💝Sanemi X Giyuu
This was Requested by GenmuiBITCH
Modern AU
Grade 1:
"Sanemi! Don't hit Giyuu!" Their 1st grade teacher called as Sanemi had hit Giyuu in the back of the head causing him to fall and scrape his knees on the blacktop. Sanemi just glared at his teacher.
Grade 2:
"Your so bad, Giyuu" Sanemi had laughed at Giyuu whe he fell off of the monkey bars at recess. Causing him to go tell his teacher about it. It was reported back to Sanemi's teacher ad he got a call home to talk about his rude behavior towards Giyuu.
Grade 3:
Giyuu was peacefully playing with the Tokito siblings on the bigger kid playground, they were next to a mud puddle, looking for worms, as it had rained that morning and the night before.
Sanemi came running up to them, causing Giyuu to stand up from his crouched position. Sanemi was NOT coming to apologise for yelling at him the day before, he was coming to push him into the mud for getting him in trouble.
Grade 4:
Sanemi had been mean to giyuu the whole year before, but on the first day he approached Giyuu.
"Giyuu, im... sorry for treating you badly last year.." He said, looking away.
Giyuu looks at him, flared his cheeks angrily and replied "No! Your still gonna be mean to me!" He ran away.
Sanemi looked at Giyuu as he tan away, offened. "NO I WOULDNT!" He yelled angrily at him. Crossing his arms and walking back to where his class was.
Grade 5:
Sanemi had left Giyuu alone in Grade 4, but had tried to apologize on different occasions.
Grade 5, April 20th
"Giyuu. Can you please forgive me for the past few years? I don't want to leave the school with you hating me.." He looked him in the eye this time, being sincere.
"Okay, your forgiven." He said, making Sanemi hug him tightly. Which made Giyuu very uncomfortable for a moment, but soon hugged back.
"But, this doesn't mean we're friends. My friends don't like you." Sanemi said as he walked away.
Jr high.
Grade 6:
"Sanemi" Giyuu looked up at him during lunch.
"What, Giyuu." He glared at him.
"Can we be friends now?" He said with his best convincing voice he knows.
Sanemi looked at him, then at the table his friends were at, they were all giggling and laughing. One pointed at them and they all let out a snicker, a laugh, or a giggle.
"No." He hit Giyuu ontop of the head, not hard though.
"Why?" He asked plainly.
"Because your annoying, and your weird." He walked away leaving Giyuu sitting there.
The rest ofthe year, Giyuu tried to be his friend. Never actually succeeding.
Grade 7:
"Am I ever going to make him my friend?" Giyuu looked down, as Yui and Mui. His best friends were sitting with him at lunch in the grass outside and they had been silent with nothing to talk about until Giyuu had spoken.
"Well, I don't know. That's for him to decide, you probably just need to do more convincing." Yuichiro said as he rubbed the head of his younger twin brother who was lying his head on his lap.
"Well, that's the thing. I dont know how to.. he makes me feel bad whenever I'm around him but he doesn't with his friends." He looked down with a sigh.
"Maybe just give up."Muichiro said slightly turning his head to see the sad look on Giyuu's face. "I don't want you to feel bad constantly because of him. He isn't worth it." Mui finished, turninghishead back to close his eyes.
"Maybe your right.." Giyuu lied onto his back and looked up at the sky.
Sanemi was watching Giyuu. He was watching him because he could not get him out of his head, but he had been so mean to him just for wanting to be friends with him. He felt as if he could not apologize for his actions, or he would be called weak by his friends. Everytime he goes around him he feels as if he needs to go away, his heart flutters and he gets all flustered and nervous.
Sanemi, who was listening had heard that Giyuu was finally going to give up on being his friend. He could not do very much, could he. Well he could but he felt like he couldn't because he cared about his ego too much. He felt awful. He felt consumed by the feelings that surrounded him. The best thing he thought of to get rid of this awful feeling was to ignore it and push it away.
So that's what he did..
He pushed Giyuu even farther than he already was. Which at the time was not the best idea, because Giyuu's parents had wanted to try out homeschooling. Wich ment he would not be there next year.
Grade 8:
Giyuu was at home on his laptop. He felt very confined and lonely. Sometimes he would call Mui and Yui to ask if they would come study, or hang out with him. He did not often go out without a companion.
This weekend he needed to go to the mall for more clothes. Mui, Yui, his sister, and his parents were all busy.
At the mall, he had around 210 from his savings and 100 from his parents to use.
In one of the stores Giyuu was looking at a black shirt and a white shirt, debating which would look better on him.
Sanemi had went to the Mall with Genya that day. Sanemi was in the same store, and had spotted Giyuu. He watched as Giyuu had put the black shirt back and put the white shirt over his arm.
Sanemi, who was watching was dragged off by Genya who wanted to check out.
