said Lans.
"Easy work." I said and hit her arm with my elbow, she smiled at me and we started walking to get past them.
"Hey, what are you up to? Where's Rex?" Asked Cal.
"We already finished our battle, so we decided to come and help you with yours." Naberrie answered.
"You're overdoing it. Again!" Obi-Wan commented and I turned around.
"Master, I mean no disrespect. If you want, we can hide here with you, and we can let the people in the city suffer longer."
"Now, Anakin, you know I-"
"Or, we can do things my way and help them now." Obi-Wan sighed and pinched his nose while I smiled at him.
"Alright. I know better than to try to stop you." I looked at Lana and we fist-bumped each other.
"Thank you." I told him.
"What's your plan this time?"
"Does he ever have a plan? He doesn't even have a 'pla'." Said Allana and I scoffed.
"Well, that 'pla' has been working delightfully so far, milady." I said mockingly and she rolled her eyes at the nickname, a nickname I use on very special occasions. "Just stay there." I said looking at my Master. "Come on." I added, this time looking at Lana. We walked down the bridge until we were at a safe distance from the droids' barricade, when they fired their weapons, they didn't managed to hit us at all.
Suddenly, they had their aim locked on us. "Hold your fire!" I yelled as I placed my hands up. "Hold your fire!" A short pause. "We have come to surrender." From the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of Lana's face, she frowned confused but not too much that it would alert the droids into thinking it was a trap.
"What?" She whispered through tightened teeth.
"Now's your time to talk." I said, whispering as well.
"What? Come on, dude." I remained silent. "About what, exactly?"
"I don't know, anything. We just need to make the Tactical droid show up." She groaned.
"You owe me one, big time. 'Cause this is ridiculous."
"I'll pay back when we get home." She smiled as she took a step forward.
"Your forces have fought valiantly." She told the droids. "And we must admit that we are overmatched by your superior firepower. I...congratulate you, for I, as well as my partner here, have fought in many battles on many planets, always been victorious against the droid army. Though you have always made it hard for us to win a battle, I must say that the battle we're fighting right now has exceeded all those we've fought prior. It's an outstanding performance the one you've given us today, left our troops hot and tired. So, it is with these thoughts in mind that...we gladly...surrender ourselves to the mercy of the Separatist forces." She exhaled. "I don't know how much longer I can keep this up." She whispered at me, my eyes were glued to the front looking for the goddamned droid. I smirked when I saw him.
"Not much longer, there he is." I whispered back. When he commanded the troops to open fire, I turned towards the spot where R2 was. "Now, R2!" I looked back at Lana and extended my hand to reach out for the Tactical droid. "Twelve o'clock." I added as I pulled the droid with the Force towards us. Naberrie looked at me the whole time, turned on her violet saber and, without breaking the eye contact, she cut off the droid's head with an elegant swish of her weapon. God, I love that woman.
By the time Lana gifted me a smile, the Legion was already flying over the Separatist fleet and were throwing the explosives, blowing up the tanks and the walkers, taking down the rest of the droids pretty fast. Soon enough, Obi-Wan's forces joined the fun and this fight would go down as another Republic win.
"That was some plan you had." Said Allana.
"I know, thank you." Obi-Wan and Cal joined us a moment later.
"Bravo, Anakin. You've done it again." Said my Master.
"Oh, I can't take all the credit. Your state of helplessness really sold them on Lana's surrender talk." Obi-Wan smiled at us and Lana simply chuckled.
"Always glad to help, my friend." I smiled back at him.
"Master, can I go and keep on destroying some droids?" Cal asked Lana, who meditated for a second but nodded her head later.
"Sure, kid. Be careful, though." She said.
"Always." The kid turned on his lightsaber and ran at the almost destroyed Separatist forces.
"You know, now that I fought side by side with him, I've relived so many moments of the past." Obi-Wan told Naberrie, making her chuckle. "It neves ceases to amaze me how can a Padawan be so much like their Master." I saw how Lans looked at me and back at Obi-Wan.
"Likewise." My Master and I smiled at each other, that's when my communicator beeped on my wrist.
"Skywalker here. What is it, Admiral?" I asked, turning away from the battle. Allana and Obi-Wan followed behind me.
"Sir, we've received a transmission." Said Yularen. "From someone using your subspace frequency 'Fulcrum'." I stopped on my tracks, frowning. The other two Jedi looking at me with a frown on their faces, too.
