Twenty Three


"Do we even have a fucking plan on how we're going to do this?" Phil asked in a whisper, following Zoe through the trees as carefully as possible. She had warned him to make as little noise as possible for fear of the hunters finding them. No doubt they had already discovered Phil was missing and were wasting no time in searching for him. But Zoe hadn't been exactly generous with her thought process, and Phil was kinda going into this blindly.

They'd been walking through the trees for a while now, and all he really knew was, so far, the hunters hadn't brought Dan back to their hideaway (they would have crossed paths if so), and he had no idea where he was. Nothing around him looked familiar in the slightest, and that scared him; if he got out is this alive, how would he get home? It was childish thought, but it was there and it wasn't going away anytime soon.

Zoe remained frustratingly silent, walking ahead of him with a determined stride, and Phil really had no choice but to keep following her.

He didn't know how he'd held up for this long at all. Any sane person would have long ago broken down, cracked under the stress and the imminent threat of death, and Phil was almost certain that made him crazy. But he shrugged it off and blamed it on some freaky adrenaline rush.

They stopped suddenly, Zoe throwing her arm out so Phil didn't walk past her. It didn't really seem like a significant place to stop, just a random cluster of trees, but he didn't question it.

"I don't..." Zoe muttered, and holy shit, she actually sounded emotional. Phil stared at her in awe for a second, taking in her shallow breathing and pained expression before shaking his head. "I don't know what to do, Phil."

And now he was speechless. This was the first time he could recall her actually saying his name without it sounding full of venom and disgust, let alone while she seemed to be in the middle of a crisis. She didn't know what to do? That really wasn't the right thing to say to him, who was also at a loss for any sort of plan of action. He didn't know how to handle this, he was human, did she really expect him to have some idea of what to do?

But he hated letting other people down, no matter the extent of their humanity.

"Well." He said vaguely, scratching his arm anxiously. "We should... probably find him first. Figure out where they're keeping him and such."

There was a moment of silence, and then she nodded, tossing her hair back and clearing her face. She was once again the epitome of confidence.

"Yeah, that's. That's what we should do."

They started walking again, Phil trailing behind and watching his female partner warily, wondering what else she might be hiding under her indifferent façade.

So neither of them had a plan, that was just fucking great, right? Phil had little hope for his life now.

After what felt like another half hour of walking with no seeming sense of purpose, they stopped again, and at first Phil thought Zoe was having another moment. Just as he was about to say something, he looked up and saw Dan.

Chained to a fucking tree. There were about ten or more hunters spaced out around him, and he saw Chris and PJ in the mix, although the latter seemed to not be so involved in whatever the rest of them were doing.

One of them, a tall guy with longish hair was directly in front of Dan, and Phil clenched his jaw when he saw a long knife in his hand, pressed against Dan's arm. He knew that Dan was basically indestructible, with very few things that could actually harm him, but as the blade sliced into his skin, Phil saw him grimace in pain.

"Fuck." He heard Zoe whisper from behind him. "Fuck, this is bad."

He didn't ask her to elaborate, too blindsided by what was happening to care, wishing he had the courage and the physical strength to take those hunters on. It was and animalistic rage inside of him, from seeing them torture Dan like this, but he knew he'd be dead in a second if he moved.

"Why are the playing with him like that?" Phil muttered to Zoe. "I thought they wanted you all dead as soon as possible."

"Some of them like it this way." Zoe answered roughly. "Get off on it I suppose, watching us 'monsters' struggle against the 'humans'."

That's sick, Phil thought angrily. It didn't matter that they weren't human, it didn't matter that they were different. Maybe some of their lifestyle choices weren't ideal, but that was assimilation for you. They hadn't done anything wrong. "Why do they want you dead so badly anyway?" He asked quietly. Dan looked tired and thoroughly beaten down, but the hunters showed no sign of letting up.

"Revenge." She said. "There are some of us out there that don't play by the rules. They thing humans are below us and should stay that way, and when thins don't happen that way, they take it as a threat. A lot of people have been killed because of those ones, we call them rogues. And now these hunters feel so personally victimized by it that they think all of us are corrupt and need to be put down."

Phil didn't start anything to that, but he was starting to hate these people more and more with everything he heard about them. They were selfish and cruel and didn't have any emotion left in them. They were heartless.