Grade 9 Freshman Year:
"Mom! Please let me go back to In person school. I never get to see anyone and I feel I'm not learning anything." He exclaimed, but his mother still shook her head, dismissing the topic.
"GOD, DAMN IT." Sanemi screamed, throwing his pillow. "WHY ISNT HE BACK YET?" He asked himself, he was supposed to be back this year, but he was not showing up to school. He assumed he had still been homeschoole, and he was pissed about it. He had started high-school, his long time crush was still not coming to the school he was supposed to attend that year.
He was absolutely infuriated about it. But he didn't care if he had to wait another 10 years to finally be reunited with Giyuu, as long as it happend.
He was walking to his locker, when he was suddenly stopped. "Sanemi! Hey,," said a friendly voice. "Hey, Kanae." He looked at her, scooting past to open his locker. "I was wondering if you'd want to go on a date tonight!" She asked sweetly. Sanemi closed his locker. "Sorry, waiting on someone. And that means I'm not going to be dating anyone unless it's them." He walked off, leaving kanae alone.
Grade 10 Sophmore year:
"I hear Giyuu is coming back.." Said some kid who was friends with Sanemi "really?" His face lit up and his friend laughed "Yeah! Why do you care?" He smirked "do you care about him?" He snickered.
"Yeah, Kikyo, i do actually. I do, I care about him a lot more than you'd think, you peice of shit." He glared. His friend losing his grin and soon walking away with a angered expression.
He rolled his eyes and grabbed his phone.
(Kikyo is a made up name, I just didn't want him to have no name for future use 🩵)
The end of the school day, next to the main exit.
Giyuu pov.
I was walking out of school the first day I was back. It was awfully exhausting, but better than homeschooling. I sighed as I exited the building.
I was quickly grabbed onto and dragged off to the side of the building where nobody else was, I was pinned against the wall harshly. I tried to get the arms off of me, but to no avail I gulped and looked up to see a guy with short white hair and scars on his face. It felt as if his eyes were piercing into me, soon to break skin.
"Tomioka.." I heard the slightly taller man call out my name.
"Who are you??" I winced as I felt his hand jab into my side.
"Sanemi Shinazugawa. Remember?" He glared into my soul, leaving no room to look away or to not remember him.
"Shinazugawa?? What are you doing?" I exclaimed as I yelped as his nails dug deeper into my side. I remember him being an asshole but not this much of an asshole.
"Wow, it seems like you do remember!" He glared. "I just wanted to ask why you've been gone for so long." He lowered his voice a bit.
His nails that were jabbing my side loosened a bit and started to hurt less. "Why should i tell you? Your a asshole!" I replied anxiously, i knew he would hurt me more by saying that, but i wanted him to know what he was. His face seemed to show even more anger. He shoved his thumb into my stomach, making me gag. "Ow! Ow, i was being homeschooled. My mother wanted to try it out!" I gave up. I let out a sigh of relief as he let me go and walked off.
I held onto my chest, I wasn't expecting that. I wasn't ready to see him, not today. My heart fluttered even though I told it not to. My face was reddened even though he had hurt me, to be honest, it was not as bad as I originally thought it out to be. But why were these feelings still following me? I shouldn't be feeling this.
I need it to stop, it's awful.
The rest of that year sanemi would do things.
Things that were not good yet not bad. Things that made him all flustered and red. Things that made his heart soar above the clouds like a bird.
He was constantly be either pinned, grabbed or anything that could be taken in two different ways. Romantically and abusively.
He could not tell which it was, it was so confusing for him, he got butterflies but felt that he shouldn't be.
"Oh yeah, this is Sabito. He transfered here with his step sister Makomo last year." Yuichiro stated as he watched Mui roll on he ground with Nezuko. (Tanjiro was also there.)
"Oh cool, nice to meet you." I held out my hand and he shook it was the sweetest smile.
I smiled back at him with a sight chuckle at his ability to be so nice even though I had just met him.
3rd person pov.
It had become a routine for Sanemi to constantly watch Giyuu during lunch, or to be as close as he could in ay of the classes he had with him. 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th were the periods he had this semester with Giyuu. He tried extremely to figure out his other classes, but wasn't able to.
When he saw Sabito he was absolutely pissed, infuriated with jealously. He did not want that guy around Giyuu, he knew that Sabito had found him cute. They were friends until he started hanging out with the Tokito twins. Sabito had seen him the first day he was back and told Sanemi about how cute he thought he was.
(Eeee! 2k words, I feel GREAT. Lol, but fr I'm enjoying this so far! I have to write while on my stomach though, since I injured my tailbone recently. My back hurts. )
As Sanemi watched them jealously, Giyuu was telling Sabito about his passion for the Culinary arts(cooking.) Sabito seemed interested and was listening the entire time.