"Saw Guerrera?" I asked as Lana crossed her arms and Obi-Wan caressed his beard.
"Perhaps the siege at Onderon has taken a turn for the worse." Obi-Wan commented.
"No, sir, it's not Guerrera." Yularen informed from the other side of the line. "You had best take this transmission here on the ship." My eyes met Allana's on instinct. "All three of you." With that, the transmission was over. It took a second for Lana to call Kestis, asking him to join us; sooner than later, all four of us, as well as our Commanders and Captain, were on board of a gunship and being taken back to the cruiser.
We were all in silence trying to understand the rush in Yularen's voice, as well as trying to figure out who might this person be. Even if I knew the amount of people that knew the Fulcrum frequency were very few, my brain couldn't come up with an image of a person that was not already beside me.
When we got to the bridge of the ship, we wasted no time in walking into the communication centre, the doors hissing open at our presence.
"Alright, Admiral." I said as I rolled my eyes and sighed. "What was so important you brought us all the way back...here?" The hologram turned up and the room was submerged in a dim, yet bright, blue light. Before us, the image of a woman wearing Mandalorian armour...and a Togruta also wearing some sort of Mandalorian armour, the navy blue vest looked very similar to the one Lana replaced by her Jedi robes a while ago, but Snip's style remained loyal to the robes she once wore as a member of the Order, very unique.
Suddenly, my blood felt cold and I could also feel the glances of everybody in the room on me as my former Padawan turned around to face me. Her eyes seemed wiser, more mature; her whole self seemed more grown up as a matter of fact.
"Hello, Master." She said as she crossed her arms over her chest, it felt as if no time had passed at all when time has been the only thing passing over us all. "It's been a while." She added. I was lost for words, I paused for a hot minute and no one else dared to speak knowing very well this was a moment between me and my apprentice.
"Ah-- Ahsoka...what?" I spoke, stuttering, something I never do no matter how nervous I might be. I chuckled all of the sudden. "I don't believe it! How are you? Where are you? Are- are you okay?" The sudden burst of emotions overwhelmed me, the joy being soon joined by worry over the young girl.
"I'm alright, thank you. I wish we had more time to talk, but I have urgent information for all three of you." Ahsoka's eyes traveled from my own to the two Jedi that stood beside me, the comment caused Lana to tense a bit beside me.
"What is it, 'soka?" Asked Lans, I saw how the corner of Ahsoka's lips curved for a second into a smile at her shortened name.
"Lady Bo-Katan and I have located the renegade Sith Lord, Maul. And if we move swiftly, we believe we can capture him." We exchanged looks, this was big. A huge potential win for the Republic and a step closer to the end of the endless battles.
"I'll send you the coordinates of where we are, get into a ship and we'll discuss everything here." I proposed. Ahsoka and Bo-Katan looked at each other and, when the Mandalorian nodded, Ahsoka looked back at us.
"We'll be there in ten minutes." The conversation ended and the hologram dispersed in the air, causing the darkness to make itself noticiable in the room. I remained silent as I sent the coordinates of our location to the frequency she had called us from.
"I'll be in the hangar." Said Cal, almost sprinting out of the room.
"It will take her ten minutes to get here." Lana said patiently.
"So what? I'll be waiting for her in the hangar." And Kestis ran out the room with R2 following close behind him.
Obi-Wan left a moment later when he had dismissed the crowd that had formed in the room. Everyone left to do their respective activities, get some rest, wait for the arrival of our old friend, etcetera. Everyone left, but one person stayed with me as I processed what just had happened.
"She's alright." I whispered. "And she's coming here." I added after a pause.
"Yeah, she is." Her hand fell on my shoulder and my eyes moved from my hands that were resting over the console to her honey-like orbs. Lana offered a smile that I returned, then, I chuckled.
"Man, this is crazy. Did you see her? She's grown so much, I-- when did that happen?" She chuckled with me. "This is insane. What am I going to tell her? What is she going to do? What are we going to do?" Her other hand found my other shoulder and she anchored me.
"Calm down, Ani." I breathed in and out, letting a last chuckle out before sighing. "Just say 'hi' and listen to their plan, then we figure out the rest, just like you said earlier." I scoffed. "Alright?"
