Warning: alcohol and drug use
Apparently, Dan was a huge fan of hard liquor, cause the only things Phil saw as he pawed through the plastic bags were bottles of assorted vodka, tequila and something called an aguardiente.
Phil had had his fair share of vodka shots, mostly watered down, but it still counted. But he usually stuck to wine coolers and cocktails. He wasn't too fond of getting smashed to the point of illness, and he tried to never venture out of his comfort zone.
But there was no comfort zone here, obviously. Dan didn't seem the like the kind of guy who would let him wuss out of it, and if he was being totally honest, Phil would do nothing to stop him. Tomorrow was definitely going to suck.
"Why the hell do you need seven different flavors of vodka?" Phil asked, holding up a blueberry one questioningly. He hadn't even known there was flavored alcohol, he just stuck with the original.
"Cause regular vodka sucks." Dan answered. He was laying across Phil's bed, his head hanging over the side and one headphone in his ear. Phil could hear the heavy bass coming from it.
"And I thought only old people drink whiskey." Phil said as he continued pulling bottles of liquor out.
"Hey, whiskey is the drink of the gods." Dan said sternly, pointing an upside down finger at him.
"You take alcohol way too seriously." Phil muttered, smiling when Dan threw a pillow at him.
It had only been a few hours since Dan had gotten here, but it had to be the best few hours that Phil had ever been able to be apart of. It was on the verge of being ten o'clock, and they'd done nothing but eat Chinese food and watch stupid movies. Dan had complained the whole time about Phil getting to pick the films, but Phil had only responded with 'it's my TV, my rules'.
Phil had been trying to drag out the time as long as possible, holding off the alcohol binge that was to ensue soon. He knew from experience that he could be a bit loose mouthed where drinking was involved, and it had gotten him in trouble plenty before. Of course, there was the fact that Dan was likely to be just as drunk as him and neither of them would remember what had happened. But the risk was still there.
"Are you gonna stop being such a prude, so we can start already?" Dan asked, rolling off the bed and sitting across from Phil.
Phil sighed, looking at the dozen or so bottles surrounding him before nodding reluctantly. He was actually starting to crave it, the alcohol. He couldn't remember the last time he'd just let go and gotten pissed off his ass. Maybe it would help with all the tension that was going through him these days.
Without another thought, he grabbed one of the many bottles of vodka, twisted it open, and took a swig. It seared the back of his throat immediately, and he held his mouth so he wouldn't spit it back over the floor. It was a nice kind of burn, really, and it made his insides warm and fuzzy. He looked up and saw Dan shaking his head at him.
"Don't start without me or anything." He said, picking up his own bottle and drinking from it. He grimace slightly, but he didn't seem too fazed. Phil regarded his bottle thoughtfully.
"I've never had vodka straight before." He said. Shrugging, he tilted the bottle back again. It burned less this time, and it was easier to swallow, and he kept going until half of it was gone.
They spent the better half of an hour drinking, laughing, telling jokes and drinking some more. Phil had built up his alcoholic tolerance enough so that he was only just on the line between tipsy and drunk. He was a lot more relaxed than he'd been before, and it was easier being around Dan. None of the nervous anxiety from before.
They were sprawled out across the floor of Phil's room, Phil laying on his side and clutching an empty bottle of coconut vodka, while Dan was still nursing his half full whiskey, leaning against the side of the bed. He'd taken off his hoodie a while ago, and Phil had been openly admiring his arms ever since.
"Okay. Okay." Dan said, his words slurring together. "Okay. But do you wanna know something?"
Phil hummed in acknowledgement, turning his head to face Dan. "Wha' 'sit?"
"I hate this body." He said, staring down at his hands disapprovingly, and running them through his hair. "It's like, like.....really large, and thick."
Phil giggled. "I think you're the only one who complains about being large and thick."
"Shadup, you know wha' I mean." Dan said. He sighed heavily, laying down on the floor next to Phil, their arms just brushing. It was silent between them, only the sound of their breathing permeating the quiet of the room.
"I mean," Phil said softly. "I quite like your body."
Dan laughed, turning his head to look at him. "Oh yeah?"
"Yeah." He looked down at the bottle in his arms, just now realizing it was empty, and threw it to the side before reaching out for Dan's drink. Dan smiled lazily at him, handing it over. It was much more acrid than the sickly vodka he'd been drinking all night, but he drank it anyway, just for the sake of it.
"What's your favorite part?" Dan asked, staring up at the ceiling. "Of my body, I mean."
Phil thought for a moment, his eyebrows scrunched in concentration. He wasn't sure if he could pick a favorite part of Dan, all of them were equally attractive.
"Your eyes." He said eventually. He closed his own eyes, smiling for no apparent reason.
"That's a really, really cliche answer." Dan replied, and Phil glared at him.
"Well, it's true." He said. "They're like....the best kind of brown. All warm and nice. But they look kind of worn out, in a good way though. Like you've seen a lot of things." He shrugged, taking another sip of burning whiskey.
