Your Pov
"Well I have to go sweetheart see yah"He said and petted me and left .Then I took a shower and wore a (f/c) tank top and (f/c) jogging pants then I tied my hair in a high ponytail and wore my amulet Then I prepared mac and cheese for breakfast and ate them.After doing that I went to my secret room and studied some more spells
Dipper's Pov
Me and Mabel are just getting ready for the party "Everything must be right"Mabel said as she fixed her hair "Don't worry i'll make sure this is not gonna be a disaster"I said and fixed my tie "Just don't be late dear brother"she said while fixing her headband "I wont,see you on the party dear sister"I said before I left
Your Pov
I learnt new chants and spells just in case that demon showed up then I looked at the time and it seems like I have some time before the party so I decided to see Paz and Gid because we haven't seen each other lately
(In the shack)
I knocked on the door and saw Gideon opened the door with his eyes on the journal "Hey Gid"I said "Oh hey (Y/n) long time no see"he said and hid the journal in his vest "Where's Pacifica?"I asked "She is Playing truth or dare with her friends"He said and we both went inside and saw Pacifica with two girls.
The one has long black hair and brown eyes.She wore a white t-shirt with a blue jacket and jeans and the other one has short brown hair and brown eyes.She wore blue shirt and jeans."Hey (Y/n)!Great to see you I wanna introduce to you my friends"she said "That is Jill"she said pointing at the girl with long black hair "And the other is June"she said pointing to the brown haired "And guess what" "What?"I said "They are also Dipper's friends"she said while giggling "Okay"I said with a confused look "And they are talking about Mabel's Partayyy"Pacifica exclaimed "Yea and I am gonna prank Dipper in the party"June said "Wanna join?"Jill said "I don't think so don't you think that will make him go nuts or something"I said with a worried look "Nah we do it every time they throw a partay!"Jill said "Doesn't he torture you or something"I asked "Dipper would never hurt us"June said "Yea after helping him with this "Mission""Jill said and June punched her arm "Wait,What mission?"Paz asked "Um forget that"June said "Yea it's for the best"Jill said "Okay?"I said "Okay let's get back to our game!"Paz exclaimed
"So Jill truth or dare!"Paz said "Truth!" "Hmm do you like anyone??"Paz asked "Not at the moment"Jill replied "(Y/n) Truth or dare?"Jill asked "Dare!"I said "I dare you to dance to the first guy who asked you to dance in the party!"She explained "Uhh sure a dare is a dare"I said and we continued playing
(Timeskip 6:30 brought to you by I gave up trying -Samgladiator)
"Alright girls ready for the party?"June asked "Yea"we said in unison.I wore a (f/c) long dress and have my hair fixed,June wore a blue dress and her hair with a braid in the side,Jill wore a red gown and her hair down with a headband and Pacifica wore her favorite green dress With her ponytail"Let's go"Jill said and we headed to June's car "Goddbye Gideon"Paz said waving goodbye to Gideon and we headed to the Mansion "Remember the dare (Y/n)"Jill said while smirking "Yea..."I replied
(At the mansion)
We got in the mansion and showed our invitations and then we got in greeted by Mabel "Welcome to my party June,Jill,(Y/n) and Pacifica..."she said and looked at Pacifica in disgust and Pacifica just fake smiled at her then we went at the buffet table more like Jill dragged us there "This is where I hang in the party"Jill said "Um you have fun, I just have to do something"June said and walked away "Okay?"I said then Dipper walked to us "Hello (Y/n) you look lovely"he complimented with made me blush a tint of pink "Hey Jill what happened to your face"He asked and I looked at her and saw her face with chocolates "Jill you should really clean your face"I said and she took out a handkerchief and cleaned up her face "Just some chocolates"Jill said then I saw Paz nudging Jill "We got go somewhere Bye!"Paz said and dragged Jill.Everything is awkward and silent since they left "So how was your day?"Dipper asked to break the silence "Okay I guess"I said while avoiding eye contact "Is there anything wrong?"he said with a worried look "I just need some time alone"I said and sat at a couch 'This is too awkward'I thought and Dipper sat next to me "What's wrong"he asked "Uh nothing"I said scooting away from him "Come on tell me"he said "I'm just scared of your other side"I said while playing with my fingers then he scooted next to me then put his hands in my shoulder and made me lean to him "Don't worry I wont be like that again"he