"Alright, wise girl." I said after a moment, it was her turn to scoff. Lana kissed my cheek and walked away towards the door. "What am I supposed to do until they get here?"
"I don't know, find some broken droid to repair, sand brain." I laughed at my feet as she got lost from sight.
Those ten minutes went by incredibly slow. I remained at the bridge the entire time looking at the scans, anticipating a speech in my head for when she got here. Ahsoka Tano, who would've thought our paths might come across again, specially like this?
I tried to think about everything that had happened, why she left the Order. I've spent countless sleepless nights trying to figure out where had I missed as a Master, some nights Lana would tell me I did everything for her, everything a Master could do for their apprentice; some other nights I'd just torture myself to sleep thinking I had failed her somehow.
It just didn't make sense, even if it did make perfect sense. It was a mess. I just know that, since she walked away from the Jedi, from me, for whatever reasons she might have had, a piece of our team was missing. But now, it was back with us. For how long? I didn't know, I just know that I was trying to make some sense of this situation. After all, things do happen for a reason, right?
An alarm from a monitor snapped me out of my thoughts, it informed a ship had jumped out of hyperspace. That's her. I thought and contacted Lana and Obi-Wan for us to meet in the hangar and receive our guests. When I had given the order of allowing the ship to land in the cruiser, I made my way towards the lift in order to get to the hangar.
The good thing about wearing gloves is that you can't pick on your nails with them on if you're anxious, that's why I wore them most of the time. That and hiding my robotic arm. However, ever since I lost the other goddamn glove, I've bitten my nails down to the quick from time to time. That's what I noticed I was doing in the lift as I made my way down.
Right outside of the elevator were my Master and my lover, both of them tilted their heads and arched an eyebrow when they saw me biting my thumbnail. I sighed and walked out, feeling like a kid that had been silently scolded because, in a way, that's what had just happened.
We walked in silence all the way towards the middle of the open area, specially the spot where Cal and R2 were patiently waiting for the ship to arrive, the cold air embracing us. I realised both Lana and Obi-Wan were wearing their Jedi cloaks to stay warm, I crossed my arms over my chest as the thoughts I was trying to set in order finally clicked in my head.
"It all makes sense now." I said out of the blue, everyone looked at me.
"What?" Asked Obi-Wan.
"If Ahsoka hadn't left the Order, she wouldn't have been where she needed to be." I smiled as I let my arms fall to my sides.
"That's one way to look at it, I suppose." I frowned and quickened my steps to be able to stand before Obi-Wan.
"It's the only way to look at it. We're gonna capture Maul, finally. I thought you would be more excited about this."
"I am cautiously optimistic." He said before walking past me. I suppressed a sigh, that I released the second Lana's palm made contact with my lower back. That's when the ship entered the hangar.
I felt my lips curving into a smile as the vessel landed a couple meters before us. The ramp hissed as it was displayed downwards and my heartbeat increased with excitement when we saw the crew walking out of the ship, Snips leading the way.
R2 beeped happily, echoing alongside Cal's chuckle; both of them rushed to get by her side in an instant. Ahsoka placed her palm over R2's head while Cal approached her, after a few seconds and a smile exchange later, they were doing the handshake they had crafted long ago and proceeded to hug each other.
It warmed up my heart to see that, and I could bet Lana felt the same way, for she had a huge smile on her lips. It pleased her to see the children we had raised in a way be so grown up and together again. I believe this is the closest we'll be to parents in a way, at least for now. The three of us waited for the Mandalorians to walk out of the ship, a moment later, they all started to walk towards us.
"Ahsoka." I said chuckling, it's funny how familiar can a name feel and taste in your mouth. "I'm so glad-" She placed her hand up, the smile on her lips slowly fading causing her face to harden with seriousness. I frowned, tasting a bitter taste in my tongue as my own smile faded away.
"We'll have to catch up another time." She said and her eyes moved from me towards Obi-Wan, who was standing to my left. "Things are moving quickly."
"Every minute we waste here gives Maul an opportunity to slip away." Bo-Katan intervened. Ahsoka alternated her glance in between Lana and I, and so did I, my eyes went towards the woman that stood to my right and my former apprentice.
"We understand." Said Naberrie.
"Please, follow me." Obi-Wan added and everyone started walking away. Once again, Lana remained beside me.
"I couldn't even say 'hello'." I whispered as we closed the line behind them all.
