
HALLO PEOPLE IF SOME ARE STILL READING THIS LOL I DIDNT REALIZE IM IN CAPS BUT IM TOO LAZY TO ERASE AND UN CAP THOSE well its been a long long long time since I've updated well....I have a problem with my rival the stairs like I always trip on it I have tons of scratch and cuts now and R.I.P Ipad It will never get fixed cuz apparently I got higher grades cuz I ACTUALLY study when I don't have anything to do...Well now my mom wont let me have my precious Ipad back to me now 😭 But hey at least I have a new phone thats cool....Well i'll get on with the story...
(PS.The story wont go as I planned before because I already forgot the plot that I was going to do well I hope you enjoy this new one)
Jill's POV
"Geez that was already in the past even though that was just a few minutes ago but hey Past is Past" I said nudging my friend but she just rolled her eyes
"Can you be serious once in a while" she said and I just smiled at her.I mean come on at least try to have fun when its the end of the world right?Heh I wonder if she knew
"So what do we do,Will" she asked the blue demon.He stared at her confused first then started talking
"I....I don't really know...."he said then June gave him a glare then punched the wall
"What!You dragged us here and you have no idea whatsoever?!"she yelled furiously.Will looked at him with fright and I smirked I really like it when she's mad
"June,please....Calm down"Paz said hoping that she would calm down but I doubt it.
"Dipper?!Is this what its all about?!?! (Y/N) is there too you know!"Gideon yelled back.June looked down hiding her face with her hair and mumbled something we can't understand then spoke
"I know!But-"I held her back before she can shout again.I guess she still haven't got over that.
"Can you please Calm down.We're not supposed to be fighting.We're supposed to be working together"Paz told the two.While I sit here being useless
"Fine..."June and Gid mumured which is somehow audible
"Uhm...I think I have an idea"Will cut in almost awkwardly.We all looked at him
"June,Do you have Master's book?"He asked June.She raised an eyebrow first before nodding then took out that book with golden six fingers that Dipper always carry.In the corner of my eyes I saw Gid's eyes widened.He was about to speak when June shot him the 'Don't even think about asking' look
"Tch,What do we do with this book that the twins obsessed about"she growled.'Tch stop pretending that you don't know'I thought.Will took the book and started flipping some pages.We all watched carefully as he search for whatever he is searching
"Here"he spoke pointing into some peculiar page.Well for me it looks like someone spilled paint in the page and closed it like nothing ever happened
"This can help me weaken him down a bit but I still don't know if its enough to bring Him down"he continued and they nodded.I looked at the page carefully seeing some familiar symbols. 'LW'V D WUDS'
"So while he is weakened we could save (Y/n) and Dipper then plan how are we gonna take him down?"Paz asked and Will nodded
"Oh we're not just gonna take him down"June spoke rather in a vengeful way.What do I expect from her
"We're gonna make sure he suffers"she continued.Paz and Gid looked at her fearfully
"We're not gonna kill him? Are we?"Paz asked.June looked at her in disbelief.'This should be good' I thought
"Of Course we're gonna kill him!"She yelled.
"Look at Reverse Falls right now!Filled with darkness and horror and I will NEVER forgive anyone who destroyed my home!I may not be born here but this place is my home and I will protect it no matter what!"she continued.I don't know whether I should be scared or proud or its another feeling I couldn't describe but Wow...
"You will never understand"she growled
"No!We both understand!!"Both Paz and Gid yelled
"This place had been the best place we've ever been to"Paz continued
"With all these mysteries and adventures we NEVER ever wanna go back"Gid continued
"We met new friends and became close as ever!"
"I thought this summer was gonna be another plain old one but I was wrong"
"REVERSE FALLS IS THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO US AND WE WILL DO EVERYTHING TO PROTECT IT"They both yelled filled with determination(EYYYY lolololol) June looked at them shock and Will gave a small smile.It wasn't long till June smiled back at them and patted their heads
"I never thought anyone would feel the same way that I feel for this place.Even Jill hates this place"she said hugging them.Well it's true I HATE this place but I have my own reasons.It wasn't long till the cousins returned the hug.To be honest its kind of sweet like a happy reunion but too bad I have to ruin it.I took the book and started ripping every pages
"HAhhahahahHAhAHhHAHAH"I started laughing like the crazy person I am.They looked at me confused and I saw the glint of fear in Will's eyes. 'So he knows'I thought and smirked.June glared at me
"Dude!What the hell"She cursed looking at me like I've lost my mind well maybe I did.She faced me and began yelling
"THAT WAS OUR LAST CHANCE AND SAVING THIS PLACE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING".I chuckled 'If only you knew'I thought.She slapped me hard which was really painful but I continued to smirk
"Oh June you're so clueless"I said still with a sick grin
"What are you even talking about!?!"She asked glaring daggers at me.I clicked my tongue and smiled in response.She was about to hit me again but I teleported
'I'm sorry June'

(Well that escalated quickly I think?)

