⚠️Yan!Giyuu x Sanemi.
I mean. I've been writing a lot of smut lately, I NEED a break! 😐🙄
Nah I'm jk. This is my book, idgaf. Ima do what I want. >:)
Top Yandere Giyuu
Bottom Sanemi
This AU takes place in my Zentan Book!
Smut +angst +fluff. 3-in-1
This was also a suggestive comment by CrappyThePatty
*gets choked by satan*
"Your going to hell" *intense stare*
"As lon-g a-s I'm wi- th y-you" w/ chokedrizz
(At 1040 smth words, here to mark how many words this chapter has at the end. Bcs I know it'll get long)
3313 words
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Giyuu pov.
"Stop it, Tanjiro. Don't bug me about it." Giyuu furrowed his eyebrows, crossing his arms and facing away from Tanjiro.
"But Giyuu! I've known you for some years now, and you've never mentioned a crush." Tanjiro bugged.
Giyuu pushed him lightly with his hand and a groan.
"Just.. stop it, okay? It's not.. professional." Giyuu said.
".. we've been friends outside of work for 5 years. We met before I joined the company, a long time before I joined the company." He rolled his eyes at Giyuu.
"Whatever. Shinazugawa, may-" Giyuu was rudely paused.
"WAIT, GIYUU. I HAVE AN IDEA ON WHO IT IS." Tanjiro piped up loudly.
"..okay?" He sighed.
"Is it our bosses brother?" Tanjiro smiled brightly.
"No! No, it's not Sanemi..!" He turned around to look at Tanjiro with flushed cheeks.
"Oh. My. Word. It is!!" Tanjiro jumped happily.
"You like my brother?" Genya looked at him confused. "I mean, I don't care if you do." He rubbed his neck.
"I- uhm..-" Giyuu paused "-yeah.. I do." He finished shyly, sitting down.
"Cool!" Tanjiro smiled.
Giyuu sighed, picking up his phone.
Giyuu pov.
'Not even a fucking week after that, I was almost caught.'
I sighed, wiping blood off of my pocket knife and putting it back into my pocket.
I could hear footsteps from around the corner.
'Who the fuck is out at 2:30am..?"
I take my jacket off and place it in my backpack then take a look around the corner.
'Oh shit, it's Sanemi.'
I pulled out my phone an quickly message Tanjiro, he's on the job right now.
'-tanjiro, I need you to clean something up for me. (Address) I'll tell you why later, just please-'
'-kk, on it.-'
'Oh thank God.'
I sigh and brush off my shirt and light a cigarette. The body isn't in sight from the alleyway entrance, so that was a relief in disguise.
I put the cigarette in my mouth and start smoking, acting as I would on a normal Saturday morning, at 2:30 am. Yeah, perfectly normal.
"Giyuu..? What the hell are you doing at this time of morning.. and smoking?" He said as he saw me.
"Oh, nothing. Just felt like having a cigarette, that's all." I look away, I didn't want him to know about my smoking habit. But it saved me from him knowing I'm an assassin. "What are you doing..?" I asked.
"Oh, my girlfriend broke up with me so I couldn't sleep. What a bitch anyways, am I right?" He chuckled a bit, obviously hiding his emotions.
I stopped leaning on the wall and turned towards him, stepping a bit closer.
"That's very unfortunate.. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.." I looked at him with a sorrowful look.
He didn't say anything so i stomped out my cigarette and I hugged him.
It seemed as if he melted into the hug and hugged me back. I couldnt tell if he was crying or not, but he was obviously upset.
I patted his back in a caring manor.
If he wasn't crying before, he defenitely was now. I could feel his tears on my neck and he hugged me tighter.
"Shh, it'll be alright." I whispered.
'To be honest, he's a very secretive guy, that's how I knew how he felt about it. He gave in right away and told me why he was out, he's usually like a rabid dog. But otherwise, I'm glad I can comfort him. His girlfriend is actually a bit further into the alleyway. I don't think he would want to see her right now, especially in her condition.'
"Want me to walk you home?" I asked him, pulling away a bit. His eyes were puffy and red, but he sucked it up for the way home and nodded.
"Okay," I grabbed his hand and we went on our way towards his apartment.
"Thank you, Giyuu" He said shyly.
"Not a problem." I smiled a bit and he looked at me with a slightly red hue.