said and then Jill and June came "Wow I didn't know (Y/n) was your girlfriend"Jill said making me blush "N-no we a-are j-just f-friends"I said shyly "Aww Little Dippy got FRIENDZONED"June teased and Dipper glare at them "What do you know about friend zone"Dipper said "Friend zone when a person love another person but they just consider them friends"Jill said "What do you know about love?"Dipper asked and made the girls speechless "Well More than you!You just trick girls"Jill defended "Stop it you guys!"I shouted which made them look at me "I-I'm sorry for shouting"I said looking down "We're sorry too and they should be sorry too"June said and they just look at each other with an angry expression and cross their arms "Not if he apologize first"Jill said avoiding eye contact "Ehem Dipper do you have anything to say?"June said "I won't apologize to make her feel better for her mistake"he said which made June really upset "UGH MAYBE YOU TWO ARE ARE SCARED ENOUGH TO APOLOGIZE"June yelled "Like she would accept my apologies,I just mean she never trust me.She is just lucky to have persuasive friends"he said "WHY SHOULD I EVEN TRUST YOU,I MEAN YOU TRIED TO KILL ME AND YOU ALL KNOW THAT I HAVE TRUST ISSUES BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE HAVE THAT EVIL SIDE TO GET WHAT THEY WANT LIKE THIS GUY RIGHT HERE"Jill yelled pointing at Dipper then Jill starts walking away "Don't follow me!"Jill shouted and I tried to stop her but June stopped me "Jill Wai-" "Just give her some time alone she will just forget about this" "Okay"I said and we go on to the party
The music played and people starts dancing and we are just watching them until "Hey (Y/n) wanna dance with me?"Dipper asked while holding out his hands "I Ummm uhh"I said and Pacifica and June are nudging me "Ehem The Dare Ms.(L/n)"Paz said and I just rolled my eyes "Okay yes"I said then they pushed to Dipper and we started dancing and saw June and Paz squealing then I just rolled my eyes on them then something caught my attention
I saw Jill glaring at Dipper holding a Knife then she looked at me with a smirk then putted her finger in her lips doing a "Shhh" which got me worried then the music stopped playing so we stopped dancing "I have to go somewhere"I told Dipper and he nodded then I went to where I saw Jill
When I got there she wasn't there when all of the sudden something held me and have a knife in my neck "Oh (Y/n) it's just you"Jill said in a scary voice then let go "So what are you doing here with that knife?"I asked "Oh nothing just playing with it"She said creepily and throw the knife at a portrait of Dipper "Uhh Are you okay?"I asked "Of course I am"She said then took out another knife "Uh don't play with knives it could kill you"I said nervously "Tell that to Dipper"She said walking away "What?What do you mean?"I asked "I just "Borrowed" all these"she said and disappeared in the dark
I went back to ballroom and talked to Dipper about all that "She is just being creepy again don't worry about that"He said "You sure?"I asked and he just nodded and we just talked about some stuff until the party is over
We were just chatting about some stuff the we heard a scream "Do you guys heard that?"June asked and we all nodded then "We better go check that out"Dipper said and we both went to the place where we heard the scream "Woah creepy place"Paz said and the door suddenly closed itself "What the!"Me and Dipper yelled and tried to open the door then we turned around and Jill tied up "Oh my gosh Jill are you alright?"Paz said and run to Jill and kneeled down untying her "G-guys Look OUT!"She yelled and we turned around and something hit us "(Y/N)! Dipper!"I heard Paz and Jill yelled then the monster took Jill and tried to kill her but Dipper's eyes and amulet glowed and hit the monster with the stuff in the room then it dropped Jill and Dipper's magic caught her "Here take this!"He said and gave me a gem "This will trap the monster"He explained and I threw the gem to the monster and it sucked it inside it.We all got out of the room and then I healed us with a healing potion I found "Where'd you get this?"Dipper asked "Just found it"I said and healed everyone "Dipper I...I I'm sorry!"Jill apologize while bowing "Accepted"Dipper said "I'm s-so-s-sorry too"Dipper apologized "I am glad you made up"I said and gave Dipper a small kiss on his cheek "OH GOSH (S/N)(Ship name)"Paz squealed "Paz you know we're just "Friends""I said and suddenly they yelled "FRIENDZONE!"
Random quote of the day:Life is irreplaceable so don't think you're not worth of living
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