"Mmm." Dan said. "Your eyes are nice too, ya know?"
Phil looked over at him, smiling. "You think so?"
Dan nodded, turning onto his side and staring right at him. "They're like, a fucking kaleidoscope or something. Blue, and green, and yellow, all at the same time."
Phil looked away, back up at the ceiling, but he could feel Dan still staring at him. He heard him moving around, and glanced over to see him pull something from his pocket.
"Oh, no, are not lighting that in here." Phil said, sitting up and grabbing the joint from his fingers. He wasn't drunk enough for that.
Dan sighed loudly, leaning up on his elbows. "You're being such a, a buzz kill." He said. His mouth pulled into a pout, and Phil had a mental argument with himself, debating the consequences. God, he was too soft on this boy.
"Open a damn window." He said begrudgingly, tossing the thing back to him. Dan smiled at him, before getting up clumsily and staggering towards the window. Phil watched him, trying not to laugh, and stared as he lit the joint and put it between his lips.
Phil was the kind of person who'd tried everything at least once. He remembered smoking his first joint at fourteen, and immediately resenting it. He'd never tried it again, but he'd seen countless others do it, though he never understood why. He just didn't think it was worth the horrible taste and smell just for a moment of exhilaration.
But Dan made it look easy, like he was just breathing oxygen. He was making little smoke rings, and laughing softly everytime they dissipated into the air. Phil had never met someone who could make getting high look adorable.
He found himself standing up and heading over to the window too, staring out at the street below mildly. Dan glanced over at him with a small smirk, and Phil smiled.
"You wanna try?" Dan asked challengingly, holding the burning joint out to Phil, who stared at it warily. He was already bordering on drunk, he didn't think smoking was going to make it any better. And he was sure to make a fool himself. But he took it anyway, mostly because the alcohol in his system was making him sluggish, and he wasn't even too aware of what he was getting himself into.
He barely had it out of his mouth before he was coughing violently, his eyes starting to water. His lungs were burning in worse sort of way, and his throat felt raw. But there was something else there too, a sort of light headedness, floaty feeling that made him smile. It was relaxing, more so than any buzz he'd ever get from drinking.
"First timer, I see." Dan chuckled, carefully taking the cigarette from Phil and taking another drag, letting the smoke unfurl from his mouth in a intricate sort of way. He turned to face Phil, smiling gently. "Let's try it differently. Close your eyes." Phil didn't even question, just did as he said. "When I tap your arm, I want you to breathe in, slowly though." Phil nodded. He felt Dan's hand on his neck, the top of his thumb just skimming his cheek. He felt a sudden warmth, and knew that Dan was right in front him, their noses brushing together. Their was the lightest tap on his arm, and he inhaled slowly, feeling Dan exhale at the same time, the smoke from his mouth invading Phil's. It was less acrid this time, easier to handle. Dan put his hand over Phil's lips, holding the smoke in. "Hold it for a second...." then his hand was gone, and Phil breathed out.
"That was amazing." Phil said breathlessly, opening his eyes only to see that Dan was still close to him. His breathing was hitched, his eyes flicked down unconsciously to Dan's lips, then back up to his eyes.
"Yeah." Dan agreed. "It really was."
And then they were kissing. Phil had no idea who started it, but he also didn't really care. It was slow, but hungry, their lips moving together in almost perfect sync. Phil could taste the smoke and alcohol on both of their tongues, but it was delicious.
He felt Dan tug his fingers through his hair, pulling them even closer to each other, and Phil grabbed his arms tightly, so he didn't faint, because his legs were starting to shake, and his head wasn't on earth anymore. His bottom lip was pulled in between Dan's teeth, and it was the best thing ever, having Dan claim him like that.
They didn't make a sound, not wanting to ruin the quiet that surrounded them as they kissed. Dan moved one hand to his waist, fiddling with the hem of Phil's shirt and touching the skin of his hip between the shirt and his pants. Phil shivered, because his hands were cold against the heat of the room behind them, but he relished in the feeling.
Dan pulled away slowly, still only a centimeter away from Phil. His breathing was ragged, brushing across Phil's face in hot waves.
"That wasn't suppose to happen." He said shakily, ducking his head. Phil stared at him questioningly, his mind still a mess Dan's lips and burnt alcohol.
"Sure seemed like it." Phil said, moving his hands down and grabbing Dan's wrists. "Like you wanted it to happen."
"Course I wanted it to happen. Doesn't mean it was supposed, I have rules you know, rules that..." He paused. "I promised I wouldn't."
"Right, I guess." Phil said, too out of it to really pay attention to what was happening. "Wanna do it again?"
a/n: I had to google everything for this chapter.
Yay, phan drinking, and kissing, and all that good stuff that makes me smile.
:D I had a shitload of fun writing this, I was gonna wait to upload it, but Nah, I couldn't hold back on you guys.
Hope this was as good for you as it was for me. Peace :3
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