"We need to stop them." He growled through his teeth, because they had cut through Dan's shirt now and straight into his chest, and Phil actually heard him groan in pain before slumping back against the tree wearily.

"They'll kill us both." Zoe said. "And then find the rest of us. They won't stop."

"So we're just supposed to let this happen?" Phil hissed, gripping his hands together tightly. "They're gonna kill him, Zoe, and you want to watch?"

"Of course I fucking don't." She said. "But if you have a better plan that doesn't involve your guts on the floor, I'd love to hear it."

Of course he didn't have a better plan. But he hated this, watching Dan be put through this all because of Phil. It was his fault, he had let himself be kidnapped by them, and now Dan was going to die because he cared about him.

He shut his eyes so he wouldn't have to watch, but that didn't stop the occasional sounds that he heard, the hunters cheering and making snide remarks, Dan howling, whimpering, or just breathing as they kept going.

"Oh, shit." Zoe whispered urgently. Phil opened his eyes again. Watching in confusion as one of them pulled out a thick book from God knows where and flipped it open.

"What is it?" Phil asked in a hushed voice. "What are they doing?"

Zoe grabbed his shoulder tightly, as if she was holding him back. "Phil, you can't... you can't do anything, okay, you can't stop this."

"What the fuck are they doing to him?" He asked again in much more irate tone, narrowing his eyes at the group of them as they started reciting lines in a language he didn't understand.

"Exorcising him."

Phil stopped breathing.

"We haven't actually seen one of us get exorcised before, so logically, it isn't something we're too afraid of. But that's like saying, just because you've never read a book, it doesn't exist. And there is some pretty solid background on it, but we just don't know one hundred percent."

Dan's words echoed in his mind, from such a long time ago, when Phil still hadn't completely processed the enormity of the whole demon aspect. When he'd said exorcism was a myth, or at least, one they didn't know the complete truth about.

Phil knew what it was, of course, had seen countless movies about it and even done some research himself. The idea was to cast the demonic presence out of whatever vessels they were possessing and send them back to hell or whatever. And sometimes, the vessel didn't survive, if they weren't dead already. Demons seemed to lead a pretty wild life.

The thought of Dan gone, his Dan, the one he'd grown so fond of over the last few months, was maddening. There was no doubt the real Dan, the vessel, would be a completely different person, and it made Phil sick. Because there was no one else in this world that ever mean the same to him as his Dan.

"No." Phil choked out, trying to wrench himself from Zoe's grasp, but she held fast. "No, they can't do that, we can't let them do that."

"Stop it, Phil, there's nothing we can do."

He wanted to yell, tell those twisted fuckers to leave him alone, but before he'd even opened his mouth, Zoe slapped her hand over it, and he screamed against her palm. Thank god they were far away enough so the hunters didn't hear them.

No no no, fuck his life, why couldn't anything ever go right for him?

He shut his eyes again, refusing to watch as they ripped Dan, his being, the fucking boy he loved, from his body. Not his body, no. But it was what Phil was used to, couldn't imaging Dan as anything but brown hair and skinny jeans, pierced ears and that dimple that seemed permanently indented into his cheek.

There was a few minutes of silence afterwards, and Phil could feel himself crying like a child, but he didn't try and stop it. Zoe let go of him, and he nearly fell to the ground had he not fell against a tree beside him.

The hunters were gone now. The place was deadly silent and empty, except... except the body that had left behind. At least they'd has the decency to unchain him first.

Were they so fucking inhumane that they didn't care about the human they had left behind? Didn't they want to know if this person had survived at all, the bastards?

Phil shook his head, pushing away from the tree and making his way over on shaky legs. He dropped down next to the lifeless person, he didn't think he could ever think of him as Dan anymore. But God, he was still beautiful. Covered in nasty scars and dirt, unconscious and probably in need of serious medical attention.

"Dan?" He whispered, tears still sliding down his face steadily. He reached out and shook his shoulder gently, and his breath caught in his throat as he responded, groaning lowly and sounding very much in pain. "Dan, are...are you okay?"

"Where the fuck am I?" He asked, blinking slowly and trying to sit up, wincing as the cuts texted to the movement. "Holy shit, am I dead? I don't... what happened, who are you?"

Phil choked a sob back, digging his fingers into the ground beneath him. He was gone.