"Don't mortify yourself over it, they do seem to be in a rush. You'll have time to catch up, I know it." She said, her hand on my upper back this time. I sighed and nodded.
We made our way towards the communication centre in silence, once there, Cal reclined himself on the wall while Lana, Obi-Wan and I stood on one side of the console with Ahsoka and Bo-Katan standing before us, two Mandalorian soliders behind them guarding the door. Snips went straight to business and projected a hologram before us, now there were tiny blue planets floating over the console.
"Bo-Katan had been tracking Maul's movements for several months." She said as the three of us crossed our arms over our chests. "I was able to obtain some transmission codes from the Pykes on Oba Diah," I looked down at Lana, who breathed in and out, surely remembering the exhausting investigation she had gone through months ago. "which helped her pinpoint some of his previous locations."
"What were you doing in Oba Diah?" I asked as she crossed her arms, too. She smiled, though.
"That's a long story and not really relevant right now."
"What is relevant," Bo-Katan jumped into conversation. "is that we know Maul is on Mandalore in the city of Sundari." She clicked a button on the console and the hologram shifted into the dome of the city.
"You're certain of this?" Asked Obi-Wan.
"He arrived two days ago." Said the Mandalorian as she nodded her head.
"So why not take him yourself?" Asked Cal, the three of us looking at him over the shoulder. The kid simply shrugged, his eyes pinned to Bo-Katan. It really is amazing, like Obi-Wan had said earlier, how much he's like Allana. Both have that intimidating stare when they're thinking and placing pieces together as they listen.
"That's a good question." Lana backed up her Padawan. "To be more specific, what do you want from the Republic? I assume you're here because of something."
"You're right." Said Ahsoka, who looked at Bo-Katan and nodded. The redhead looked at Allana, then at her feet.
"I don't have the numbers needed for a siege." She confessed, as if ashamed, before looking back up and placing her chin up. "Without a complete lockdown of the city, Maul will escape again." She clicked the button again and the dome's figure shifted into a map of the city as Lans sighed through her nose, eyes scanning the blue image, remembering the last time she set foot in Mandalore. I moved an inch closer, my arm touching hers, causing her to release a breath. "That's why I'm proposing a joint operation. If we are successful, you'll have Maul and I'll have Mandalore." The three of us exchanged looks.
"If Republic forces aid you in your assault, it will break treaties that are a hundred years old." Said Obi-Wan. "We will effectively be drawn into yet another war."
"What's one more?" I saw how my Master pursed his lips into a thin line at the words of the Mandalorian lady.
"Well, we're not exactly finished with our first one yet." I commented. In front of me, Ahsoka hid a smile while Cal hid a chuckle with a cough and Allana looked at the ground as she cleared her throat in order not to laugh.
"I will advise the Jedi Council of this development." Said General Kenobi before he turned around to leave the room.
"There's no time!" Bo-Katan pleaded, causing him to stop and turn around. "Maul's influence on Mandalore is destroying my people!" The pain in her voice made Lana frown with empathy, every single one of us felt a hole in our chests. "He murdered their ruler, my sister." A beat. "I thought she meant something to you." She added, looking at Obi-Wan dead in the eye, her tone cold as ice. I frowned, sad, as I saw how Obi-Wan remembered Satine with pain and heartbreak and Lana looked at her feet. Both of them were there and watched the Duchess being killed on cold blood as punishment for something she wasn't even a part of, for Maul only wanted to hurt my Master and she'd be the price Obi-Wan would pay. Their only crime was loving each other.
"She did." Said Obi-Wan. "And still does. But I cannot allow my feelings to cloud my judgement." He added shaking his head and it was my turn to look somewhere else knowing I'm not strong enough as to not let my feelings cloud my judgement the way he does. I'm not as strong as him in that aspect. "The Council will decide what our course of action will be." He turned around and walked out of the room into the bridge. Bo-Katan frowned and looked at Ahsoka, coldly and angrily.
"I told you this was a waste of time." She told her and walked out through the other door, her two soldiers following behind. This left Cal, Lana, Ahsoka and I alone in the room.
"So, that went well." Said Kestis, causing me to chuckle.
"Yeah, all things considered." I added.
"Certainly none of you have changed." Said Snips as she looked at us, Lana scoffed.