(I love you, Sabito 😻😻 and im so sorry for what im going to make you do, dearest. But the plot must go on.)
Grade 11 Junior year:
Sanemi Pov.
I was walking around the back of the school during lunch. Giyuu was not where he usually is and I was worried.
As soon as I turned the corner my eyes widened as I saw Kikyo standing over Giyuu, who was bloody and bruised.
I ran over to them "what the HELL do you think your doing?" I yelled at him. I glared and turned around to help Giyuu up. Giyuu did not take my hand so i bent down and grabbed him from under the arm and stood him up.
My face was unusually kind looking at the moment and I knew it. I turned around and smacked Kikyo.
I heard footsteps so I looked over to my left and seen Sabito standing there, a pissed look on his face, he came over to us and grabbed Kikyo. I rolled my eyes and glared at him, no idea why he was just dragged off by Sabito.
"Are you okay?" I turned around to grab Giyuu by the shoulders.
He looked shocked with flustered cheeks, I wasn't sure if they were embarrassment or not so I ignored it.
He nodded, I sighed and let him go. I hope this doesn't happen again, because if it does I'll kill that guy..
"If this happens again, tell me." I glared at him before walking off.
3rd pov
With Sabito.
(I'm sorry bb 😔)
"What. The. Hell." Sabito smacked him.
"I'm sorry! I didn't know he was going to be there.." Kikyo replied cupping his cheek.
"I was supposed to be the one to save him, he was supposed to look up at me and thank me." He said angrily.
Kikyo stood infront of Sabito and looked down, not saying a word.
"Whatever, now I want you to get Sanemi into detention, if you don't ill hurt you." He walked off.
(Kikyo accidentally got Giyuu into detention with Sanemi, he's very scared of what will happen to him,)
Sanemi stared at the ceiling while in the detention room. It was empty besides the stacked chairs off to the side and a long table next to the wall.
He was alone for a moment, until Giyu walked in with his head down. He looked like he was on the verge of tears.
"What's wrong with you?" He asked trying to be nice, but it came out rude.
"I've never been in detention, and I didn't even do anything." He answered, soon grabbing one of the stacked chairs and sitting down.
"Oh," Sanemi replied, looking away from him.
About 10 minutes of total silence had passed when sanemi spoke up "so, Giyuu, how are your wounds?" He asked.
"They're fine now, there's a few bruises here and there though." He sighed.
"Oh.." sanemi replied blankly.
"Why.. why did you help me?" He asked, looking over at me. "I mean, you constantly tease me and sometimes you even hurt me, so I don't know why.. you would want to help me."
Sanemi sighed, sitting up from his seat and walked over to stand infront of Giyuu.
"Listen, this may be hard for you to understand but." He paused, his face reddening.
Giyuu was a deeper red, despite not yet knowing what was going to be said, he did have an idea, though it was unlikely.
Sanemi continued "I like you, romantically. It would even be better to say that I love you, Giyuu." Sanemi said looking him in the eyes as Giyuu's face became even darker a shade of red.
"And I'm sorry for the way I've treated you. I know it isn't a valid excuse but, I was just so stunned by your beauty that I couldn't comprehend my feelings, they had started in 7th grade and I wanted them to stop. But they wouldn't, and i was extremely pissed when i found out that you had done homeschooling. All of 8th grade I waited and waited for high-school Freshman year to come because I had thought you would come back, but instead we got that shitty Sabito." He whispered the part about sabito. "Basically what I'm asking for is for forgiveness. Please, forgive me for the cruel things I have put you through." He asked.
Giyuu stood up and hugged Sanemi. Sanemi hugged back.
"Giyuu, may I kiss you?" Sanemi said after a minute of hugging. Giyuu nodded instead of saying anything.
Sanemi cupped Giyuu's face and gently kissed him.
As soon as their lips departed Giyuu asked the big question, "Are we going to date now, then?"
Sanemi smiled and nodded.
Grade 12 Senior year
Sanemi and Giyuu's relationship only gets stronger as they progress, and nothing can stop their outrageous love for one another.
The two ended up getting a job at a Cafe together and worked there for a while.
After graduating, Giyuu went to college for his Bachelors degree in Culinary arts and Sanemi kept working. Giyuu also worked aside from College. Throughout the 4 year time, they had an apartment and when Giyuu graduates with his bachelors they ended up working to pay off his student loans and when they did that they ended up buying an old Cafe, working a normal job and working on fixing the Cafe.
Both around 27 they now owned a Cafe and made a living off of it. The two lived happily running the Cafe and occasionally hiring college or high-school students to work for them.
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I'm so happy that I finished this finally!
It's so LONG I'm not going to re-read it and fix mistakes. My neck hurts ngl and my fingers keep falling asleep lmao.
I really hope you liked this! Love youuu!!! 🩵💙
2974 words
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