"Do you, want to.. uhm, stay the night?" He asked, looking away. Our hands were still connected.
"Sure, I don't mind." I agreed excitedly.
He gripped my hand tighter, we took our shoes off and he led me to sit down on the couch. He went to grab a few blankets and turned the lights off.
He sat down an turned the TV on.
"What do you want to watch?" He asked me.
"Whatever you want to watch is fine." I looked over at him and he scrolled through the movies and settled on one.(insert any movie you want here.)
After a bit, he fell asleep. I dont fall asleep to movies as easily, so I didn't.
I looked at him, his head was on his shoulder, his breathing made him uneven and he tiled a bit, falling over onto my shoulder.
I smiled and put my head on his.
'-sorry I left you with that mess, Tanjiro. I got into a bit of a jam. Sanemi was around the corner last night, so-'
'-yeah no, that's fine. I got it cleaned up for you. Did you spend the night?-'
'-yeah, I did. Thx again.-'
I put my phone down onto the couch, right next to me.
Sanemi was still asleep, it's around 7 and we fell asleep around 3, so I understand.
I wish this would never end.
(Noodles or soup?)
"Giyuu.. Giyuu. Giyuu!" Sanemi shook me and I woke up.
"Your alarm is going off," He told me, I sighed and picked up my phone. It was just a mid-day alarm to make sure I'm awake.
I put my phone down and lean back onto the couch with a quiet groan.
"Come on, get up Giyuu." He looked over at me.
I closed my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows with a louder groan.
"Come on!" He stood up and grabbed onto my hand into a small attempt to get me up.
But instead of getting up, I grabbed him and pulled him onto me, his face in my chest and my hand on his head.
I switch my laying position to where I was lying vertically on the couch and he was lying more comfortably. (In the same position as he was earlier but vertically like Giyuu)
He moved his head to where it wasn't buried into my chest and was just lying on it.
"This is embarrassing.." He grumbled.
"Good thing you live alone." I rubbed his head and played with his hair a bit.
He sighed and moved his arms to my sides.
'Throughout the day Sanemi played on his phone and moved around abit, occasionally getting up to go make food or use the restroom. But he always got back ontop of me as it was normal, it makes me happy. I occasionally checked my phone and rescheduled a few things to free up my night. Sanemi didn't say much, neither did I. We sat around from 11 to about 6. Since it was winter it got dark pretty quickly.'
I pull out my phone once more and check the time... 6:30pm
"Hey, Sanemi?" I rub the back of his head gently.
"Hm?" He replied softly.
"Want me to make dinner?" I asked.
"Mhm." He mumbled.
"Alright, I'll be a minute then." I carefully sat up and he got off of me and went back to lay down on the couch. I smiled at him.
We sat at his dining table and ate. It seemed that he likes my cooking.
I finished my plate and stared at him for a while as he finished. He.. eats like a hungry, stray dog.
I got up, taking both of our plates and washing them.
"Thanks, Giyuu" He thanked me, making me smile.
"No problem. But I have to go to work now, I have tomorrow off, so.. if you wanted to hang out tomorrow as well, we can." I put the plates on a drying rack.
"Sure. I guess I'll see you around then." He sounded a bit disappointed.
'We did end up hanging out that day, but we haven't hung out for about.. a week? He said thst he found this girl that was super nice to him, and he said he thought that she likes him. She showed me a picture of her. Bad idea if he didn't want her.. dead. I know her, she seems kind on the outside, but she's a real backstabbing asshole who likes to use people for money and close connections, she ruined a few lives already, and it's about time I have a real reason to kill her.'
Time:12:57pm. On the greenbelt next to the river.
"Hey, Giyuu.. you wanted to see me? You want to take me back already? It's been a whole year!" She smiled at me, holding her arms out in a hugging manor.
"No, im not." I sighed walking toward her.
I grabbed her arms and flipped her around and pushed her to the ground carefully, making sure not to get any scratches on her, or bruises. I put my knee to her back to make sure she stayed still.
"What the hell are you doing?!" She yelled at me, I covered her mouth.
"Shut the fuck up, don't make my job harder than it already is." I rolled my eyes.
I picked her up and threw her down the slope into the river to make it seem as if she slipped.
I quickly slide down the slope and grabbed onto her hair, making sure her head didn't come out of the water.
For a solid 5 or 6 minutes I sat there and waited, soon letting her head go and checking her pulse.