"Is that a bad thing?" Asked she, causing Ahsoka to smirk.
"Come on." I said. "We have a surprise for you." Ahsoka frowned but followed behind the three of us. Witty and Snips walked in front of Smarty and I down the halls of the cruiser, as we walked, every trooper we bumped into saluted us. 'Generals', 'Captain', 'Commander', they addressed us. I noticed how Ahsoka frowned with nostalgia every time a soldier stopped on their tracks to salut her.
"They shouldn't salut me anymore." She said to me as she looked over her shoulder. "Not since I left the Order." She added as her eyes moved back to the front.
"It doesn't matter to them." I said. "It's a sign of respect. They know what you went through for them, day after day, battle after battle. Loyalty means everything to the clones." I added as we stopped and Cal pressed a button to open a door, which hissed open. Before us, stood half of the 501st and half of the 104th, Captain Rex and Sergeant Sinker leading them all, their helmets painted orange with Ahsoka's face markings on them. Rex smiled at her while she looked at the troopers in awe.
"Company, attention!" Rex called and the soldiers formed a tight lineup.
"Go ahead." Said Lana, placing her hand gracefully over Ahsoka's shoulder. "They've been waiting to see you." Ahsoka walked into the room with us staying a bit behind, standing beside Rex and Sinker, while she looked at the helmets over each soldier's head.
"As soon as Rex and the guys found out you were back, because I clearly told them, they got to work." Cal commented and Ahsoka chuckled softly. "And your family over here at the Wolfpack didn't stay behind." Ashoka walked back to where we were standing and stood right in front of the soldiers.
"Paint job's a little crude," Rex confessed looking down at his helmet with a proud smile on his face. "but we think it gets the idea across." Snips placed her palm over the helmet, a soft smile on her lips. "Glad to have you back, Commander."
"Rex, thank you." She said. "But you don't have to call me Commander anymore." Said Ahsoka, causing Rex to smirk.
"Sure thing...Commander." Ahsoka scoffed and smiled wildly at him. I smiled at them, then I remembered something else.
"Oh, I have one more surprise for you." I commented and Rex handed over a wooden box that I moved from my quarters in the Temple to my quarters here in the cruiser, it made it easier, having them here. That way I didn't have the urge to fix what had already been fixed or would feel the ache in my chest more often, which is funny because I spend more time in this goddamn room made out of metal rather than my room at the Temple.
I offered the box to Ahsoka and she meditated before she tried to open the box, but she was stopped when an alarm started blaring, causing all the ones in the room to frown. Suddenly, Obi-Wan came in running.
"Anakin, Allana, prepare all forces. We're jumping to hyperspace immediately." He said as we turned around to face him.
"Rex, go." I commanded and he nodded.
"Sinker, find Wolffe." Allana gave orders at the same time.
"Yes, sir. Men, with me!" He said and every trooper started moving around to get into ships, prepare the gunships and get ready for the battle that was going to come.
"So the Council approved the attack on Mandalore?" Asked Lana.
"No, it's Coruscant. Grievous has attacked the Capitol." General Kenobi informed and every single one of us felt sudden fear for our home, our family and friends.
"What about the Senators?" Allana asked again.
"What about the Chancellor?" I asked at the unison.
"The Senators are fine, as for the Chancellor, Shaak Ti was sent to protect him but Master Windu has lost contact with her." I frowned with worry. "Not to worry, our fleets can be there within the hour."
"So that's it?" Asked Ahsoka, bitterly. "You're going to abandon Bo-Katan and her people?" She crossed her arms and frowned angrily, I saw how Lana crossed her arms too and held her chin, thinking on how to resolve this problem. She was there when Mandalore fell, she wants to help as much as Snips does.
"Ahsoka, surely you understand this is a pivotal moment in the Clone Wars. The heart of the Republic is under attack."
"I understand that, as usual, you're playing politics. This is why the people have lost faith in the Jedi. I had too," I gulped and looked away for a second. "until I was reminded of what the Order truly means to people who truly need us."
"Right now the people in Coruscant need us."
"No, the Chancellor needs you."
"That's not fair."
"I'm not trying to be." A short silence fell upon us, when I looked back at Lana, her face illuminated. She had a plan, as usual.