Your POV
I woke up in a dark place."Ugh,Where am I?"I groaned.I tried to stand up but some chains pulled me back...'WAIT?!?!Chains?!?!'I thought panicking then it hit me
"Now if you'll excuse me I will be just taking over this dimension"
My eyes widened remembering what happened.I collasped and hugged my knees hoping that this is just a dream....'No..... I AM NOT GONNA SIT HERE AND BE A COWARD I WILL FIGHT'I thought trying to break out of the chains.For some reason I felt like my hands are in flames as I pull out.I manged to get out easily I'm so proud of myself.I walked around in a seemingly endless void...This gives me the creeps then I heard cranking noises
"Dipper?Bill?"I called out and started walking to the direction of the noise.To my suprise I saw a girl with brown hair....Wait...ITS MABEL!
"Mabel?"I reached for her and she flinched
"Don't touch me"she said shaking in fear.I tried reaching for her again but she just backed away.I kept coming closer and she backed away until the light reached her.I saw her with cuts and wounds
"Mabel...Its okay its me"I said hoping that she would calm down.She looked down and began crying
"I'm sorry!"she cried covering her eyes with her hands
"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry"she kept apologizing.I gave her a small smile and hugged her (Me:*chants*YURI YURI YURI lol jk)
"Its okay..."I told her rubbing her back.She cried on my shoulder
"It's m-my...f-fault"she hiccuped.I brought her closer
"I-I just...d-don't w-want you to t-take my b-brother away f-from me"she hiccuped and continued crying.I pulled back and starred at her in the eyes with a small smile
"Its okay...I know how much your brother meant to you because I know how it feels to have someone you deeply cared about"I said remembering my brothers Bill and Will "Even sometimes they are way too overprotective they will still be there"I continued.She smiled back to me and hugged me... but then


I felt a sharp pain piercing through my back.My eyes widened
"M-Mabel?!"I stuttered then she suddenly laughed maniacally
"Hahahahahahaha"She pushed me back and started stabbing me.As a demon I wouldn't die from stabbing but its still is painful...' lied to me Pain isn't Hilarious'I thought as I  looked at Mabel in the eyes and saw no emotion in her eyes just insanity...
"THAT'S ENOUGH!"A familiar voice yelled and I fainted

(Spongebob narrator voice)Few minutes later...

I woke up again.I looked around again and it seems like I was back in the same place I started.I knew I wasn't dreaming.Mabel did a number on me but I healed fast thats a good thing.I tried to break out the same as before but somehow it wouldn't work
"Come on!"I yelled as I tried to pull harder
"Don't bother"A strangely familiar voice said.It's wasn't Mabel so who could it be?
"It's twice as strong now"She said.I struggled breaking out so maybe she's right?
"Who are you!"I demanded furiously trying to break out of the chains
She chuckled in an annoying high pitch voice
"Don't recognize me? (Y/N)?"she said sweetly which is utterly digusting.I growled at her.She leaned closer to me until I finally saw her face....JILL?!?! (Obviously Trololol)
"W-What are you doing here?!"I asked still startled seeing her here but for some reason her eyes are glowing red.She sighed and started walking in circles
"All of you are so naive"she said playing with a knife she got out of nowhere
"W-what do you mean?"I asked again and then she threw the knife dangerously close to my neck
"(Y/n) don't you remember me?"she asked this time.I looked at her confused 'What is she implying?' I thought to myself.She clicked her tongue
"Let me show you"she said as she yanked my hair making me stare deeply in her eyes

"Help!"I saw a young girl cried as fire surrounds her "Please! help!"The little girl pleaded and pleaded as a maniacally laughter echoed "Please Stop!"she pleaded covering her ears.I reached out for her but then something gold shone

My eyes glowed as I saw the blue light.I can feel my heart beating faster as I tried to catch my breath.I was shaking and sweating from what I had just saw.I screamed as if I felt the flames from the scene.I can hear the laughter ringing in my head.Jill examimed me head to toe.I felt so much pain its unbearable
"STOP IT!"I screamed as I thrashed around the chains.'Why?!Why does it hurt!'
"STOP!"I yelled again as she held me back with more chains.I saw her take a needle.My eyes widened as I saw more terrifying flashbacks

"Hold still"

She pierced the needle into my eye.I felt a burning sensation into my eye.'Stop...'I said in my head as I hear the laughter echoing in my head.I managed to break out froms the chain but I couldn't help but curl into a ball shaking

"I killed them?Ha..Ha...HAHAHA"
"Its your fault!"
"You monster!"
"...HA?hahaha Tell me who's the real monster?"

I couldn't control my body....I was in pain but somehow...I felt power...It was too much that it hurts.I stood up like nothing ever happened...I can't control myself.I-It hurts!My body just straight up attacked Jill.She quickly dodged it as if she was expecting it...Well maybe she did
"P-Please...make it s-stop"I begged as I attacked her once more.She rose an eyebrow and kicked me in the stomach then pinned me down
"You want it to stop right?"she asked as she tilted her head and looked at me as if she was innocent.I gave her a weak nod and she wrapped her fingers around my neck
"Then give me your life"she said straight forward.I looked at her with confusion.Why does she want my life?!
"W-Why?"I asked weakly.Tears began to fall from her eyes
"W-Why?"she started and tightened her grip around my neck
"BECAUSE!I j-just want him back!"she shouted as her tears fell down to my face. 'Him?! Who? Dipper?!' I thought.I coughed from her grip around my neck.She loosened a bit so I can breath
"No..."She said


Did anyone noticed that I just randomly put scenes in there Trololololol but yea This is Waaay different from my first Idea Also I wanna apologize to June cuz she is waaay OOC meh lol Is that good?I changed my style of writing btw trollz well im really sorry about the 1 year wait I just i dont know what im doing with my life rn and I dont even know what im typing but lol and Please correct me if theres typos or grammatical errors

Random quote of the day(For my rival The Stairs):Well I guess I already FELL for you

(I think im on drugs)

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