No pulse.
I let her go and watched as she floated down the river.
I sighed and carefully climbed back up the slope, making sure not to leave any foot prints.
"Giyuu..?" I heard my name.
I turned to look at my left and seen Sanemi.
"..sanemi?" My eyes widened in shock.
"God dammit.." I put my hand up to my head in an annoyed manor.
"Giyuu, did you just.. kill her..?" He said, I could hear that in his voice, he was scared even though he didn't look like it.
"Sanemi, let me explain, please.."I looked over at him with a sorrowful look and turned my whole body towards him.
"..., okay.." He put his head down a bit and didn't look at me as I walked towards him.
".. it's my job, Sanemi. I'm sorry." I apologized.
"Your job??" He looked me in my eyes.
"I didn't want you to know yet.. but I'm an assassin." I hugged him.
He pushed me off of him harshly.
"Don't fucking touch me! Your a psycho!" I stumbled back as he yelled at me.
"Sanemi, don't make this harder than it needs to be." I sighed, giving him a calm, yet angered look.
"Your crazy! You KNEW I liked her! Is that why? Were you so jealous that you needed to get rid of her?" He yelled at me.
"Sanemi, calm down. But if you must know, that is the exact reason I killed her. She's my ex. She isn't as sweet, and bubbly as you know her. She's a backstabbing whore who likes to use people.. for their bodies, their money, their connections. And she gets a kick out of ruining others lives." I sighed rolling my eyes.
"That doesn't make it right! I'm going to report you to the po-" i cut him off by covering his nose and mouth with a (insert sleeping cloth thing's name here.)
He was quick to fall asleep, making my job a lot easier.
I placed him on my back and carried him all the way back to my apartment. Him being on my back made it look like he was drunk and I was carrying him home.
Sanemi pov.
I woke up in a very dark room, on a bed, my arms tied to the bed post and my legs tied together.
I would've thought my eyes would adjust quickly, but they didn't. Oh. I was blind folded, and gagged.
"Sanemi.. good morning" I heard Giyuu, along with footsteps. I could feel him get ontop of the bed and come closer to me, grabbing my chin.
"Now, Sanemi. I really, really, don't want to do this to you. I love you way too much to hurt you physically." I blushed as he rubbed the bottom of my lip with his thumb, letting my chin go.
I heard him sigh, and he uncovered my eyes.
I kept my eyes closed, fluttering them open after a second and stared right at him.
I glared at him and started to squirm around in the ropes.
3rd pov.
Giyuu sighed, once again.
"Sanemi.. if you don't stop, your not going to like it." Giyuu pulled a pocket knife from his back pocket
Sanemi stopped, and glared at him.
"Wow.. how obedient. Like a dog." Giyuu snickered, putting the knife back.
"Y'know I've always thought of you like a dog. More of a wild, rabid one though." Giyuu put a finger on Sanemi's shoulder and dragged it down to his chest.
"I dont think your very rabid anymore... are you, puppy?" He unbuttoned Sanemi's shirt and traced over one of his scars.
"I wonder how you got these.." He looked Sanemi in the eyes.
"No matter.."
Giyuu untied Sanemi's legs.
"Y'know. I've liked you for some time now, I couldn't help but get rid of her. I'm sorry you had to see that, though. Like I said! I've dated her in the past and she's not like you'd expect." Giyuu leaned down to Sanemi's neck and breathed on it, making Sanemi shiver.
"You wouldn't mind if i.." Giyuu licked Sanemi's neck, nibbling it a bit..
Sanemi let out a few muffled words.
"What was that? I couldn't hear you." He bit down on Sanemi's neck harshly and Sanemi let out a muffled moan.
Giyuu took the gag out of Sanemi's mouth, though, he didn't say anything.
"Nothing to say, hm?" He bit his neck again.
"G-giyuu.." Sanemi moaned.
"Want me to continue?" He asked.
",mm.." was all Sanemi could reply.
",I'll take that as a yes." Giyuu smirked, kissing Sanemi's neck.
Sanemi let out small whimpers and very quiet moans as Giyuu continued to kiss his neck, moving to biting it instead.
"Tsss- mm.. Giyuu.. that kinda hur-.. ts.." Sanemi said.
"It won't in a minute." Giyuu chuckled, licking one of the small bite marks.