"I agree with Obi-Wan." She said, Ahsoka looked at her with her eyebrows risen. "The people in Coruscant do need us, but they need us as much as the people in Mandalore. We can divide the troops, the 104th and the 501st, that way Ahsoka will have a whole battalion to fight against Maul's forces while we keep the rest of our troops, those two divisions can be under Snips' command."
"Unfortunately, Ahsoka is no longer a part of the Grand Army of the Republic." Said Obi-Wan.
"I can go." Said Cal. "I can lead the division."
"I like your enthusiasm, but I need you to lead the air strike on Coruscant." Lana told Cal.
"We'll promote Rex to Commander, have him lead the division." I said when Ahsoka's eyes landed on me. "Snips can go with him as an adviser." I turned my attention to my former Padawan. "What do you say?"
"I accept." She answered and I smiled as I nodded my head. "That is if Obi-Wan agrees." All eyes were on the old man, he meditated for a second, but nodded at the end.
"Very well." He said and Ahsoka bowed her head to him as a thank you. "May the Force be with you." With that, he turned away to leave the room. "One other thing," He said as he stood by the door. "I killed Maul once. Best to capture him, he doesn't seem to stay dead." With that, he walked away.
"Thanks for the support, as always." Ahsoka said to the three of us, gaining three smiles in return.
"That's what friends are for." I told her and she smiled.
"Cal, inform Sinker of the Wolfpack's division, he'll go with Ahsoka, then, tell Wolffe and our crew that might be on this cruiser to get into a gunship and wait for me; we'll go back to the Triumphant." Lana ordered her Apprentice.
"Yes, Master." He said before approaching Ahsoka. "Give 'em hell, Snips." They did their handshake as she chuckled.
"You too, Witty." With that, Cal ran away to find his troopers. Ahsoka's attention landed on me once the door had closed behind the Captain of the 104th battalion.
"If you're going to face Maul," I told her. "you'll need these." I opened the box for her and her eyes brightened up with nostalgia, her hands reaching for the contents of the box with a huge smile, those were her lightsabers. "I took care of 'em. They're good as new." When she enlightened them, the blades were blue instead of green, her smile remained while she arched an eyebrow at me. "Maybe a little better."
"Oh, Ani." Said Allana while Ahsoka rolled her eyes before spinning the sabers. "Alright, kiddo, you capture Maul, we handle Grievous. With any luck, this will all be over soon." Her brown eyes traveled from Ahsoka to me, a reassuring smile on her features. This was is ending soon. We'll get to live soon.
"Master Kenobi always said there's no such thing as luck." I scoffed at Ahsoka's words.
"Good thing we taught you otherwise." I said as we gave her a final smile before turning around and walking away.
"Anakin, Allana!" She called our names when we had reached the door, we turned around to face her one final time before heading to battle. "Good luck." She added. My eyes looked at the ground before looking back at her and smiling again.
"You too." I said and we walked away, the metallic door closing behind us. I released a breath that felt heavy in my chest. "We didn't have time to talk and catch up."
"Well, it's not like you can control when or where will the Separatists attack next." I scoffed. "You'll have time soon." I nodded. "Both of you will wrap your battles quickly, you taught her well."
"Thank you." I smiled at her and she smiled back. "So, going back to your cruiser?"
"Yes, my fighter's there." We arrived at the hangar where the gunship with Lana's team was already waiting for her, I walked her all the way there. "When I get there, I'll send over my half of the men for them to go with Ahsoka." I nodded.
"We'll wait for them." She nodded back.
"Get ready, General, this will be a hell of a fight." I puffed the air of my cheeks out.
"You too, General, we'll see you in a moment." The gate of the gunship closed and it exited my cruiser to get to hers.
This battle out of all battles would certainly be a hell of a fight, but it's one more fight closer to the end of this era of terror, once and for all. That's what I couldn't stop thinking about as I walked towards my quarters. I grabbed my cloak and walked out to get to the bridge.
"Has General Naberrie sent half of her battalion?" I asked Yularen as I threw on the dark brown Jedi robe over my shoulders.
"Yes, sir. They're boarding a Jedi cruiser that just exited hyperspace. Our troops and Adviser Tano are heading there as we speak." I nodded.
"Alright." I said and nodded. "Set coordinates for Coruscant and make sure to have the troops ready for the fight."
"Yes, General." I watched Lana's cruiser jumping first, being followed by Obi-Wan's and then we made the jump to head towards a battle and defend our home.
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