
The day that Phil's life changed completely was the weirdest day, possibly for everyone, considering the reason behind it. It was just plain crazy, from start to finish.

The first part was the rain. The weather condition doesn't really seem like too much of a weird occurence, but it was in the middle of May. Rain doesnt usually come down in May. And even the rain was weird, because it had a weird yellow tint to it. The weather man put it off on global warming or something, but it was still freaky.

Phil didn't pay it any mind though, as he got ready for the six hours ahead that would be spent in the hell hole called high school. And after pulling on his coat and boots, he headed out into the freaky rain and walked the five blocks to school.

The halls were quiet, as always, because he had gotten there early. It made the day a bit more bearable, sort of. Phil kept his head down as he made his way to the library, to read until school officially started or maybe study.

The library was a big place, and Phil usually had it to himself in the morning, save for the old librarian. But on this seemingly, but not normal at all, day, there was someone there. Phil didn't recognize him, because it was a 'him', which wasn't unusual because he wasn't very social anyways. But for some reason, he gave off an unfamiliar vibe, as if he were a new kid. Maybe, Phil didn't really care.

He ignored the kid as he went to the back, where it was dark, even more so because of the dark clouds outside.

That was the least weirdest thing to happen the rest of the day.

It was in the middle of third lesson that the lights went out. It was completely dark, and lots of students pulled out their cell phones to lighten it up a bit. The girls all screamed, and the guys started yelling and horsing around with each other. The teacher eventually gave up in trying go control them, and just sat at his desk rest of the lesson. Phil sat in the back, reading a book using the light from his own phone.

The lights stayed out for the rest of the day, and the freaky rain relentlessly fell from the sky, making it impossible to see through the windows clearly. It was gonna be hell walking through all that later, Phil thought.

Lunch was when The Smell rolled in. Capital 'T' and 'S', it was that intense. It was just awful, like burning chemicals or something. Almost like....sulfur? Either way, everyone complained about it all day, covering their noses with, hands, shirts, scarves, anything really. And it wasn't just in the school, it was pretty much everywhere within a ten mile radius.

No matter the complications though, all the teachers still teached their respective classes. The classrooms stayed completely dark, and there was always one kid in every class who yelled out and goofed around just to piss the teacher off. It was a pretty eventful day, to say the least.

But it didn't stop there. After school had let out, Phil was heading out into the freaky rain when he saw almost every upperclassmen in Tue student parking lot. From he gathered from all the shouts, none of the cars were working, not a single one. They just wouldn't start. And Phil was glad he lived so close, because walking was an option for him.

Halfway through the journey, Phil noticed that it was especially quiet today. Sure, the rain was pounding the ground and everything, but there was usually cars rolling up and down the streets, and at least a few people out and about. But it was deathly silent.

And then IT happened.

Just as Phil was rounding the corner onto his street, he ran into something. Someone, really. They must have been running, because Phil could hear them breathing hard. He couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl, but it sure felt like a guy.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." Phil apologized, trying to move around the person and keep waking, but the stranger grabbed his arm and stopped him. It was definitely a guy, no way a girl would be that tall.

"Don't worry, completely my fault. Hey, do you live around here?" He asked, and Phil was surprised at his abruptness.

"Yeah, uh, around this corner."

"You think I could come in for a bit?"

What was wrong with this guy? They hadn't met five minutes ago, and he was already trying to come into his house.

"I-I don't think the that's such a good idea. Um, I don't usually let strangers-"

"Please." The stranger begged. Phil couldn't really tell because of all the rain, but his face seemed to be pleading. "It's a bit of an emergency. Just for a minute, I promise."

And for some reason, Phil nodded. He was going to regret this later, he just knew. But the guy looked innocent enough, and he'd said he'd only be a minute. No harm in that. And so Phil found himself leading this stranger to his house, unlocking the door and letting them both in.

The lights were off, and when Phil tried to turn them on, they stayed off. Apparently, the power out was much more widespread. "Power's out." He said, and the stranger nodded.

Now that they were inside, he had a better view of this stranger, and he was quite something to look at. His dark hair was dripping wet, and hanging in his face, so Phil couldn't really tell what color his eyes were. His skin was tan, which was really different from all the usual pale skin. He was tall, maybe a bit taller than Phil. His black T-shirt clung to his chest because of the rain, and his jeans looked as if they'd been painted on his slim legs. There was water dripping from his clothes and pooling around his black trainers. It was only when the stranger coughed, that Phil realized he had been staring. He looked away quickly, and was surprised to feel his cheeks heating up.

"Can I, uh, have a towel? Or something?" The guy asked. Phil nodded and went to the bathroom down the hall to grab them both a towel. He handed one to the stranger, and used the other to quickly dry his hair. Damn, it was going to be everywhere now.

"Thanks, really, for helping me out." The guy said, with the towel still hanging around his neck. "Most people wouldn't have let a stranger in their house."

"No problem, really." Phil replied, smiling at him. "You don't really look as if you could be a murderer, no offense."

The guy laughed, a deep throaty kind of noise which Phil surprisingly found a bit attractive. "None taken." Stranger said. "I honestly don't think I'm fit enough to murder someone. Too much work."

They both laughed for a minute, and then it was silent, only the sound of thunder rolling, and the rain still pounding against the roof and windows. The stranger was staring at Phil, intensely, as if he was some kind of tricky lab experiment. Phil stared at his wet socks, trying, and failing, to keep the red heat from staining his face.

"I, uh....I'm Phil, by the way." Phil said quickly, breaking the tense silence and holding out his hand out to stranger. The guy smiled, and as he shook hands tightly with Phil, a flash of lightning streaked across the dark sky, lighting the room. Phil swore, for a split second that strangers eyes turned completely lack, but he blinked, and he saw that they were just normal, brown eyes.

"I'm Dan. Dan Howell."


a/n: New story, yay. Got this idea from watching too much Supernatural. Gotta love that show...

Yeah, yeah, I knooooow I am writing other stories, and this is just most likely another disappointment. But I have ideas, man, and they need to be shared.

But is it good? Honestly? Should I try to keep writing it, or am I wasting time? Let me know, please. Peace :3

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