"Mm..~" Sanemi mumbled a small moan.
Giyuu traced over it with his finger and started to kiss Sanemi.
After a moment of kissing, they both disconnected their lips and breathed heavily.
The two were making eye contact.. neither could break it, nor did they want to break it, until Giyuu leaned his head down to Sanemi's ear and whispered..
"Your going to have a long night puppy." He bit Sanemi's earlobe gently.
Sanemi gulped and watched as Giyuu ran his hands down to Sanemi's waistband.
Giyuu looked up at Sanemi and pulled his shorts down, messing with the hem of his boxers, pulling them down, but not enough to reveal anything..
He took Sanemi's shorts all the way off and rubbed circles on his hips.
Sanemi smiled slightly as he enjoyed the relaxing sensation.
Giyuu pulled Sanemi's boxers the rest of the way down and rubbed the tip oh his member, making Sanemi bite his lip with a small moan.
"Oh puppy, please don't contain your moaning, that's just not polite." Giyuu said with a sweet tone, putting his finger up to his lip.
Sanemi didn't say anything to this, he just stared into Giyuu's lustful eyes.
Giyuu started to rub Sanemi's member slowly, earning more moans from Sanemi.
He leaned down and took it in his mouth, swirling his tounge around it.
Sanemi moaned quietly as he enjoyed Giyuu sucking on it.
As Sanemi climaxed, he swallowed it and took it out of his mouth, going to bite Sanemi's lip and kiss him to distract him while he quickly took his own pants and boxers off.
As Giyuu pulled away, he grabbed Sanemi's waist with both of his hands and stared him in the eyes.
Sanemi pov. (Short)
Giyuu stared at me, with blazingly lustful eyes that just made me want to melt completely.
Almost entirely distracted by his eyes, I felt a pleasurable pain in my rear.
I moaned loudly, closing my eyes at the sudden pain.
As I opened my eyes, I could see a smirk on Giyuu's face.
3rd pov.
Giyuu pulled out of sanemi before pushing back in.
(Disclaimer: Yes, Sanemi's arms are till tied to the bedframe)
Sanemi's moans were loud and not all that constant.
Giyuu started to pull in and out at a steady pace, soon thrusting faster inside of him.
Sanemi's moans were starting to become frequent and louder as time passed.
At this point, Giyuu was thrusting in and out at an alarming rate, Sanemi's back was arched and he was moaning loudly.
As Giyuu slowed down, he came to a stop, all the way inside of Sanemi.
Sanemi panted with a very lewd face.
"Puppy.." Giyuu leaned down to Sanemi's ear and whispered "can you say my name..?" He asked.
"G-giyuu..?" Sanemi answered quickly.
"..." Giyuu smiled at him "How obedient!" He snickered.
Sanemi pouted, and Giyuu untied his wrists from the bedframe.
"Ah.. how hearing you say my name with such a lewd face is musical, your moans are much prettier." Giyuu hummed.
Sanemi blushed, looking away a bit.
Giyuu picked sanemi up and sat him on his lap, leaning his back on the bedframe.
He grabbed onto Sanemi's hips and lifted him up, placing his entrance over his member.
Giyuu let go and Sanemi hesitated for a moment, but sat down, letting Giyuu's full length inside of him all at once.
Sanemi moaned as he sat down.
"Your doing so well puppy! I'm so proud." Giyuu teased seductively.
Sanemi had tears in his eyes and he was breathing heavily, but he lifted himself up again and sat back down slowly.
Continuing to do so, he kept at a steady pace on Giyuu's Cock.
Giyuu, getting slightly impatient, grabbed onto Sanemi's hips again and started to move him up an down faster, making Sanemi moan alot louder.
Giyuu could feel himself coming close and he looked Sanemi in the eyes as he took him off of his cock and slammed him down, cuming in the process, making Sanemi loudly moan.
The two breathed heavily and Giyuu pulled Sanemi to lie down on his chest, making his cock move inside of him causing Sanemi to moan as it fell out, Giyuu's cum oozing out of him.
Sanemi's headed rested on Giyuu's chest as he calmed down a bit and quickly fell asleep.
Giyuu smiled as he lied down more, covering them with the blankets and soon falling asleep aswell.
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That took forever.. I was on and off while writing it. It was awful!
I'm so glad it's done tho omggg
I love you!
3313 words. Wow..
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