"You don't know me." Phil said almost nauseatingly. "But I'm gonna help you, okay? Do you... have a phone or something?"

Dan, the human Dan, gasped as he moved around, trying to reach his pockets, and Phil move his hand away, searching him until he victoriously pulled out a cell phone from his front pocket. He dialed 999 and after relaying their location and emergency, hung up and placed it back where it had been before.

"What happened, can you tell me?" Human Dan asked desperately, staring up at the sky as if they might answer his question. "I can't remember a thing, I can't... I was in my room, I was gonna..." He trailed off, swallowing thickly. "I wanted to die."

Phil stared at him. He remembered his Dan telling him that the person he was possessing had been in a bad place. That he'd probably be dead right now.

"You're not gonna die." Phil said, taking his hand securely and squeezing it. "And you shouldn't ever want to. You have so much to live for, and nothing should ever make you think otherwise."

Dan shook his head. "I'm sorry. I'm all kinds of screwed up, I don't deserve this."

Phil almost laughed, because he himself was the definition of screwed up. "I promise if you live, good things will happen to you. Maybe not now, but you will be happy."

There was the distant sound of sirens, and a few moments later, footsteps that were getting closer. Phil shouted out to let them know where they were, and a few of the paramedics appeared, immediately taking care of Dan from where he lay.

Phil backed off so he wouldn't get in their way, turning and seeing that Zoe was still there, had been watching the whole thing. He walked over to her, wiping his face as he did.

"I'm so sorry." She said, sounding genuinely sincere. Phil grinned weakly and shook his head.

"No, don't be." He said. "I couldn't stop them, I couldn't... do anything." He breathe out heavily, taking his fingers through his hair. "So what are you gonna do now?"

"Leave." She answered quietly. "We have to. Otherwise they'll catch is too."

Phil nodded in understanding, looking over his shoulder as they carried Dan towards wherever they had parked. He had the urge to go with them, make sure Dan was okay and he had someone to take care of him. But they didn't know each other. Phil was just the stranger who'd helps him out once.

"Do you need a ride home or something?" Zoe asked, and Phil shook his head. He really didn't want to go home. It would be too normal. He'd have to pretend like Dan's absence didn't affect him, try and go back to the way it had been before. But he didn't want to. It would tear him apart. Zoe gave him one last look before disappearing, and Phil stood there for a moment. The paramedics had gone too, and it was eerily  silent.

Of course, that didn't last long, because then he was shove face first against a tree, and felt the sharp point of the knife against his spine. He had half a mind to tell them to kill him already, get it over with so he didn't have to be like this anymore.

"Wait!" He yelled, holding his hands up when they spun him around, facing a smaller group of them who all had weapons aimed him. "Wait, okay, don't kill me."

"And why shouldn't we?" Chris sneered, still pressing the knife to Phil's throat now. "You escaped from us. Helping those disgusting monsters, and now you think we'll let you go?"

"I don't want you to let me go." Phil said lowly. Guilt reside inside his stomach. "I'll help you find them."

Chris narrowed his gaze, lowering his weapon slowly. They all looked rather apprehensive, clearly not trusting his words.

"They trust me, yeah?" He conceded, nodding his head. "I can help you catch them and you can do whatever you want to them. I swear."

They still seemed hesitant, but Phil knew they wouldn't let something like that slip by them so easily.

"I want to join you. I want to be a hunter."


a/n: I am in a pure caffeine rush right now, seriously, I'm probs asleep while you're reading this.

This is pretty much the ending I guess, just an epilogue I have planned and then this story is finished.

I wasn't originally planning on ending it like this, holy fuck! But I was watching SPN, and there was this scene and... well you can guess. And I'm sorry! I'm sorry if any of you are sad or mad or hate me or Phil (like really boi why would you do that?) But um, it's not what it seems. There are some other details that you don't know yet, so.... stick around ;)

Okay yes that's it! Um I hope you guys liked this chapter I spent a lot of time on it. And I'll see you guys later, peace :3

(Also I wanted to apologise because last chapter, I was promoting my new story, and I said something really offensive pertaining to rape, and it was really out of line and not cool. I wasn't really thinking about the consequences of it, and I did change it, so I'm really sorry if anybody took it offensively, I didn't mean it.)

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